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To examine the function of SIRT1 in neuronal differentiation, we employed all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA)-induced differentiation of neuroblastoma cells. Nicotinamide inhibited neurite outgrowth and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) expression. Inhibition of PARP or histone deacetylase did not inhibit TH expression, showing the effect to be SIRT1 specific. Expression of FOXO3a and its target proteins were increased during the differentiation and reduced by nicotinamide. FOXO3a deacetylation was increased by ATRA and blocked by nicotinamide. SIRT1 and FOXO3a siRNA inhibited ATRA-induced up-regulation of TH and differentiation. Taken together, these results indicate that SIRT1 is involved in ATRA-induced differentiation of neuroblastoma cells via FOXO3a.  相似文献   

Tissue-specific gene expression is regulated by epigenetic modification involving trans-acting factors. Here, we identified that the human MAGEB16 gene and its mouse homolog, Mageb16, are only expressed in the testis. To investigate the mechanism governing their expression, the promoter methylation status of these genes was examined in different samples. Two CpG islands (CGIs) in the 5'' upstream region of MAGEB16 were highly demethylated in human testes, whereas they were methylated in cells without MAGEB16 expression. Similarly, the CGI in Mageb16 was hypomethylated in mouse testes but hypermethylated in other tissues and cells without Mageb16 expression. Additionally, the expression of these genes could be activated by treatment with the demethylation agent 5''-aza-2''-deoxycytidine (5''-aza-CdR). Luciferase assays revealed that both gene promoter activities were inhibited by methylation of the CGI regions. Therefore, we propose that the testis-specific expression of MAGEB16 and Mageb16 is regulated by the methylation status of their promoter regions. [BMB Reports 2014; 47(2): 86-91]  相似文献   

We show that MAD3 encodes a novel 58-kD nuclear protein which is not essential for viability, but is an integral component of the spindle checkpoint in budding yeast. Sequence analysis reveals two regions of Mad3p that are 46 and 47% identical to sequences in the NH(2)-terminal region of the budding yeast Bub1 protein kinase. Bub1p is known to bind Bub3p (Roberts et al. 1994) and we use two-hybrid assays and coimmunoprecipitation experiments to show that Mad3p can also bind to Bub3p. In addition, we find that Mad3p interacts with Mad2p and the cell cycle regulator Cdc20p. We show that the two regions of homology between Mad3p and Bub1p are crucial for these interactions and identify loss of function mutations within each domain of Mad3p. We discuss roles for Mad3p and its interactions with other spindle checkpoint proteins and with Cdc20p, the target of the checkpoint.  相似文献   

Methionine sulfoxide reductase A (msrA) was previously found to increase resistance to oxidative stress and longevity in animals. We identified Drosophila msrA (dmsrA), a Drosophila homolog of human msrA, as a downstream effector of forkhead box O (FOXO) signaling in Drosophila, which enhances resistance to oxidative stress and increases survival under stressed conditions. Additionally, overexpression of dmsrA in neurons extended the lifespan of flies. Moreover, overexpression of dmsrA in fat body cells caused FOXO to translocate to the nucleus, implying that this possible positive feedback loop between dmsrA and FOXO could potentiate the antioxidant activity of dmsrA and increase the lifespan in Drosophila.  相似文献   

The prevalence and magnitude of childhood and adult obesity and diabetes are increasing dramatically. FOXO 1a and FOXO 3a will be evaluated in this study, in an effort to identify genetic polymorphisms in potential candidate genes that may be associated with body mass index (BMI), and metabolic syndrome (MS). Also to assess whether there is a relation between insulin sensitivity, and genotype, we will test the relation between fasting insulin, glucose, insulin resistance, insulin secretion and genotype.A total number of 248 presenting normal, overweight and obese individuals were recruited; 100 children and 148 adults of both sexes. They were divided by body mass index as follows, normal, overweight and obese. Lipid profile, fasting glucose and insulin HOMA-IR and HOMA-β index and RT-PCR for FOXO 1a and FOXO 3a were performed.An association was found among the studied group (children and adults) as regards foxo3a gene polymorphism and HOMA IR, HOMA B index and T-cholesterol (P = 0.022, 0.011 and 0.028, respectively), while there was only an association between LDL-C and foxo1a gene polymorphism among the studied group of children and adults (P = 0.023).In this study we demonstrated that FOXO3a mutant is correlated with HOMA-IR (marker of insulin resistance), HOMA-B index (marker of insulin secretion) and total cholesterol while as regards FOXO1a there was only an association between LDL cholesterol and mutant type of FOXO1a.  相似文献   

SIRT1, a nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+)‐dependent histone/protein deacetylase, has been extensively studied recently for its critical role in the regulation of physiology, calorie restriction and aging. Studies on laboratory mice showed that expression of SIRT1 can be induced by starvation in a p53‐dependent manner and requires the p53‐binding sites present in the Sirt1 promoter. However, it remains to be determined whether these findings based on rodents apply to human beings. In this paper, we characterized a putative p53‐binding element in the human SIRT1 promoter that might be required for the up‐regulation of SIRT1 in response to nutritional stress. The p53‐binding site in the promoter of human SIRT1 is more deviant from the consensus sequence than the corresponding sequence in the mouse Sirt1. There is a C to A change at the second half site in human SIRT1, thus disrupting the core‐binding element CWWG in the canonical RRRCWWGYYY. To test whether such sequence change would affect its binding with p53 and the SIRT1 expression under stress, we studied various human cell lines with different p53 status and cells with ectopic expression of functionally distinct p53. We found that serum withdrawal also up‐regulates human SIRT1 gene expression in a p53‐dependent manner and that the p53‐binding element in SIRT1 is required for the up‐regulation. Thus, the mechanism responsible for the regulation of SIRT1 expression by p53 is conserved between mice and human beings.  相似文献   

SEPALLATA3 (SEP3) is important in determining flowering time as well as floral organ identity. Although much is known about the regulation of floral organ identity by SEP3, its role as a downstream gene of FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) for the regulation of ambient temperature-responsive flowering is poorly understood. Here, we show that SEP3 as a downstream gene of SQUAMOSA PROMOTER BINDING PROTEIN-LIKE3 (SPL3) and FT modulates the flowering time in response to different ambient temperatures. SEP3 overexpression showed temperature-insensitive flowering at 23°C and 16°C. This suggests that altered SEP3 activity affects ambient temperature-responsive flowering. However, a lesion in SEP3 did not obviously affect ambient temperature-responsive flowering. SEP3 expression was affected by altered SPL3 and FT activities in the leaf and shoot apical regions at different temperatures. These results suggest that the miR156-SPL3-FT circuitry directly or indirectly regulates SEP3 expression for the regulation of ambient temperature-responsive flowering in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

The regulation of gene expression is an important determinant of organismal phenotype and evolution. However, the widespread recognition of this fact occurred long after the synthesis of evolution and genetics. Here, we give a brief sketch of thoughts regarding gene regulation in the history of evolution and genetics. We then review the development of genome-wide studies of gene regulatory variation in the context of the location and mode of action of the causative genetic changes. In particular, we review mapping of the genetic basis of expression variation through expression quantitative trait locus studies and measuring the cis/trans component of expression variation in allele-specific expression studies. We conclude by proposing a systematic integration of ideas that combines global mapping studies, cis/trans tests and modern population genetics methodologies, in order to directly estimate the forces acting on regulatory variation within and between species.  相似文献   

Li D  He G  Xu Y  Duan Y  Gu N  Li X  Shi Y  Qin W  Feng G  He L 《Genetics and molecular biology》2009,32(4):729-730
ERBB3 (v-erb-b2 erythroblastic leukemia viral oncogene homolog 3), encoding a receptor of neuregulin-1 (NRG1), has been considered a functional candidate gene for schizophrenia susceptibility. In order to investigate a relationship between ERBB3 gene and schizophrenia in the Chinese population, case-control and family-based studies were carried out in 470 cases matched by controls, and in 532 family trios. Our results failed to show any evidence of significant association between the ERBB3 rs2292238 polymorphism and schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Targeted gene replacement (TGR) in yeast and mammalian cells is initiated by the two free ends of the linear targeting molecule, which invade their respective homologous sequences in the chromosome, leading to replacement of the targeted locus with a selectable gene from the targeting DNA. To study the postinvasion steps in recombination, we examined the effects of DNA structure-specific proteins on TGR frequency and heteroduplex DNA formation. In strains deleted of RAD1, MSH2, or MSH3, we find that the frequency of TGR is reduced and the mechanism of TGR is altered while the reverse is true for deletion of SGS1, suggesting that Rad1 and Msh2:Msh3 facilitate TGR while Sgs1 opposes it. The altered mechanism of TGR in the absence of Msh2:Msh3 and Rad1 reveals a separate role for these proteins in suppressing an alternate gene replacement pathway in which incorporation of both homology regions from a single strand of targeting DNA into heteroduplex with the targeted locus creates a mismatch between the selectable gene on the targeting DNA and the targeted gene in the chromosome.  相似文献   

Parasites infect hosts non-randomly as genotypes of hosts vary in susceptibility to the same genotypes of parasites, but this specificity may be modulated by environmental factors such as nutrition. Nutrition plays an important role for any physiological investment. As immune responses are costly, resource limitation should negatively affect immunity through trade-offs with other physiological requirements. Consequently, nutritional limitation should diminish immune capacity in general, but does it also dampen differences among hosts? We investigated the effect of short-term pollen deprivation on the immune responses of our model host Bombus terrestris when infected with the highly prevalent natural parasite Crithidia bombi. Bumblebees deprived of pollen, their protein source, show reduced immune responses to infection. They failed to upregulate a number of genes, including antimicrobial peptides, in response to infection. In particular, they also showed less specific immune expression patterns across individuals and colonies. These findings provide evidence for how immune responses on the individual-level vary with important elements of the environment and illustrate how nutrition can functionally alter not only general resistance, but also alter the pattern of specific host–parasite interactions.  相似文献   

We have cloned and characterized the troponin C gene, pat-10 of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. At the amino acid level nematode troponin C is most similar to troponin C of Drosophila (45% identity) and cardiac troponin C of vertebrates. Expression studies demonstrate that this troponin is expressed in body wall muscle throughout the life of the animal. Later, vulval muscles and anal muscles also express this troponin C isoform. The structural gene for this troponin is pat-10 and mutations in this gene lead to animals that arrest as twofold paralyzed embryos late in development. We have sequenced two of the mutations in pat-10 and both had identical two mutations in the gene; one changes D64 to N and the other changes W153 to a termination site. The missense alteration affects a calcium-binding site and eliminates calcium binding, whereas the second mutation eliminates binding to troponin I. These combined biochemical and in vivo studies of mutant animals demonstrate that this troponin is essential for proper muscle function during development.  相似文献   

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