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The regulation of reproductive division of labour is a key component in the evolution of social insects. Chemical signals are important mechanisms to regulate worker reproduction, either as queen-produced pheromones that coercively inhibit worker reproduction or as queen signals that honestly advertise her fecundity. A recent study suggested that a conserved class of hydrocarbons serve as queen pheromones across three independent origins of eusociality. In bumblebees (Bombus terrestris), pentacosane (C25) was suggested to serve as a queen pheromone. Here, we repeat these studies using a different species of bumblebee (Bombus impatiens) with a more controlled experimental design. Instead of dequeened colonies, we used same-aged, three-worker queenless groups comprising either experienced or naive workers (with/without adult exposure to queen pheromone). We quantified three hydrocarbons (C23, C25 and C27) on the cuticular surfaces of females and tested their effects on the two worker types. Our results indicate differences in responses of naive and experienced workers, genetic effects on worker reproduction, and general effects of hydrocarbons and duration of egg laying on ovary resorption rates. However, we found no evidence to support the theory that a conserved class of hydrocarbons serve as queen pheromones or queen signals in Bombus impatiens.  相似文献   

Humans have evolved a remarkable ability to remember visual shapes and use these representations to generate motor activity (from Palaeolithic cave drawings through Jiahu symbols to cursive handwriting). The term visual–motor memory (VMM) describes this psychological ability, which must have conveyed an evolutionary advantage and remains critically important to humans (e.g. when learning to write). Surprisingly, little empirical investigation of this unique human ability exists—almost certainly because of the technological difficulties involved in measuring VMM. We deployed a novel technique for measuring this construct in 87 children (6–11 years old, 44 females). Children drew novel shapes presented briefly on a tablet laptop screen, drawing their responses from memory on the screen using a digitizer stylus. Sophisticated algorithms (using point-registration techniques) objectively quantified the accuracy of the children''s reproductions. VMM improved with age and performance decreased with shape complexity, indicating that the measure captured meaningful developmental changes. The relationship between VMM and scores on nationally standardized writing assessments were explored with the results showing a clear relationship between these measures, even after controlling for age. Moreover, a relationship between VMM and the nationally standardized reading test was mediated via writing ability, suggesting VMM''s wider importance within language development.  相似文献   

Flight dynamics theories are influenced by two major topics: how birds adapt their flight to cope with heterogeneous habitats, and whether birds plan to use the wind field or simply experience it. The aim of this study was to understand the flight dynamics of free-flying Cory’s shearwaters in relation to the wind characteristics on the coastal upwelling region of continental Portugal. We deployed recently miniaturised devices—global positioning system loggers to collect precise and detailed information on birds’ positions and motions. Prevalent winds were blowing from the north-east and adults used those winds by adjusting their flight directions mainly towards north-west and south-west, flying with cross and tail winds, respectively, and avoiding head winds. This is confirmation that Cory’s shearwaters use a shear soaring flying strategy while exploiting the environment for food: adults foraged mainly with cross winds and their ground speed was not constant during all foraging trips as it changed dynamically as a result of the ocean surface shear winds. During travelling phases, ground speed was strongly influenced by the position of the bird with regard to the wind direction, as ground speed increased significantly with increasing tail wind component (TWC) values. Adults appear to choose foraging directions to exploit ambient wind, in order to improve shear soaring efficiency (cross winding) and exploit diurnal changes in tail wind strength to maximise commuting efficiency. We report, for the first time, precise ground speed values (GPS-derived data) and computed actual flight speed values (using TWC analysis) for Cory’s shearwater.  相似文献   

The Volga, the largest river in Europe, has experienced multiple stressors from human activities. Recently we showed that its upper course (about 500 km, from its source to Tver) still has large sections with low impact and a natural type-specific potamal flora and fauna. Our present research in the East European lowlands aim to define reference conditions for mid-sized to large lowland rivers in order to build a basis for future management and conservation. Three monitoring sites were selected based on the results from intensive sampling in 2005. In subsequent field campaigns between 2006 and 2010 regular surveys were carried out each year in summer and additional ones in spring. A taxon-rich macroinvertebrate fauna, including several rare potamal relict species, was recorded and the data was used to provide an overview of annual and interannual variation in community indices and metrics. The conditions described for the headwaters of the Volga River system can be used as a reference state for medium-sized and large lowland rivers in regions where reference sites of these types are lacking.  相似文献   

Capsule: The diet of the Montagu’s Harrier Circus pygargus is variable and comprises the most available prey at a given time of the season. We found no evidence for a relationship between diet and land-use in the core foraging zone.

Aims: We investigated whether the diet of the Montagu’s Harrier reflects the available prey and how it changes across the breeding season and in relation to land-use.

Methods: We analysed pellets collected at nests between 2007 and 2011. We looked for nonlinear patterns in the occurrence of prey categories in the pellets as a nonlinear function of the Julian date. Moreover, we tested whether the diet is affected by land-use within a radius of 2299 m from the nest.

Results: Four thousand four hundred and sixty-five prey items were found in 880 pellets and 76 prey remains collected at 63 sites. The diet did not depend on the land-use structure but showed a significant temporal variation.

Conclusions: The diet of the Montagu’s Harrier follows the availability of the prey in the foraging habitat. We conclude that the type of land-use in the vicinity of the nesting habitat has a rather weak effect on the diet of the Montagu’s Harrier.  相似文献   

Wielkopolska (western Poland) is a region, with good reason, called the main food base of Poland. All indices of agricultural production have always been there (since 19th century) much higher than elsewhere in the country (Ratajczak 1977/1978, Buszko 1984, Gorzelak 1989, Czyzewski et al. 1992; table 1). Such a situation had a beneficial effect on the amount of the income generated by a family of Wielkopolska and, thus, decided on its better financial status. Additionally, rural inhabitants of this region have always been characterised by a more advantageous educational structure in comparison with people of other Polish villages. Generally, it is easy to detect the relationship between the life standard, the level of education and family planning. The aim of this paper is to assess fertility of women from villages of Wielkopolska in the period of transformation of the political and economic system in Poland.  相似文献   

In 7–8 and 9–10-years old children, we studied event-related potentials (ERPs) during paired comparison of non-verbalizable visuospatial stimuli presented at an interval of 1.5–1.8 s. Age-related differences were found in the involvement of various cortical areas in the formation and retention of a short-term memory trace of the reference stimulus and during comparison of the short-term trace with the test stimulus presented. In both age groups, working memory was associated with an elevation of the amplitude of the sensory-specific N1 component in the visual cortical areas. Age-related differences in the processing of sensory-specific characteristics of a stimulus were the greatest in the ERPs to the test stimulus: at the age of 9–10, the N1 component amplitude was significantly increased in all caudal leads and, in the occipital and inferior temporal leads, this component was preceded by P1 component. At this age, we observed the early involvement of the inferior frontal cortex, which was not observed at the age of seven. The increase in positivity over that area was observed in the interval of 100–200 ms. Substantial differences between age groups were found in the late ERP component corresponding to cognitive processes. At the age of 7–8, the presentation of both the reference and test stimuli causes the increase in the amplitude of the slow positive complex (SPC) in the caudal liads with the maximum enhancement found in the interval of 300–800 ms in the parietal leads. At the age of 9–10, the SPC increase, much like in adults, was observed in ERP to the test stimulus only. At this age, adult-like specific changes in the late phases of ERPs were observed in the fronto-central regions at the different stages of working memory. They are the increases in the negative N400 wave in the ERP to the reference stimulus and the SPC to the test stimulus. These data show that, at the age of 9–10, the functional organization of working memory of the adult type is formed; however, the extent to which the frontal cortex, and its dorsal regions in particular, is involved into working memory processes does not meet yet a definitive level.  相似文献   

Foraging theory predicts that predators should prefer foraging in habitat patches with higher prey densities. However, density depends on the spatial scale at which a “patch” is defined by an observer. Ecologists strive to measure prey densities at the same scale that predators do, but many natural landscapes lack obvious, well-defined prey patches. Thus one must determine the scale at which predators define patches of prey. We estimated the scale at which guppies, Poecilia reticulata, selected patches of zooplankton prey using a behavioral assay. Guppies could choose between two prey arrays, each manipulated to have a density that depended on the spatial scale at which density was calculated. We estimated the scale of guppy foraging by comparing guppy preferences across a series of trials in which we systematically varied the scale associated with “high” prey density. This approach enables the application of foraging theory to non-discrete habitats and prey landscapes.  相似文献   

Iwao’s mean crowding-mean density relation can be treated both as a linear function describing the biological characteristics of a species at a population level, or a regression model fitted to empirical data (Iwao’s patchiness regression). In this latter form its parameters are commonly used to construct sampling plans for insect pests, which are characteristically patchily distributed or overdispersed. It is shown in this paper that modifying both the linear function and statistical model to force the intercept or lower functional limit through the origin results in more intuitive biological interpretation of parameters and better sampling economy. Firstly, forcing the function through the origin has the effect of ensuring that zero crowding occurs when zero individuals occupy a patch. Secondly, it ensures that negative values of the intercept, which do not yield an intuitive biological interpretation, will not arise. It is shown analytically that sequential sampling plans based on regression through the origin should be more efficient compared to plans based on conventional regression. For two overdispersed data sets, through-origin based plans collected a significantly lower sample size during validation than plans based on conventional regression, but the improvement in sampling efficiency was not large enough to be of practical benefit. No difference in sample size was observed when through-origin and conventional regression based plans were validated using underdispersed data. A field researcher wishing to adopt a through-origin form of Iwao’s regression for the biological reasons outlined above can therefore be confident that their sampling strategies will not be affected by doing so.  相似文献   

In this study, the variations of glycogen concentrations in Ruditapes decussatus from Sfax coasts (Tunisia) were described in relation to the reproductive cycle. Separate analyses were made of gonad, adductor muscle and ‘remainder’. The timing of gametogenic development and spawning was evaluated using qualitative histology associated with image analysis including (1) the estimation of the gonadal occupation index (GOI), (2) surface area occupied by reserve tissues and (3) variation in oocyte diameter. The reproductive cycle of R. decussatus exhibited partial asynchronization between sexes, the major difference being observed in the duration of the spawning period. Contrary to previous studies, we observed continuous partial spawning (e.g. 50% of ripe oocytes still subsisted at the partial spawning stage). During the gametogenic cycle, GOI varied significantly in males and in females. Most oocytes were ripe and ready to spawn when their diameter reached or exceeded 45?µm. The expansion of gonad was inversely proportional to the development of the foot tissue. Glycogen concentration showed significant temporal variations between tissues, indicating the clear differentiation in energy storage between the clam organs.  相似文献   

One of the most widely used animal models of Parkinson’s disease (PD) involves injecting 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) directly into the substantia nigra (SN). Some recent reports speculated that dopaminergic drugs may exert brain antioxidant activity, which could explain some of their protective actions. In this way, the aim of the present study was to examine the effects of low-dose pergolide on memory deficits and brain oxidative stress in a 6-OHDA-induced rat model of PD. Right-unilateral lesions of the SN were produced with 6-OHDA. Two weeks after neurosurgery, pergolide (0.3 mg/kg/day) was injected intraperitoneally in the 6-OHDA + pergolide and sham-operated + pergolide groups, while sham-operated and 6-OHDA alone groups received saline. Radial-8-arm maze and Y-maze were used for memory assessment. We also determined some enzymatic antioxidant defenses like superoxide dismutase or glutathione peroxidase and a lipid peroxidation marker [malondialdehyde (MDA)], from the temporal lobe. A reduced number of working/reference memory errors was observed in 6-OHDA + pergolide group, compared to sham-operated rats. Additionally, post hoc analysis showed significant differences between 6-OHDA and 6-OHDA + pergolide groups in both Y-maze and radial-arm-maze tasks. We also noted a significant decrease of MDA level in the 6-OHDA + pergolide group, compared to sham-operated rats. Significant correlations were also found between behavioral parameters and MDA levels. Our data suggest that pergolide facilitates spatial memory and improves brain oxidative balance, after a 6-OHDA-induced model of PD. This could be useful for further investigations and clinical applications of pergolide.  相似文献   

The white‐fronted chat (Epthianura albifrons) is a small, insectivorous passerine that is threatened with extinction in the north‐eastern part of its range, partially due to loss and degradation of its saltmarsh habitat. Food availability is a potential limiting factor for the disjunct populations that survive in saltmarsh refugia, surrounded by urbanized land, because the anthropogenic matrix reduces the capacity of birds to commute to alternative grassland habitat to exploit temporary insect outbreaks. This limitation is likely to be exacerbated during the winter months when local arthropod abundance in saltmarsh is reduced. This study measured temporal and spatial variation in the abundance of saltmarsh arthropods to determine whether patch switching by foraging flocks can be explained by variation in food availability. Arthropods in the size range known to be important in the diet of white‐fronted chats were vacuum‐sampled from six patches within a continuous area of Sarcocornia‐dominated saltmarsh over a four‐month period. The location of foraging birds was recorded during the same period. Despite superficial similarity in vegetation composition and structure, there was significant variation in arthropod biomass among sites through time, such that the patches with the highest food abundance changed from month to month. There was little evidence, however, to suggest that white‐fronted chats foraged in saltmarsh patches with the highest overall food abundance. During the course of the study, birds were discovered flying 2 km from the saltmarsh to a development site where they foraged in weedy grassland. Arthropod samples collected from this site contained an extremely high abundance of Hemiptera and Neuroptera larvae, supporting previous research indicating that white‐fronted chats forage on irruptions of particular arthropod taxa. These findings indicate that food abundance is unlikely to be the main determinant of foraging site selection within saltmarsh, but highlights the potential importance of alternative foraging habitat types for this species.  相似文献   

Variation in floral allocation within inflorescences has been attributed to resource competition and/or architectural effect.The two hypotheses were extensively studied and both hypotheses were partly ...  相似文献   

As Myanmar undergoes political and societal transition, observers are asking questions about citizenship and ethnic identity. How does one think about citizenship and people's negotiations with law in political-legal regimes that do not subscribe to liberal democratic norms? This paper investigates how law marginalizes the Burmese Chinese minority in Myanmar and the nature of their legal participation. Since law asserts cultural power impacting the way people think and behave, we engage with the concept of legal consciousness to understand how perceptions of legal vulnerability shape political subjectivity ambivalently. The paper highlights the spatial strategies and everyday practices that the Burmese Chinese deploy to navigate oppressive laws, but signals that internal social divisions and geopolitical considerations deter collective action towards rights assertion. It argues that studying the multiple sites and scales through which law is engaged contributes towards recovering citizenship aspirations where engagement with power and authority are articulated differently from Western norms.  相似文献   

As a non-invasive monitoring method camera traps are noted as being an effective, accurate and rapid means of compiling species richness estimates of medium to large terrestrial mammals. However, crucial elements of camera trap survey design are rarely empirically addressed, which has raised the need for both a standardised and optimised camera trapping protocol. Our study confirms that an appropriate camera placement buffer and targeting areas of animal activity, contributes to more complete species richness estimates as well as significantly reducing the rate of false trigger events. However, attaining the required survey effort in terms of camera days was the most important factor in providing accurate species richness estimates. Our results suggest that reliable estimates of species richness can be achieved in open scrubland when cameras are spaced 1 × 1 km apart and left in the targeted area until a survey effort of a 1000 camera days is realised.  相似文献   

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