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A total of 9470 mackerel aged from 0 to 20 years was examined for a disease condition whose causative agent has not been identified but which resembles mycobacteriosis. The study area extended from off Portugal to the northern North Sea. Most mackerel over 2 years old snowed evidence of gross infection. Mean intensity increased with age, indicating a chronic disease of low pathogenicity. There is statistical evidence of an adverse effect on growth, and it is suggested that this may delay first spawning of some young mackerel for at least 1 year. Western stock mackerel appear to be more heavily infected than North Sea stock, and the lowest levels of infection were found off Portugal. The general level of infection decreased in the most recent year classes examined–those of 1982, 1983 and 1984.  相似文献   

The European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) is distributed in coastal and inland habitats all over Europe, but spawns in the Sargasso Sea and is thus affected by both continental and oceanic factors. Since the 1980s a steady decline has been observed in the recruitment of glass eels to freshwater and in total eel landings. The eel is considered as critically endangered on the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources Red List of species. The Skagerrak beach seine survey from Norway constitutes the longest fishery-independent dataset on yellow/silver eels (starting in 1904). The Skagerrak coastal region receives larvae born in the Sargasso Sea spawning areas that have followed the Gulf Stream/North Atlantic Drift before they penetrate far into the North Sea. The Skagerrak coastal time series is therefore particularly valuable for exploring the impacts of oceanic factors on fluctuations in eel recruitment abundance. Analyses showed that Sargasso Sea surface temperature was negatively correlated with eel abundance, with a lag of 12 years revealing a cyclic and detrimental effect of high temperatures on the newly hatched larvae. The North Atlantic Oscillation index and inflow of North Atlantic water into the North Sea were negatively correlated with eel abundance, with a lag of 11 years. Increased currents towards the North Atlantic during high North Atlantic Oscillation years may send larvae into the subpolar gyre before they are ready to metamorphose and settle, resulting in low recruitment in the northern part of the distribution area for these years. The Skagerrak time series was compared with glass eel recruitment to freshwater in the Netherlands (Den Oever glass eel time series), and similar patterns were found revealing a cycle linked to changes in oceanic factors affecting glass eel recruitment. The recent decline of eels in the Skagerrak also coincided with previously documented shifts in environmental conditions of the North Sea ecosystem.  相似文献   

We evaluate the hypothesis that Atlantic cod larvae are passively transported by sea currents from off-shore spawning areas to settle in coastal waters, a hypothesis which has recently gained support from genetic analysis of cod in the North Sea-Skagerrak area. Such larval transport has been suggested to be an important mechanism behind the commonly observed low spatial genetic differentiation in many marine organisms. Here, we apply an ARMAX(2,2) model for juvenile abundance and use long-term monitoring data from the Skagerrak coast, constituting 54 continuous annual series from 1945 to 1997. Analysing the model, we find that the product of the size of the North Sea breeding stock and the strength of the net inflow of North Sea waters had a significant, positive effect on the abundance of coastal juvenile cod. The peak effect occurs during the month of March, just after spawning, when eggs and larvae remain pelagic and sensitive to currents. In contrast, we find no evidence of any direct effect of the North Sea spawning stock alone. Our analyses indicate that 15-20,000 0-group larvae from the North Sea reach each fjord per year, on average. This corresponds to about 1-10% of the total 0-group population in each fjord on average. These findings clearly demonstrate a direct link between larval drift and gene flow in the marine environment.  相似文献   

In the horse mackerel the gametes develop asynchronously and are released in batches. The maturity cycle is characterized by a rapid post-spawning recovery period and a relatively long period of oocyte maturation. Mean gonad weight reached a peak in June and intraovarian hyaline oocytes occurred from May to August. Determination of fecundity was complicated by resorption of oocytes both before and after spawning, and by the fact that resting and developing oocytes were not clearly separated by size. An estimate of'potential fecundity'was obtained by a combination of histology and oocyte measurement. Plankton surveys showed that a major spawning area exists in the Southern Bight of the North Sea, with eggs occurring from May to late August. An estimate of annual egg production was combined with the fecundity data to give an estimate of stock size of about 500 000 tons.  相似文献   

渤、黄海蓝点马鲛种群鉴别的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文讨论了渤海和黄海海域蓝点马鲛的种群问题,通过对各项性状特征差异的分析、计算以及生殖、分布回游习性的综合对比判别的结果表明:渤海与黄海诸海域群体均属同一种群。但黄海南部群体可视为同一种群的不同群体。  相似文献   

Data from two internationally co-ordinated survey programmes are used in an attempt to display the events in the early life that took place during the ‘recovery period’ of the North Sea herring Stock, 1979–1986. During the period, an increasing importance of the spawning grounds off Buchan and off Yorkshire is evident from distributions of newly hatched herring larvae. The dramatic changes in relative importance of spawning grounds are traced in the data on both late larvae (6 months old) and juveniles (18 months old). The onset of extended spawning off Buchan and off Yorkshire was followed by increase in distinct groups of late larvae of large mean length, and by enlargement of a group of medium-sized juveniles. It is hypothesized that the identified groups are interconnected. Thus, larvae spawned off Buchan and off Yorkshire are found to have growth rates superior to those attained by larvae from west of Scotland and around the Orkney/Shetland Isles, whereas the relationship is reversed in the juveniles. In the investigated period, larval drift routes exhibited the same trends from year to year, the drift of the northerly spawned larvae being the most variable. Thus, changes in the relative contributions from spawning grounds apparently influence the overall spatial distribution as well as size composition of larval and juvenile North Sea herring. The findings indicate that groups of larvae retain, to a large extent, separate distributions until metamorphosis, and point to larval drift pattern as a determinant of spawning group distinctness.  相似文献   

Chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) are an important pelagic fish species within the China Sea. Annual recruitment of this species is determined primarily by survival in the early life history stages. Minor changes in the physical marine environment can have a significant effect on the growth and survival of eggs and larvae, thereby affecting recruitment of population. To model this interaction, we constructed a bio-physical dynamic model of the early life history of chub mackerel in the East China Sea (ECS). The physical model was based on the unstructured grid Finite Volume Coast and Ocean Model (FVCOM) and simulated the 3-D physical fields. The biological model was based on individual-based models (IBMs) in which the early life stages of chub mackerel were divided into five stages based on age or length. The model was parameterized using functions describing spawning, growth, and survival for chub mackerel in the ECS. Using this coupled physical and biological model, driven by the March–July climatological forcing, we tracked super individuals from spawning grounds to the nursery grounds to evaluate the influence of the physical environment at each of the spawning locations (western, normal, eastern) on the transport and survival of chub mackerel. The model suggests that spawning location has a significant effect on larval transport, although the larvae were generally advected northeastward to enter the Japan/East Sea through the Tsushima/East Strait or southeastward with the Kuroshio Current which then flows along the eastern Japanese coast. Spawning to the west was highly influenced by the Taiwan Warm Current (TWC) during early transport when the larvae were advected northward and then northeastward. The speed of drifting during this period was relatively slow. The model predicted that a large number of eggs and larvae would enter and transit through China’s coastal waters (Changjiang River Estuary, Hangzhou Bay, and the Zhoushan Islands). Under this scenario, the majority of larvae were transported to the northern nursery grounds, 79% to the nursery at Jeju Island and 10% to the nursery at Tsushima Strait. In contrast, only 11% were transported to the southern nursery grounds in the Pacific Ocean and Kyushu. Larvae spawned at the eastern spawning ground were primarily influenced by the Kuroshio Current which transported the larvae southeastward. Kuroshio acts as a barrier, restricting larvae from being advected to the interior of the western Pacific Ocean. Under such circumstances, almost no eggs and larvae were retained in the coastal waters of China. Instead, the larvae were rapidly transported northeastward from the Chinese shelf towards the coast of Japan. The model predicted that a large number of larvae would be transported to the southern nursery grounds in the Pacific Ocean and Kyushu, before entering the Pacific Ocean and Japan Sea. In total, 36% of larvae were transported to the Pacific Ocean nursery, 45% to the northern nursery grounds of Jeju Island and Tsushima Strait, and 27% to the Jeju Island nursery. The three simulations assumed the same number of eggs were spawned (2.17 × 1012) and the survival of larvae at the western, normal, and eastern spawning grounds was 0.0306%, 0.0353%, and 0.0234%, respectively. The average length was 123.7, 126.0, and 123.5 mm, respectively. Our results suggest that larvae spawned in different regions encountered different physical environments and were subject to different transport processes. These differences explain the changes in survival and growth observed between larvae from the different areas. Survival and growth was highest for chub mackerel that were spawned at the normal spawning location and subject to suitable water depths and temperatures during transport.  相似文献   

Despite recent evidence for sub-stock structuring, North Sea cod are assessed as a single unit. As a consequence, knowledge of sub-stock trends is poor. In particular, there are no recent evaluations of which spawning grounds are active. Here we report results from the first ichthyoplankton survey to cover the whole North Sea. Also, this survey, conducted in 2004, was the first to make extensive use of DNA-based molecular methods to unambiguously identify early developmental stage cod eggs. We compare the findings from the plankton survey with estimated egg production inferred from the distribution of mature cod in contemporaneous trawl surveys. Results from both approaches were in general agreement and showed hot spots of egg production around the southern and eastern edges of the Dogger Bank, in the German Bight, the Moray Firth and to the east of the Shetlands. These areas broadly coincide with known spawning locations from the period 1940 to 1970. We were, however, unable to directly detect significant numbers of cod eggs at the historic spawning ground off Flamborough (northeast coast of England). The results demonstrate that most of the major spawning grounds of cod in the North Sea are still active but that some localized populations may have been reduced to the point where it is now difficult to detect the presence of eggs in the plankton.  相似文献   

A comparison of growth data (fish length) with latitude shows that southern juvenile mackerel attain a greater length than those originating from further north before growth ceases during their first winter. A similar significant relationship was found between the growth in the first year (derived from the otolith inner winter ring) and latitude for adult mackerel spawning between 44°N (Bay of Biscay) and 54°N (west of Ireland). These observations are consistent with spatial segregation of the spawning migration; the further north that the fish were hatched, the further north they will tend to spawn. No such relationship was found in mackerel spawning at more northerly latitudes, possibly as a consequence of increased spatial mixing in a more energetic regime with stronger currents. This study provides previously lacking support for spawning segregation behaviour among North East Atlantic mackerel – an important step towards understanding the migratory behaviour of mackerel and hence the spatiotemporal distribution dynamics around spawning time.  相似文献   

Lemon sole Microstomus kitt is a commercially valuable flatfish species that occurs in shelf waters around the northeast Atlantic. Only the most basic life-history information is available for the North Sea. Spawning is generally assumed to occur between early May and October, with a peak between May and August. Lemon sole larvae have been found in the water column in the northern North Sea in winter during standard surveys. Larvae captured in November/December 2016 and January/February 2017 using the International Council for the Exploration of the Seas standard 2 m Midwater Ring trawls (MIK) were analysed to gain a better understanding of the pelagic early life-history stages of lemon sole, especially in relation to the timing of spawning and the dispersal of overwintering larvae. Larval age was estimated from sagittal otolith primary increment counts. The larvae caught in November/December ranged in nominal age from 4 to 45 days post-hatching which suggests that spawning continues into late October and November. Most, but not all, of the larvae caught in January/February were post metamorphosis, and the difference in age between the two sampling dates was consistent with the elapsed time between samplings. The estimated hatching dates confirm that lemon sole spawning extends into late autumn in the northern North Sea, with overwintering larvae in all developmental stages. Drift modelling of eggs and larvae released at historically documented spawning grounds in the northern North Sea suggests that these grounds are also the source for all of the larvae sampled during the 2016–2017 surveys.  相似文献   

In order to provide better fisheries management and conservation decisions, there is a need to discern the underlying relationship between the spawning stock and recruitment of marine fishes, a relationship which is influenced by the environmental conditions. Here, we demonstrate how the environmental conditions (temperature and the food availability for fish larvae) influence the stock–recruitment relationship and indeed what kind of stock–recruitment relationship we might see under different environmental conditions. Using unique zooplankton data from the Continuous Plankton Recorder, we find that food availability (i.e. zooplankton) in essence determines which model applies for the once large North Sea cod (Gadus morhua) stock. Further, we show that recruitment is strengthened during cold years and weakened during warm years. Our combined model explained 45 per cent of the total variance in cod recruitment, while the traditional Ricker and Beverton–Holt models only explained about 10 per cent. Specifically, our approach predicts that a full recovery of the North Sea cod stock might not be expected until the environment becomes more favourable.  相似文献   

The plight of the marine fisheries is attracting increasing attention as unsustainably high exploitation levels, exacerbated by more extreme climatic conditions, are driving stocks to the point of collapse. The North Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua), a species which until recently formed a major component of the demersal fisheries, has undergone significant declines across its range. The North Sea stock is typical of many, with a spawning stock biomass that has remained below the safe biological limit since 2000 and recruitment levels near the lowest on record. Cod within the North Sea are currently managed as a single stock, and yet mounting empirical evidence supports the existence of a metapopulation of regionally variable, genetically distinct, sub-stocks. Applying the same management strategies to multiple stocks that differ in their resilience to exploitation inevitably results in the overfishing and likely collapse of the weaker components. Indeed, recent studies have identified two North Sea spawning stocks that have undergone disproportionally large collapses with very substantial reductions in egg production. Similarly affected cod stocks in the northwest Atlantic have shown little evidence of recovery, despite fishery closures. The possible implications of ignoring sub-structuring within management units for biocomplexity, local adaptation and ecosystem stability are considered.  相似文献   

蓝点马鲛是黄海最重要的经济鱼类之一,为及时掌握其产卵生境特征及早期资源动态,本文根据2015年和2017年5月下旬2个航次的黄海近岸海域产卵场调查数据,采用服从Tweedie分布的广义相加模型(GAM)对蓝点马鲛鱼卵数据进行了分析。结果表明: 蓝点马鲛产卵场分布与经纬度、海水深度和海水表层温度均呈显著相关,与盐度无显著相关性;最适深度、温度分别为15~30 m、16~20 ℃。其产卵场主要分布在石岛渔场(36°30′ N,121°48′ E)附近和海州湾(33°30′—36° N,119°30′—121°30′ E)。蓝点马鲛不同年份间的产卵场分布存在一定的差异,表温较高的年份其产卵场分布有向北偏移的趋势。有必要加强蓝点马鲛主要产卵区域的管理和保护力度,建立相应的生态养护和修复策略,实现黄海蓝点马鲛渔业资源的可持续开发利用。  相似文献   

Geographic variability in sagittal otoliths shape of the Japanese Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus niphonius) was studied to test whether stock discrimination might be possible using this method. It was hypothesized that S. niphonius would show little difference in otolith shape, likely as a result of mixing between seas. A total of 164 sagittal otoliths were collected from commercial fishing vessels between April and June 2010 in three spawning grounds, that of Qingdao in the middle Yellow Sea, Lvsi in the southern Yellow Sea, Huanghua in the the Bohai Sea. To minimize the potential effect of the fish size among the three fishing grounds, a narrow size range (400–550 mm fork length) was selected. The discriminant function analysis conducted with standardized otolith shape indices and Fourier harmonics produced classification success rates ranging from 57.0 to 88.2% and worked well in the separation between the Bohai Sea group and the Yellow Sea group. No significant differences were detected among the three groups for the Lvsi spawning grounds. The otolith variables showed a distinct gradual variation tendency with the movement of fish schools from south to north. The results suggest that stock from the Bohai Sea could be managed as a separate entity from those found in the Yellow Sea.  相似文献   

Few time series of deep-sea systems exist from which the factors affecting abyssal fish populations can be evaluated. Previous analysis showed an increase in grenadier abundance, in the eastern North Pacific, which lagged epibenthic megafaunal abundance, mostly echinoderms, by 9–20 months. Subsequent diet studies suggested that carrion is the grenadier''s most important food. Our goal was to evaluate if changes in carrion supply might drive the temporal changes in grenadier abundance. We analyzed a unique 17 year time series of abyssal grenadier abundance and size, collected at Station M (4100 m, 220 km offshore of Pt. Conception, California), and reaffirmed the increase in abundance and also showed an increase in mean size resulting in a ∼6 fold change in grenadier biomass. We compared this data with abundance estimates for surface living nekton (pacific hake and jack mackerel) eaten by the grenadiers as carrion. A significant positive correlation between Pacific hake (but not jack mackerel) and grenadiers was found. Hake seasonally migrate to the waters offshore of California to spawn. They are the most abundant nekton species in the region and the target of the largest commercial fishery off the west coast. The correlation to grenadier abundance was strongest when using hake abundance metrics from the area within 100 nmi of Station M. No significant correlation between grenadier abundance and hake biomass for the entire California current region was found. Given the results and grenadier longevity, migration is likely responsible for the results and the location of hake spawning probably is more important than the size of the spawning stock in understanding the dynamics of abyssal grenadier populations. Our results suggest that some abyssal fishes'' population dynamics are controlled by the flux of large particles of carrion. Climate and fishing pressures affecting epipelagic fish stocks could readily modulate deep-sea fish dynamics.  相似文献   

Mean length and mean weight at age of Atlantic mackerel in the North Sea increased significantly between 1960 and 1979, then, decreased markedly during the 1980s. In contrast, median age at maturity decreased (c. 1-1.5 years) from 1960. Median length at maturity remained stable until the 1980s, when it declined sharply. The significance of these changes is discussed in relation to variation in sea temperature, food availability and stock size. It is speculated that the changes during the 1980s resulted from immigration of western stock mackerel.  相似文献   

Population genetic structures of the mackerel (Scomber scombrus) and chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) were studied in the Mediterranean Sea. Fragments of 272 bp (S. scomber) and 387 bp (S. japonicus) of the 5'-end of the mitochondrial control region were sequenced from spawning individuals collected off the coasts of Greece, Italy, Spain, and Portugal. High levels of mitochondrial control region haplotypic diversity (> 0.98) were found for both Scomber species. Nucleotide diversity was higher in the mackerel (0.022) than in the chub mackerel (0.017). Global F(ST) values were also higher and significant in the mackerel (0.024, P < 0.0001) as opposed to the chub mackerel (0.003, P > 0.05). Molecular variance analyses showed differential genetic structuring for these two closely related species. There is extensive gene flow between Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean populations of chub mackerel, which are organized into a larger panmictic unit. In contrast, Mediterranean Sea populations of mackerel show some degree of genetic differentiation and are structured along an east-west axis. The analysed eastern Mediterranean Sea mackerel populations (Greece, Italy) are clearly separated from that of the western Mediterranean Sea (Barcelona), which forms a panmictic unit with eastern Atlantic Ocean populations. The genetic structures of both species showed asymmetric migration patterns and indicated population expansion.  相似文献   

The spawning areas of the Atlantic freshwater eels were discovered about a century ago by the Danish scientist Johannes Schmidt who after years of searching found newly hatched larvae of the European eel, Anguilla anguilla, and the American eel, Anguilla rostrata, in the southern Sargasso Sea. The discovery showed that anguillid eels migrate thousands of kilometers to offshore spawning areas for reproduction, and that their larvae, called leptocephali, are transported equally long distances by ocean currents to their continental recruitment areas. The spawning sites were found to be related to oceanographic conditions several decades later by German and American surveys from 1979 to 1989 and by a Danish survey in 2007 and a German survey in 2011. All these later surveys showed that spawning occurred within a restricted latitudinal range, between temperature fronts within the Subtropical Convergence Zone of the Sargasso Sea. New data and re‐examinations of Schmidt's data confirmed his original conclusions about the two species having some overlap in spawning areas. Although there have been additional collections of leptocephali in various parts of the North Atlantic, and both otolith research and transport modelling studies have subsequently been carried out, there is still a range of unresolved questions about the routes of larval transport and durations of migration. This paper reviews the history and basic findings of surveys for anguillid leptocephali in the North Atlantic and analyses a new comprehensive database that includes 22612 A. anguilla and 9634 A. rostrata leptocephali, which provides a detailed view of the spatial and temporal distributions and size of the larvae across the Atlantic basin and in the Mediterranean Sea. The differences in distributions, maximum sizes, and growth rates of the two species of larvae are likely linked to the contrasting migration distances to their recruitment areas on each side of the basin. Anguilla rostrata leptocephali originate from a more western spawning area, grow faster, and metamorphose at smaller sizes of <70 mm than the larvae of A. anguilla, which mostly are spawned further east and can reach sizes of almost 90 mm. The larvae of A. rostrata spread west and northwest from the spawning area as they grow larger, with some being present in the western Caribbean and eastern Gulf of Mexico. Larvae of A. anguilla appear to be able to reach Europe by entering the Gulf Stream system or by being entrained into frontal countercurrents that transport them directly northeastward. The larval duration of A. anguilla is suggested to be quite variable, but gaps in sampling effort prevent firm conclusions. Although knowledge about larval behaviour is lacking, some influences of directional swimming are implicated by the temporal distributions of the largest larvae. Ocean–atmosphere changes have been hypothesized to affect the survival of the larvae and cause reduced recruitment, so even after about a century following the discovery of their spawning areas, mysteries still remain about the marine life histories of the Atlantic eels.  相似文献   

Changes during the last 40 years of abundance and occurrence of harbour porpoises in the North Sea are illustrated as consequences of changes in environmental factors. The major changes in environmental conditions which influenced the presence of harbour porpoises in the North Sea, in particular the southern North sea, are postulated to be changes in prey availability and changes in accidental catches. Limitations of prey made them move out of the coastal areas, but accidental catch has reduced their overall abundance. Prey availability was affected by limitation of herring and mackerel as the major food source, caused initially by overfishing, followed by a shift in spawning and feeding areas towards the North. Without ignoring the possible complementary impact of pollution and disturbance, it is believed that accidental catch is the only other major threat. The present size of the harbour porpoise population(s) in the northeast Atlantic, including the stock in the Danish inner waters, is estimated to average 160,000 (range 70,000–225,000) specimens. However, this should not divert the attention from the fact that bycatch and directed catch have significantly reduced the size of the North Sea harbour porpoise populations (including the Baltic), by at least between 53,000–89,000 animals, and more likely the higher end of the range. It is emphasized that management measures should be taken in order to reduce the bycatch of porpoises as was already agreed at the latest Ministerial North Sea Conference. The only short-term, pragmatic and efficient way to assess whether the population will benefit from increasing prey availability is to organise international sighting surveys. Then it may be possible to obtain a clear perception of whether the porpoise has only temporarily moved out of the southern North Sea or whether we are dealing with a decreased population, unable to recover because it can not sustain the existing accidental catches.  相似文献   

The diameter and dry weight of the eggs of haddock, Melanogrammus aeglefinus , are positively correlated with fish length. The correlations are largely due to the fact that many of the smaller fish that were sampled were 2 years old, and the eggs of these young haddock, which can be regarded as precocious spawners, are significantly smaller and lighter than those of older fish. The relative fecundity of 2–year–old haddock (274 eggs g−1) is also lower than that of the other age classes (493 eggs g−1); this has important implications for the estimation of egg production from female spawning stock biomass. It is pointed out that in some years precocious spawners represent a large component of the North Sea haddock spawning stock. When the annual egg production of this stock is calculated, it may be appropriate to apply a weighting factor to the number of eggs contributed by the 2–year–olds, on the assumption that the small eggs of these fish produce larvae that are less viable than those of older haddock.  相似文献   

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