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It is poorly understood whether female morphological and behavioural traits can be used as 'signals'. In particular, experimental tests of the hypothesis that female ornaments reflect quality are scarce. Here, we experimentally examine whether female plumage coloration might signal maternal quality in the blue tit, Cyanistes caeruleus by forcing half of the females breeding in our population to produce a replacement clutch. Using statistical models that controlled for the effects of male coloration, and the effects of age and condition of both parents, we found that carotenoid-based female coloration was positively linked to key proxies of bird lifetime reproductive success: clutch size, fledgling success and recruitment. Importantly, the relationships between maternal yellow carotenoid coloration and both clutch size and recruitment were stronger in the experimental group than in the control group, indicating that breeding females with higher values of yellow coloration were better able to handle the cost of producing a second clutch. Finally, UV-blue female coloration was positively linked to female survival and marginally linked to laying date. Taken together, these results show for the first time in a natural population that female coloration can indicate individual and maternal quality under natural and adverse reproductive conditions. They highlight the potential for the evolution of female ornamental traits through sexual selection.  相似文献   

The study of primary sex ratio adjustment in birds is notoriousfor inconsistency of results among studies. To develop our understandingof avian sex ratio variation, experiments that test a prioripredictions and the replication of previous studies are essential.We tested if female blue tits Parus caeruleus adjust the sexratio of their offspring to the sexual attractiveness of theirmates, as was suggested by a previous benchmark study on thesame species. In 2 years, we reduced the ultraviolet (UV) reflectanceof the crown feathers of males in the period before egg layingto decrease their attractiveness. In contrast to the simpleprediction from sex allocation theory, we found that the overallproportion of male offspring did not differ between broods ofUV-reduced and control-treated males. However, in 1 year, theUV treatment influenced offspring sex ratio depending on thenatural crown UV reflectance of males before the treatment.The last result confirms the pattern found in the previous bluetit study, which suggests that these complex patterns of primarysex ratio variation are repeatable in this bird species, warrantingfurther research into the adaptive value of blue tit sex ratioadjustment to male UV coloration.  相似文献   

Intraspecific sexual and social communications are among themost important factors shaping costly color traits in birds.Condition capture models assume that only animals in superiorcondition can develop and maintain a colorful plumage. Althoughthere is good evidence that carotenoid-based components of plumagecolors show condition dependence, the situation is more controversialwith the underlying UV-reflecting structural component. We conducteda brood size manipulation in blue tits (Parus caeruleus) toinvestigate condition-dependent effects on plumage colorationin male and female offspring. Carotenoid chroma and UV reflectanceof the yellow breast plumage showed condition-dependent expressionin male and female fledglings. However, only males that wereraised in reduced broods had higher UV reflectance in the UV/bluetail feathers, whereas female tail coloration did not differbetween treatments. Our data suggest that there is a sex-specificeffect on the blue but not the yellow plumage and that thisis related to differences in the signaling function of bothplumage traits. Although sexual selection may already act onmale nestlings to develop colorful tail feathers for the nextbreeding season, the UV/yellow breast feathers are molted duringthe postjuvenile molt, and their signaling value is likely tobe important for both sexes during the extended postfledglingphase.  相似文献   

DNA fingerprinting of an island population of blue tits andgreat tits in southeast Norway revealed that extrapair paternityaccounted for 36% (17/47) and 27% (15/55) of broods and for7% (31/466) and 8% (33/408) of young in the two species, respectively.Cuckolded males did not differ from noncuckolded males withrespect to morphology, age, or survival. There was no seasonalpattern in the frequency of extrapair paternity, and males showedno individual consistency in paternity loss over multiple broods.Extrapair offspring did not grow faster, they did not fledgewith a higher body mass, and they did not show a higher localsurvival rate than their half siblings. Hence, there was noevidence of any association between extrapair paternity andmale phenotypic or genotypic quality. Extrapair offspring wererandomly distributed among broods, with the only exceptionsof one blue tit and two great tit broods in which all young(six to nine) were sired by an extrapair male. This patternis best explained by a small proportion of males (2%–4%)being infertile and by most females performing a few extrapaircopulations as insurance against laying infertile eggs. We concludethat the results suggest a role for fertility insurance butthat alternative functional explanations to extrapair paternityin these populations cannot yet be ruled out.  相似文献   

Mating outside the pair-bond occurs frequently in socially monogamous birds, but the benefits that females gain from this behaviour remain debated. One hypothesis is that females engage in extra-pair copulations (EPCs) to ensure that their clutch is fertilised in case their own mate is infertile, but evidence for this idea is scarce. We report on a case of an infertile male blue tit that bred in three successive years with three different females. In the first year, all eggs were sired by an extra-pair male whereas in the second year all eggs were unfertilised and contained no sperm. In the third year, the female produced two clutches that were fertilised by an extra-pair male, but – unlike ‘normal’ clutches – sperm numbers on the perivitelline membrane decreased rapidly over the laying sequence. Our findings show that blue tit females mated to an infertile male can escape reproductive failure by engaging in EPCs and support previous suggestions that EPCs in blue tits cease after the onset of egg laying.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory proposes that parents should bias thesex ratio of their offspring if the reproductive value of onesex is greater than that of the other. In the monogamous bluetit (Parus caeruleus), males have a greater variance in reproductivesuccess than females, and high-quality males have higher reproductivesuccess than high-quality females due to extrapair paternity.Consequently, females mating with attractive males are expectedto produce broods biased toward sons, as sons benefit more thandaughters from inheriting their father's characteristics. Songand plumage color in birds are secondary sexual characters indicatingmale quality and involved in female choice. We used these malesexual traits in blue tits to investigate adaptive sex ratiomanipulation by females. We did not find any relationship betweenmale color ornamentation and brood sex ratio, contrary to previousstudies. On the other hand, the length of the strophe bout (i.e.,the mean number of strophes per strophe bout) of fathers waspositively related with the proportion of sons in their broods.The length of the strophe bout is supposed to reflect male qualityin terms of neuromuscular performance. We further showed thatsons produced in experimentally enlarged broods had shorterstrophe bouts than sons raised in reduced broods. These resultsare consistent with the hypothesis that females adjust the sexratio of their broods in response to the phenotype of theirmate.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence suggests that climate change has consequences on avian breeding phenology. Here, variations in laying date and clutch size of great tit Parus major and blue tit Parus caeruleus within and between breeding populations through the western Palaearctic are examined in relation to climatic fluctuations, measured by the winter North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index. Within and across breeding sites, laying date was related to winter‐NAO index such that great and blue tit females lay earlier after warmer, moister winters (positive values of winter NAO‐index). The present study shows that for most populations there is an advancement of laying date, but the rate of change with respect to NAO significantly differed geographically across the western Palaearctic and did not differ between species. However, clutch size of great and blue tits was not affected by climatic fluctuations, presumably because the whole season is being shifted, but not in relation to food supplies. These combined analyses for the two species controlled for potentially confounding variables such as latitude, longitude, elevation and habitat of each study site.  相似文献   

Many birds use regulated drops in night-time body temperature (Tb) to conserve energy critical to winter survival. However, a significant degree of hypothermia may limit a bird''s ability to respond to predatory attack. Despite this likely energy–predation trade-off, the behavioural costs of avian hypothermia have yet to be examined. We thus monitored the nocturnal hypothermia of mourning doves (Zenaida macroura) in a laboratory setting in response to food deprivation. Nocturnal flight tests were used to quantify the flight ability of hypothermic doves. Many hypothermic doves (39% of tests) could not fly while carrying a small weight, but could do so after quickly warming up to typical daytime Tb. Doves that were unable to fly during their first test were more hypothermic than those that could fly, with average Tb reductions of 5.3°C and 3.3°C, respectively, but there was no overall indication of a threshold Tb reduction beyond which doves were consistently incapable of flight. These results suggest that energy-saving hypothermia interferes with avian antipredator behaviour via a reduction in flight ability, likely leading to a trade-off between energy-saving hypothermia and the risk of predation.  相似文献   

Cases where less ornamented males are favored through sexualselection are rare among birds. Here we show, based on datafrom 3 consecutive breeding seasons, that male blue tits withless ultraviolet (UV)-ornamented crown feathers sire more offspring.This pattern was mainly driven by the higher success of older,less UV-ornamented males at siring extrapair offspring. Thereason behind this relationship is unclear although we hypothesizethat being less UV-ornamented may enable adult males to intrudeinto nearby territories by mimicking juveniles. To test causality,we experimentally manipulated male crown coloration creating2 groups, one with higher (UV(+) treatment) and one with lowerUV reflectance (UV(–) treatment). Contrary to our expectations,UV(–) males were less likely to sire extrapair offspringthan UV(+) males. The treatment had no effect on the likelihoodof losing paternity in a male's own nest. Because the experimentalevidence does not support the observational data, a direct effectof male crown color on extrapair success cannot be confirmed.However, potential pitfalls of this and other such color manipulationexperiments, like fading of treatment with time and mismatchesbetween behavior and coloration, call for new improved manipulationtechniques and detailed behavioral observations to conclusivelytest for the effect of blue tit crown coloration on male extrapairsuccess.  相似文献   

Experimental evidence for density dependence of reproduction in great tits   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
1. Density dependence of avian reproduction has often been analysed using correlations between annual mean reproductive output and population density. Experiments are necessary to prove that density is the cause of the observed patterns, but so far, three out of four experimental studies do not support a direct causal effect of density on reproduction.
2. This paper presents experimental evidence that reproductive decisions in great tits, Parus major L., are causally affected by breeding density. The breeding density of great tits was manipulated by providing nest-boxes at different densities in an ecologically homogeneous area.
3. Within years the densities in the high and low density plots differed approximately 8-fold. During the 11 years of the experiment, clutch size, nestling mass and the proportion of birds starting a second brood were all lower in the high density plot. In 5 years with equal breeding densities in both parts, clutch size did not differ between the plots. The patterns found were consistent with the density effects as predicted from the non-experimental data.  相似文献   

The influence of predation risk on threat display in great tits   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In wintering birds, conflicts over food are often resolved bythreat displays. For displays to be effective, there oughtto be a cost associated with displaying. We investigated whetherincreased vulnerability to predators due to reduced vigilancecould be such a cost. Conflicts ought then to be resolved usingfewer or less intense displays in conditions of high risk. We also looked for differences between dominants and subordinatesin their reaction to risk. Because there is considerable evidencethat subordinate wintering birds forage in riskier places thandominants, one might expect dominants to be less successfulin conflicts under high predation risk. In our experiment,nine flocks of four or five wintering male great tits were keptin outdoor aviaries. In the predation risk treatment, a stuffedpygmy owl was briefly shown before birds were allowed accessto a feeder. In the control treatment the owl did not appear.The predator presentation caused a reduction in the amountof aggression shown by subordinates, whereas for dominants there was no statistically significant change. Dominants were at leastas successful in subduing subordinates under high risk as underlow risk. A possible interpretation is that our experimentreflected a natural foraging situation for great tits, whereephemeral resources can appear unpredictably. In such situations,dominants may need to be bold to gain priority of access even under increased risk of predation, whereas a subordinate wouldgain little by risking a conflict with small chances of winning.  相似文献   

In many socially monogamous birds, both partners perform extrapair copulations (EPC). As this behaviour potentially inflicts direct costs on females, they are currently hypothesized to search for genetic benefits for descendants, either as 'good' or 'complementary' genes. Although these hypotheses have found some support, several studies failed to find any beneficial consequence of EPC, and whether this behaviour is adaptive to females is subject to discussion. Here, we test these two hypotheses in a natural population of blue tits by accounting for the effect of most parameters known to potentially affect extrapair fertilization. Results suggest that female body mass affected the type of extrapair genetic benefits obtained. Heavy females obtained extrapair fertilizations when their social male was of low quality (as reflected by sexual display) and produced larger extrapair than within-pair chicks. Lean females obtained extrapair fertilizations when their social mate was genetically similar, thereby producing more heterozygous extrapair chicks. Our results suggest that mating patterns may be condition-dependent.  相似文献   

Flight performance is crucial in determining whether a smallbird will survive an attack by a predator. Given the importanceof body mass in determining flight performance, it has beensuggested that birds should strategically regulate body massas a response to predation risk. However, all experiments upto now have been carried out with captive birds, comparing experimental to control birds. Here we present data from thefirst experiment in the field using a within-individuals experimentaldesign. The wing area of wild great tits, Parus major, wasreduced by reversibly taping primaries five to seven. Thisallowed for the same individual to alternatively act as controlor experimental bird. Great tits reduced body mass (but not pectoral muscle width) during episodes of wing area reduction,lending support to the view that the reduction in body massexperienced by birds during molt is a strategy rather thanthe result of energetic stress. Theoretical models establishingthe different trade-offs that determine optimal body mass should therefore take into account this important life-history episode.  相似文献   

Juan José Sanz 《Oecologia》1999,121(3):377-382
Post-nuptial moult and reproductive success were studied in relation to timing of breeding in blue tits, Parus caeruleus, breeding in southern Europe. A group of experimentally delayed pairs was created by removing first clutches, thereby inducing late repeat clutches. Reproductive success and post-nuptial moult of delayed pairs were compared with both control pairs that bred early and unmanipulated late-breeding pairs. Delayed pairs fledged fewer young and with a lower body mass than control pairs. However, the number of fledged young and fledgling mass did not differ between delayed and late-breeding pairs. These results were more consistent with the date hypothesis, and it is concluded that the timing of breeding and reproductive success may be causally related in the blue tit. This study reveals a harmful effect of relaying on female body mass at the end of the nestling period. Therefore, females apparently pay the costs of relaying, since a reduction in body mass during the nestling period may be accompanied by a lowered survival probability. Delayed and late-breeding males often began moulting while still feeding young, but neither control males nor females from the three study groups did so. These results support the view that timing-related energy constraints on breeding may be important causes of a seasonal decline in reproductive success at different latitudes. Received: 15 March 1999 / Accepted: 19 July 1999  相似文献   

The use of biologging and tracking devices is widespread in avian behavioral and ecological studies. Carrying these devices rarely has major behavioral or fitness effects in the wild, yet it may still impact animals in more subtle ways, such as during high power demanding escape maneuvers. Here, we tested whether or not great tits (Parus major) carrying a backpack radio‐tag changed their body mass or flight behavior over time to compensate for the detrimental effect of carrying a tag. We tested 18 great tits, randomly assigned to a control (untagged) or one of two different types of a radio‐tag as used in previous studies in the wild (0.9 g or 1.2 g; ~5% or ~6–7% of body mass, respectively), and determined their upward escape‐flight performance 1, 7, 14, and 28 days after tagging. In between experiments, birds were housed in large free‐flight aviaries. For each escape‐flight, we used high‐speed 3D videography to determine flight paths, escape‐flight speed, wingbeat frequency, and actuator disk loading (ratio between the bird weight and aerodynamic thrust production capacity). Tagged birds flew upward with lower escape‐flight speeds, caused by an increased actuator disk loading. During the 28‐day period, all groups slightly increased their body mass and their in‐flight wingbeat frequency. In addition, during this period, all groups of birds increased their escape‐flight speed, but tagged birds did so at a lower rate than untagged birds. This suggests that birds may increase their escape‐flight performance through skill learning; however, tagged birds still remained slower than controls. Our findings suggest that tagging a songbird can have a prolonged effect on the performance of rapid flight maneuvers. Given the absence of tag effects on reproduction and survival in most songbird radio‐tagging studies, tagged birds in the wild might adjust their risk‐taking behavior to avoid performing rapid flight maneuvers.  相似文献   

We studied selection on tarsus length among first year willow tits Parus montanus in relation to environmental and genetical influences on growth. The main environmental influence on growth was a cohort effect. We also found a substantial heritable component of phenotypic variation for tarsus length (h2 = 0.61), and crossfostering in one year showed no shared environment effect which could account for parent/offspring resemblance. The deteriorating conditions for growth later in the season did not confound our heritability estimates as the time of laying was not correlated to parent size, and no maternal effects operating through egg size were found. We tested for selection during the summer dispersal phase by comparing tarsus length among fullgrown pulli (age 14 days, controlled by repeated measurements of the same individuals later during breeding and the ensuing winter) and the tarsus length of the first year cohort in autumn composed of a mixture of locally born birds remaining within our study area after the dispersal phase and immigrants born outside the study site. Following a season with poor nestling growth, birds with short tarsi were selected against when underweight, suggesting that growth condition is the target of selection. Such selection on those individuals which show the strongest environmental influence on phenotypic variation will reduce the potential for an evolutionary response to selection.  相似文献   

F. J. Pulido  M. Díaz 《Oecologia》1997,111(3):434-442
 In spite of recent theoretical interest, few field studies have addressed the links between individual behavioral decisions and population distribution. This work analyzes the foraging behavior of individuals and the spatial distribution of a population of blue tits (Parus caeruleus) just before the main breeding season, when blue tit foraging was not affected by central-place or flocking behaviors. The study was carried out in open holm oak Quercus ilex woodlands (dehesas) that are patchy for canopy-foraging birds because of the scattered arrangement of trees. Residence time on each tree was not correlated either with previous flight time or with prey abundance in trees. Flight distances between trees were larger than average distances estimated in random samples of holm oaks taken close to foraging birds. Trees were not selected by birds on the basis of their expected energy costs and rewards. Bird abundance was not related to food availability in trees or to tree size across dehesas. However, bird abundance was strongly correlated with tree density and with the availability of tree holes for nesting, to the extent that the proportion of tits matched the proportions of both tree abundance and hole abundance across study plots. Overall, neither the behavior of individuals nor the distribution of the population of blue tits corresponded with food resources, which appeared superabundant; instead, tits appeared to behave and be distributed according to the distribution of structural resources such as trees and tree holes for nesting. Received: 18 August 1996 / Accepted: 14 March 1997  相似文献   

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