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A new structural model for the FeMo-cofactor of nitrogenase, consisting of two Fe4S4 clusters bridged by an S2Mo2 unit, is proposed. Available chemical, spectroscopic, and EXAFS data are shown to be consistent with the proposed structure. In particular, EXAFS data are in agreement with m(Mo-Fe):n(Mo-S) of either 2:4 or 3:4; comparison with known Mo-Fe-S and Fe-S systems leads us to favor the former. Based on the proposed structural model, a possible mechanism of reduction of N2 is suggested.  相似文献   

Nitrogenase catalyzes biological dinitrogen fixation, the reduction of N(2) to 2NH(3). Recently, the binding site for a non-physiological alkyne substrate (propargyl alcohol, HC triple bond C-CH(2)OH) was localized to a specific Fe-S face of the FeMo-cofactor approached by the MoFe protein amino acid alpha-70(Val). Here we provide evidence to indicate that the smaller alkyne substrate acetylene (HC triple bond CH), the physiological substrate dinitrogen, and its semi-reduced form hydrazine (H(2)N-NH(2)) interact with the same Fe-S face of the FeMo-cofactor. Hydrazine is a relatively poor substrate for the wild-type (alpha-70(Val)) MoFe protein. Substitution of the alpha-70(Val) residue by an amino acid having a smaller side chain (alanine) dramatically enhanced hydrazine reduction activity. Conversely, substitution of alpha-70(Val) by an amino acid having a larger side chain (isoleucine) significantly lowered the capacity of the MoFe protein to reduce dinitrogen, hydrazine, or acetylene.  相似文献   

Highly probable active site of the sweet protein monellin.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The sweet protein monellin consists of two noncovalently associated polypeptide chains, the A chain of 44 amino acid residues and the B chain of 50 residues. Synthetic monellin is 4000 times as sweet as sucrose on a weight basis, and the native conformation is essential for the sweet taste. Knowledge of the active site of monellin will provide important information on the mode of interaction between sweeteners and their receptors. If the replacement of a certain amino acid residue in monellin removes the sweet taste, while the native conformation is retained, it may be concluded that the position replaced is the active site. Our previous replacement studies on Asp residues in the A chain did not remove the sweet taste. The B chain contains two Asp residues at positions 7 and 21, which were replaced by Asn. [AsnB21]Monellin and [AsnB7]monellin were 7000 and 20 times sweeter than sucrose, respectively. The low potency of the [AsnB7]monellin indicates that AspB7 participates in binding with the receptor. AspB7 was then replaced by Abu. [AbuB7]Monellin was devoid of sweetness, and retained the native conformation. AspB7 is located at the surface of the molecule (Ogata et al.). These results suggest that Asp7 in the B chain is the highly probable active site of monellin.  相似文献   

Nitrogenase catalyzes the biological reduction of N(2) to ammonia (nitrogen fixation) as well as the reduction of a number of alternative substrates, including acetylene (HC identical with CH) to ethylene (H2C=CH2). It is known that the metallocluster FeMo-cofactor located within the nitrogenase MoFe protein component provides the site of substrate reduction, but the exact site where substrates bind and are reduced on the FeMo-cofactor remains unknown. We have recently shown that the alpha-70 residue of the MoFe protein plays a significant role in defining substrate access to the active site; alpha-70 approaches one face of the FeMo-cofactor, and when valine is substituted by alanine at this position, the substituted nitrogenase is able to accommodate a reduction of the larger alkyne propargyl alcohol (HC identical with CCH(2)OH, propargyl-OH). During this reduction, a substrate-derived intermediate can be trapped on the FeMo-cofactor resulting in an S = 1/2 spin system with a novel electron paramagnetic resonance spectrum. In the present work, trapping of the propargyl-OH-derived or propargyl amine (HC identical with CCH(2)NH(2), propargyl-NH(2))-derived intermediates is shown to be dependent on pH and the presence of histidine at position alpha-195. It is concluded that these catalytic intermediates are stabilized and thereby trapped by H-bonding interactions between either the-OH group or the-NH(3)(+)group and the imidazole epsilon-NH of alpha-195(His). Thus, for the first time it is possible to establish the location of a bound substrate-derived intermediate on the FeMo-cofactor. Refinement of the binding mode and site was accomplished by the use of density functional and force field calculations pointing to an eta(2) coordination at Fe-6 of the FeMo-cofactor.  相似文献   

Substitution of the MoFe protein alpha-70(Val) residue with Ala or Gly expands the substrate range of nitrogenase, allowing the reduction of larger alkynes, including propargyl alcohol (HC[triple bond]CCH(2)OH). Herein, we report characterization of the alpha-70(Val)(-->)(Ala) MoFe protein with propargyl alcohol trapped at the active site. The alpha-70(Ala) variant MoFe protein was rapidly frozen during reduction of propargyl alcohol, resulting in the conversion of the resting-state FeMo-cofactor EPR signal (S = 3/2 and g = [4.41, 3.60, 2.00]) to a new state (S = 1/2 and g = [2.123, 1.998, 1.986]). This EPR signal of the new state increased in intensity with increasing propargyl alcohol concentration, consistent with the binding of a single substrate. The EPR signal of the propargyl alcohol state showed temperature and microwave power dependencies markedly different from those of the classic FeMo-cofactor EPR signal, consistent with the difference in spin. The new state is analogous to that induced by the binding of the inhibitor CO ("lo CO" state) to FeMo-cofactor in the wild-type MoFe protein. The (13)C ENDOR spectrum of the alpha-70(Ala) MoFe protein with trapped (13)C-labeled propargyl alcohol exhibited three well-resolved (13)C doublets centered at the (13)C Larmor frequency with isotropic hyperfine couplings of approximately 3.2, approximately 1.4, and approximately 0.7 MHz, indicating that the alcohol (or a fragment) is coordinated to the cofactor. The results presented here localize the binding site of propargyl alcohol to one [4Fe-4S] face of FeMo-cofactor and indicate roles for the alpha-70(Val) residue in controlling FeMo-cofactor reactivity.  相似文献   

The pH dependence of the 19F chemical shift and the fluorescence spectrum of S-2,2,2-trifluoro-1,1-dideuteroethyl-thio-paapain are analysed in terms of dependence on the ionisation of aspartic-acid-158 and histidine-159. The 19F probe causes negative cooperativity between these groups, and does not detected any ionisation at high pH. The intermediate chemical exchange rates for the ionisation of aspartic-acid-158 and histidine-159 allow the approxmate rate constants for proton transfer to be calculated. The rather low rate constants are explained in terms of the hydrophobicity of the active-site region and the net positive charge on the enzyme resulting from its high isoelectric point.  相似文献   

The absorption, circular dichroism (CD), and magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) spectra in the visible region have been measured for Sepioteuthis lessoniana hemocyanin at 77, 198, and 293K. From the temperature dependence of the CD spectra of oxyhemocyanin, the bands observed at 450, 565, and 700 nm were resolved into those centered at 430, 490, 565, 600, and 700 nm. Since these five peaks are most probably due to the d-d transitions, the two copper ions at the oxygenated active center are inferred to be Cu(II) ions each in a non-equivalent coordination geometry of very low symmetry. The MCD spectral data confirm the view and reasonably explain the diamagnetism of oxyhemocyanin.  相似文献   

Single tryptophan mutant proteins of a catalytically active domain III recombinant protein (PE24) from Pseudomonas aeruginosa exotoxin A were prepared by site-directed mutagenesis. The binding of the dinucleotide substrate, NAD+, to the PE24 active site was studied by exploiting intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence for the wild-type, single Trp, and tryptophan-deficient mutant proteins. Various approaches were used to study the substrate binding process, including dynamic quenching, CD spectroscopy, steady-state fluorescence emission analysis, NAD+-glycohydrolase activity, NAD+ binding analysis, protein denaturation experiments, fluorescence lifetime analysis, steady-state anisotropy measurement, stopped flow fluorescence spectroscopy, and quantum yield determination. It was found that the conservative replacement of tryptophan residues with phenylalanine had little or no effect on the folded stability and enzyme activity of the PE24 protein. Dynamic quenching experiments indicated that when bound to the active site of the enzyme, the NAD+ substrate protected Trp-558 from solvent to a large extent but had no effect on the degree of solvent exposure for tryptophans 417 and 466. Also, upon substrate binding, the anisotropy of the Trp-417(W466F/W558F) protein showed the largest increase, followed by Trp-466(W417F/W558F), and there was no effect on Trp-558(W417F/W466F). Furthermore, the intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence exhibited the highest degree of substrate-induced quenching for the wild-type protein, followed in decreasing order by Trp-417(W466F/W558F), Trp-558(W417F/W466F), and Trp-466(W417F/W558F). These data provide evidence for a structural rearrangement in the enzyme domain near Trp-417 invoked by the binding of the NAD+ substrate.  相似文献   

A major challenge in understanding the mechanism of nitrogenase, the enzyme responsible for the biological fixation of N(2) to two ammonias, is to trap a nitrogenous substrate at the enzyme active site in a state that is amenable to further characterization. In the present work, a strategy is described that results in the trapping of the substrate hydrazine (H(2)N-NH(2)) as an adduct bound to the active site metal cluster of nitrogenase, and this bound adduct is characterized by EPR and ENDOR spectroscopies. Earlier work has been interpreted to indicate that nitrogenous (e.g., N(2) and hydrazine) as well as alkyne (e.g., acetylene) substrates can bind at a common FeS face of the FeMo-cofactor composed of Fe atoms 2, 3, 6, and 7. Substitution of alpha-70(Val) that resides over this FeS face by the smaller amino acid alanine was also previously shown to improve the affinity and reduction rate for hydrazine. We now show that when alpha-195(His), a putative proton donor near the active site, is substituted by glutamine in combination with substitution of alpha-70(Val) by alanine, and the resulting doubly substituted MoFe protein (alpha-70(Ala)/alpha-195(Gln)) is turned over with hydrazine as substrate, the FeMo-cofactor can be freeze-trapped in a S = (1)/(2) state in high yield ( approximately 70%). The presumed hydrazine-FeMo-cofactor adduct displays a rhombic EPR signal with g = [2.09, 2.01, 1.93]. The optimal pH for the population of this state was found to be 7.4. The EPR signal showed a Curie law temperature dependence similar to the resting state EPR signal. Mims pulsed ENDOR spectroscopy at 35 GHz using (15)N-labeled hydrazine reveals that the trapped intermediate incorporates a hydrazine-derived species bound to the FeMo-cofactor; in spectra taken at g(1) this species gives a single observed (15)N signal, A(g(1)) = 1.5 MHz.  相似文献   

Spectroscopic examination of the active site of bovine ferrochelatase   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
H A Dailey 《Biochemistry》1985,24(6):1287-1291
Spectrofluorometric techniques have been employed to examine the active site of the terminal enzyme of the heme biosynthetic pathway, ferrochelatase (protoheme ferrolyase, EC The fluorescence of both endogenous tryptophan and exogenous 2-(4-maleimidylanilino)naphthalene-6-sulfonic acid (MIANS) has been examined. The fluorescence emission of the enzyme's active site bound MIANS is at 428 nm while the enzyme tryptophan(s) yielded a single fluorescence emission maximum at 347 nm. These values are characteristic of a polar environment for tryptophan and a relatively nonpolar environment for the MIANS. The dynamic fluorescence quenching constants for acrylamide of MIANS and tryptophan are 3.00 M-1 and 1.85 M-1, respectively. Quenching constants for KI of both fluorescent centers were approximately 1 M-1. These data suggest that both fluorophores are poorly accessible to the external anionic contact quencher but that an unchanged quencher, while larger, is still better able to penetrate the enzyme's active site. The extrapolated anisotropies (r0) for ferrochelatase-bound MIANS and tryptophan are 0.198 and 0.307. The dissociation constant (KD) determined by fluorescence anisotropy of protoporphyrin was 1.5 microM with the calculated number of porphyrin binding sites as 1.0 per 40000 daltons. A model is presented for the active site of ferrochelatase based upon the data presented here and previously. This model proposes that the active site is a hydrophobic pocket similar in nature to the heme binding crevices found in many hemoproteins.  相似文献   

The VS ribozyme catalyses the site-specific cleavage of a phosphodiester linkage by a transesterification reaction that entails the attack of the neighbouring 2'-oxygen with departure of the 5'-oxygen. We have previously suggested that the A730 loop is an important component of the active site of the ribozyme, and that A756 is especially important in the cleavage reaction. Functional group modification experiments reported here indicate that the base of A756 is more important than its ribose for catalysis. A number of changes to the base, including complete ablation, lead to cleavage rates that are reduced 1000-fold, while removal of the 2'-hydroxyl group from the ribose results in tenfold slower cleavage. 2-Aminopurine fluorescence experiments indicate that this 2'-hydroxyl group is important for the structure of the A730 loop. Catalytic activity is especially sensitive to changes involving the exocyclic amine of A756; by contrast, the cleavage activity is only weakly sensitive to modification at the 7-position of the purine nucleus. These results suggest that the Watson-Crick edge of the adenine base is important in ribozyme function. We sought to test the possibility of a direct role of the nucleobase in the chemistry of the cleavage reaction. Addition of imidazole base in the medium failed to restore the activity of a ribozyme from which the nucleobase of A756 was removed. However, no restoration was obtained with exogenous adenine base either, indicating that the cavity that might result from ablation of the base was closed.  相似文献   

Nitrogenase catalyzes the MgATP-dependent reduction of dinitrogen gas to ammonia. In addition to the physiological substrate, nitrogenase catalyzes reduction of a variety of other multiply bonded substrates, such as acetylene, nitrous oxide, and azide. Although carbon monoxide (CO) is not reduced by nitrogenase, it is a potent inhibitor of all nitrogenase catalyzed substrate reductions except proton reduction. Here, we present kinetic parameters for an altered Azotobacter vinelandii MoFe protein for which the alphaGly(69) residue was substituted by serine (Christiansen, J., Cash, V. L., Seefeldt, L. C., and Dean, D. R. (2000) J. Biol. Chem. 275, 11459-11464). For the wild type enzyme, CO and acetylene are both noncompetitive inhibitors of dinitrogen reduction. However, for the alphaSer(69) MoFe protein both CO and acetylene have become competitive inhibitors of dinitrogen reduction. CO is also converted from a noncompetitive inhibitor to a competitive inhibitor of acetylene, nitrous oxide, and azide reduction. These results are interpreted in terms of a two-site model. Site 1 is a high affinity acetylene-binding site to which CO also binds, but dinitrogen, azide, and nitrous oxide do not bind. This site is the one primarily accessed during typical acetylene reduction assays. Site 2 is a low affinity acetylene-binding site to which CO, dinitrogen, azide, and nitrous oxide also bind. Site 1 and site 2 are proposed to be located in close proximity within a specific 4Fe-4S face of FeMo cofactor.  相似文献   

Co-solvent and temperature effects on the pK of histidine (imidazolium) residue 46 of trypsin, as well as of weak electrolytes (buffers), which have been reported in two preceding papers, can be satisfactorily explained in terms of enthalpy-entropy compensation patterns. Such patterns have been generated for various mixed solvents between 20 degrees and minus 20 degrees and minus 50 degrees. Under these conditions compensation temperature, T-c, is strongly dependent on the nature of the ionizable group studied: 240 plus or minus 10 K for neutral acids and 310 plus or minus 5 K for cationic acids. This work focuses on the possibilities offered and on the problems raised by the use of this methodology as a tool in the investigation of the active site of enzymes. Furthermore, it is shown in the case of histidine residue 46 of trypsin that the co-solvent effect vanishes at the compensation temperature, a result of great practical significance if applicable to any ionizable group at the active site of enzymes.  相似文献   

The importance of electrostatics in catalysis has been emphasized in the literature for a large number of enzymes. We examined this hypothesis for the Bacillus licheniformis alpha-amylase by constructing site-directed mutants that were predicted to change the pKa values of the catalytic residues and thus change the pH-activity profile of the enzyme. To change the pKa of the catalytic residues in the active site, we constructed mutations that altered the hydrogen bonding network, mutations that changed the solvent accessibility, and mutations that altered the net charge of the molecule. The results show that changing the hydrogen bonding network near an active site residue or changing the solvent accessibility of an active site residue will very likely result in an enzyme with drastically reduced activity. The differences in the pH-activity profiles for these mutants were modest. pH-activity profiles of mutants which change the net charge on the molecule were significantly different from the wild-type pH-activity profile. The differences were, however, difficult to correlate with the electrostatic field changes calculated. In several cases we observed that pH-activity profiles shifted in the opposite direction compared to the shift predicted from electrostatic calculations. This strongly suggests that electrostatic effects cannot be solely responsible for the pH-activity profile of the B. licheniformis alpha-amylase.  相似文献   

The hormone relaxin, which is responsible for the rapid widening of the birth channel in mammals prior to parturition, was purified from hog ovarian extracts and shown to be homogeneous by exclusion chromatography in 6 M guanidine hydrochloride and SDS gel electrophoresis. Of the two disulfide-linked chains that comprise relaxin, the larger chain was shown to contain two tryptophan residues, one of which could be completely oxidized in native relaxin without measurable effect on its biological activity. Oxidation of the second residue completely inactivated the hormone. Modifications of lysine side chains or carboxymethylation of a single methionine residue at low pH did not impair the effectiveness of relaxin.  相似文献   

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