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Incubation of human erythrocytes for 1–2 h at 37°C in a suspension of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) liposomes results in a phospholipid enrichment of erythrocyte membranes by 45–55% and a depletion of cholesterol by 19–24%. The enrichment by DPPC was time and concentration dependent. By contrast, dioleoylphosphatidylcholine (DOPC) liposomes were less effective in enriching the membranes with phospholipid and in depleting the membranes of cholesterol. Concomitantly, the DDT-induced efflux of K+ was reduced in the case of DPPC-enriched erythrocytes but enhanced in DOPC-enriched erythrocytes. These results suggest that DDT partitions more readily into the unsaturated than the saturated phospholipids of the erythrocyte membrane. It is concluded that the extent to which DDT affects the flux of K+ across the membrane is dependent on the fluidity of the lipid phase. We also report here a rapid method for cholesterol depletion of red blood cells in comparison to previously reported methods.  相似文献   

The transport of several neutral amino acids by human erythrocytes in vitro was studied. The measurements made included steady-state distributions, kinetics of initial rates of uptake, effects of monovalent cations and anions, general mutual inhibitory interactions, kinetics of inhibitions, effluxes, ability to produce accelerative exchange diffusion, and the inhibitory action of the thiol reagent N-ethylmaleimide. The results are interpreted as showing that the human erythrocyte membrane possesses several distinct transport systems for these amino acids, including one Na+-dependent system and one dependent on both Na+ and a suitable anion, that are qualitatively similar to those systems previously described in pigeon erythrocytes and mammalian reticulocytes. Quantitatively, however, the systems differ among the different kinds of red cell and a major difference lies in their abilities to produce accelerative exchange diffusion.  相似文献   

Interactions of concanavalin A with human erythrocytes were studied using 125I-labelled concanavalin A and a centrifugal technique with dibutyl phthalate which permitted complete separation of bound and free concanavalin A. Binding of 125I-labelled concanavalin A to human erythrocytes was dependent on cell concentration, pH and temperature. Specificity of binding was confirmed by inhibition and dissociation studies with sugars and native concanavalin A. Positive cooperative binding of concanavalin A to human erythrocytes was observed at low concanavalin A concentrations (less than 1 μ/ml) in both buffers studied. Positive cooperativity at higher concanavalin A concentrations (more than 100 μ/ml) was seen in Tris-Hepes buffer but not in phosphate-buffered saline. Consistent with this cooperative effect was the observation that although dissociation of 125I-labelled concanavalin A from the erythrocytes was complete in the presence of 1 mg/ml of the native lectin, release was inhibited by low concentrations (1 μ/ml). A comparison of concanavalin A binding with hemagglutination studies suggest that the amount of concanavalin A bound determines the rate of erythrocyte agglutination and the size of the aggregates formed.  相似文献   

Intact human erythrocytes were irradiated in the frozen state with a high-energy electron beam. Nitrobenzylthioinosine-sensitive uridine influx, equilibrium exchange uridine influx and high-affinity nitrobenzylthioinosine binding were inactivated as a simple exponential function of the radiation dose, indicating an in situ target size of 122000. The results suggest that the nitrobenzylthioinosine-binding site(s) and the permeation site(s) of the transporter are present on the same transporter element.  相似文献   

Cultures from various normal and neoplastic cell lines exfoliated vesicles with 5'-nucleotidase activity which reflected the ecto-enzyme activity of the parent monolayer culture. The ratio of 5'-nucleotidase to ATPase activity in the microvesicles indicated that cellular ecto-ATPase was conserved in the exfoliative process. Phospholipids of the microvesicles contained significantly increased amounts of sphingomyelin and total polyunsaturated fatty acids. It was concluded that the shedded vesicles constituted a select portion of the plasma membrane. Examination by electron microscopy showed the vesicles had an average diameter of 500 to 1000 nm and often contained a second population of vesicles about 40 nm in diameter. As much as 70% of the plasma membrane ecto-5'-nucleotidase activity of a culture was released into the medium over a 24-h period. Phosphoesterhydrolases from C-6 glioma or N-18 neuroblastoma microvesicles dephosphorylated cell surface constituents when in contact with monolayer cultures. Exfoliated membrane vesicles may serve a physiologic function; it is proposed that they be referred to as exosomes.  相似文献   

(Na+, K+)-ATPase (EC from kidney is more sensitive to inhibition by vanadate than red cell (Na+,K+)-ATPase. The difference appears to be in the apparent affinities of the two enzymes for K+ and Na+ at sites where K+ promotes and Na+ opposes vanadate binding. As a result of Na+-K+ competition at these sites, reversal of vanadate inhibition was accomplished at lower Na+ concentrations in red cell than in kidney (Na+,K+)-ATPase. It is possible that vanadate could selectively regulate Na+ transport in the kidney.  相似文献   

Adenosine triphosphate-dependent glutathione transport was characterized using inside-out vesicles made from human erythrocytes. Kinetic analysis of the glutathione disulfide (GSSG) transport showed a biphasic Line-weaver-Burk plot as a function of GSSG concentration suggesting the operation of two different processes. One phase had a high affinity for GSSG and a low transport velocity. Most active at acidic pH and at 25°C, this transport activity was easily lost during the storage of vesicles at 4°C. The Km for Mg-ATP was 0.63 mM; guanosine triphosphate (GTP) substituted for ATP gave a 340% stimulation of transport activity. Neither dithiothreitol nor thiol reagents affected this transport process. The other phase had a low affinity for GSSG and a high transport velocity. Most active at pH 7.2 and 37°C, this transport activity was stable during storage of vesicles at 4°C for several days. The Km for Mg-ATP was 1.25 mM; GTP substituted with no change in activity. Dithiothreitol increased the V but did not alter the Km, and thiol reagents inhibited the transport. These findings suggest that there are two independent transfer processes for GSSG in human erythrocytes.  相似文献   

The in situ assembly state of the (Na+,K+)-pump ATPase of human erythrocytes was studied by applying the classical target theory to radiation inactivation data of the ouabain-sensitive sodium efflux and ATP hydrolysis. Erythrocytes and their extensively washed white ghosts were irradiated at -45 to -50 degrees C with an increasing dose of 1.5-MeV electron beam, and after thawing, the Na+-pump flux and/or enzyme activities were assayed. Each activity measured was reduced as a simple exponential function of radiation dose, from which a radiation sensitive mass (target size) was calculated. When intact cells were used, the target sizes for the pump and for the ATPase activities were equal and approximately 620,000 daltons. The target size for the ATPase activity was reduced to approximately 320,000 daltons if the cells were pretreated with digitoxigenin. When ghosts were used, the target size for the ATPase activity was again approximately 320,000 daltons. Our target size measurements together with other information available in literature suggest that (Na+,K+)-pump ATPase may exist in human erythrocytes either as a tetramer of alpha beta or as a dimer of alpha beta in tight association with other protein mass, probably certain glycolytic enzymes, and that this tetrameric or heterocomplex association is dissociable by digitoxigenin treatment or by extensive wash during ghost preparation.  相似文献   

It has previously been shown that by appropriate manipulation of polymer concentrations and ionic composition and concentration one can select whether charge-associated or lipid-related membrane surface properties are reflected by cell partition in dextran-poly(ethylene glycol) aqueous two-phase systems (Walter, H. (1977) in Methods of Cell Separation ((Catsimpoolas, N., ed.), Vol. 1, pp. 307–354, Plenum Press, New York). In the current experiments we have studied the partition behavior of human erythrocytes and found that not only lipid-related but also charge-associated membrane properties are altered as a consequence of cholesterol-enrichment or -depletion. Results further indicate that, just as cell partition in charged phase systems reflects membrane charge-associated properties not readily measured by means other than partition (Brooks, D.E., Seaman, G.V.F. and Walter, H. (1971) Nat. New Biol. 234, 61–62; Walter, H., Tung, R., Jackson, L.J. and Seaman, G.V.F. (1972) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 48, 565–571), cell partition in uncharged phases reflects membrane lipid-related properties also not readily measured by other means.  相似文献   

The (Na,K)-pump develops and maintains ionic gradients that are of fundamental importance for proper function of most animal cells. These gradients are utilized in the form of ionic leak pathways by a number of special and general cell processes (e.g., nerve conduction, nutrient transport, pH regulation). As the sodium gradient in particular energizes many vital cell processes, alterations in cell activity will often be manifest as changes in sodium entry. The (Na,K)-pump rate varies accordingly, in order to maintain balance between Na entry and exit thereby maintaining the potential energy of the cell. Acute changes in sodium influx are balanced by increases in activity of existing pump units, with only a small change in intracellular sodium concentration. This is possible because intracellular is normally poised on the steep limb of the concentration versus activity curve for the (Na,K)-pump, at a point well below maximal activity, allowing large increases in (Na,K)-pump rate with only small changes in sodium concentration. If the increase in sodium influx is prolonged, it appears that the cell responds by synthesizing new pumps, allowing intracellular sodium concentration to return to its original values. Though increases in (Na,K)-pump activity must be accompanied by increases in potassium leak rates, in the experiments we have presented, there does not appear to be direct functional coupling between (Na,K)-pump and the K leak pathways. In these situations the matching of active influx and passive efflux of K short-term appears to occur by mechanisms not directly related to (Na,K)-pump activation.  相似文献   

The effect of purified calmodulin on the calcium-dependent phosphorylation of human erythrocyte membranes was studied. Under the conditions employed, only one major peak of phosphorylation was observed when solubilized membrane proteins were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The molecular weight of this phosphorylated protein band was estimated to be 130 000 and in the presence of purified red blood cell calmodulin, the rate of phosphorylation of this band was increased. These data suggest that calmodulin activation of (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase could be a partial reflection of an increased rate of phosphorylation of the (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase of human erythrocyte membranes.  相似文献   

A bicarbonate-dependent ATPase (EC was found in microsomal preparations from blue crab gills. When the crabs were transferred to low salinity (200 mosmolal) from seawater (1000 mosmolal), the HCO3?-dependent ATPase increased in all gill pairs, reaching its new steady state in 2 weeks. The greatest increase occurred in the sixth and seventh gill pairs (approx. 2.5-fold). Maximal enzyme activity was observed at an Mg2+ concentration of 3 mM and an optimal pH of 7.8. The apparent Ka for HCO3? was found to be 8.9 mM. Kinetic analysis showed that low-salinity adaptation increased the Vmax without altering the Km for ATP. When the microsomes from high-salinity crab gills were treated with detergent or assayed at different temperatures, the total enzyme activity did not reach the activity levels seen after adaptation to low salinity. These results suggest that the alteration of HCO3?-ATPase activity may be due to synthesis, rather than modulation of membranes or of the existing enzyme activity.  相似文献   

Using the antibiotic Nystatin, we have developed a systematic method for the preparation of red blood cells with independently selected levels of intracellular Na+ concentrations and water content. Such cells provided an experimental model to study the effect of Na+/K+ pump stimulation on red cell water content. Even in initially dehydrated cells, stimulation of the Na+/K+ pump by elevated intracellular Na+ caused subsequent further loss of cell water. Cell water loss was reflected in decreased monovalent cation content per unit mass of hemoglobin and by a shift in the density distribution of the cell populations to higher densities on discontinuous Stractan gradients. We conclude that the 3 Naout+ : 2 Kin+ stoichiometry of the Na+/K+ pump results in a net desalting effect with increased pump activity. Under the conditions of these experiments, the cell appears to have no effective mechanism to compensate for a net loss of ions and water.  相似文献   

We have attempted to correlate the functional activity of protein 3 with its activity as a receptor for concanavalin A. The concanavalin A agglutination of human erythrocytes is enhanced by adenosine. It varies with time of storage of the blood and is dependent on the concentration of adenosine in the medium. Adenine and/or inosine, which increase cellular ATP, do not substitute for adenosine in enhancing agglutination, and adenosine enhances agglutination of fresh erythrocytes with normal levels of ATP. Thus, it appears that cellular ATP levels are not directly involved in modulation of concanavalin A agglutination by adenosine. Trypsin, which hydrolyzes most of the exposed proteins of the cell surface but does not alter protein 3, enhances concanavalin A agglutination without altering the relative response of the cell to adenosine.Glucose, as well as the glucose transport inhibitors maltose and cellobiose, inhibits agglutination. High concentrations of adenosine reverse the inhibition by glucose and enhance agglutination in the presence of maltose and cellobiose.Treatment of erythrocytes with 4,4′-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2-disulfonic acid disodium salt, which selectively inhibits the anion transport function of protein 3, substantially inhibits adenosine-supported concanavalin A agglutination.Treatment of erythrocytes with iodoacetate under conditions in which it selectively reacts with glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase inhibits agglutination. Adenosine protects this dehydrogenase in erythrocytes from inactivation by iodoacetate, over the same concentration range in which it enhances agglutination.  相似文献   

Treatment of human erythrocytes with micromolar concentrations of t-butyl hydroperoxide causes a variety of changes in the physical properties of the cells. Red cells exposed to concentrations of t-butyl hydroperoxide of less than 750 μM for 15 min exhibited significant decreases in cellular and membrane deformability, increases in membrane-associated protein crosslinking, osmotic fragility and the viscosity of the intracellular hemoglobin solution. No changes in the volume or density of the cells were observed. Changes in cellular deformability are probably attributable solely to changes in the mechanical properties of the cell membrane. Conversely, when red cells are exposed to t-butyl hydroperoxide concentrations in excess of 750 μM for 15 min they exhibited decreases in cellular deformability which may be related to increases in cell volume as well as membrane rigidity.  相似文献   

The binding of Cd2+ by molecules in the intracellular region of human erythrocytes has been studied by 1H-NMR spectroscopy. From changes in spin-echo Fourier transform NMR spectra for both intact and hemolyzed erythrocytes to which CdCl2 was added, direct evidence was obtained for the binding of Cd2+ by intracellular glutathione and hemoglobin. Time-courses were measured by 1H-NMR for the uptake of Cd2+ by intact erythrocytes in saline/glucose solution and in whole blood. In both cases, the uptake, as indicated by changes in the 1H-NMR spectrum for intracellular glutathione, plateaus after about 30 min. The effectiveness of the disodium salt of EDTA and of various thiol-chelating agents for releasing glutathione from its Cd2+ complexes in hemolyzed erythrocytes was also studied. EDTA was found to be more effective than thiols, and dithiols more effective than monothiols.  相似文献   

Neurotoxins which modify the gating system of the Na+ channel in neuroblastoma cells and increase the initial rate of 22Na+ influx through this channel also give rise to the efflux of 86Rb+ and 42K+. These effluxes are inhibited by tetrodotoxin and are dependent on the presence in the extracellular medium of cations permeable to the Na+ channel. These stimulated effluxes are not due to membrane depolarization or increases in the intracellular content of Na+ and Ca2+ which occur subsequent to the action of neurotoxins. The relationships of 22Na+ influx and 42K+ (or 86Rb+) effluxes to both the concentration of neurotoxins and the concentration of external permeant cations strongly suggest that the open form of the Na+ channel stabilized by neurotoxins permits an efflux of K+ ions. Our results indicate that for the efflux of each K+ ion there is a corresponding influx of two Na+ ions into the Na+ channel.  相似文献   

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