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The waxy cell wall is crucial to the survival of mycobacteria within the infected host. The cell wall is a complex structure rich in unusual molecules that includes two related lipoglycans, the phosphatidylinositol mannosides (PIMs) and lipoarabinomannans (LAMs). Many proteins implicated in the PIM/LAM biosynthetic pathway, while attractive therapeutic targets, are poorly defined. The 2.4A resolution crystal structure of an essential lipoprotein, LpqW, implicated in LAM biosynthesis is reported here. LpqW adopts a scaffold reminiscent of the distantly related, promiscuous substrate-binding proteins of the ATP-binding cassette import system. Nevertheless, the unique closed conformation of LpqW suggests that mycobacteria and other closely related pathogens have hijacked this scaffold for use in key processes of cell wall biosynthesis. In silico docking provided a plausible model in which the candidate PIM ligand binds within a marked electronegative region located on the surface of LpqW. We suggest that LpqW represents an archetypal lipoprotein that channels intermediates from a pathway for mature PIM production into a pathway for LAM biosynthesis, thus controlling the relative abundance of these two important components of the cell wall.  相似文献   

The PE family of Mycobacterium tuberculosis includes 98 proteins which share a highly homologous N-terminus sequence of about 110 amino acids (PE domain). Depending on the C-terminal domain, the PE family can be divided in three subfamilies, the largest of which is the PE_PGRS with 61 members. In this study, we determined the cellular localization of three PE proteins by cell fractionation and immunoelectron microscopy by expressing chimeric epitope-tagged recombinant proteins in Mycobacterium smegmatis. We demonstrate that the PE domain of PE_PGRS33 and PE11 (a protein constituted by the only PE domain) contains the information necessary for cell wall localization, and that they can be used as N-terminal fusion partners to deliver a sufficiently long C-terminus-linked protein domain on the mycobacterial cell surface. Indeed, we demonstrate that PE_PGRS33 and Rv3097c (a lipase belonging to the PE family) are surface exposed and localize in the mycobacterial cell wall. Moreover, we found that PE_PGRS33 is easily extractable by detergents suggesting its localization in the mycobacterial outer membrane. Beyond defining the cellular localization of these proteins, and a function for their PE domains, these data open the interesting possibility to construct recombinant mycobacteria expressing heterologous antigens on their surface for vaccine purposes.  相似文献   

Galactosyl transferases in mycobacterial cell wall synthesis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Two galactosyl transferases can apparently account for the full biosynthesis of the cell wall galactan of mycobacteria. Evidence is presented based on enzymatic incubations with purified natural and synthetic galactofuranose (Galf) acceptors that the recombinant galactofuranosyl transferase, GlfT1, from Mycobacterium smegmatis, the Mycobacterium tuberculosis Rv3782 ortholog known to be involved in the initial steps of galactan formation, harbors dual β-(1→4) and β-(1→5) Galf transferase activities and that the product of the enzyme, decaprenyl-P-P-GlcNAc-Rha-Galf-Galf, serves as a direct substrate for full polymerization catalyzed by another bifunctional Galf transferase, GlfT2, the Rv3808c enzyme.  相似文献   

The pore-forming outer membrane protein OmpATb from Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a virulence factor required for acid resistance in host phagosomes. In this study, we determined the 3D structure of OmpATb by NMR in solution. We found that OmpATb is composed of two independent domains separated by a proline-rich hinge region. As expected, the high-resolution structure of the C-terminal domain (OmpATb(198-326)) revealed a module structurally related to other OmpA-like proteins from Gram-negative bacteria. The N-terminal domain of OmpATb (73-204), which is sufficient to form channels in planar lipid bilayers, exhibits a fold, which belongs to the α+β sandwich class fold. Its peculiarity is to be composed of two overlapping subdomains linked via a BON (Bacterial OsmY and Nodulation) domain initially identified in bacterial proteins predicted to interact with phospholipids. Although OmpATb(73-204) is highly water soluble, current-voltage measurements demonstrate that it is able to form conducting pores in model membranes. A HADDOCK modeling of the NMR data gathered on the major monomeric form and on the minor oligomeric populations of OmpATb(73-204) suggest that OmpATb(73-204) can form oligomeric rings able to insert into phospholipid membrane, similar to related proteins from the Type III secretion systems, which form multisubunits membrane-associated rings at the basal body of the secretion machinery.  相似文献   

The structural core of the cell walls of Mycobacterium spp. consists of peptidoglycan bound by a linker unit (-alpha-L-Rhap-(1-->3)-D-GlcNAc-P-) to a galactofuran, which in turn is attached to arabinofuran and mycolic acids. The sequence of reactions leading to the biogenesis of this complex starts with the formation of the linker unit on a polyprenyl-P to produce polyprenyl-P-P-GlcNAc-Rha (Mikusová, K., Mikus, M., Besra, G. S., Hancock, I., and Brennan, P. J. (1996) J. Biol. Chem. 271, 7820-7828). We now establish that formation of the galactofuran takes place on this intermediate with UDP-Galf as the Galf donor presented in the form of UDP-Galp and UDP-Galp mutase (the glf gene product) and is catalyzed by galactofuranosyl transferases, one of which, the Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv3808c gene product, has been identified. Evidence is also presented for the growth of the arabinofuran on this polyprenyl-P-P-linker unit-galactan intermediate catalyzed by unidentified arabinosyl transferases, with decaprenyl-P-Araf or 5-P-ribosyl-PP as the Araf donor. The product of these steps, the lipid-linked-LU-galactan-arabinan has been partially characterized in terms of its heterogeneity, size, and composition. Biosynthesis of the major components of mycobacterial cell walls is proving to be extremely complex. However, partial definition of arabinogalactan synthesis, the site of action of several major anti-tuberculosis drugs, facilitates the present day thrust for new drugs to counteract multiple drug-resistant tuberculosis.  相似文献   

Phagocytosis by macrophages represents the early step of the mycobacterial infection. It is governed both by the nature of the host receptors used and the ligands exposed on the bacteria. The outermost molecules of the nonpathogenic Mycobacterium smegmatis were extracted by a mechanical treatment and found to specifically and dose dependently inhibit the phagocytosis of both M. smegmatis and the opportunistic pathogen M. kansasii by human macrophages derived from monocytes. The inhibitory activity was attributed to surface lipids because it is extracted by chloroform and reduced by alkaline hydrolysis but not by protease treatment. Fractionation of surface lipids by adsorption chromatography indicated that the major inhibitory compounds consisted of phospholipids and glycopeptidolipids (GPLs). Mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy analyses, combined with chemical degradation methods, demonstrated the existence of a novel family of GPLs that consists of a core composed of the long-chain tripeptidyl amino-alcohol with a di-O-acetyl-6-deoxytalosyl unit substituting the allo-threoninyl residue and a 2-succinyl-3,4-di-O-CH3-rhamnosyl unit linked to the alaninol end of the molecules. These compounds, as well as diglycosylated GPLs at the alaninol end and de-O-acylated GPLs, but not the non-serovar-specific di-O-acetylated GPLs, inhibited the phagocytosis of M. smegmatis and M. avium by human macrophages at a few nanomolar concentration without affecting the rate of zymosan internalization. At micromolar concentrations, the native GPLs also inhibit the uptake of both M. tuberculosis and M. kansasii. De-O-acylation experiments established the critical roles of both the succinyl and acetyl substituents. Collectively, these data provide evidence that surface-exposed mycobacterial glycoconjugates are efficient competitors of the interaction between macrophages and mycobacteria and, as such, could represent pharmacological tools for the control of mycobacterial infections.  相似文献   

The ascomcete Ceratocystis fimbriata, the causal agent of “canker stain disease,” secretes a protein of 12.4 kDa that elicits phytoalexin synthesis and plant cell death. This protein, named cerato-platanin (CP), is also located in the cell walls of ascospores, hyphae, and conidia; it contains four cysteines (S-S bridged) and is moderately hydrophobic. The cp gene consists of a single exon and has 42 bp codifying for a signal peptide of 14 residues. The recombinant protein was obtained by cloning the cp gene of the mature protein in Escherichia coli (BL21), and a refolding step was needed to achieve the native active form. In the European Molecular Biology data bank, CP is reported as the first member of the CP family; this is the first example of an set of secreted fungal proteins whose primary structure is very similar. Nonetheless, the data also revealed some structural and functional features that make CP simlar to proteins of the hydrophobin family.  相似文献   

Calcineurin, a major calmodulin-binding protein of brain, is a heterodimer composed of a 61,000 Mr calmodulin-binding subunit, calcineurin A, and a 19,000 Mr Ca2+-binding subunit, calcineurin B. The discovery of a calmodulin-regulated protein phosphatase in rabbit skeletal muscle with a similar subunit structure led to the identification of calcineurin as a protein phosphatase (AA Stewart, TS Ingebritsen, A Manalan, CB Klee, P Cohen (1982) FEBS Lett 137:80-84). Using rabbit polyclonal antibodies to bovine brain calcineurin, both subunits of calcineurin can be identified in crude homogenates of bovine brain by an immunoblotting technique. In crude homogenates of bovine skeletal and cardiac muscle, a 59,000-61,000 Mr doublet and a 15,000 Mr species (the electrophoretic mobility of calcineurin B) are also detected by this technique. The cross-reactivity of these species with antibodies to brain calcineurin indicates antigenic similarity between the muscle proteins and calcineurin, and suggests the existence of a family of structurally related calmodulin-stimulated protein phosphatases. Like calcineurin, the 61,000 Mr subunits in skeletal and cardiac muscle bind calmodulin and are detected in crude tissue extracts by 125I-calmodulin gel overlay. Thus, both the 125I-calmodulin gel overlay method and the immunoblotting technique are useful in screening crude preparations, in which detection of calmodulin-stimulated protein phosphatase activity may be complicated by the many phosphatases present.  相似文献   

Livin, a novel inhibitor of apoptosis protein family member   总被引:204,自引:0,他引:204  
A novel human inhibitor of apoptosis protein (IAP) family member termed Livin was identified, containing a single baculoviral IAP repeat (BIR) domain and a COOH-terminal RING finger domain. The mRNA for livin was not detectable by Northern blot in most normal adult tissues with the exception of the placenta, but was present in developmental tissues and in several cancer cell lines. Highest levels were observed in two melanoma-derived cell lines, G361 and SK-Mel29. Transfection of livin in HeLa cells resulted in protection from apoptosis induced by expression of FADD, Bax, RIP, RIP3, and DR6. Similar to other IAP family members, the anti-apoptotic activity of Livin was dependent on the BIR domain. Livin was also capable of inhibiting DEVD-like caspase activity triggered by tumor necrosis factor-alpha. In vitro binding studies demonstrated a direct interaction between Livin and the active form of the downstream caspases, caspase-3 and -7, that was dependent on the BIR domain of Livin. In addition, the unprocessed and cleaved forms of caspase-9 co-immunoprecipitated with Livin in vivo, and recombinant Livin could inhibit the activation of caspase-9 induced by Apaf-1, cytochrome c, and dATP. The subcellular distribution of the transfected Livin was analyzed by immunofluorescence. Both Livin and Survivin were expressed in the nucleus and in a filamentous pattern throughout the cytoplasm. In contrast to the apoptotic activity, the COOH-terminal RING domain mediated its subcellular localization patterning. Further studies found that transfection of an antisense construct against livin could trigger apoptosis specifically in cell lines expressing livin mRNA. This was associated with an increase in DNA fragmentation and in DEVD-like caspase activity. Thus, disruption of Livin may provide a strategy to induce apoptosis in certain cancer cells.  相似文献   

A 436-bp complementary DNA (cDNA) was isolated from an adult Fasciola hepatica cDNA expression library by screening with the serum from a rabbit infected with F. hepatica for 4 wk. The deduced amino acid sequence encoded by this cDNA is an 11.5-kDa polypeptide that has significant homology to F. hepatica NK-lysin protein, to several members of saposin-like or NK-lysin protein families, as well as 3 amoebapore precursors of Entamoeba histolytica. The most striking feature observed within this protein, denoted FhSAP-2, is the presence of 6 conserved cysteine residues arranged within 5 amphipathic alpha-helical domains and the presence of 7 hydrophobic residues in strictly conserved positions. Using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay it was found that rFhSAP-2 is highly reactive with sera from rabbits infected with F. hepatica for 2-14 wk as well as with sera from humans with chronic fascioliasis. An anti-rFhSAP-2 rabbit antiserum reacted with F. hepatica excretory-secretory antigens by Western blot, revealing a major 11.5-kDa and 2 minor 46- and 67-kDa antigenic polypeptides. This suggests that FhSAP-2 may be an antigen released from cytoplasmic storage granules present within F. hepatica parasites. rFhSAP-2 also exhibits a strong lytic activity on human erythrocytes and peripheral blood mononuclear cells. This suggests that cell lysis could be 1 of the biological functions of this protein.  相似文献   

The cDNA library of human pancreatic islets was screened with sera from patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). From the library screening, we isolated a novel cDNA, RNA helicase-like protein (RHELP), which exhibited strong sequence homology to p68 RNA helicase, a prototypic member of the DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box protein family. Sequence analysis of the cDNA revealed that RHELP contained DEAD sequence motif and other conserved motifs of the DEAD box protein family, indicating that RHELP is a new member of this family. DEAD box-containing proteins are involved in the RNA processing, ribosome assembly, spermatogenesis, embryogenesis, and cell growth and division. RHELP showed 42% and 44% amino acid sequence identity to human p68 RNA helicase and yeast DBP2 RNA helicase, respectively, among the DEAD box protein family. Northern blot analysis revealed that RHELP is expressed in most tissues including the liver, lung, tonsil, thymus, and muscle in addition to the pancreatic islets. In vivo or in vitro functions of RHELP as a putative RNA helicase and its potential role as a diabetic autoantigen need to be further investigated.  相似文献   

KIAP, a novel member of the inhibitor of apoptosis protein family   总被引:109,自引:0,他引:109  
We have identified a novel human gene, kiap (kidney inhibitor of apoptosis protein) that encodes a single BIR domain and a RING zinc finger domain. kiap has been assigned to the q13.3 region of human chromosome 20 by fluorescent in situ hybridization analysis. Northern blot analysis indicates that KIAP is expressed mainly in placenta, lymph node and fetal kidney. In this report, we show that overexpression of KIAP blocks apoptosis induced by menadione or by overexpression of BAX. In addition, we show that overexpression of KIAP enhances apoptosis induced by etoposide, and, that KIAP fails to block apoptosis induced by overexpression of Fas. Thus, KIAP, a new member of the inhibitor of apoptosis protein (IAP) family, has pleiotropic effects on apoptosis induced by various stimuli.  相似文献   

The ERKs are a subfamily of the MAPKs that have been implicated in cell growth and differentiation. By using the rat ERK7 cDNA to screen a human multiple tissue cDNA library, we identified a new member of the ERK family, ERK8, that shares 69% amino acid sequence identity with ERK7. Northern analysis demonstrates that ERK8 is present in a number of tissues with maximal expression in the lung and kidney. Fluorescence in situ hybridization localized the ERK8 gene to chromosome 8, band q24.3. Expression of ERK8 in COS cells and bacteria indicates that, in contrast to constitutively active ERK7, ERK8 has minimal basal kinase activity and a unique substrate profile. ERK8, which contains two SH3-binding motifs in its C-terminal region, associates with the c-Src SH3 domain in vitro and co-immunoprecipitates with c-Src in vivo. Co-transfection with either v-Src or a constitutively active c-Src increases ERK8 activation indicating that ERK8 can be activated downstream of c-Src. ERK8 is also activated following serum stimulation, and the extent of this activation is reduced by pretreatment with the specific Src family inhibitor PP2. The ERK8 activation by serum or Src was not affected by the MEK inhibitor U0126 indicating that activation of ERK8 does not require MEK1, MEK2, or MEK5. Although most closely related to ERK7, the relatively low sequence identity, minimal basal activity, and different substrate profile identify ERK8 as a distinct member of the MAPK family that is activated by an Src-dependent signaling pathway.  相似文献   

AXR2 encodes a member of the Aux/IAA protein family   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
The dominant gain-of-function axr2-1 mutation of Arabidopsis causes agravitropic root and shoot growth, a short hypocotyl and stem, and auxin-resistant root growth. We have cloned the AXR2 gene using a map-based approach, and find that it is the same as IAA7, a member of the IAA (indole-3-acetic acid) family of auxin-inducible genes. The axr2-1 mutation changes a single amino acid in conserved domain II of AXR2/IAA7. We isolated loss-of-function mutations in AXR2/IAA7 as intragenic suppressors of axr2-1 or in a screen for insertion mutations in IAA genes. A null mutant has a slightly longer hypocotyl than wild-type plants, indicating that AXR2/IAA7 controls development in light-grown seedlings, perhaps in concert with other gene products. Dark-grown axr2-1 mutant plants have short hypocotyls and make leaves, suggesting that activation of AXR2/IAA7 is sufficient to induce morphological responses normally elicited by light. Previously described semidominant mutations in two other Arabidopsis IAA genes cause some of the same phenotypes as axr2-1, but also cause distinct phenotypes. These results illustrate functional differences among members of the Arabidopsis IAA gene family.  相似文献   

P67, a new protein binding to a specific RNA probe, was purified from radish seedlings [Echeverria, M. and Lahmy, S. (1995) Nucleic Acids Res. 23, 4963–4970]. Amino acid sequence information obtained from P67 microsequencing allowed the isolation of genes encoding P67 in radish and Arabidopsis thaliana. Immunolocalisation experiments in transfected protoplasts demonstrated that this protein is addressed to the chloroplast. The RNA-binding activity of recombinant P67 was found to be similar to that of the native protein. A significant similarity with the maize protein CRP1 [Fisk, D.G., Walker, M.B. and Barkan, A. (1999) EMBO J. 18, 2621–2630] suggests that P67 belongs to the PPR family and could be involved in chloroplast RNA processing.  相似文献   

Calexcitin (CE) is a calcium sensor protein that has been implicated in associative learning. The CE gene was previously cloned from the long-finned squid, Loligo pealei, and the gene product was shown to bind GTP and modulate K(+) channels and ryanodine receptors in a Ca(2+)-dependent manner. We cloned a new gene from L. pealei, which encodes a CE-like protein, here named calexcitin B (CE(B)). CE(B) has 95% amino acid identity to the original form. Our sequence analyses indicate that CEs are homologous to the sarcoplasmic calcium-binding protein subfamily of the EF-hand superfamily. Far and near UV circular dichroism and nuclear magnetic resonance studies demonstrate that CE(B) binds Ca(2+) and undergoes a conformational change. CE(B) is phosphorylated by protein kinase C, but not by casein kinase II. CE(B) does not bind GTP. Western blot experiments using polyclonal antibodies generated against CE(B) showed that CE(B) is expressed in the L. pealei optic lobe. Taken together, the neuronal protein CE represents the first example of a Ca(2+) sensor in the sarcoplasmic calcium-binding protein family.  相似文献   

The possibility of the Rv3782 protein of Mycobacterium tuberculosis being a putative galactosyl transferase (GalTr) implicated in galactan synthesis arose from its similarity to the known GalTr Rv3808c, its classification as a nucleotide sugar-requiring inverting glycosyltransferase (GT-2 family), and its location within the "possible arabinogalactan biosynthetic gene cluster" of M. tuberculosis. In order to study the function of the enzyme, active membrane and cell wall fractions from Mycobacterium smegmatis containing the overexpressed Rv3782 protein were incubated with endogenous decaprenyldiphosphoryl-N-acetylglucosaminyl-rhamnose (C(50)-P-P-GlcNAc-Rha) as the primary substrate for galactan synthesis and UDP-[(14)C]galactopyranose as the immediate precursor of UDP-[(14)C]galactofuranose, the ultimate source of all of the galactofuranose (Galf) units of galactan. Obvious increased and selective synthesis of C(50)-P-P-GlcNAc-Rha-Galf-Galf, the earliest product in the pathway leading to the fully polymerized galactan, was observed, suggesting that Rv3782 encodes a GalTr involved in the first stages of galactan synthesis. Time course experiments pointed to a possible bifunctional enzyme responsible for the initial synthesis of C(50)-P-P-GlcNAc-Rha-Galf, followed by immediate conversion to C(50)-P-P-GlcNAc-Rha-Galf-Galf. Thus, Rv3782 appears to be the initiator of galactan synthesis, while Rv3808c continues with the subsequent polymerization events.  相似文献   

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