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Summary A technique for the short-term culture of pure populations of rabbit corneal endothelial and epithelial cells has been developed. Rabbit corneas were placed on concave agarose surfaces, treated briefly with a solution of trypsin and ethylenediamine tetracetic acid, and transferred, either epithelial cell surface or endothelial cell surface down, to microscope slide culture chambers. Within 6 to 12 h the epithelial cells or endothelial cells attached to the slide chamber surface and the cornea was removed, leaving behind a pure population of cells which spread out and grew to fill the surface of the slide chamber. This technique provides a simple and economic means for the reproducible initiation of primary cultures of rabbit corneal epithelial and endothelial cells for us in a variety of experiments. This study was supported in part by Public Health Service grants EY03150, EY02580, and EY02377 from the National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, and a Foreign Fellowship (Dr. Xie) from Research to Prevent Blindness, Inc., New York, NY.  相似文献   

Transglutaminases (TGs), a family of calcium-dependent transamidating enzymes, are involved in functions such as apoptosis and inflammation and play a role in autoimmune diseases and neurodegenerative disorders. In this study, we describe a novel array-based approach to rapidly determine in situ TG activity in human umbilical vein endothelial cells and J82 human bladder carcinoma cells. Amine arrays were fabricated by immobilizing 3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane on glass slides. The assay was specific and highly reproducible. The average coefficient of variation betweens spots was 2.6% (n = 3 arrays), and the average correlation coefficients between arrays and between arrays/reactions were 0.998 and 0.976, respectively (n = 3 arrays). The assay was successfully applied to detect changes in TG activity induced by maitotoxin and to analyze inhibition of the TG activation with cystamine and monodansyl cadaverine. In addition, the assay demonstrated that intracellular reactive oxygen species regulate the maitotoxin-induced activation of TG. Thus, the array-based in situ TG activity assay constitutes a rapid and high-throughput approach to investigating the roles of TGs in cell signaling.  相似文献   

Short generation times and facile genetic techniques make the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster an excellent genetic model in fundamental neuroscience research. Ion channels are the basis of all behavior since they mediate neuronal excitability. The first voltage gated ion channel cloned was the Drosophila voltage gated potassium channel Shaker1,2. Toward understanding the role of ion channels and membrane excitability for nervous system function it is useful to combine powerful genetic tools available in Drosophila with in situ patch clamp recordings. For many years such recordings have been hampered by the small size of the Drosophila CNS. Furthermore, a robust sheath made of glia and collagen constituted obstacles for patch pipette access to central neurons. Removal of this sheath is a necessary precondition for patch clamp recordings from any neuron in the adult Drosophila CNS. In recent years scientists have been able to conduct in situ patch clamp recordings from neurons in the adult brain3,4 and ventral nerve cord of embryonic5,6, larval7,8,9,10, and adult Drosophila11,12,13,14. A stable giga-seal is the main precondition for a good patch and depends on clean contact of the patch pipette with the cell membrane to avoid leak currents. Therefore, for whole cell in situ patch clamp recordings from adult Drosophila neurons must be cleaned thoroughly. In the first step, the ganglionic sheath has to be treated enzymatically and mechanically removed to make the target cells accessible. In the second step, the cell membrane has to be polished so that no layer of glia, collagen or other material may disturb giga-seal formation. This article describes how to prepare an identified central neuron in the Drosophila ventral nerve cord, the flight motoneuron 5 (MN515), for somatic whole cell patch clamp recordings. Identification and visibility of the neuron is achieved by targeted expression of GFP in MN5. We do not aim to explain the patch clamp technique itself.  相似文献   

Double fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) was used to detect sex chromosomes in decondensed human sperm nuclei. Biotinylated X chromosome specific (TRX) and digoxigenin-labeled Y chromosome specific (HRY) probes were simultaneously hybridized to sperm preparations from 12 normal healthy donors. After the hybridization, the probes were detected immuno-cytochemically, using two different and independent affinity systems. Ninety-six percent of the 12,636 sperm showed fluorescent labeling, of which 47.4% were haploid X and 46.8% were haploid Y. A frequency of 0.46% of XX-bearing sperm (0.28% disomic, 0.18% diploid) and 0.38% YY-bearing sperm (0.21% disomic, 0.17% diploid) was found. The overall proportions of X- and Y-bearing sperm in the ejaculates were 47.9% and 47.2%, respectively, which was not significantly different from the expected 50:50 ratio. In addition 0.21% of cells appeared to be haploid XY-bearing sperm, 0.62% were diploid XY-bearing cells, and 0.05% of cells were considered to be tetraploid cells. The application of double FISH to human sperm using X-chro-mosome and Y-chromosome probes has allowed a more accurate assessment of the sex chromosal complements in sperm than single FISH method and quinacrine staining for Y-bodies. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

AIMS: A fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) technique using an Enterobacteriaceae-specific probe (probe D) to target 16S rRNA was improved in order to enumerate, within a single working day, Enterobacteriaceae present in food and environmental water samples. METHODS AND RESULTS: In order to minimize the time required for the FISH procedure, each step of FISH with probe D was re-evaluated using cultured Escherichia coli. Five minutes of ethanol treatment for cell fixation and hybridization were sufficient to visualize cultured E. coli, and FISH could be performed within 1 h. Because of the difficulties in detecting low levels of bacterial cells by FISH without cultivation, a FISH technique for detecting microcolonies on membrane filters was investigated to improve the bacterial detection limit. FISH with probe D following 6 h of cultivation to grow microcolonies on a 13 mm diameter membrane filter was performed, and whole Enterobacteriaceae microcolonies on the filter were then detected and enumerated by manual epifluorescence microscopic scanning at magnification of x100 in ca 5 min. The total time for FISH with probe D following cultivation (FISHFC) was reduced to within 7 h. FISHFC can be applied to enumerate cultivable Enterobacteriaceae in food (above 100 cells g-1) and environmental water samples (above 1 cell ml-1). CONCLUSIONS: Cultivable Enterobacteriaceae in food and water samples were enumerated accurately within 7 h using the FISHFC method. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: A FISHFC method capable of evaluating Enterobacteriaceae contamination in food and environmental water within a single working day was developed.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) assays are useful diagnostic methods for the identification of bacteria on formalin fixed paraffin embedded histological sections. To validate an anti-bacterial antibody or an oligonucleotide probe and to ensure fidelity during subsequent analyses, suitable positive and negative controls are necessary. Suspensions of fixed bacteria are often used, but ideally, these controls should be fixed, embedded and processed in the same way of tissue samples under analysis. Herein, we describe a simple method for the production of bacterial histological control samples: the sandwich. The sandwich is composed of two external layers of equine lung parenchyma and a central layer of the target bacterium. We prepared sandwiches containing Escherichia coli, Campylobacter jejuni, and Arcanobacterium pyogenes and tested them with appropriate antibodies and Eub338 FISH probe. The sandwich is an effective and simple method to prepare bacterial histological controls fixed and processed in the same way as the diagnostic tissues.  相似文献   

This study compared slow freezing and vitrification of ovarian tissue by evaluation of histological changes, WNT signaling pathway and apoptotic genes expression. Ovarian tissue was obtained from women aging 27–38 years old. Ovarian cortex from each patient was divided into three pieces and randomly grouped as slow freezing, vitrification and control groups for investigation of WNT signaling gene expression and β-CATENIN presence as well as histological studies. The stromal structure of all ovaries were preserved. The number of secondary follicles decreased in vitrified group (P < 0.05). WNT-3, β-CATENIN, FZD-2 and GSK-3β expressions were significantly higher in slow frozen and vitrified groups, compared to control group (P < 0.05). On the contrary, AXIN1 expression in slow frozen samples were significantly lower than that of the vitrified and control group. The expression of apoptotic genes, excluding CASP3, was significantly decreased in slow-frozen samples (P < 0.05). Conversely, BAX:BCL-2 percentage significantly increased in vitrification versus slow freezing and control(P < 0.05). Follicles in slow frozen samples displayed nuclear and cytoplasmic β-CATENIN staining, while control and vitrification groups only showed β-CATENIN protein in the cytoplasm. The presented data show that slow freezing results in a better preservation regardless of the type of follicle. Therefore, it is concluded that slow freezing is still an ideal method for ovary cryopreservation.  相似文献   

A. R. CHANG 《Cytopathology》1990,1(6):321-328
An overview of studies attempting to define the natural history of carcinoma in situ of the cervix suggests that 20-30% of lesions progress to invasive carcinoma within 5-10 years. This risk of invasion and the inability to predict when invasion might occur has been reinforced by a judicial enquiry in New Zealand so that protocols that include withholding treatment are no longer justifiable. Once a diagnosis of cervical carcinoma in situ is established appropriate treatment is mandatory.  相似文献   

The recruitment of bone marrow CD34- mesenchymal stem- and progenitor cells (MSC) and their subsequent differentiation into distinct tissues is the precondition for in situ tissue engineering. The objective of this study was to determine the entire chemokine receptor expression profile of human MSC and to investigate their chemotactic response to the selected chemokines CCL2, CXCL8 and CXCL12. Human MSC were isolated from iliac crest bone marrow aspirates and showed a homogeneous population presenting a typical MSC-related cell surface antigen profile (CD14-, CD34-, CD44+, CD45-, CD166+, SH-2+). The expression profile of all 18 chemokine receptors was determined by real-time PCR and immunohistochemistry. Both methods consistently demonstrated that MSC express CC, CXC, C and CX(3)C receptors. Gene expression and immunohistochemical analysis documented that MSC express chemokine receptors CCR2, CCR8, CXCR1, CXCR2 and CXCR3. A dose-dependent chemotactic activity of CXCR4 and CXCR1/CXCR2 ligands CXCL12 and CXCL8 (interleukin-8) was demonstrated using a 96-well chemotaxis assay. In contrast, the CCR2 ligand CCL2 (monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, MCP-1) did not recruited human MSC. In conclusion, we report that the chemokine receptor expression profile of human MSC is much broader than known before. Furthermore, for the first time, we demonstrate that human MSC migrate upon stimulation with CXCL8 but not CCL2. In combination with already known data on MSC recruitment and differentiation these are promising results towards in situ regenerative medicine approaches based on guiding of MSC to sites of degenerated tissues.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the exact cell content of frozen tissue samples is of growing importance in genomic research. We developed a microaliquoting technique to measure and optimize the cell composition of frozen tumor specimens for molecular studies. Frozen samples of 31 mesothelioma cases were cut in alternating thin and thick sections. Thin sections were stained and evaluated visually. Thick sections, i.e., microaliquots, were annotated using bordering stained sections. A range of cellular heterogeneity was observed among and within samples. Precise annotation of samples was obtained by integration and compared to conventional single face and “front and back” section estimates of cell content. Front and back estimates were more highly correlated with block annotation by microaliquoting than were single face estimates. Both methods yielded discrepant estimates, however, and for some studies may not adequately account for the heterogeneity of mesothelioma or other malignancies with variable cellular composition. High yield and quality RNA was extracted from precision annotated, tumor-enriched subsamples prepared by combining individual microaliquots with the highest tumor cellularity estimates. Microaliquoting provides accurate cell content annotation and permits genomic analysis of enriched subpopulations of cells without fixation or amplification.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the exact cell content of frozen tissue samples is of growing importance in genomic research. We developed a microaliquoting technique to measure and optimize the cell composition of frozen tumor specimens for molecular studies. Frozen samples of 31 mesothelioma cases were cut in alternating thin and thick sections. Thin sections were stained and evaluated visually. Thick sections, i.e., microaliquots, were annotated using bordering stained sections. A range of cellular heterogeneity was observed among and within samples. Precise annotation of samples was obtained by integration and compared to conventional single face and “front and back” section estimates of cell content. Front and back estimates were more highly correlated with block annotation by microaliquoting than were single face estimates. Both methods yielded discrepant estimates, however, and for some studies may not adequately account for the heterogeneity of mesothelioma or other malignancies with variable cellular composition. High yield and quality RNA was extracted from precision annotated, tumor-enriched subsamples prepared by combining individual microaliquots with the highest tumor cellularity estimates. Microaliquoting provides accurate cell content annotation and permits genomic analysis of enriched subpopulations of cells without fixation or amplification.  相似文献   

The ruminal effective degradability (RED) and intestinal effective digestibility (IED) for dry matter, crude protein (CP) and amino acids (AA) were estimated by a simplified in situ method using pooled samples from rumen-incubated residues, which represented the ruminal outflow of undegraded feed. The effect of microbial contamination in the rumen was corrected using 15N infusion techniques. Studies were carried out for soybean meal (SBM), barley grain (BG) and lucerne hay (LH) in three wethers cannulated in the rumen and the duodenum. Uncorrected values of RED for CP obtained either by mathematical integration or our simplified method were similar in all feeds. Microbial N in the pooled samples of SBM, BG and LH were 2%, 11% and 24% of total N, respectively. However, intestinal incubation eliminated this microbial charge by 100%, 99% and 88%, respectively. With microbial corrections, RED showed an increase, and IED showed a decrease, except for SBM. With this correction, intestinal digested CP was reduced by 2% in SBM, 13% in BG and 34% in LH. Corrected IED of AA was relatively similar in SBM (97–99%). However, large variations were observed in BG (74–93%) and in LH (10–88%). Digestion in the rumen and intestine changed the essential AA pattern. Overall, our results support that AA digestion is affected by the characteristics of their radicals and their contents in plant cell wall proteins. The accurate estimation of feed metabolisable AA or protein requires effective measures that are corrected by ruminal microbial contamination. The proposed in situ method largely simplifies these tasks and allows a more complete and less expensive feed evaluation.  相似文献   

Eight human ovaries were perfused in a closed recirculating system with a semisynthetic, hemoglobin-free medium. Arterial and intraovarian pressures were recorded simultaneously. In three experiments spontaneous pressure changes were noticed. In five experiments pressure changes were induced with human menopausal gonadotropin (hMG) (≈70mIU/ml follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and 40mIU/ml luteotropic hormone (LH) II. IRP-hMG). Frequency and amplitude of pressure changes in the arterial system and fluctuations in tissue pressure were reduced with indomethacin (20 μg/ml). In one experiment 40 μg/ml indomethacin had been used. In spite of the high dose of indomethacin arterial and tissue pressure changes were not abolished in all experiments. Therefore it is assumed that vascular and tissue activities are not mediated by prostaglandins only.  相似文献   

Kinetics for the inhibition of glutamine synthetase (EC in situ by the herbicidal glutamate analogue, phosphinothricin, have been generated, and produce an inhibitor dissociation constant (Ki) of 6.5 M. This has been achieved through the development of a rapid technique for the isolation of mesophyll cells from the cladophylls of young asparagus (Asparagus sprengeri) plants to provide starting material for the direct measurement of enzyme activities in situ. A modification of the technique developed by Rhodes and Stewart (Planta 118, 133–144 (1974) for the direct determination of enzyme activities in higher-plant tissues has been applied to these asparagus cells. Treatment of the cells by a single freezing in liquid nitrogen for a very short period (10 s), followed by thawing, alters the permeability of cell and organelle membranes allowing enzymes to become accessible to many small molecules, and yet remain concentrated and active within the cell. The activities of enzymes known to be located specifically in the organelles as well as the cytoplasm can be measured in asparagus cells treated in this way. Comparisons have been made between the activity and inhibition of glutamine synthetase in situ, and the enzyme isolated and partially purified from asparagus cells by fast protein liquid chromatography. Similarities in Km and Ki values obtained between these two emphasize the efficacy of the freeze-thaw technique. There is only a single glutamine-synthetase isoenzyme in asparagus mesophyll cells, which copurifies with the one normally associated with the chloroplast (GS2).Abbreviation FPLC fast protein liquid chromatography  相似文献   

Aluminum (Al) determination in human lung tissue, in chemicals for dialysis fluids, and in commercially available dialysis solutions is carried out using both Instrumental and Radiochemical Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA and RNAA). For some matrices, pre-and post-irradiation Al separations are tested. Chelex 100 resin and HDEHP, this latter adsorbed both on teflon and polyurethane foam, are employed for the pre-irradiation Al separations. The postirradiation procedures are performed using roughly the same schemes; the conventional Al precipitation as hydroxide is also carried out. Al values found in lungs of workers exposed to Al containing dust appear to be much higher than those found for unexposed people. Chemicals analyzed seem pure enough to give suitable dialysis solutions; for commercially available dialysis fluids, a 10-fold reduction of Al content should be convenient.  相似文献   

Recombinant protein expression in bacteria, typically E. coli, has been the most successful strategy for milligram quantity expression of proteins. However, prokaryotic hosts are often not as appropriate for expression of human, viral or eukaryotic proteins due to toxicity of the foreign macromolecule, differences in the protein folding machinery, or due to the lack of particular co- or post-translational modifications in bacteria. Expression systems based on yeast (P. pastoris or S. cerevisiae) 1,2, baculovirus-infected insect (S. frugiperda or T. ni) cells 3, and cell-free in vitro translation systems 2,4 have been successfully used to produce mammalian proteins. Intuitively, the best match is to use a mammalian host to ensure the production of recombinant proteins that contain the proper post-translational modifications. A number of mammalian cell lines (Human Embryonic Kidney (HEK) 293, CV-1 cells in Origin carrying the SV40 larget T-antigen (COS), Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO), and others) have been successfully utilized to overexpress milligram quantities of a number of human proteins 5-9. However, the advantages of using mammalian cells are often countered by higher costs, requirement of specialized laboratory equipment, lower protein yields, and lengthy times to develop stable expression cell lines. Increasing yield and producing proteins faster, while keeping costs low, are major factors for many academic and commercial laboratories.Here, we describe a time- and cost-efficient, two-part procedure for the expression of secreted human proteins from adherent HEK 293T cells. This system is capable of producing microgram to milligram quantities of functional protein for structural, biophysical and biochemical studies. The first part, multiple constructs of the gene of interest are produced in parallel and transiently transfected into adherent HEK 293T cells in small scale. The detection and analysis of recombinant protein secreted into the cell culture medium is performed by western blot analysis using commercially available antibodies directed against a vector-encoded protein purification tag. Subsequently, suitable constructs for large-scale protein production are transiently transfected using polyethyleneimine (PEI) in 10-layer cell factories. Proteins secreted into litre-volumes of conditioned medium are concentrated into manageable amounts using tangential flow filtration, followed by purification by anti-HA affinity chromatography. The utility of this platform is proven by its ability to express milligram quantities of cytokines, cytokine receptors, cell surface receptors, intrinsic restriction factors, and viral glycoproteins. This method was also successfully used in the structural determination of the trimeric ebolavirus glycoprotein 5,10.In conclusion, this platform offers ease of use, speed and scalability while maximizing protein quality and functionality. Moreover, no additional equipment, other than a standard humidified CO2 incubator, is required. This procedure may be rapidly expanded to systems of greater complexity, such as co-expression of protein complexes, antigens and antibodies, production of virus-like particles for vaccines, or production of adenoviruses or lentiviruses for transduction of difficult cell lines.  相似文献   

Target site inaccessibility represents a significant problem for fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH) of 16S rRNA oligonucleotide probes. For this reason, the Clep1156 probe targeting 16S rRNA of the Clostridium leptum phylogenetic subgroup used for dot blot experiments could not be used until now for FISH. Considering that bacteria from the C. leptum subgroup are very abundant in the human faecal microbiota and may play a significant role in host health, we have used unlabelled helper and competitor oligonucleotides to improve the 16S rRNA in situ accessibility and specificity of the Clep1156 probe and applied this approach to enumerate C. leptum bacteria in this ecosystem. Nine C. leptum target strains and five non-target strains were selected to develop and validate the helper-competitor strategy. Depending on the target strains, the use of helpers enhanced the fluorescence intensity signal of Clep1156 from 0.4-fold to 8.4-fold with a mean value of 3.6-fold, switching this probe from the brightness class V-VI (masked sites) to III-IV (accessible sites). The simultaneous use of helper and competitor oligonucleotides with Clep1156 probe allowed the expected specificity without disturbing in situ accessibility. Quantified by FISH combined with flow cytometry, C. leptum bacteria in human faecal samples (n=22) represented 19 +/- 7% of bacteria on average [4.9-37.5]. We conclude that helper oligonucleotides are very useful to circumvent the problem of target site in situ accessibility, especially when probe design is limited to only one 16S rRNA area and that helpers and competitors may be efficiently combined.  相似文献   

Interstrand DNA–DNA cross-links are highly toxic lesions that are important in medicinal chemistry, toxicology, and endogenous biology. In current models of replication-dependent repair, stalling of a replication fork activates the Fanconi anemia pathway and cross-links are “unhooked” by the action of structure-specific endonucleases such as XPF-ERCC1 that make incisions flanking the cross-link. This process generates a double-strand break, which must be subsequently repaired by homologous recombination. Recent work provided evidence for a new, incision-independent unhooking mechanism involving intrusion of a base excision repair (BER) enzyme, NEIL3, into the world of cross-link repair. The evidence suggests that the glycosylase action of NEIL3 unhooks interstrand cross-links derived from an abasic site or the psoralen derivative trioxsalen. If the incision-independent NEIL3 pathway is blocked, repair reverts to the incision-dependent route. In light of the new model invoking participation of NEIL3 in cross-link repair, we consider the possibility that various BER glycosylases or other DNA-processing enzymes might participate in the unhooking of chemically diverse interstrand DNA cross-links.  相似文献   

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