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自20世纪60年代,欧亚大陆晚新生代地层中陆续发现了p3由5个主要褶沟组成的兔类化石,并先后建立了上新五褶兔(Pliopentalagus Gureev et Konkova,1964)和三裂齿兔(Tris- chizolagus Radulesco et Samson,1967)两属。近年,在中国安徽淮南大居山新生代晚期不同时代的洞穴、裂隙堆积物中发现了保存相当完整,数量颇多的上新五褶兔的材料。笔者在研究大居山新洞早上新世的上新五褶兔时, 将其与欧亚大陆该属内的已知种和三裂齿兔的各种进行了详细比较,发现产自河北省阳原县泥河湾盆地晚上新世稻地组的Pliopentalagus nihewanensis Cai,1989被指定为上新五褶兔值得商榷。Pliopentalagus nihewanensis的材料仅有1枚p3(GMC V 2008-1)和两枚中间颊齿(p4 或ml,GMC V 2008-2及m2,V 2008-3)。正型标本p3的中前褶沟(AR)中央、后外褶沟和后内褶沟后壁釉质层具有小褶曲,这些形态确实与上新五褶兔的特征有些相似。但褶曲的发育程度明显比上新五褶兔的弱;另外,其齿冠舌侧后缘向后内突出,后外褶沟和后内褶沟较平直并近与齿纵轴垂直,后外褶沟与后内褶沟深度相近等而与上新五褶兔也有所不同。褶沟的釉质层在两枚中间颊齿中较平直,与上新五褶兔显然也有较大的区别。就该p3而言,可以认为它属于一枚釉质构造极简单的上新五褶兔的前臼齿,也可以认为是釉质构造很复杂的三裂齿兔的p3。研究表明,在上新五褶兔和三裂齿兔的系统演化过程中,其颊齿褶沟釉质层的构造有越来越复杂的趋向。作为上新世较晚期的“Pliopentalagus nihewanensis”的p3,指定为上新五褶兔显然有悖于该属釉质构造在地史中越来越复杂的演化事实,而指定为三裂齿兔则正好与该属釉质构造的演化趋势相符(Averianov and Tesakov,1997)。另外,从共生动物群和动物的生活习性看,安徽淮南发现的上新五褶兔与大量现代东洋界特有的类型共生(如Tupaiidae、Platacanthomyidae等),上新五褶兔的后裔——现生的日本琉球奄美黑兔(Pentalagus)的栖息地为温暖、湿润的多山环境;而目前发现的三裂齿兔共生动物群所指示的是干凉的稀树草原环境,与上新五褶兔的生态环境有所不同。含“Pliopentalagus nihewanensis”的晚上新世稻地动物群主要由典型的古北界属种(如Mesosiphneus paratingi、Mimomys orientalis、Germanomys cf. G.weileri、Chardinomys nihewanicus及Ochotona spp.等)组成,而未见典型的东洋界成员。这种温带相对干旱的草原环境,显然与中国发现的上新五褶兔及其后裔的生存环境很不一样。因此,笔者认为“泥河湾上新五褶兔”应归入三裂齿兔属,正名泥河湾三裂齿兔Trischizolagus nihe—wanensis(Cai,1989)。种征订正为:p3具有较复杂的形态构造;中前褶沟具衍生的中央小褶曲, 后外褶沟和后内褶沟后壁釉质层褶曲相对发育。该种以这些基本特征而不同于欧亚大陆的已知种(如T.dumitrescuae、T.mirificus等),它可能代表该属的一个进步类型。  相似文献   

The earliest member of an extant ant genus of the subfamily Myrmicinae, Aphaenogaster dlusskyana sp. nov., from the Sakhalin amber (Russia, Middle Eocene, 43–47 Ma) is described. Fossil representatives of the genus Aphaenogaster are critically analyzed and it is proposed to transfer many of these to the fossil morphotaxon Paraphaenogaster. The morphology, distribution, and possible evolutionary trends of the genus Aphaenogaster are reviewed and it is suggested that this genus appeared in the territory currently occupied by the Palearctic not later than the Early Eocene (over 50 Ma). Aphaenogaster dlusskyana can be considered the oldest described representative of an extant genus of the subfamily Myrmicinae, although earlier, as yet undescribed, records of extant genera of Myrmicinae belong to the Early Eocene.  相似文献   

A new species of Hyperaspidini, Tenuisvalvae quadripunctata sp. nov. is described and illustrated. The genus is now represented by 11 species, all native of South America, and the new taxon is integrated into the existing key to species of the genus. Ecological data for T. quadripunctata sp. nov. and a list with prey and host plants to the species of the genus Tenuisvalvae are provided.  相似文献   

A new genus and species Zagadkogobius ourlazon gen. et sp. nov. characterized by an unusual (for the subfamily Ptereleotrinae) combination of characters is described. A single specimen was collected at a depth of 73 m in the southwestern South China Sea to the south of the Anambas Islands. Based on the combination of characters, the new genus is most similar to the genus Nemateleotris. However, the species of the latter genus are associated exclusively with coral reefs. A key to the genera of the subfamily Ptereleotrinae is presented.  相似文献   

The holotypes of Euchitonia santonica Lipman, 1952 and E. triradiata Lipman, 1960 are studied in detail. It is shown that they do not correspond to the diagnosis of the genus Euchitonia sensu Lipman, since one apophysis distinguished by the shape or size from the others is not opposed to the angle between them and all angles are different. The assignment of the species in question to the genus Euchitonia sensu Ehrenberg is revised. A new genus of Late Cretaceous radiolarian, Quasieuchitonia gen. nov., with the type species Q. electa sp. nov. is described; in addition, the species Q. santonica (Lipman) is referred to the new genus. The analysis of the holotype of Spongotripus aculeatus Lipman, 1952 has shown that it, like the holotype of Euchitonia triradiata Lipman, 1960, belongs to the genus Pseudoaulophacus Pessagno, 1963.  相似文献   

The genera and species in six families of the eugregarine suborder Aseptatorina Chakravarty, 1960, are reviewed and the presently accepted ones are listed: Aikinetocystidae Bhatia, 1930 (two genera and two species); Diplocystidae Bhatia, 1930 (one genus and eight species); Allantocystidae tocystidae Bhatia, 1930 (one genus and one species); Schaudinnellidae Poche, 1913 (one genus and one species); Ganymedidae Huxley, 1910 (one genus and one species); and Enterocystidae Codreanu, 1940 (one genus and eight species). A list of 22 synonyms and lapsi calami is also given. Species which might be of value in the biological control of disease vectors are indicated.  相似文献   

A new monotypic Beltrania-like genus, Subsessila, with its type species S. turbinata, is described, illustrated and compared with similar genera. The new genus is introduced in the family Beltraniaceae based on phylogenetic analysis and morphological characters. Subsessila can be easily distinguished from other Beltrania-like genera by dark setae arising from radially lobed basal cells, mostly lacking macronematous conidiophores. Conidiogenous cells are ampulliform or doliiform and produce turbinate to clavate conidia with rostrate proximal end and rounded distal end. Evidence for establishment of the new genus is provided based on morphological comparison and DNA sequence data analyses.  相似文献   

The origin of Taraxacum agamospecies   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The genus Taraxacum is readily divided into "primitive" and "advanced" forms, on morphological and cytological criteria. It is thought that the genus arose in the west Himalayas during the Cretaceous and that apomixis arose at an early stage by means of polyploidy, precocious embryony and asynapsis in the female meiosis. Advances of sexual primitive types and "precursor" types west into Europe were paralleled by the spread of arctic-alpine types into many regions of the world. During the Pleistocene the precursor types are thought to have generated the widespread advanced section Ceratophora , which gave rise to many of the advanced species after the last glacial period by hybridizing with primitive and precursor sexuals, thus "fixing" a hybrid swarm as apomicts.  相似文献   

寄生于樟、阴香和肉桂等植物上的泽田外担菌和油盘孢属真菌,几十年来分类上存在许多不同看法,或全部归泽田外担菌,或全部归油盘孢属,把此二类不同真菌混淆起来,造成名称混乱。本文通过形态学的研究,表明泽田外担菌与油盘孢属的区别是:泽田外担菌具担子层,担孢子4—8个生担子上,寄主是樟树;而油盘孢属的孢子生菌丝上,形成孢子堆,寄主是阴香和肉桂等植物。  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Placoblatta, P. minorsp. n., is described from Southern Vietnam. The similarity between representatives of the genus Placoblatta and larvae of the subfamily Epilamprinae is briefly discussed. It is suggested that the origin of the genus Placoblatta has a paedomorph nature.  相似文献   

DNA sequences of the mitochondrial nd6 gene and the non-repetitive part of the pseudo-control region (PsiCR) were isolated from 101 individuals to analyze the phylogenetic relationships among all buzzards of the genus Buteo and other buteonine genera. Comparisons of the two marker sequences indicate that the PsiCR evolved two times faster than the nd6 gene. The PsiCR proved to be an efficient, neutral genetic marker sequence for phylogenetic analyses at the intrageneric level, especially suitable for analyses based on old tissues, where only short fragments can be obtained. The molecular data set implies a neotropical origin of the genus Buteo. Monophyly of the genus Buteo as currently defined is contradicted due to the positions of Asturina nitida, Geranoaetus melanoleucus, Buteo magnirostris, and Buteo leucorrhous. These findings suggest several taxonomic consequences. A. nitida and G. melanoleucus should be included into the genus Buteo. Moreover, B. leucorrhous should be transferred into the genus Percnohierax (which clusters with Parabuteo), and B. magnirostris into the genus Rupornis. According to this classification of the genus Buteo, the basal lineage of the genus is formed by a clade containing Buteo polyosoma, Buteo poecilochrous, and Buteo melanoleucus. The "woodland buteos" form a paraphyletic assemblage with B. magnirostris as a clearly separated lineage basal to the genus Buteo.  相似文献   

A review of the Oriental genus Cochinchinula Volk. (Coleoptera, Buprestidae, Polycestinae, Acmaeoderini) comprising three species is presented. The new species C. thailandica and C. bilyi spp. n. and the new genus Thaichinula gen. n. (type species T. ohmomoi sp. n.) from Thailand are described. A key to species of the genera Cochinchinula and Thaichinula is provided. The Nearctic genus Paracmaeoderoides Bellamy and Westcott is transferred from the subtribe Nothomorphina to the subtribe Acmaeoderoidina, and the South African genus Richtersveldia Bellamy is transferred from the subtribe Nothomorphina of Acmaeoderini to the tribe Ptosimini. The generic status is restored for another South African genus, Brachmaeodera Volkovitsh and Bellamy. The main evolutionary trends are discussed, and the taxonomic composition and classification of the tribe Acmaeoderini are clarified.  相似文献   

The genus Drosophila has long been used as a model of karyotype evolution, demonstrating change by paracentric inversion and occasional centric fusion of an ancestral karyotype of five rod-shaped and one "dot" chromosome. This study shows, by mapping D. melanogaster probes hybridized to polytene chromosomes of Zaprionus tuberculatus, that this ancestral pattern extends beyond the genus Drosophila. A formal polytene chromosome map of Z. tuberculatus is presented.  相似文献   

The purpose of this review is to provide an overview of most recent studies about potential pharmaceutical applications of plants belonging to Origanum genus. Oregano is one of the most famous and economically important culinary herbs in the world. The genus Origanum includes more than 70 species mainly distributed around the Mediterranean region. The vernacular name “oregano” is attributed to a vast number of species. O. vulgare L. is the most variable species of the genus and the most commonly known as oregano in most countries. Today, it is generally accepted that oregano is a characteristic flavour produced by a number of plant species that yield carvacrol-rich essential oils. The genus Origanum is characterised by a large morphological and chemical diversity. Because of their several biological activities, such as antimicrobial, expectorant, antispasmodic and carminative, Origanum species have been used in traditional medicine to treat various diseases. The botany and chemotaxonomy of the species are thoroughly reported, along with chemical constituents. The in vitro and in vivo effects of Origanum extracts are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Evolutionary biologists have long been intrigued by exaggerated morphologies tied to sexual or natural selection. In insects, relatively few studies have investigated the evolution of such traits at the genus level and above and have used comparative phylogenetic methods to do so. We here investigate the interspecific evolution of head length in the minute litter bug genus Nannocoris Reuter based on the first phylogenetic hypothesis of the group (25 ingroup species, five gene regions, 3409 bp) and ancestral state reconstruction. Head lengths in this speciose genus range from approximately one sixth of the total body length to more than a quarter of the body length, while the head and mouthpart (rostrum) lengths are correlated. Different species therefore possess a markedly different reach of the rostrum when extended. The analyses show that head length evolution in Nannocoris is plastic, with head length elongations and reductions occurring in several clades, derived from ancestors with moderately elongated heads. Evidence is provided that exaggerated head lengths evolved through elongation of either the genal (pricei group) or the tip (arimensis group) region of the head. The biology of species in the genus Nannocoris is unknown, but given the lack of sexual dimorphism of head lengths, we speculate that head evolution in this genus may be driven by natural selection, potentially in the context of prey capture.  相似文献   

云南大叶茶细胞学研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
李光涛   《广西植物》1988,(3):249-255
本文采用去壁低渗法研究了云南大叶茶的染色体核型,间期核形态和多核现象。结果表明大多数染色体是中部着丝粒染色体,5对是近中部着丝粒染色体,第7和12对染色体中各有1条具随体染色体。根据Levan等的分类原则,其核型为2n=20m+8sm+2sm(SAT),属于Stebbins核型分类的“2A”型,同时亦发现有“2B”型的核型。云南大叶茶间期核型为浓密分散型和复杂染色中央微粒型两种;并首次发现茶树中的多核现象,在所观察的1250个细胞中有6个是具双核细胞(占0.48%),有2个是具三核细胞占(0.16%)。另外,本文还对部份山茶属植物的核型进行了讨论。从核型上可以看出:(1)山茶属植物在进化上属于较原始的种系;(2)山茶属植物核型的进化基本符合Stebbins提出的植物界核型进化的规律,即对称—→不对称;(3)山茶属植物的核型在一定范围内变异甚大,这种变异没有一定的规律性。这些观点与张宏达提出的山茶属植物的分类系统基本吻合。带随体的染色体数目在山茶属植物核型的进化上没有什么明显的变化规律。  相似文献   

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