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Soon after penetration of adenovirus serotype 2 in BHK-21 and HeLa cells, HSP70 and HSC70 proteins become associated with the viral capsid. By analysis with a polyclonal antibody derived from a fusion protein containing the C-terminal domain, 290 amino acids of HSP70, and using both immunological methods and infected cells fractionation we observed that a significant amount of HSP70 proteins moved to the nucleus and colocalized with the adenovirus particles. HSP70 proteins of infected cells were isolated as a complex cross-linked with intracytoplasmic adenovirus type 2. By coprecipitation, using a polyclonal-specific antiserum derived from the fusion protein, or two different monoclonal-specific antisera, we showed that HSP70 and HSC70 proteins were associated with hexon, the major adenovirus capsid protein.  相似文献   

CAG trinucleotide RNA repeats interact with RNA-binding proteins.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Genes associated with several neurological diseases are characterized by the presence of an abnormally long trinucleotide repeat sequence. By way of example, Huntington's disease (HD), is characterized by selective neuronal degeneration associated with the expansion of a polyglutamine-encoding CAG tract. Normally, this CAG tract is comprised of 11-34 repeats, but in HD it is expanded to > 37 repeats in affected individuals. The mechanism by which CAG repeats cause neuronal degeneration is unknown, but it has been speculated that the expansion primarily causes abnormal protein functioning, which in turn causes HD pathology. Other mechanisms, however, have not been ruled out. Interactions between RNA and RNA-binding proteins have previously been shown to play a role in the expression of several eukaryotic genes. Herein, we report the association of cytoplasmic proteins with normal length and extended CAG repeats, using gel shift and UV crosslinking assays. Cytoplasmic protein extracts from several rat brain regions, including the striatum and cortex, sites of neuronal degeneration in HD, contain a 63-kD RNA-binding protein that specifically interacts with these CAG-repeat sequences. These protein-RNA interactions are dependent on the length of the CAG repeat, with longer repeats binding substantially more protein. Two CAG repeat-binding proteins are present in human cortex and striatum; one comigrates with the rat protein at 63 kD, while the other migrates at 49 kD. These data suggest mechanisms by which RNA-binding proteins may be involved in the pathological course of trinucleotide repeat-associated neurological diseases.  相似文献   

The hnRNP A1 protein and a shortened derivative (UP1) promote telomere elongation in mammalian cells. In support of a direct role for A1 in telomere biogenesis, we have shown that the recombinant UP1 protein binds to telomeric DNA sequences in vitro, and pulls down telomerase activity from a cell extract. Here we show that A1/UP1 can interact directly with the RNA component of human telomerase (hTR). A portion of A1/UP1 that contains RNA recognition motif 2 (RRM2) is sufficient for an interaction with the first 208 nt of hTR. Given that the portion of A1/UP1 that contains RRM1 is sufficient for binding to a telomeric DNA oligonucleotide, we have tested whether A1/UP1 can interact simultaneously with both nucleic acids. Using a chromatography assay, we find that A1/UP1 bound to hTR can interact with telomeric DNA. Notably, these interactions are sufficiently robust to withstand incubation in a cell extract. Our results suggest that hnRNP A1 may help recruit telomerase to the ends of chromosomes.  相似文献   

The hnRNP C proteins are among the most abundant and avid pre-mRNA-binding proteins and they contain a consensus sequence RNA-binding domain (RBD) that is found in a large number of RNA-binding proteins. The interaction of the RBD of the hnRNP C proteins with an RNA oligonucleotide [r(U)8] was monitored by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). 15N and 13C/15N-labelled hnRNP C protein RBD was mixed with r(U)8 and one- and two-dimensional (1D and 2D) NMR spectra were recorded in a titration experiment. NMR studies of the uncomplexed 93 amino acid hnRNP C RBD (Wittekind et al., 1992) have shown that it has a compact folded structure (beta alpha beta beta alpha beta), which is typical for the RBD of this family of proteins and which is comprised of a four-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet, two alpha-helices and relatively unstructured amino- and carboxy-terminal regions. Sequential assignments of the polypeptide main-chain atoms of the hnRNP C RBD-r(U)8 complex revealed that these typical structural features are maintained in the complex, but significant perturbations of the chemical shifts of amide group atoms occur in a large number of residues. Most of these residues are in the beta-sheet region and especially in the terminal regions of the RBD. In contrast; chemical shifts of the residues of the well conserved alpha-helices, with the exception of Lys30, are not significantly perturbed. These observations localize the candidate residues of the RBD that are involved in the interaction with the RNA.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Conclusions The isolation of hnRNP complexes has identified many new proteins and their characterization has led to the identification of several motifs that are important for RNA binding. These motifs are present in a wide variety of proteins including splicing factors, ribosomal proteins, and several proteins of unknown function. These findings have blurred the lines of demarcation between proteins previously thought of as RNA packaging proteins and RNA processing factors. Recent findings on hnRNP proteins have suggested a plethora of possible functions along the pathway of mRNA metabolism. It can be expected that the next few years will see the unraveling of the detailed functions of hnRNP proteins.  相似文献   

Like other members of the Flaviviridae family, the 3' non-translated region (NTR) of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) is believed to function in the initiation and regulation of viral RNA replication by interacting with components of the viral replicase complex. To inves-tigate the possibility that host components may also participate in this process, we used UV cross-linking assays to determine if any cellular proteins could bind specifically to the 3'NTR RNA. We demonstrate the specific interaction of two host proteins with the extensive pyrimidine-rich region within the HCV 3'NTR. One host protein migrates as a doublet with a molecular weight of 57 kDa and is immunoreactive with antisera specific for polypyrimidine tract-binding protein (PTB), and the other protein (35 kDa) is recognized by a monoclonal antibody specific for heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein C (hnRNP C). These results suggest that recognition of the large pyrimidine-rich region by PTB and hnRNP C may play a role in the initiation and/or regulation of HCV RNA replication.  相似文献   

The mRNAs that encode certain cytokines and proto-oncogenes frequently contain a typical AU-rich motif that is located in their 3'-untranslated region. The protein AUF1 is the first factor identified that binds to AU-rich regions and mediates the fast degradation of the target mRNAs. AUF1 exists as four different isoforms (p37, p40, p42 and p45) that are generated by alternative splicing. The fact that AUF1 does not degrade mRNA itself had led to the suggestion that other AUF1 interacting proteins might be involved in the process of selective mRNA degradation. Here we used the yeast two-hybrid system in order to identify proteins that bind to AUF1. We detected AUF1 itself, as well as the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2I and three RNA binding proteins: NSEP-1, NSAP-1 and IMP-2, as AUF1 interacting proteins. We confirmed all interactions in vitro and mapped the protein domains that are involved in the interaction with AUF1. Gel-shift assays with the recombinant purified proteins suggest that the interacting proteins and AUF1 can bind simultaneously to an AU-rich RNA oligonucleotide. Most interestingly, the AUF1 interacting protein NSEP-1 showed an endoribonuclease activity in vitro. These data suggest the possibility that the identified AUF1 interacting proteins might be involved in the regulation of mRNA stability mediated by AUF1.  相似文献   

RNA-binding properties of hnRNP proteins   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The RNA-binding properties of the hnRNP monoparticle proteins were examined using a renaturing blotting procedure. All 'core' proteins are able to bind single-stranded nucleic acids, probably not sequence-specific. The core proteins C1 and, in one case A2 and B2, are able to bind nucleic acids which are double-stranded or which show a high degree of base-paired regions, among them U1 snRNA, whereas A1, B1 and C2 are unable to bind base-paired nucleic acids. The characteristics of C1 in binding base-paired nucleic acids are especially interesting, since the involvement of C1 in the splicing process has been described.  相似文献   

Adenovirus core proteins   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

RIG-I and mda-5 are activated by viral RNA and stimulate type I interferon production. Laboratory of genetics and physiology 2 (LGP2) shares homology with RIG-I and mda-5 but lacks the CARD domains required for signaling. The V proteins of paramyxoviruses limit interferon induction by binding mda-5 and preventing its activation; however, they do not bind RIG-I and have not been considered inhibitors of RIG-I signaling. Here we uncover a novel mechanism of RIG-I inhibition in which the V protein of parainfluenzavirus type 5 (PIV5; formerly known as simian virus type 5 [SV5]) interacts with LGP2 and cooperatively inhibits induction by RIG-I ligands. A complex between RIG-I and LGP2 is observed in the presence of PIV5-V, and we propose that this complex is refractory to activation by RIG-I ligands. The V proteins from other paramyxoviruses also bind LGP2 and demonstrate LGP2-dependent inhibition of RIG-I signaling. This is significant, because it demonstrates a general mechanism for the targeting of the RIG-I pathway by paramyxoviruses.  相似文献   

The Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS or progeria) is an apparent accelerated aging disorder of childhood. Recently, HGPS has been characterized as one of a growing group of disorders known as laminopathies, which result from genetic defects of the lamin A/C (LMNA) gene. The majority of HGPS mutant alleles involve a silent mutation, c.2063C>T resulting in G608G, that generates a cryptic splicing site in exon 11 of LMNA and consequently truncates 50 amino acids near the C-terminus of pre-lamin A/C. To explore possible mechanisms underlying the development of HGPS, we began a search for proteins that would uniquely interact with progerin (the truncated lamin A in HGPS) using a yeast two-hybrid system. Four new progerin interactive partner proteins were identified that had not been previously found to interact with lamin A/C: hnRNP E1, UBC9 (ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2I), Mel-18, and EGF1. However, using control and progeria fibroblasts, co-immunoprecipitation studies of endogenous proteins did not show differential binding affinity compared to normal lamin A/C. Thus, we did not find evidence for uniquely interacting partner proteins using this approach, but did identify four new lamin A/C interactive partners.  相似文献   

Muscle differentiation requires the transition from motile myoblasts to sessile myotubes and the assembly of a highly regular contractile apparatus. This striking cytoskeletal remodelling is coordinated with a transformation of focal adhesion-like cell-matrix contacts into costameres. To assess mechanisms underlying this differentiation process, we searched for muscle specific-binding partners of paxillin. We identified an interaction of paxillin with the vinexin adaptor protein family member ponsin in nascent costameres during muscle differentiation, which is mediated by an interaction of the second src homology domain 3 (SH3) domain of ponsin with the proline-rich region of paxillin. To understand the molecular basis of this interaction, we determined the structure of this SH3 domain at 0.83 A resolution, as well as its complex with the paxillin binding peptide at 1.63 A resolution. Upon binding, the paxillin peptide adopts a polyproline-II helix conformation in the complex. Contrary to the charged SH3 binding interface, the peptide contains only non-polar residues and for the first time such an interaction was observed structurally in SH3 domains. Fluorescence titration confirmed the ponsin/paxillin interaction, characterising it further by a weak binding affinity. Transfection experiments revealed further characteristics of ponsin functions in muscle cells: All three SH3 domains in the C terminus of ponsin appeared to synergise in targeting the protein to force-transducing structures. The overexpression of ponsin resulted in altered muscle cell-matrix contact morphology, suggesting its involvement in the establishment of mature costameres. Further evidence for the role of ponsin in the maintenance of mature mechanotransduction sites in cardiomyocytes comes from the observation that ponsin expression was down-regulated in end-stage failing hearts, and that this effect was reverted upon mechanical unloading. These results provide new insights in how low affinity protein-protein interactions may contribute to a fine tuning of cytoskeletal remodelling processes during muscle differentiation and in adult cardiomyocytes.  相似文献   

We have identified and obtained the full-length clone of RREBP49, a human nuclear factor which specifically interacts with the Rev-responsive element (RRE) sequence of human immunodeficiency virus type 1. Sequence analysis revealed that RREBP49 is highly homologous to hnRNP F protein and contains three repeated RNA-binding domains. Binding assays demonstrated that Rev and RREBP49 bind to different subregions on the RRE sequence and that binding is mutually nonexclusive. Blocking of endogenous RREBP49 expression by an antisense construct increases Rev activity in CV-1 cells, indicating that RREBP49 and Rev may play antagonistic roles in HIV-1 replication. RREBP49 may function as a splicing factor or a nuclear retention factor for unspliced mRNAs. However, only a slight decrease of Rev activity was observed when exogenous RREBP49 was introduced into CV-1 cells by pSVL-RREBP49 expression vector. This may be explained by a high endogenous level of RREBP49 which is above optimal. Alternatively, additional cellular factors may be required for RREBP49-mediated inhibition of Rev.  相似文献   

Protein kinase regulated by RNA (PKR) plays critical roles in cell growth and apoptosis and is implicated as a potential pathogenic factor of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and Huntington's diseases. Here we report that this proapoptotic kinase is also involved in Fanconi anemia (FA), a disease characterized by bone marrow (BM) failure and leukemia. We have used a BM extract to show that three FA proteins, FANCA, FANCC, and FANCG, functionally interact with the PKR kinase, which in turn regulates translational control. By using a combined immunoprecipitation and reconstituted kinase assay, in which an active PKR kinase complex was captured from a normal cell extract, we demonstrated functional interactions between the FA proteins and the PKR kinase. In primary human BM cells, mutations in the FANCA, FANCC, and FANCG genes markedly increase the amount of PKR bound to FANCC, and this PKR accumulation is correlated with elevated PKR activation and hypersensitivity of BM progenitor cells to growth repression mediated by the inhibitory cytokines interferon-gamma and tumor necrosis factor-alpha. Specific inhibition of PKR by 2-aminopurine in these FA BM cells attenuates PKR activation and apoptosis induction. In lymphoblasts derived from an FA-C patient, overexpression of a dominant negative mutant PKR (PKRK296R) suppressed PKR activation and apoptosis induced by interferon-gamma and tumor necrosis factor-alpha. Furthermore, by using genetically matched wild-type and PKR-null cells, we demonstrated that forced expression of a patient-derived FA-C mutant (FANCCL554P) augmented double-stranded RNA-induced PKR activation and cell death. Thus, inappropriate activation of PKR as a consequence of certain FA mutations might play a role in bone marrow failure that frequently occurred in FA.  相似文献   

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