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Spermiogenesis in Plagioscion squamosissimus occurs in cysts. It involves a gradual differentiation process of spermatids that is characterized mainly by chromatin compaction in the nucleus and formation of the flagellum, resulting in the spermatozoa, the smallest germ cells. At the end of spermiogenesis, the cysts open and release the newly formed spermatozoa into the lumen of the seminiferous tubules. The spermatozoa do not have an acrosome and are divided into head, midpiece, and tail or flagellum. The spermatozoa of P. squamosissimus are of perciform type with the flagellum parallel to the nucleus and the centrioles located outside the nuclear notch.  相似文献   

The genetic divergence among invasive and native populations of Plagioscion squamosissimus from four Neotropical hydrographic basins was assessed using the hypervariable domain of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region. Plagioscion squamosissimus is native to the neighbouring hydrographic basins of the Parnaíba and Amazon Rivers, and the latter includes the Araguaia-Tocantins drainage, but it is invasive in other basins due to introductions. The mtDNA nucleotide polymorphism supported the hypothesis that the Amazon and Parnaíba populations constitute the same species and are separated into two independent evolutionary lineages. Absence of nucleotide polymorphism was observed within and among P. squamosissimus populations invasive to the uppper and middle Paraná River basins. Nucleotide divergence was null or low comparing the Paraná invasive populations with the populations native to the Parnaíba River basin, whereas it was significantly high compared to Tocantins populations. These results ascertain that P. squamosissimus populations invasive to the upper Paraná River basin and to the middle Paraná River basin downstream of the Itaipu dam are derived from the Parnaíba River basin. The genetic data presented are potentially useful to assist further studies on P. squamosissimus taxonomic and geographic distribution, development of ecological guidelines for managing populations invasive to the upper Paraná River basin and for preservation of native fish diversity.  相似文献   

To describe the cytogenetics of the jaguar cichlid fish Parachromis managuensis, we collected eight males and 13 females in Villahermosa, Tabasco, México. The specimens were processed with standard cytogenetic techniques (slightly modified), and high quality fields of chromosomes in mitosis and meiosis were obtained; 14 of these fields were analyzed by meristics and statistics methods. The specimens presented a diploid modal number of 2n = 48 chromosomes, which is similar to the number reported for others Central American cichlids; five pairs were submetacentric-metacentrics (biarmed) and 19 were subtelocentric-telocentric (uni-armed), giving a fundamental number (NF) of 58. The haploid number was confirmed by counting meiotic fields in metaphase I. There was not evidence of heteromorphism: sexual chromosomes were not identifiable.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to study the eggs and larvae of the‘curvina’, specifically the examination of spatialand temporal variation, location of spawning and dispersal groundsand verification of the relationship between occurrence andenvironmental variables. Sixteen collection sites were establishedin the Baía River, Brazil, and grouped into four areas.Collections were carried out between February 1999 and April2000. Spatial and temporal variations were analysed using ANOVA.Identification of the spawning and dispersal grounds was carriedout using development stage distribution. The relationship betweenoccurrence and the environmental variables was determined usingPrincipal Components Analysis (PCA) and Pearson correlation.The eggs were found in every area practically every month, almostexclusively in the initial embryo stage, while the larvae occurredin every area mainly between October and April. The correlationbetween PCA scores and organism occurrence demonstrated thatthe highest catches occurred when the values of temperature,water level and rainfall were high and those of dissolved oxygenand pH were low. This specie spawns and develops in lentic areas,and the lotic stretch serves as a dispersal route through whichthe eggs and larvae are transported.  相似文献   

Bauxite explotation of the Orinoco River in recent years is an important source of heavy metals discharge in the ecosystem, changing the natural biochemical flow of these elements and their concentrations in water, sediment and organisms. Iron and copper concentrations were measured in the fish Plagioscion squamosissimus in the Orinoco river, by sampling the fish population for three months (September-November 1998) in the main channel of the middle Orinoco (07 degrees 38' 21.2" N; 66 degrees 19' 10.9" W) and in Castillero lagoon (7 degrees 39' 09" N; 66 degrees 09' 00" W) with 2 and 4 cm mesh sizes. The internal organs of 30 fishes per month and site were stove-dried at 80 degrees C, pulverized and dried in disecator for 30 min to use as indicators with the acid digestion method for predicting the effect of heavy metals. We found relatively high values of iron and copper concentrations in fishes of the lagoon, and high seasonal variations in the iron concentration.  相似文献   

The present study provides the length‐weight relationship (LWR) for 21 fish species from eight rivers from Rio Doce River basin, Minas Gerais States, Brazil. Fishes were collected between August 1991 and September 2017, with gillnets, hand nets, cast nets and trawl nets. Standard length and total weight were measured for the LWR, which allometric coefficients b varied from 2.621 to 3.146.  相似文献   



The fish family Sciaenidae has numerous species that produce sounds with superfast muscles that vibrate the swimbladder. These muscles form post embryonically and undergo seasonal hypertrophy-atrophy cycles. The family has been the focus of numerous passive acoustic studies to localize spatial and temporal occurrence of spawning aggregations. Fishes produce disturbance calls when hand-held, and males form aggregations in late afternoon and produce advertisement calls to attract females for mating. Previous studies on five continents have been confined to temperate species. Here we examine the calls of the silver croaker Plagioscion squamosissimus, a freshwater equatorial species, which experiences constant photoperiod, minimal temperature variation but seasonal changes in water depth and color, pH and conductivity.

Methods and Principal Findings

Dissections indicate that sonic muscles are present exclusively in males and that muscles are thicker and redder during the mating season. Disturbance calls were recorded in hand-held fish during the low-water mating season and high-water period outside of the mating season. Advertisement calls were recorded from wild fish that formed aggregations in both periods but only during the mating season from fish in large cages. Disturbance calls consist of a series of short individual pulses in mature males. Advertisement calls start with single and paired pulses followed by greater amplitude multi-pulse bursts with higher peak frequencies than in disturbance calls. Advertisement-like calls also occur in aggregations during the off season, but bursts are shorter with fewer pulses.

Conclusions and Significance

Silver croaker produce complex advertisement calls that vary in amplitude, number of cycles per burst and burst duration of their calls. Unlike temperate sciaenids, which only call during the spawning season, silver croaker produce advertisement calls in both seasons. Sonic muscles are thinner, and bursts are shorter than at the spawning peak, but males still produce complex calls outside of the mating season.  相似文献   

In the lakes of the Middle Rio Doce, Minas Gerais (MG), two groups of larval Libellulidae are distinguished by preferences of habitat use: one uses mainly aquatic macrophytes and the other uses the bottom substrate. The goal of this work was to verify if there is a morphological distinction between the two groups of species. Thirteen body measures were taken from the larvae and analyzed. No difference was found between the two groups of species regarding the body size, but shape differences were observed for two morphological variables. The species that use mainly macrophytes tend to have larger relative measures of the labium and smaller measures of the abdomen width. Advantages in resource obtainment and in vulnerability to predation are probably the explanations for the morphological divergence among these larval groups.  相似文献   

The ovarian follicle growth in Petenia splendida and Parachromis managuensis was analyzed. Both species presented analogous follicular growth, reaching similar values within the gonadosomatic and somatic indices (IG) to those reported in other cichlids; however, with regard to maturity, these indices were significantly greater in Pe. splendida than in Pa. managuensis. The histology of oogenesis coincided with that known from most teleosts, except for one difference: the granulosa layer of Pa. managuensis was composed of pseudo‐stratified columnar cells, whereas other species presented columnar cells. Another conspicuous difference was registered in the first stage of oocyte maturation: Pa. managuensis exhibited the entire spectrum from primary to vitellogenic follicles, whereas in Pe. splendida only primary follicles occurred at that stage. It is concluded that Pa. managuensis shows a reproductive strategy with very short spawning periods, influencing the colonization capacity in the Grijalva‐Usumacinta River system. Both species, however, may still be considered as synchronic breeders, based on the characteristics of the maturation process of their oocytes despite their slightly different mode.  相似文献   

The thermal structure, heat content and stability were studied in Lakes Dom Helvécio and Carioca during an annual cycle. It was found that the maximum heat content, stability and work of the wind in Lake Dom Helvécio correspond to two, four and four times, respectively, the values for the Lake Carioca. These difference can be attributed to morphometric differences in the lakes. A long-term record of heat content and stability for lake Carioca is also presented. Diel variations were studied in summer and winter. The tropicality of the lakes is discussed and compared with other lacustrine systems.  相似文献   

Biological invasions are considered a major threat to biodiversity around the world, but the role of parasites in this process is still little investigated. Here, we compared parasite infections of a host species in the areas where it originated and where it was introduced, and in native and introduced species in the same environment, using the endoparasites of the fish Plagioscion squamosissimus (Sciaenidae) in 3 Brazilian basins. Samples were taken in 2 rivers where the species is native, i.e., Solim?es River (SO) and Tocantins River (TO), and where the species was introduced, the upper Paraná River (PR). In addition, abundances of diplostomids and larval nematodes were compared between P. squamosissimus and 2 native competitors in the PR, Hoplias malabaricus and Raphiodon vulpinus. In total, 13 species of endoparasites were recorded, but only Austrodiplostomum sp. and cestode cysts were present in all localities. Although infracommunity richness was similar, their species composition was slightly different among localities. General linear models using the relative condition factor of fish as response variables, and abundance of the most prevalent parasites as possible predictors showed that the condition of fish is negatively correlated with parasite abundance only in the native range (TO). Abundance of diplostomid eye flukes was higher in the PR, and in the native species H. malabaricus when compared to the invader, which might present an advantage for P. squamosissimus if they compete for prey. However, although P. squamosissimus may have lost some of its native parasites during its introduction to the PR, it is now possibly acting as a host for native generalist parasites.  相似文献   

Quantifying diversity is an old challenge for ecologists and is also a social demand given the increasing threats to natural areas. We sought to work on these issues by using data from 158 vegetation remnants (over 350,000 trees) in southeastern Brazil (Minas Gerais State—MG, nearly 600,000 km2). Specifically, we sought to answer the following questions. (1) How many trees and tree species currently exist in MG vegetation remnants? (2) How much of such biodiversity is present in each vegetation domain (Atlantic Forest, Cerrado and Caatinga) and vegetation type (Seasonally Dry tropical forest “semideciduous”, Seasonally Dry tropical forest “deciduous”, Rain Forest, Swamp, Cerrado and Cerradão) in MG? (3) How much has been lost in regards to tree amount and tree species? We built a 0.1-degree cell grid to estimate the number of trees via spatial regression and used Fisher’s alpha and Fisher’s log series to provide estimates on how many tree species there are and were in MG. We found the number of trees in Minas Gerais to be approximately 24.5 × 109, and the number of tree species to be between 3592 and 3743. The most abundant species distribution among the vegetation domains and vegetation types followed inversely the environmental heterogeneity of the classes. Consequently, the most abundant species in MG belonged to the Cerrado domain, where there was less environmental heterogeneity. The numbers of trees and tree species lost were estimated at 68.54 and 4.03–8.42% of the original values, respectively. We discuss that due to the consequences of human impacts that go back in the region for over a thousand years, other processes not considered in this study, such as habitat degradation by isolation, alterations of food webs, unsustainable use, and climate change, might have caused local extinctions and potentially increased the number of species lost. We believe our results may guide conservation initiatives by providing a base for future environmental laws, parks planning, and the development of more appropriate vegetation management techniques in MG. In addition, our results may inspire future quantitative ecological studies in the tropics.  相似文献   

Eight streblid species were collected from eight phyllostomid bat species, from April to November 1997, at or near the Reserve "Parque Estadual do Rio Doce", Minas Gerais, Southeastern Brazil. In total, 48 specimens of streblid were removed from 57 phyllostomid bats. Most of batflies species were associated with a single species of the host, and only Paratrichobius longicrus (Miranda Ribeiro) and Trichobius joblingi Wenzel were recorded on three bat species. Trichobius lonchophyllae Wenzel represents a new record for the Brazilian Southeastern region.  相似文献   

A species ofPseudolaelia (Orchidaceae) from Minas Gerais, Brazil, is described as new to science.  相似文献   

Two new species of Vellozia from the Espinhaco range in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, are described and their taxonomic relationships are considered. A discussion of their geographical distribution and an account of their leaf anatomy is provided.  相似文献   

Passiflora boticarioana, a new species of subgen.Passiflora, supersect.Stipulata, sect.Dysosmia, from the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, is described, illustrated, and compared with morphologically similar species.  相似文献   

We evaluated the relationship between infection by proteocephalid cestodes and the sex and weight classes of tucunaré (Cichla piquiti) captured between August 1999 and June 2001 in the Volta Grande Reservoir, Minas Gerais, Brazil. A total of 96 fish, 75.9?±?9.3% males and 88.9?±?6.4% females, were parasitized by Proteocephalus macrophallus and P. microscopicus, with total mean intensities of 76.6?±?23.9 and 145.2?±?36.7, respectively, during this period. In the majority of the months analysed, males showed 71.4-100% prevalence of parasitism and females 80-100%. Although there was no significant difference, females showed a higher mean intensity of infection (145.2?±?36.7) than males (76.6?±?23.9). Fish weighing 300-800?g showed a higher mean abundance of parasites (P?相似文献   

Lessingianthus ibitipocensis, a new species from the Southeastern Brazilian highlands, is described and illustrated.
Resumen  Se describe e ilustra una especie nueva, Lessingianthus ibitipocensis, del sudeste de Brasil.

Therodamas tamarae n.sp. is described based on females removed from branchial filaments of Plagioscion squamosissimus (Teleostei, Sciaenidae) caught in a lake near the Araguaia River, State of Goiás, Brazil. The new species shares with Therodamas elongatus (Thatcher, 1986) the same host, a similar reaction from the host to the presence of the parasites, and the same general shape of body; in addition, the two species are from the Amazon basin. On the other hand, it resembles T. fluviatilis Paggi, 1976 in the structure of legs 1 to 4. An identification key for Therodamas species, as well as comments on the distribution of the species, are included.  相似文献   

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