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基于服务簇的东北地区生态系统服务权衡与协同   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
生态系统服务簇是多种生态系统服务的组合,能够表征生态系统服务间权衡与协同关系,可为制定有效的区域社会-生态系统管理方案提供科学依据。研究采用全局Moran′s I指数、主成分分析、聚类分析等方法,系统阐明了东北地区6种生态系统服务的组成、权衡与协同、作用机制和区域差异。结果表明:(1)6种生态系统服务均表现出显著的正空间自相关(Moran′s I>0),即各生态系统服务存在空间聚类分布,而非随机分布;(2)聚类分析将东北地区划分为南部经济-生态协调区、东北部森林生态平衡区、西部防风固沙区和中部粮食生产区四个生态功能区;(3)水源涵养、固碳和土壤保持服务之间具有极显著的协同关系(r=0.73,r=0.70,r=0.80),而防风固沙和土壤保持服务之间存在极显著的权衡关系(r=-0.22);(4)东北部森林生态平衡区和南部经济-生态协调区的固碳能力显著高于西部防风固沙区和中部粮食生产区,中部粮食生产区的食物供给服务和生物多样性服务则较高。开展基于服务簇的生态系统服务权衡与协同的研究,有助于针对每种生态功能服务簇制定相应的管理方案,促进各个生态功能区经济、社会、资源与生态环境的全面协调...  相似文献   

基于生态系统服务簇的福州市生态系统服务格局   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于InVEST模型、游憩机会谱、因子分析、冷热点分析、SOFM神经网络和地形起伏度等方法,评估福州市6项生态系统服务,分析不同生态系统服务之间的权衡与协同,并阐明区域的主导服务类型和不同地形起伏度下服务簇的空间格局.结果 表明:福州市各项生态系统服务的空间异质性显著,产水、碳固持、生境质量和游憩机会供给总体较高,农产...  相似文献   

常耀文  吴迪  李欢  刘霞  王蕴鹏  郭家瑜 《生态学报》2024,44(11):4544-4557
生态系统服务簇的识别是区域生态系统服务管理与优化的关键。量化了2000、2010、2020年淮河流域产水量(WY),水源涵养(WC),土壤保持(SC),生境质量(HQ),水质净化(WP),净初级生产力(NPP)和碳储量(CS)7种生态系统服务。并基于自组织映射神经网络(SOFM)识别了生态系统服务簇,探讨了生态系统服务簇的时空变化特征。结果表明:(1)2000-2020年,WP,NPP与WC呈上升趋势,WC的增幅最大;CS与HQ呈下降趋势。淮河流域各生态系统服务具有时空异质性,生态系统服务高值区多位于西南部山区与东北部丘陵山地地区。(2)识别了5个生态系统服务簇:核心生态服务簇,WP服务簇,WY服务簇,NPP服务簇与生态过渡服务簇。核心生态服务簇与生态过渡服务簇的面积总体增加,流域西南部山区与东北部丘陵山地地区生态系统服务提升,2000-2020年,WY服务簇与NPP服务簇间的转移面积较大,WY服务簇面积减少达60.09%,NPP服务簇面积显著增加,2020年占整个流域面积的57.02%。研究结果不仅有助于清晰认识淮河流域生态系统服务簇的空间分布格局及动态变化,也为探索淮河流域可持续的生态系统管理与规划决策奠定了基础。  相似文献   

基于生态系统服务簇的内蒙古自治区生态功能分区   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
生态功能分区是生态系统管理的重要环节,有助于维持生态可持续性.目前生态功能分区的框架复杂多样,但对多重生态系统服务之间关系的理解还不够深刻.生态系统服务簇可以识别多重生态系统服务间的交互作用,并依据簇的特征对区域进行生态功能分区,从而更好地进行社会-生态系统管理.本文以内蒙古自治区为例,定量评估了供给服务、调节服务和支持服务,以旗县(区)为基本空间单元,运用自组织特征映射网络(SOFM)得到生态系统服务簇、划分生态功能区.结果表明: 研究区各项生态系统服务分布整体上呈现从东北向西南递减的格局;供给服务和调节服务存在权衡关系,支持服务和调节服务存在协同关系;依据聚类结果将内蒙古自治区划分为4个生态功能区,分别为西部荒漠生态脆弱区、中部草原水土保持区、东部草原牧业盈余区、东部森林生态均衡区.本研究基于生态系统服务簇的概念,分析了内蒙古自治区多重生态系统服务的权衡与协同关系,为生态功能分区提供了新的视角和方法.  相似文献   

Evaluations about social preferences for ecosystem services do not always include human well-being. Using a case study in South-Central Chile, we showed how the human well-being approach might reveal social preferences on ecosystem services. We used a socio-cultural approach to compare social preferences for provisioning, regulating, and cultural services and the links people establish to human well-being. From an online questionnaire, we collected 214 responses, balanced in gender (49/51 % men/women, respectively), diverse in age (18 to 62 years), but with 68 % under 30 years. Water for human consumption and agriculture, food, and native forest products were the most preferred provisioning services (40, 28, and 21 %, respectively). In contrast, products from tree plantations were considered the lowest ones. Pollution control (40 %) and water provision during summer (18 %) were the preferred regulating services, while biodiversity conservation (25 %) and environmental education (22 %) were primarily selected cultural ones. We found a clear preference pattern for provisioning services but not for regulating and cultural services. Even though people linked multiple ES to human well-being, some links’ patterns mirrored preferences for provisioning services but not for regulating and cultural services. However, although cultural services did not show a clear preference pattern, people perceived their importance by linking them to various benefits. Understanding social preferences of ES based on their links with human well-being helps to address their relevance and potential trade-offs for land planning and management decision-making and convert the ES concept into decision-making instruments.  相似文献   

冯兆  彭建  吴健生 《生态学报》2020,40(8):2545-2554
明晰生态系统服务的演变特征,有助于针对性的提出区域生态系统服务提升决策,对于维持和改善人类福祉、促进城市可持续发展具有重要意义。以深圳市为例,选取11种生态系统服务,以街道为基本空间单元,对生态系统服务结构特征进行分类,进而探究生态系统服务的长时序演变轨迹。结果表明,深圳市生态系统服务簇有6种类型,分别为水文调节主导型、文化支持潜力型、服务枯竭型、水文调节控制型、水源消耗型、生态保育型;1980—2015年深圳市大部分地区的生态系统服务簇结构稳定,变化明显的地区大多毗邻香港;生态系统服务簇的时空演变轨迹类型有8种,以持续型轨迹为主;生态系统服务簇的时空演变轨迹与城市扩张具有一定的一致性,表明城市扩张对生态系统结构和功能影响的主导性。  相似文献   

潘莹  郑华  易齐涛  李若男 《生态学报》2021,41(13):5204-5213
生态系统服务簇是多种生态系统服务的组合,是生态系统多功能性中的主导功能表征。识别生态系统服务簇的空间和功能变化及影响因素,可为基于主导功能实施分区管理策略、统筹土地多功能性,进而为整体提升区域生态系统服务提供参考。本研究以大清河流域为例,选取6种生态系统服务(水资源供给服务、粮食供给服务、水源涵养服务、水质净化服务、土壤保持服务、固碳服务),在乡镇尺度上探讨了生态系统服务簇的变化特征,研究了影响其变化的主要因素。结果表明:(1)依据主导的生态系统服务类型,大清流域可以分为3个生态系统服务簇,生态调节服务簇(B1),农产品供给服务簇(B2)和人居环境簇(B3);(2)2000-2015年,生态调节服务簇的空间格局变幅最大,乡镇变化率为19.6%,而农产品供给服务簇和人居环境簇的空间稳定性较强,变化率小于5.0%;生态系统服务簇类型发生转化的区域主要位于服务簇交界处;(3)尽管服务簇在空间上有变化,但生态调节服务簇、农产品供给服务簇和人居环境簇的生态系统服务呈增长趋势,平均增幅高达8.62%;(4)自然本底条件和生态保护政策是驱动生态调节服务簇变化的主要因素,农产品供给和建设用地面积的变化分别是驱动农产品供给服务簇和人居环境簇时空变化的主要因素。该案例研究结果为管理土地多功能属性、整体提升国土空间功能提供了有效的途径。  相似文献   

徐彩瑶  崔铭烨  王宁  孔凡斌 《生态学报》2024,44(8):3223-3240
生态保护修复是维持和提升生态系统稳定性和可持续性的重要举措。识别生态保护修复优先区并进行有规划的生态保护修复能够达到抑制生态环境退化的目的。以浙江省为研究对象,运用生态系统服务价值计算模型、神经网络自组织映射(SOM)聚类分析法、空间统计、Spearman非参数相关性分析等方法,识别生态系统服务簇,分析生态系统服务簇演化和人类活动强度变化特征,识别生态保护修复优先区,探讨不同生态系统服务价值的权衡/协同关系,提出生态保护修复优先区规划策略。结果表明:(1)2000-2021年浙江省生态系统服务空间分布逐渐趋于均衡,生态系统服务价值总量由7279.73亿元降低至6980.28亿元;(2)2000-2021年浙江省人类活动强度显著增加,呈现由西到东、由南到北的递增趋势;(3)2000-2021年浙江省生态系统服务与人类活动强度变化Moran''s I指数呈现显著负相关性,说明人类活动强度与生态服务价值两者空间上处于相互制约状态;(4)2000-2021年浙江省 90 县(区)可划分为4类生态系统服务簇,包括:城市中心簇、农业生产簇、核心生态簇和生态保育簇;(5)基于2021年双变量Moran''s I指数聚类结果将研究区划分的5种类型分区作为生态保护修复一级分区,以区域内主导生态系统服务簇作为生态保护修复二级分区划分依据。浙江省生态保护修复优先区划分为4个类型,即面积占比14.83%的生态预防治理区、面积占比19.94%的生态调控建设区、面积占比50.23%的核心生态保护区和面积占比15.00%的生态综合提升区。据此,提出不同类型优先分区实施生态保护修复的规划策略。  相似文献   

生态系统服务簇是多种生态系统服务的组合,明晰生态系统服务簇及其自然-社会经济驱动因素,对生态系统服务内部相互依赖机制识别、实现多种生态系统服务间良性互动具有重要意义。目前生态系统服务簇的识别已得到广泛应用,但对多种生态系统服务之间交互作用的动态过程与影响机理的认识还不够深刻。针对目前多种生态系统服务间交互作用动态演化分析及其社会-生态驱动机理研究不足的现状,以我国北方沿海重要中心城市——大连市为例,选取食物供给、水源涵养、固碳释氧、土壤保持、生境质量和景观美学6种关键服务。采用Spearman相关性分析方法探究生态系统服务权衡与协同关系,借助自组织网络方法识别生态系统服务簇,进一步分析多种生态系统服务间交互作用的时空分异特征,运用地理探测器探究其空间分异影响因素。结果表明:(1)食物供给与土壤保持存在极显著的权衡关系■,土壤保持与景观美学存在极显著的协同关系■。(2)2005—2015年大连市生态保育簇空间格局较稳定,水源涵养簇、食物供给簇与服务枯竭簇之间轨迹变化明显,城市扩张与服务枯竭簇演变具有一致性。(3)高程、归一化植被指数是影响生态系统服务簇空间分布的关键自然因素,而土地利用强...  相似文献   

A large number of individuals are randomly matched into groups, where each group plays a finite symmetric game. Individuals breed true. The expected number of surviving offspring depends on own material payoff, but may also, due to cooperative breeding and/or reproductive competition, depend on the material payoffs to other group members. The induced population dynamic is equivalent with the replicator dynamic for a game with payoffs derived from those in the original game. We apply this selection dynamic to a number of examples, including prisoners' dilemma games with and without a punishment option, coordination games, and hawk-dove games. For each of these, we compare the outcomes with those obtained under the standard replicator dynamic. By way of a revealed-preference argument, our selection dynamic can explain certain "altruistic" and "spiteful" behaviors that are consistent with individuals having social preferences.  相似文献   

Protein kinases are an important class of enzymes involved in the phosphorylation of their targets, which regulate key cellular processes and are typically mediated by a specificity for certain residues around the target phospho-acceptor residue. While efforts have been made to identify such specificities, only ∼30% of human kinases have a significant number of known binding sites. We describe a computational method that utilizes functional interaction data and phosphorylation data to predict specificities of kinases. We applied this method to human kinases to predict substrate preferences for 57% of all known kinases and show that we are able to reconstruct well-known specificities. We used an in vitro mass spectrometry approach to validate four understudied kinases and show that predicted models closely resemble true specificities. We show that this method can be applied to different organisms and can be extended to other phospho-recognition domains. Applying this approach to different types of posttranslational modifications (PTMs) and binding domains could uncover specificities of understudied PTM recognition domains and provide significant insight into the mechanisms of signaling networks.Phosphorylation is a prominent protein posttranslational modification (PTM)1, which involves the transfer of a phosphate group (PO43-) to different amino-acids, including serine (Ser), threonine (Thr), or tyrosine (Tyr) residues of proteins. In human, this process is catalyzed by over 500 protein kinases (1), which can regulate protein function by inducing conformational changes in the protein structure, promote or disrupt protein interactions, or alter protein localization or expression. This process is crucial for the regulation of many biological pathways, including cell division, apoptosis, differentiation, and the response to stress. By phosphorylating other kinases and proteins, kinases form complex signaling networks. However, our understanding of the architecture of these networks remains limited.The mode by which protein kinases recognize specific target residues depends on the accessibility of these residues, and more importantly, kinases have been shown to have preferences for certain amino-acids flanking the central phospho-acceptor Ser/Thr/Tyr site. These preferences define the kinase substrate specificity, often referred to as the kinase substrate “motif.” These motifs were initially defined by searching for consensus sequences among a set of known target sites. For example, the cyclin dependent kinase (CDK2) is known to preferentially target the motif [SerThr]ProX[ArgLys] (a proline at position +1, any amino acid at position +2, and Arg/Lys at position +3) (2). Computational approaches were then developed to combine known kinase-target sites and their flanking regions to model kinase specificity and successfully predict novel target phosphosites (3, 4). Understanding preferences of kinases toward their substrates therefore offers significant insight into the mechanisms of signaling networks.Over the past decade, there has been an ever-increasing quantity of phosphorylation site data, typically identified using mass spectrometry (MS), with over 100,000 sites identified in human (57). Yet, these phosphoproteomic experiments have provided us with a large number of phosphosites for which we do not known the upstream regulatory kinase. Compendiums of kinase-site relationships curated from the literature (57) currently associate roughly 6% (6,320/107,444) of known phosphosites to one or more kinases. The experimental characterization of kinase target sites allows for the discovery of specificities for many kinases, but they are typically expensive, time consuming, and are not possible to perform on kinases that are difficult to work with.Several methods aim at modeling kinase specificity using the collections of known targets sites. These include scan-x (8), Scansite (4), NetPhorest (3), GPS (9), KinasePhos (10), and many more. However, these methods depend on the availability of many known target sites for each modeled kinase. Here, we aim to tackle a more difficult challenge of predicting the specificity of kinases, without any direct knowledge of its experimentally determined target sites. The prediction tool Predikin (11) takes such an approach by trying to predict kinase specificity by examining 3D models of kinases bound to their substrate peptides. This analysis has identified residues in the kinases catalytic domain referred to as substrate determining residues (SDRs), which confer a preference for residues in the phosphosites flanking regions. Predikin uses these SDRs sites to match a new kinase sequence to a kinase with known specificity. In this way, Predikin also makes use of known kinase target site information. In addition, Predikin depends on the availability of protein structures and therefore cannot be easily scaled to kinase families without 3D structures nor to other PTM recognition domains.We decided to take an alternative approach at predicting kinase specificity. Previous studies have shown that it is possible to use information regarding the interaction partners of a peptide-binding protein to identify potential motifs mediating these interactions (12). We reasoned that putative interaction partners of a kinase are more likely than random proteins to be phosphorylated by that kinase. Thus, phosphosites occurring on interaction partners of kinases should confer a bias in amino acid composition toward the kinase''s specificity, which can be revealed by motif enrichment (Fig. 1). We tested this on human kinases to identify already known specificities, as well as other understudied kinases. We experimentally determined peptide targets of four understudied kinases and showed that predicted models closely resemble the experimentally identified sites. We extended our analysis to show that specificities can be predicted, not only for kinases, but also for other phospho-residue binding domains, such as 14-3-3 proteins and to an acetyl-lysine binding bromodomain. We also applied our method to mouse and showed that the predicted specificities of some kinases are conserved. We show here that it is possible to combine large-scale PTM data with protein network information to derive the specificity of PTM regulators and believe that this approach can be widely applicable to different PTM types.Open in a separate windowFig. 1.Overview of the method. (1) Experimentally identified phosphosites on functional interaction partners of a kinase are collected. (2) The sites are then subject to motif enrichment to identify overrepresented motifs, likely representing the kinase specificity. (3) Phosphosites matching the top k significant motifs are then retained and used to construct a specificity model.  相似文献   

基于外溢生态系统服务价值的区域生态补偿机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄晶晶  李玲玲  徐琳瑜 《生态学报》2021,41(17):6994-7001
由于不同的区域存在着资源分配、经济发展的不平等性,区域间的生态补偿日益受到关注。但区域生态补偿的依据一直存在争议,中国尚没有完善的区域综合生态补偿机制。提出了一种生态系统服务外溢理论,以扣除当地生态服务使用量后外溢的生态价值作为生态补偿依据,建立了区域综合生态补偿框架,同时考虑区域生态服务外溢占用情况和经济发展水平,有针对性地制定了9种补偿方案。由于生态系统服务具有流动性,生态补偿的受偿方和补偿方并非一一对应的关系,所以各行政区域之间进行补偿资金的。横向转移需要在全省或全国层面进行统筹和保障,最后统筹结果的少量盈缺再由中央财政或地方政府通过纵向转移支付辅助调平。构建了生态补偿模型和方案,针对现有生态系统服务价值评估结果,利用综合生态补偿机制分别分析了2015年长江流域上海、江西、四川等6个典型地区的生态补偿支付方案。结果表示需要接受生态补偿的地区有青海、四川、湖南和江西,应分别得到横向转移支付资金32.26亿元、153.3亿元、59.08亿元、67.1亿元;需要提供生态补偿的地区有浙江、上海,应该分别支付横向转移支付资金1.97亿元和47.31亿元。建立的补偿框架提高了各区域的参与度,对促进生态建设、统筹区域的协调发展、体现社会公平性有重要意义。  相似文献   

Mining companies are expected to return land to a stable, productive, and self‐sustaining condition by rehabilitating degraded areas to also deliver social benefits, an essential dimension of sustainable land management. This research aimed to develop a framework for mine rehabilitation planning based on an integrated analysis of the social‐ecological system provided by the ecosystem services concept to facilitate community engagement and the delivery of social benefits. An Ecosystem Services Assessment for Rehabilitation framework was tested at two bauxite mines undergoing ecological restoration. The mines are operated by the same company in two countries. Key results showed that the framework can help companies, regulators, and community members alike identify whether biophysical restoration efforts translate into key human benefits. Overall the framework provides a means for enhancing community engagement to explicitly address social benefits that, with a business as usual focus on ecological goals, may not be delivered. The ecosystem services concept provides a practical approach to link ecological and social outcomes of mine restoration.  相似文献   

四川盆地多重生态系统服务景观指数评价与服务簇识别   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
彭立  邓伟  黄佩  刘颖 《生态学报》2021,41(23):9328-9340
明确多重生态系统服务与生态系统服务簇的空间格局对于维持区域生态安全格局与可持续发展至关重要。在评估四川盆地2015年6种生态系统服务的基础上,计算了表征综合水平的多重生态系统服务景观指数;进而分析了生态系统服务间权衡与协同关系;并基于K-均值聚类法识别了研究区内生态系统服务簇的空间格局。研究结果表明:(1)研究区的多重生态系统服务景观指数平均值达到3.12,同时具有明显的空间分异性,整体上呈现出东南高西北低的空间分布格局,高值区主要分布于川东平行岭谷区,以林、草地为主的区域最高,城市建成区及其邻近地区最低。(2)6种生态系统服务空间异质性显著,且不同服务间协同与权衡关系并存,其中碳汇、生境质量和水土保持服务三者间的协同关系显著,碳汇、生境质量和水土保持服务与娱乐和粮食供给服务间的权衡关系均较强;产水服务与其他各项服务间的权衡与协同关系均较弱。(3)四川盆地可划分为文化旅游、食物供给、生态保育和多功能复合均衡型4种服务簇,其空间布局与内部结构分异明显。文化旅游型服务簇面积最小,面积占比为3.11%,主要分布于成都和重庆城镇及其周边地区,其提供多重生态系统服务功能的能力最弱;食物供给型服务簇主要位于成都平原、浅丘及部分河谷区域,面积约占36.23%;生态保育型服务簇主要分布于盆周山地,以林地为主导,其提供多重生态系统服务功能的能力最强,面积占比达22.61%;多功能复合均衡型服务簇分布最广,面积占比为38.04%,集中于川中、川东丘陵及平行岭谷槽谷区域。采取差异化优化措施有利于整体提升四川盆地生态系统服务能力,维护区域生态安全格局。  相似文献   

生态系统服务研究进展   总被引:18,自引:5,他引:18  
工业革命以来对地球进行的大范围开发 ,导致人类与自然的尖锐对立 ,全球气候在变暖、土地的生产力在下降、水资源的短缺日益突出、生态系统在大范围改变 (水生生态系统衰退、草原荒漠化、森林生态系统退化 )、生物多样性在减少、环境质量在下降。伴随着这些全球性和区域性的生态环境危机的发生 ,人类本身的生存与发展受到威胁 ,表现在 :自然生产的食物越来越少、可用于医疗保健的天然药物越来越少、许多相伴人类的动植物正濒临灭绝、灾难性的水旱灾害日益频繁、清洁的空气和清澈的河溪正变成奢侈品、人类活动产生的废物正在充斥和破坏着环境…  相似文献   

河流生态系统服务功能及水坝对其影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
河流生态系统服务功能是指河流生态系统与河流生态过程所形成及所维持的人类赖以生存的自然环境条件与效用,包括河流生态系统产品与河流生态系统服务两个方面。文中分析了河流生态系统的15项服务功能,其中包括供水、水产品生产、内陆航运、水力发电、休闲娱乐和文化美学等6项河流生态系统产品与调蓄洪水、河流输送、蓄积水分、土壤持留、净化环境、固定CO2、养分循环、提供生境和维持生物多样性等9项河流生态系统服务;同时又分析了修建水坝对这此服务功能的影响。研究表明,使河流生态系统服务功能得到正常发挥,是水坝建设决策中应考虑的必要因素。  相似文献   

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