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Edge loading can negatively impact the biomechanics and long-term performance of hip replacements. Although edge loading has been widely investigated for hard-on-hard articulations, limited work has been conducted for hard-on-soft combinations. The aim of the present study was to investigate edge loading and its effect on the contact mechanics of a modular metal-on-polyethylene (MoP) total hip replacement (THR). A three-dimensional finite element model was developed based on a modular MoP bearing. Different cup inclination angles and head lateral microseparation were modelled and their effect on the contact mechanics of the modular MoP hip replacement were examined. The results showed that lateral microseparation caused loading of the head on the rim of the cup, which produced substantial increases in the maximum von Mises stress in the polyethylene liner and the maximum contact pressure on both the articulating surface and backside surface of the liner. Plastic deformation of the liner was observed under both standard conditions and microseparation conditions, however, the maximum equivalent plastic strain in the liner under microseparation conditions of 2000 µm was predicted to be approximately six times that under standard conditions. The study has indicated that correct positioning the components to avoid edge loading is likely to be important clinically even for hard-on-soft bearings for THR.  相似文献   

In order to increase the lifetime of the total hip endoprosthesis, it is necessary to understand mechanisms leading to its failure. In this work, we address volumetric wear of the artificial cup, in particular the effect of its inclination with respect to the vertical. Volumetric wear was calculated by using mathematical models for resultant hip force, contact stress and penetration of the prosthesis head into the cup. Relevance of the dependence of volumetric wear on inclination of the cup (its abduction angle ?A) was assessed by the results of 95 hips with implanted endoprosthesis. Geometrical parameters obtained from standard antero-posterior radiographs were taken as input data. Volumetric wear decreases with increasing cup abduction angle ?A. The correlation within the population of 95 hips was statistically significant (P = 0.006). Large cup abduction angle minimises predicted volumetric wear but may increase the risk for dislocation of the artificial head from the cup in the one-legged stance. Cup abduction angle and direction of the resultant hip force may compensate each other to achieve optimal position of the cup with respect to wear and dislocation in the one-legged stance for a particular patient.  相似文献   

The long-term success of a cementless total hip arthroplasty depends on the implant geometry and interface bonding characteristics (fit, coating and ingrowth) and on stem stiffness. This study evaluates the influence of stem geometry and fitting conditions on the evolution and distribution of the bone–stem contact, stress and strain during and after the hip stem insertion, by means of dynamic finite element techniques. Next, the influence of the mechanical state (bone–stem contact, stress and strain) resulted from the insertion process on the stem initial resistance to subsidence is investigated. In addition, a study on the influence of bone–stem interface conditions (friction) on the insertion process and on the initial stem stability under physiological loading is performed. The results indicate that for a stem with tapered shape the contact in the proximal part of the stem was improved, but contact in the calcar region was achieved only when extra press-fit conditions were considered. Changes in stem geometry towards a more tapered shape and extra press fit and variation in the bone–stem interface conditions (contact amount and high friction) led to a raise in the total insertion force. A direct positive relationship was found between the stem resistance to subsidence and stem geometry (tapering and press fit), bone–stem interface conditions (bone–stem contact and friction interface) and the mechanical status at the end of the insertion (residual stress and strain). Therefore, further studies on evaluating the initial performance of different stem types should consider the parameters describing the bone–stem interface conditions and the mechanical state resulted from the insertion process.  相似文献   

Patient imaging and explant analysis has shown evidence of edge loading of hard-on-hard hip replacements in vivo. Experimental hip simulator testing under edge loading conditions has produced increased, clinically-relevant, wear rates for hard-on-hard bearings when compared to concentric conditions. Such testing, however, is time consuming and costly. A quick running computational edge loading model (Python Edge Loading (PyEL) - quasi-static, rigid, frictionless), capable of considering realistic bearing geometries, was developed. The aim of this study was to produce predictions of separation within the typical experimental measurement error of ∼0.5 mm. The model was verified and validated against comparable finite element (FE) models (including inertia and friction) and pre-existing experimental test data for 56 cases, covering a variety of simulated cup orientations, positions, tissue tensions, and loading environments. The PyEL model agreed well with both the more complex computational modelling and experimental results. From comparison with the FE models, the assumption of no inertia had little effect on the maximum separation prediction. With high contact force cases, the assumption of no friction had a larger effect (up to ∼5% error). The PyEL model was able to predict the experimental maximum separations within ∼0.3 mm. It could therefore be used to optimise an experimental test plan and efficiently investigate a much wider range of scenarios and variables. It could also help explain trends and damage modes seen in experimental testing through identifying the contact locations on the liner that are not easily measured experimentally.  相似文献   

Children who exhibit gait deviations often present a range of bone deformities, particularly at the proximal femur. Altered gait may affect bone growth and lead to deformities by exerting abnormal stresses on the developing bones. The objective of this study was to calculate variations in the hip joint contact forces with different gait patterns. Muscle and hip joint contact forces of four children with different walking characteristics were calculated using an inverse dynamic analysis and a static optimisation algorithm. Kinematic and kinetic analyses were based on a generic musculoskeletal model scaled down to accommodate the dimensions of each child. Results showed that for all the children with altered gaits both the orientation and magnitude of the hip joint contact force deviated from normal. The child with the most severe gait deviations had hip joint contact forces 30% greater than normal, most likely due to the increase in muscle forces required to sustain his crouched stance. Determining how altered gait affects joint loading may help in planning treatment strategies to preserve correct loading on the bone from a young age.  相似文献   

While electric fields at intermediate frequencies are not widely utilized for industrial technologies, surprisingly, certain toys emit the highest electric fields found in our living environment. These toys, plasma balls, are devices that use high voltage to create ionized light discharges. In this study, we assessed exposure to electric fields and contact/induced current from a recreational plasma ball device. The electric field strength was measured as a function of distance from the device, and the contact/induced current was measured with a current clamp in different exposure situations with point or grasping contact. The characteristic spectra of the electric field and contact current were measured, and both the multiple frequency rule and weighting of the spectra were applied according to the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) 1998 and 2010 guidelines. The results indicate that the recommended reference levels for the general public are exceeded at distances <1.2 m, and that the contact currents in the hand may be twice higher than recommended by the general public guidelines.  相似文献   

The process of infection during an epidemic can be envisaged as being transmitted via a network of routes represented by a contact network. Most differential equation models of epidemics are mean-field models. These contain none of the underlying spatial structure of the contact network. By extending the mean-field models to pair-level, some of the spatial structure can be contained in the model. Some networks of transmission such as river or transportation networks are clearly asymmetric, whereas others such as airborne infection can be regarded as symmetric. Pair-level models have been developed to describe symmetric contact networks. Here we report on work to develop a pair-level model that is also applicable to asymmetric contact networks. The procedure for closing the model at the level of pairs is discussed in detail. The model is compared against stochastic simulations of epidemics on asymmetric contact networks and against the predictions of the symmetric model on the same networks. DEFRA funded project FC1153  相似文献   

An investigation was made as to the nature of two of the factors, termed S1, released within the first 30 minutes after contact is made between capacitated hamster sperm and the zona pellucida in vitro. Previous studies showed that these S1 factors were detected two and 20 to 25 minutes after the gametes were combined and that, based on filtration studies, the former possessed a molecular weight of less than 5,000 daltons. The present results show that the quantity of the 20–25-minute S1 factor released into the supernatant increased linearly as a function of the sperm concentration. This factor passed unimpeded through a filter with a 5,000 molecular weight cutoff but only 42% of the activity traversed a filter with a cutoff of 2,000 daltons. The two-minute S1 factor, in the virtual total absence of cells, was stable for 10 to 15 minutes, but lost significant activity upon longer incubation. Under the same conditions, the 20–25-minute factor lost approximately 25% of its activity within 15 minutes, but remained stable at this level for at least 45 minutes of incubation. Both S1 factors were not affected by a mixture of glycosidases, but were inactivated by subtilisin, trypsin, and leucine aminopeptidase which was contaminated with endopeptidases. The activity of the two-minute S1 factor appeared more susceptible to the action of the proteases than that of the 20–25-minute S1 factor. In contrast to previous results obtained with the two-minute S1 factor, the release of the 20–25-minute S1 factor was not inhibited by the inclusion of soybean trypsin inhibitor a t concentrations which are known to inhibit penetration of the zona by the sperm. The results suggest that the two- and 20–25-minute S1 factors are peptides which are not identical.  相似文献   

In northwestern Iberia, two largely allopatric Lacerta lepida mitochondrial lineages occur, L5 occurring to the south of Douro River and L3 to the north, with a zone of putative secondary contact in the region of the Douro River valley. Cytochrome b sequence chromatograms with polymorphisms at nucleotide sites diagnostic for the two lineages were detected in individuals in the region of the Douro River and further north within the range of L3. We show that these polymorphisms are caused by the presence of four different numts (I-IV) co-occurring with the L3 genome, together with low levels of heteroplasmy. Two of the numts (I and II) are similar to the mitochondrial genome of L5 but are quite divergent from the mitochondrial genome of L3 where they occur. We show that these numts are derived from the mitochondrial genome of L5 and were incorporated in L3 through hybridization at the time of secondary contact between the lineages. The additional incidence of these numts to the north of the putative contact zone is consistent with an earlier postglacial northward range expansion of L5, preceding that of L3. We show that genetic exchange between the lineages responsible for the origin of these numts in L3 after secondary contact occurred prior to, or coincident with, the northward expansion of L3. This study shows that, in the context of phylogeographic analysis, numts can provide evidence for past demographic events and can be useful tools for the reconstruction of complex evolutionary histories.  相似文献   

Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) is a common congenital malformation characterized by mismatch in shape between the femoral head and acetabulum, and leads to hip dysplasia. To date, the pathogenesis of DDH is poorly understood and may involve multiple factors, including genetic predisposition. However, comprehensive genetic analysis has not been applied to investigate a genetic component of DDH. In the present study, 10 pairs of healthy fathers and DDH daughters were enrolled to identify genetic hallmarks of DDH using high throughput whole genome sequencing. The DDH-specific DNA mutations were found in each patient. Overall 1344 genes contained DDH-specific mutations. Functional enrichment analysis showed that these genes played important roles in the cytoskeleton, microtubule cytoskeleton, sarcoplasm and microtubule associated complex. These functions affected osteoblast and osteoclast development. Therefore, we proposed that the DDH-specific mutations might affect bone development, and caused DDH. Our pairwise high throughput sequencing results comprehensively delineated genetic hallmarks of DDH. Further research into the biological impact of these mutations may inform the development of DDH diagnostic tools and allow neonatal gene screening.  相似文献   

The biomechanics of the patellofemoral (PF) joint is complex in nature, and the aetiology of such manifestations of PF instability as patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) is still unclear. At this point, the particular factors affecting PFPS have not yet been determined. This study has two objectives: (1) The first is to develop an alternative geometric method using a three-dimensional (3D) registration technique and linear mapping to investigate the PF joint contact stress using an indirect measure: the depth of virtual penetration (PD) of the patellar cartilage surface into the femoral cartilage surface. (2) The second is to develop 3D PF joint models using the finite element analysis (FEA) to quantify in vivo cartilage contact stress and to compare the peak contact stress location obtained from the FE models with the location of the maximum PD. Magnetic resonance images of healthy and PFPS subjects at knee flexion angles of 15°, 30° and 45° during isometric loading have been used to develop the geometric models. The results obtained from both approaches demonstrated that the subjects with PFPS show higher PD and contact stresses than the normal subjects. Maximum stress and PD increase with flexion angle, and occur on the lateral side in healthy and on the medial side in PFPS subjects. It has been concluded that the alternative geometric method is reliable in addition to being computationally efficient compared with FEA, and has the potential to assess the mechanics of PFPS with an accuracy similar to the FEA.  相似文献   


Maintenance of organelle identity is crucial for the functionality of eukaryotic cells. Hence, transfer reactions between different compartments must be highly efficient and tightly regulated at the same time. Membrane contact sites (MCSs) represent an important route for inter-organelle transport and communication independent of vesicular trafficking. Due to extensive research, the mechanistic understanding of these sites increases constantly. However, how the formation and the versatile functions of MCSs are regulated is mainly unclear. Within this review, we focus on one well-known MCS, the nucleus–vacuole junction in yeast and discuss its analogy to endoplasmic reticulum-late endosome contacts in metazoan. Formation of the junction in yeast requires Vac8, a protein that is involved in various cellular processes at the yeast vacuole and a target of multiple posttranslational modifications. We discuss the possibility that dual functionality of proteins involved in contact formation is a common principle to coordinate inter-organelle transfer with organellar biogenesis.  相似文献   

Pathogen spread within pig host populations can vary depending on within-herd interactions among pigs also called the contact structure. The recommended batch farrowing management, allowing for a fixed-interval mating for groups of sows of equal size, called batches, leads to an all-in/all-out management of pigs in which animals in different batches have no contact. To maintain a profitable pig delivery, producers have to deliver groups of pigs at a given weight, what needs sometimes herd management adaptations. However, producers’ adaptations that avoid delivering pigs below slaughtering weight (out-of-range pigs), result in increasing the contact between animals from different batches. To study the influence of herd management on contact structure and on pig delivery, a stochastic mathematical model representing population dynamics within a farrow-to-finish herd was elaborated. Sixteen management systems were represented combining or not the all-in/all-out management system with producers’ decisions: batch mixing, use of an extra room, suppression of the drying period and sale of post-weaning batches. Two types of contact were considered: via the animals themselves, when batch mixing occurred; and via the room, when decontamination was not complete. The impact of producers’ decisions on contact structure and on pig delivery, differed radically when pig growth was normal and when it was slow (i.e. mean age at slaughtering weight increased by 20%). When pig growth was normal, the all-in/all-out management prevented both contact via the animals and via the room but resulted in 9% of pigs delivered out of range. The use of an extra room or batch mixing decreased this percentage, the latter resulting in very frequent contact between batches via the animals. When pig growth was slow, the all-in/all-out management led to a very high percentage of pigs delivered out of range (almost 80%). The suppression of the drying period at the end of the finishing period and the sale of post-weaning batches induced a significant decrease in this percentage (down to 2% to 20%), the latter allowing to reduce the percentage of batches that made contact via the room (40% instead of 80%). This pig herd model helped to understand the compromise for producers between implementing internal biosecurity or maintaining a profitable pig delivery. Our results show that there was no unique optimal system and that efficient producers’ decisions (for biosecurity and delivery) may differ, depending on pig growth.  相似文献   

The soil contact effects of several commonly used agricultural insecticides on 2nd instar and adultForficula auricularia (L.) were studied in the laboratory. The earwigs were individually confined on soil surfaces sprayed under a track sprayer. Pirimicarb had no effect on either adult or 2nd instar earwigs. The LD50,s of 2nd instar earwigs for γ HCH, fenitrothion, DDT and dimethoate were all lower than their normal field rates. Second instars were more susceptible to dimethoate and cypermethrin than adults. The pyrethroids cypermethrin and deltamethrin had LD50,s above normal field rates. However, high levels of knockdown were induced by both insecticides at concentrations below normal application rates. The effects of this in the field remain unknown.  相似文献   


Corneal infection is a devastating sight-threatening complication that is associated with contact lens (CL) wear, commonly caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Lately, Achromobacter xylosoxidans, Delftia acidovorans, and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia have been associated with corneal infection. This study investigated the adhesion of these emerging pathogens to CLs, under the influence of an artificial tear solution (ATS) containing a variety of components commonly found in human tears. Two different CL materials, etafilcon A and senofilcon A, either soaked in an ATS or phosphate buffered saline, were exposed to the bacteria. Bacterial adhesion was investigated using a radio-labeling technique (total counts) and plate count method (viable counts). The findings from this study revealed that in addition to P. aeruginosa, among the emerging pathogens evaluated, A. xylosoxidans showed an increased propensity for adherence to both CL materials and S. maltophilia showed lower viability. ATS influenced the viable counts more than the total counts on CLs.  相似文献   

The importance of van der Waals contact between Glu 35 and Trp 109 to the active-site structure and the catalytic properties of human lysozyme (HL) has been investigated by site-directed mutagenesis. The X-ray analysis of mutant HLs revealed that both the replacement of Glu 35 by Asp or Ala, and the replacement of Trp 109 by Phe or Ala resulted in a significant but localized change in the active-site cleft geometry. A prominent movement of the backbone structure was detected in the region of residues 110 to 120 and in the region of residues 100 to 115 for the mutations concerning Glu 35 and Trp 109, respectively. Accompanied by the displacement of the main-chain atoms with a maximal deviation of C alpha atom position ranging from 0.7 A to 1.0 A, the mutant HLs showed a remarkable change in the catalytic properties against Micrococcus luteus cell substrate as compared with native HL. Although the replacement of Glu 35 by Ala completely abolished the lytic activity, HL-Asp 35 mutant retained a weak but a certain lytic activity, showing the possible involvement of the side-chain carboxylate group of Asp 35 in the catalytic action. The kinetic consequence derived from the replacement of Trp 109 by Phe or Ala together with the result of the structural change suggested that the structural detail of the cleft lobe composed of the residues 100 to 115 centered at Ala 108 was responsible for the turnover in the reaction of HL against the bacterial cell wall substrate. The results revealed that the van der Waals contact between Glu 35 and Trp 109 was an essential determinant in the catalytic action of HL.  相似文献   

Abstract Tarsal contact chemoreceptors of the black swallowtail butterfly Papilio polyxenes (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) were stimulated with leaf-surface extracts and ethanolic extracts of whole leaves of a host-plant (Daucus carota) and a non-host (Brassica oleracea). Both leaf extracts evoked large numbers of spikes but stimulated different receptor neurones. It is concluded that a large difference exists between the sensory responses to host and non-host extracts. Two chemicals, luteolin 7-0-(6"-0-malonyl)-β-D-glucopyranoside and trans- chlorogenic acid, known to be present in the host and known oviposi-tion stimulants for P.polyxenes , were also tested and shown to be active. No responses were found to luteolin 7-O-β-D-glucoside or to luteolin 7-O-β-D-glucuronide. These flavonoids occur in D.carota foliage, but do not stimulate oviposition.  相似文献   

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