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Previous studies suggest that vasoconstriction is modulated by nitric oxide (NO). Contractions to ET-1 and/or thromboxane may be enhanced during chronic deficiency in expression or activity of NO synthase (NOS). Multiple isoforms of NOS are expressed within the vessel wall and purely pharmacological approaches cannot define the role of each. We tested the hypothesis that vasoconstriction to endothelin-1 (ET-1) and/or the thromboxane mimetic, U46619, is enhanced under conditions of chronic, selective deficiency in endothelial NOS (eNOS-/-) by examining responses in aorta from eNOS-/- mice compared to wild type (eNOS+/+). ET-1 produced dose-dependent contraction of aorta from eNOS+/+ mice that was increased twofold following acute inhibition of all NOS isoforms with N(G)-nitro-L-arginine (L-NNA). In eNOS-/- mice, contractions to ET-1 were increased twofold compared to eNOS+/+. L-NNA had no effect. Although contraction of the aorta to thromboxane mimetic U46619 was increased at lower concentrations, maximal contractions to U46619 were not increased following acute inhibition of NOS or in eNOS-/- mice. These studies provide direct evidence that vasoconstriction to ET-1 and thromboxane is augmented in the face of eNOS deficiency, demonstrating that eNOS normally inhibits vascular contractile responses.  相似文献   

Male urinary pheromones modulate behavioral and neuroendocrine function in mice after being detected by sensory neurons in the vomeronasal organ (VNO) neuroepithelium. We used nuclear Fos protein immunoreactivity (Fos-IR) as a marker of changes in neuronal activity to examine the processing of male pheromones throughout the VNO projection pathway to the hypothalamus. Sexually naive male and female Balb/c mice were gonadectomized and treated daily with estradiol benzoate (EB) or oil vehicle for 3 weeks. Subjects were then exposed to soiled bedding from gonadally intact Balb/c males or to clean bedding for 90 min prior to sacrifice and processing of their VNOs and forebrains for Fos-IR. Male pheromones induced similar numbers of Fos-IR cells in the VNO neuroepithelium of oil-treated male and female subjects; however, EB-treated females had significantly more Fos-IR neurons in the VNO than any other group. There was an equivalent neuronal Fos response to male odors in the mitral and granule cells of the anterior and posterior accessory olfactory bulb of males and females, regardless of hormone treatment. In central portions of the VNO projection pathway (i.e., bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, medial preoptic area) neuronal Fos responses to male pheromones were present in female but absent in male subjects, regardless of hormone treatment. In a separate experiment, mating induced neuronal Fos-IR in these brain regions at levels in gonadally intact male subjects which were equal to or greater than those seen in ovariectomized females primed with estrogen and progesterone. This suggests that neurons in the central portions of the male's VNO pathway are capable of expressing Fos. Our results suggest that sexually dimorphic central responses to pheromones exist in mice that may begin in the VNO neuroepithelium.  相似文献   

Background K+ channels of the TASK family are believed to participate in sensory transduction by chemoreceptor (glomus) cells of the carotid body (CB). However, studies on the systemic CB-mediated ventilatory response to hypoxia and hypercapnia in TASK1- and/or TASK3-deficient mice have yielded conflicting results. We have characterized the glomus cell phenotype of TASK-null mice and studied the responses of individual cells to hypoxia and other chemical stimuli. CB morphology and glomus cell size were normal in wild-type as well as in TASK1−/− or double TASK1/3−/− mice. Patch-clamped TASK1/3-null glomus cells had significantly higher membrane resistance and less hyperpolarized resting potential than their wild-type counterpart. These electrical parameters were practically normal in TASK1−/− cells. Sensitivity of background currents to changes of extracellular pH was drastically diminished in TASK1/3-null cells. In contrast with these observations, responsiveness to hypoxia or hypercapnia of either TASK1−/− or double TASK1/3−/− cells, as estimated by the amperometric measurement of catecholamine release, was apparently normal. TASK1/3 knockout cells showed an enhanced secretory rate in basal (normoxic) conditions compatible with their increased excitability. Responsiveness to hypoxia of TASK1/3-null cells was maintained after pharmacological blockade of maxi-K+ channels. These data in the TASK-null mouse model indicate that TASK3 channels contribute to the background K+ current in glomus cells and to their sensitivity to external pH. They also suggest that, although TASK1 channels might be dispensable for O2/CO2 sensing in mouse CB cells, TASK3 channels (or TASK1/3 heteromers) could mediate hypoxic depolarization of normal glomus cells. The ability of TASK1/3−/− glomus cells to maintain a powerful response to hypoxia even after blockade of maxi-K+ channels, suggests the existence of multiple sensor and/or effector mechanisms, which could confer upon the cells a high adaptability to maintain their chemosensory function.  相似文献   

Coloured rings are often used for marking bats so that specific individuals can be recognized. We noticed that the rings of mouse-eared bats, Myotis myotis and Myotis blythii, in a combination of one plastic-split and one metallic ring on the same forearm, emitted sounds that were largely ultrasonic each time the rings met in flight. We recorded the ring sounds and the echolocation calls produced by the bats, and played them back to neural preparations of lesser yellow underwing moths, Noctua comes, while making extracellular recordings from the moths' A1 auditory receptors. The peak energy of the ring sounds occurred much closer in frequency to the moth's best auditory frequency (the frequency at which the moth has the lowest auditory threshold) than the peak energy of the calls, for both bat species, and the ring sounds were detected at a threshold 5-6 dB peSPL lower than the calls. Moths performed evasive manoeuvres to playbacks of ring sounds more frequently than they did to control (tape noise) sequences. These neural and behavioural responses imply that certain bats should not be marked with two rings on one wing, as this may make the bat more apparent to tympanate insects, and may therefore reduce its foraging success. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Fever is a common, centrally elicited sign of inflammatory and infectious processes and is known to be induced by the action of PGE2 on its specific receptors in the thermogenic region of the hypothalamus. In the present work, using genetically modified mice, we examined the role of the inducible terminal PGE2-synthesizing enzyme microsomal prostaglandin E synthase-1 (mPGES-1) for the generation of immune-elicited fever. Animals with a deletion of the Ptges gene, which encodes mPGES-1, or their wild-type littermates were given either a subcutaneous injection of turpentine--a model for aseptic cytokine-induced pyresis--or an intraperitoneal injection of interleukin-1beta. While both procedures resulted in typical febrile responses in wild-type animals, these responses were strongly impaired in the mPGES-1 mutant mice. In contrast, both genotypes showed psychogenic stress-induced hyperthermia and displayed normal diurnal temperature variations. Both wild-type and mPGES-1 mutant mice also showed strongly reduced motor activity following turpentine injection. Taken together with previous observations on mPGES-1 induction in the brain vasculature during various inflammatory conditions and its role in endotoxin-induced pyresis, the present findings indicate that central PGE2 synthesis by mPGES-1 is a general and critical mechanism for fever during infectious and inflammatory conditions that is distinct from the mechanism(s) underlying the circadian temperature regulation and stress-induced hyperthermia, as well as the inflammation-induced activity depression.  相似文献   

In the present study, the role of nitric oxide (NO) generated by endothelial nitric oxide synthase (NOS-3) in the control of respiration during hypoxia and hypercapnia was assessed using mutant mice deficient in NOS-3. Experiments were performed on awake and anesthetized mutant and wild-type (WT) control mice. Respiratory responses to 100, 21, and 12% O(2) and 3 and 5% CO(2)-balance O(2) were analyzed. In awake animals, respiration was monitored by body plethysmography along with O(2) consumption (VO(2)) and CO(2) production (VCO(2)). In anesthetized, spontaneously breathing mice, integrated efferent phrenic nerve activity was monitored as an index of neural respiration along with arterial blood pressure and blood gases. Under both experimental conditions, WT mice responded with greater increases in respiration during 12% O(2) than mutant mice. Respiratory responses to hyperoxic hypercapnia were comparable between both groups of mice. Arterial blood gases, changes in blood pressure, VO(2), and VCO(2) during hypoxia were comparable between both groups of mice. Respiratory responses to cyanide and brief hyperoxia were attenuated in mutant compared with WT mice, indicating reduced peripheral chemoreceptor sensitivity. cGMP levels in the brain stem during 12% O(2), taken as an index of NO production, were greater in mutant compared with WT mice. These observations demonstrate that NOS-3 mutant mice exhibit selective blunting of the respiratory responses to hypoxia but not to hypercapnia, which in part is due to reduced peripheral chemosensitivity. These results support the idea that NO generated by NOS-3 is an important physiological modulator of respiration during hypoxia.  相似文献   

The gap junction protein, connexin43 (Cx43) is involved in mechanotransduction in bone. Recent studies using in vivo models of conditional Cx43 gene (Gja1) deletion in the osteogenic linage have generated inconsistent results, with Gja1 ablation resulting in either attenuated or enhanced response to mechanical load, depending upon the skeletal site examined or the type of load applied. To gain further insights on Cx43 and mechanotransduction, we examined bone formation response at both endocortical and periosteal surfaces in 2-month-old mice with conditional Gja1 ablation driven by the Dermo1 promoter (cKO). Relative to wild type (WT) littermates, it requires a larger amount of compressive force to generate the same periosteal strain in cKO mice. Importantly, cKO mice activate periosteal bone formation at a lower strain level than do WT mice, suggesting an increased sensitivity to mechanical load in Cx43 deficiency. Consistently, trabecular bone mass also increases in mutant mice upon load, while it decreases in WT. On the other hand, bone formation actually decreases on the endocortical surface in WT mice upon application of axial mechanical load, and this response is also accentuated in cKO mice. These changes are associated with increase of Cox-2 in both genotypes and further decrease of Sost mRNA in cKO relative to WT bones. Thus, the response of bone forming cells to mechanical load differs between trabecular and cortical components, and remarkably between endocortical and periosteal envelopes. Cx43 deficiency enhances both the periosteal and endocortical response to mechanical load applied as axial compression in growing mice.  相似文献   

There is an abundance of experimental studies and reviews that describe odorant-mediated behaviors of fish in laboratory microcosms, but research in natural field conditions has received considerably less attention. Fish pheromone studies in laboratory settings can be highly productive and allow for controlled experimental designs; however, laboratory tanks and flumes often cannot replicate all the physical, physiological and social contexts associated with natural environments. Field experiments can be a critical step in affirming and enhancing understanding of laboratory discoveries and often implicate the ecological significance of pheromones employed by fishes. When findings from laboratory experiments have been further tested in field environments, often different and sometimes contradictory conclusions are found. Examples include studies of sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) mating pheromones and fish alarm substances. Here, we review field research conducted on fish pheromones and alarm substances, highlighting the following topics: (1) contradictory results obtained in laboratory and field experiments, (2) how environmental context and physiological status influences behavior, (3) challenges and constraints of aquatic field research and (4) innovative techniques and experimental designs that advance understanding of fish chemical ecology through field research.  相似文献   

Interleukin (IL)-1 and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) promote slow-wave sleep (SWS), whereas IL-10 inhibits the synthesis of IL-1 and TNF and promotes waking. We evaluated the impact of endogenous IL-10 on sleep-wake behavior by studying mice that lack a functional IL-10 gene. Under baseline conditions, C57BL/6-IL-10 knockout (KO) mice spent more time in SWS during the dark phase of the light-dark cycle than did genetically intact C57BL/6 mice. The two strains of mice showed generally comparable responses to treatment with IL-1, IL-10, or influenza virus, but differed in their responses to lipopolysaccharide (LPS). In IL-10 KO mice, LPS induced an initial transient increase and a subsequent prolonged decrease in SWS, as well as profound hypothermia. These responses were not observed in LPS-treated C57BL/6 mice. These data demonstrate that in the absence of endogenous IL-10, spontaneous SWS is increased and the impact of LPS on vigilance states is altered. Collectively, these observations support a role for IL-10 in sleep regulation and provide further evidence for the involvement of cytokines in the regulation of sleep.  相似文献   

Trisomy 21 results in phenotypes collectively referred to as Down syndrome (DS) including characteristic facial dysmorphology. Ts65Dn mice are trisomic for orthologs of about half of the genes found on human chromosome 21 and exhibit DS-like craniofacial abnormalities, including a small dysmorphic mandible. Quantitative analysis of neural crest (NC) progenitors of the mandible revealed a paucity of NC and a smaller first pharyngeal arch (PA1) in Ts65Dn as compared to euploid embryos. Similar effects in PA2 suggest that trisomy causes a neurocristopathy in Ts65Dn mice (and by extension, DS). Further analyses demonstrated deficits in delamination, migration, and mitosis of trisomic NC. Addition of Sonic hedgehog (Shh) growth factor to trisomic cells from PA1 increased cell number to the same level as untreated control cells. Combined with previous demonstrations of a deficit in mitogenic response to Shh by trisomic cerebellar granule cell precursors, these results implicate common cellular and molecular bases of multiple DS phenotypes.  相似文献   

Although insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) can act as a neurotrophic factor for peripheral neurons in vitro and in vivo following injury, the role IGF-I plays during normal development and functioning of the peripheral nervous system is unclear. Here, we report that transgenic mice with reduced levels (two genotypes: heterozygous Igf1+/- or homozygous insertional mutant Igf1m/m) or totally lacking IGF-I (homozygous Igf1-/-) show a decrease in motor and sensory nerve conduction velocities in vivo. In addition, A-fiber responses in isolated peroneal nerves from Igf1+/- and Igf1-/- mice are impaired. The nerve function impairment is most profound in Igf1-/- mice. Histopathology of the peroneal nerves in Igf1-/- mice demonstrates a shift to smaller axonal diameters but maintains the same total number of myelinated fibers as Igf1+/+ mice. Comparisons of myelin thickness with axonal diameter indicate that there is no significant reduction in peripheral nerve myelination in IGF-I-deficient mice. In addition, in Igf1m/m mice with very low serum levels of IGF-I, replacement therapy with exogenous recombinant hIGF-I restores both motor and sensory nerve conduction velocities. These findings demonstrate not only that IGF-I serves an important role in the growth and development of the peripheral nervous system, but also that systemic IGF-I treatment can enhance nerve function in IGF-I-deficient adult mice.  相似文献   

Abstract. The movement of Sitobion fragariae (Wlk.) (Homoptera: Aphididae) males towards odours from conspecific sexual females (oviparae) and the aphid sex pheromone component (4a S ,7 S ,7a R )-nepetalactone were demonstrated in a linear-track olfactometer. Males of the closely related Sitobion avenae (Fab.) were attracted to odours from conspecific oviparae and also oviparae of S. fragariae. These results were consistent with the recent identification of this nepetalactone isomer as the major component of the sex pheromone in these species. Males of S.fragariae were not significantly attracted to oviparae of S.avenae. indicating some qualitative or quantitative difference in the pheromones of the two species. Males did not respond to the related (1R,4aS,7S,7aR)-nepetalactol or to host-plant odours. Gynoparae of these species moved towards the nepetalactone and also to host-plant odours. A combination of both stimuli was more attractive than plant odour alone. Gynoparae of S.fragariae also responded significantly to the combined treatment when this was tested against the nepetalactone.  相似文献   

Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) is a pleiotropic neuropeptide with immunomodulatory properties. The administration of this peptide has been shown to have beneficial effects in murine models of inflammatory diseases including septic shock, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis (MS) and Crohn's disease. However, the role of the endogenous peptide in inflammatory disease remains obscure because VIP-deficient mice were recently found to exhibit profound resistance in a model of MS. In the present study, we analyzed the response of female VIP deficient (KO) mice to intraperitoneal lipopolysaccharide (LPS) administration. We observed significant resistance to LPS in VIP KO mice, as evidenced by lower mortality and reduced tissue damage. The increased survival was associated with decreased levels of proinflammatory cytokines (TNFα, IL-6 and IL-12) in sera and peritoneal suspensions of these mice. Moreover, the expression of TNFα and IL-6 mRNA was reduced in peritoneal cells, spleens and lungs from LPS-treated VIP KO vs. WT mice, suggesting that the resistance might be mediated by an intrinsic defect in the responsiveness of immune cells to endotoxin. In agreement with this hypothesis, peritoneal cells isolated from VIP KO naive mice produced lower levels of proinflammatory cytokines in response to LPS in vitro. Finally, decreased NF-κB pathway activity in peritoneal cells was observed both in vivo and in vitro, as determined by assay of phosphorylated I-κB. The results demonstrate that female VIP KO mice exhibit resistance to LPS-induced shock, explainable in part by the presence of an intrinsic defect in the responsiveness of inflammatory cells to endotoxin.  相似文献   

Sexual pheromones and mating responses in fungi.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
M Blker  R Kahmann 《The Plant cell》1993,5(10):1461-1469

Antiviral immune responses of mice lacking interleukin-2 (IL-2) or IL-4 or both IL-2 and IL-4 (IL-2/4) were compared by using different viruses. Primary cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) responses against lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) were only moderately reduced in mice lacking IL-2 and were normal in mice lacking IL-4. Mice deficient in both interleukins exhibited variable and more strongly reduced but nevertheless in vivo protective LCMV-specific CTL responses. Similar results were obtained with vaccinia virus. Upon virus-specific restimulation in vitro, spleen cells from IL-2- and IL-2/4-deficient mice failed to generate CTL responses against virus-infected target cells, whereas the response of mice deficient in only IL-4 was comparable to that of control mice. The addition of IL-2 during in vitro restimulation completely restored the responses of both IL-2 and IL-2/4-deficient mice. T-helper-cell-independent immunoglobulin M and T-helper-cell-dependent immunoglobulin G antibody responses against vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein were within normal ranges for the various mutant mice. After LCMV infection, specific antibody responses against LCMV nucleoprotein were reduced four- to eightfold. These results show that mice lacking IL-2/4 have an overall tendency to exhibit more severely reduced CTL responses than IL-2- or IL-4-deficient mice. Nevertheless, and surprisingly, in vivo protective immune responses were mounted in the absence of IL-2/4, suggesting that besides a minor contribution from IL-4, other interleukins compensate in vivo for the lack of IL-2 in IL-2-deficient mice.  相似文献   

Secreted forms of the beta-amyloid precursor protein (beta-APP) have neuroprotective properties in vitro and may be involved in the containment of neuronal excitation. To test whether loss of secreted forms of beta-APP (sAPPs) may enhance excitotoxic responses, we injected mice homozygous for a targeted mutation of the beta-APP gene (beta-APPDelta/Delta) intraperitoneally with kainic acid. We found that in these mice, kainic acid induced seizures initiated earlier, and acute mortality was enhanced compared to isogenic wild-type mice independently from the callosal agenesis phenotype observed to occur at increased frequency in APP mutant mice. Expression of c-fos in cortex and cingulate gyrus was enhanced in beta-APPDelta/Delta mice, although the amount of structural damage and apoptosis in the hippocampal pyramidal cell layer and cortex was similar to that of controls. When cerebellar granule cell cultures and cortical neuronal cultures were challenged with glutamate receptor agonists, the rates of cell death and apoptosis of beta-APPDelta/Delta mice were indistinguishable from those of controls. Therefore, deficiency of sAPPs causes facilitation of seizure activity in the absence of enhanced cell death. Since enhanced seizures were observed also in mice homozygous for a deletion of the entire beta-APP gene, this phenotype results from a loss of APP rather than from a dominant effect of APPDelta.  相似文献   

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