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Basal lamina (BL) ensheathes each skeletal muscle fiber and passes through the synaptic cleft at the neuromuscular junction. Synaptic portions of the BL are known to play important roles in the formation, function, and maintenance of the neuromuscular junction. Here we demonstrate molecular differences between synaptic and extrasynaptic BL. We obtained antisera to immunogens that might be derived from or share determinants with muscle fiber BL, and used immunohistochemical techniques to study the binding of antibodies to rat skeletal muscle. Four antisera contained antibodies that distinguished synaptic from extrasynaptic portions of the muscle fiber's surface. They were anti- anterior lens capsule, anti-acetylcholinesterase, anti-lens capsule collagen, and anti-muscle basement membrane collagen; the last two sera were selective only after antibodies binding to extrasynaptic areas had been removed by adsorption with connective tissue from endplate-free regions of muscle. Synaptic antigens revealed by each of the four sera were present on the external cell surface and persisted after removal of nerve terminal. Schwann cell, and postsynaptic plasma membrane. Thus, the antigens are contained in or connected to BL of the synaptic cleft. Details of staining patterns, differential susceptibility of antigens to proteolysis, and adsorption experiments showed that the antibodies define at least three different determinants that are present in synaptic but not extrasynaptic BL.  相似文献   

Phosphorylase kinase is a Ca2+-regulated, multisubunit enzyme that contains calmodulin as an integral subunit (termed the delta-subunit). Ca2+-dependent activity of the enzyme is thought to be regulated by direct interaction of the delta-subunit with the catalytic subunit (the gamma-subunit) in the holoenzyme complex. In order to systematically search for putative calmodulin (delta-subunit)-binding domain(s) in the gamma-subunit of phosphorylase kinase, a series of 18 overlapping peptides corresponding to the C terminus of the gamma-subunit was chemically synthesized using a tea bag method. The calmodulin-binding activity of each peptide was tested for its ability to inhibit Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent activation of myosin light chain kinase. Data were obtained indicating that two distinct regions in the gamma-subunit, one spanning residues 287-331 (termed domain-N) and the other residues 332-371 (domain-C), are capable of binding calmodulin with nanomolar affinity. Peptides from both of these two domains also inhibited calmodulin-dependent reactivation of denatured gamma-subunit. The interactions of peptides from both domain-N and domain-C with calmodulin were found to be Ca2+-dependent. Dixon plots obtained using mixtures of peptides from domain-N and domain-C indicate that these two domains can bind simultaneously to a single molecule of calmodulin. Multiple contacts between the gamma-subunit and calmodulin (delta-subunit), as indicated by our data, may help to explain why strongly denaturing conditions are required to dissociate these two subunits, whereas complexes of calmodulin with most other target enzymes can be readily dissociated by merely lowering Ca2+ to submicromolar concentrations. Comparison of the sequences of the two calmodulin-binding domains in the gamma-subunit of phosphorylase kinase with corresponding regions in troponin I indicates similarities that may have functional and evolutionary significance.  相似文献   

Potter LT 《Life sciences》2001,68(22-23):2541-2547
This paper discusses the properties of the three most specific ligands found for the extracellular faces of M1, M2 and M4 muscarinic receptors (m1-toxin1, m2-toxin and m4-toxin, respectively). The primary goal of this paper is to show the known and potential usefulness of these toxins and their biotinylated, radioactive, fluorescent and mutated derivatives.  相似文献   

Attempts were made to solubilize acetylcholinesterase (AChE) from microsomal membranes isolated from rabbit white muscle. The preparative procedure included a step in which the microsomes were incubated in a solution containing high salt concentration (0.6 M KCl). About 15% of the total enzyme activity could be solubilized with dilute buffer. Addition of EDTA (1 mM), EGTA (1 mM) or NaCl (0.5 and 1 M) to the extraction buffer did not improve the solubilization yield. Several non-ionic detergents and biliary salts were then used to bring the enzyme into solution. Triton X-100, C12E9 (dodecylnonaethylenglycol monoether) and biliary salt, above their critical micellar concentration, proved to be very effective as solubilizing agents. The occurrence of multiple molecular forms in detergent-soluble AChE was investigated by means of molecular sieving, centrifugation analysis, and slab gel electrophoresis. Experiments on gel filtration showed that, during the process, half of the enzyme was transformed into aggregates, the rest of the activity appearing as peaks with Stokes radii ranging from 3.7 to 7.9 nm. Both ionic strength and detergent nature modify the number and relative proportion of these peaks. Centrifugation analysis of Triton-saline-soluble AChE yielded molecular forms of 4.8S, 10–11S, and 13.5S, whereas deoxycholate extracts revealed species of 4.8S, 10S, and 15S, providing that gradients were prepared with 0.5 M NaCl. In the absence of salt, forms of 6.5–7.5S, 10S, and 15S were measured. The lightest species was always the predominant form. Slab gel electrophoresis showed several bands (68,000–445,000). The 4.8S component only yielded bands of 65,000–70,000. The results suggest that the monomeric form of AChE (4.8S), the most abundant species in muscle microsomes, has a Stokes radius of 3.3 nm and a molecular weight in the range of 70,000.  相似文献   

A series of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) that react with phosphatidylcholine (PC) were established. All mAbs were highly specific to PC and no cross-reaction with other phospholipids were observed. The results obtained with two typical monoclonal antibodies, JE-1 and JE-8, were described. The analysis using synthetic PC analogs with modified polar head groups showed that the methyl groups on the quaternary nitrogen of the choline moiety were important for the binding. Each mAbs showed distinct acyl chain specificities of the PC molecules, and JE-1 showed considerable reactivity with PC with saturated fatty acids, whereas JE-8 could not react with the PC. Both mAbs bound to PC with unsaturated fatty acids, but showed distinct reactivity profiles. Both mAbs reacted only weakly with water-soluble haptens such as phosphorylcholine and L-alpha-glycerophosphocholine, suggesting that the hydrophobic moiety of the PC molecule is important for the maximum affinity. The interaction between the mAbs and the hydrophobic moieties of PC molecules was further studied by analyzing the effect of the mAbs on the activities of phospholipase A2 and phospholipase C. JE-1 inhibited both enzyme activities, while JE-8 inhibited only the phospholipase C activity, indicating that JE-1 interacts more thoroughly with the hydrophobic region of the PC molecule than JE-8 does.  相似文献   

A microsomal fraction of rabbit skeletal muscle was sed for the isolation of a dihydropyridine (DHP) receptor, a putative potential-dependent calcium channel. The receptor purification was followed by the binding of 3H-labeled riodipine derivative which possesses a high affinity for digitonin-solubilized DHP receptor. The DHP-Sepharose affinity chromatography of an enriched receptor fraction allowed to isolate a receptor, 60-70% homogeneous on the basis of DHP-binding activity. SDS gel electrophoresis showed that the purified receptor is composed of two subunits with molecular masses of 160 and 53 kD. The large subunit changes its electrophoretic mobility after the reduction of disulfide bonds.  相似文献   

The process of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection of the macrophage implies a very little-known initial recognition and adherence step, important for mycobacterial survival; many proteins even remain like hypothetical. The Rv1510c gene, encoding a putatively conserved membrane protein, was investigated by analysing the M. tuberculosis genome sequence data reported by Cole et al. and a previous report that used PCR assays to show that the Rv1510 gene was only present in M. tuberculosis. This article confirmed all the above and identified the transcribed gene in M. tuberculosis, Mycobacterium africanum, and in M. tuberculosis clinical isolates. Antibodies raised against peptides from this protein recognised a 44 kDa band, corresponding to Rv1510c theoretical mass (44,294 Da). Assays involving synthetic peptides covering the whole protein binding to U937 and A549 cell lines led to recognising five high activity binding peptides in the Rv1510 protein: 11094, 11095, 11105, 11108, and 11111. Their affinity constants and Hill coefficients were determined by using U937 cells. Cross-linking assays performed with some of these HABPs showed that they specifically bound to a U937 cell line 51 kDa protein, but not to Hep G2 or red blood cell proteins, showing this interaction's specificity.  相似文献   

Erythrocyte binding antigen-160 (EBA-160) protein is a Plasmodium falciparum antigen homologue from the erythrocyte binding protein family (EBP). It has been shown that the EBP family plays a role in parasite binding to the erythrocyte surface. The EBA-160 sequence has been chemically synthesised in seventy 20-mer sequential peptides covering the entire 3D7 protein strain, each of which was tested in erythrocyte binding assays to identify possible EBA-160 functional regions. Five EBA-160 high activity binding peptides (HABPs) specifically binding to erythrocytes with high affinity were identified. Dissociation constants lay between 200 and 460 nM and Hill coefficients between 1.5 and 2.3. Erythrocyte membrane protein binding peptide cross-linking assays using SDS-PAGE showed that these peptides bound specifically to 12, 28, and 44 kDa erythrocyte membrane proteins. The nature of these receptor sites was studied in peptide binding assays using enzyme-treated erythrocytes. HABPs were able to block merozoite in vitro invasion of erythrocytes. HABPs’ potential as anti-malarial vaccine candidates is also discussed.  相似文献   

The Ca2+-ryanodine receptor complex is solubilized in functional form on treating sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) vesicles from rabbit fast skeletal muscle with 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio]-1-propane-sulfonate (CHAPS) (1 mg/mg protein) and 1 M NaCl at pH 7.1 by shaking for 30 min at 5 degrees C. The heavy membrane preparations obtained from pyrophosphate homogenates frequently exhibit junctional feet and appear to be derived primarily from the terminal cisternae of the SR. The characteristics of [3H]ryanodine binding are similar for the soluble receptor and the heavy SR vesicles with respect to dependence on Ca2+, pharmacological specificity for inhibition by six ryanoids and ruthenium red, and lack of sensitivity to voltage-dependent Ca2+-channel blockers, inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate, or doxorubicin. In contrast, the cation sensitivity is decreased on receptor solubilization. The soluble receptor is modulated by cyclic nucleotides and rapidly denatured at 50 degrees C. Saturation experiments reveal a single class of receptors (Kd = 9.6 nM), whereas kinetic measurements yield a calculated association constant of 5.5 X 10(6) min-1 M-1 and a dissociation constant of 5.7 X 10(-4) min-1, suggesting that the [3H]ryanodine receptor complex ages with time to a state which is recalcitrant to dissociation. Sepharose chromatography shows that the receptor complex consists primarily of two protein fractions, one of apparent Mr 150,000-300,000 and a second, the [3H]ryanodine binding component, of approximately Mr 1.2 X 10(6). Preliminary analysis of the soluble receptor preparation by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis reveals subunits of Mr greater than 200,000 and major bands of calsequestrin and Ca2+-transport ATPase. These findings indicate that [3H]ryanodine binds to the Ca2+-induced open state of the channel involved in the release of contractile Ca2+.  相似文献   

We have isolated two proteolipids from rabbit skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum by chromatography on columns of Sepharose CL-6B and Sephadex LH-60. One, PL-II, is identical to the proteolipid previously obtained by others using organic solvent extraction. The other, PL-I, has an amino acid composition very similar to those of proteolipids we previously isolated from canine cardiac SR and lamb kidney (Na,K)-ATPase.  相似文献   

S A Adam  L Gerace 《Cell》1991,66(5):837-847
We have purified two major polypeptides of 54 and 56 kd from bovine erythrocytes that specifically bind the nuclear location sequence (NLS) of the SV40 large T antigen. When added to a permeabilized cell system for nuclear import, the purified proteins increase by 2- to 3-fold the nuclear accumulation of a fluorescent protein containing the large T antigen NLS. The import stimulation is saturable and dependent upon the presence of cytosol. Nuclear protein accumulation in vitro is sensitive to inactivation by N-ethylmaleimide (NEM). NEM inactivation can be overcome by addition of the purified NLS-binding proteins to the import system. NEM treatment of the purified proteins abolishes their ability to stimulate import but does not affect NLS binding. Our results indicate that the NLS-binding proteins are NEM-sensitive receptors for nuclear import. At least one other NEM-sensitive cytosolic activity and an NEM-insensitive cytosolic activity are also necessary for protein import in vitro.  相似文献   

Tok JB  Cho J  Rando RR 《Nucleic acids research》2000,28(15):2902-2910
RNA–RNA recognition is a critical process in controlling many key biological events, such as translation and ribozyme functions. The recognition process governing RNA–RNA interactions can involve complementary Watson–Crick (WC) base pair binding, or can involve binding through tertiary structural interaction. Hence, it is of interest to determine which of the RNA–RNA binding events might emerge through an in vitro selection process. The A-site of the 16S rRNA decoding region was chosen as the target, both because it possesses several different RNA structural motifs, and because it is the rRNA site where codon/anticodon recognition occurs requiring recognition of both mRNA and tRNA. It is shown here that a single family of RNA molecules can be readily selected from two different sizes of RNA library. The tightest binding aptamer to the A-site 16S rRNA construct, 109.2-3, has its consensus sequences confined to a stem–loop region, which contains three nucleotides complementary to three of the four nucleotides in the stem–loop region of the A-site 16S rRNA. Point mutations on each of the three nucleotides on the stem–loop of the aptamer abolish its binding capacity. These studies suggest that the RNA aptamer 109.2-3 interacts with the simple 27 nt A-site decoding region of 16S rRNA through their respective stem–loops. The most probable mode of interaction is through complementary WC base pairing, commonly referred to as a loop–loop ‘kissing’ motif. High affinity binding to the other structural motifs in the decoding region were not observed.  相似文献   

Calcium release from sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles presumably derived from longitudinal tubules (LSR) and terminal cisternae (HSR) of rabbit skeletal muscle was investigated by dual wavelength spectrophotometry using the calcium-indicator antipyrylazo III. In 120 mM KCl, 5 mM MgCl2, 30 microM, CaCl2, 50 microM MgATP, 100 microM antipyrylazo III, 40 mM histidine (pH 6.8, 25 degrees C), LSR and HSR sequestered approx. 115 nmol calcium/mg, and then spontaneously released calcium. Analysis of ATP hydrolysis and phosphoenzyme level during LSR and HSR calcium sequestration indicated that this calcium release process was passive, occurring in the virtual absence of ATP and phosphoenzyme. Moreover, subsequent addition of ATP reinitiated the calcium sequestration-release sequence. Calcium release by HSR was more than 4-times faster than that by LSR. Analysis of the calcium release phase demonstrated a biexponential decay for both LSR (0.10 and 0.63 min-1) and HSR (0.26 and 1.65 min-1), suggestive of heterogeneity within each fraction. Replacement of 120 mM KCl with either 120 mM choline chloride, 240 mM sucrose, or H2O reduced maximal calcium sequestration by LSR, but had less effect on LSR calcium release rate constants. In the case of HSR, these changes in the ionic composition of the medium drastically reduced calcium release rate constants with little effect on calcium content. These marked differences between LSR and HSR are consistent with the hypothesis that the calcium permeability of the terminal cisternae is greater and more sensitive to the ionic environment than is that of the longitudinal tubules of sarcoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

Arterial wall lipid retention is believed to be due primarily to ionic interactions between lipoproteins and proteoglycans. Thus, oxidized low density lipoproteins (LDL), with decreased positive charge relative to native LDL, should have decreased interaction with negatively charged proteoglycans. However, oxidized LDL does accumulate within arterial lesions. Therefore, this study investigated the binding of native and oxidized LDL to a complex smooth muscle extracellular matrix and the role of ionic charge interactions in their binding. LDL was modified with 2,2-azo-bis(2-amidinopropane)-2HCl, hypochlorite, soybean lipoxygenase, and phospholipase or copper sulfate. The extracellular matrix had 15- to 45-fold greater binding capacity for the different forms of oxidized LDL than for native LDL. However, the affinity of binding for all forms of oxidized LDL was high (K(a) = approximately 10(-9) M) and was similar to that for native LDL. Preincubation of the lipoproteins with chondroitin sulfate decreased the binding of native LDL, but had no effect on the binding of oxidized LDL. Digestion of matrices with chondroitin ABC lyase and heparinase decreased the binding of native LDL, but increased the binding of oxidized LDL; matrix digestion with pronase or trypsin markedly reduced the binding of both native and oxidized LDL.Thus, the binding of native LDL involves matrix proteoglycans, whereas the binding of oxidized LDL involves a nonproteoglycan component(s) of the matrix. The markedly enhanced retention of oxidized LDL compared with native LDL may play an important role in the progression of atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

Ceruloplasmin (Cp) is a copper-containing ferroxidase with potent antioxidant activity. Cp is expressed by hepatocytes and activated macrophages and has been known as physiologic inhibitor of myeloperoxidase (MPO). Enzymatic activity of MPO produces anti-microbial agents and strong prooxidants such as hypochlorous acid and has a potential to damage host tissue at the sites of inflammation and infection. Thus Cp–MPO interaction and inhibition of MPO has previously been suggested as an important control mechanism of excessive MPO activity. Our aim in this study was to identify minimal Cp domain or peptide that interacts with MPO. We first confirmed Cp–MPO interaction by ELISA and surface plasmon resonance (SPR). SPR analysis of the interaction yielded 30 nM affinity between Cp and MPO. We then designed and synthesized 87 overlapping peptides spanning the entire amino acid sequence of Cp. Each of the peptides was tested whether it binds to MPO by direct binding ELISA. Two of the 87 peptides, P18 and P76 strongly interacted with MPO. Amino acid sequence analysis of identified peptides revealed high sequence and structural homology between them. Further structural analysis of Cp’s crystal structure by PyMOL software unfolded that both peptides represent surface-exposed sites of Cp and face nearly the same direction. To confirm our finding we raised anti-P18 antisera in rabbit and demonstrated that this antisera disrupts Cp–MPO binding and rescues MPO activity. Collectively, our results confirm Cp–MPO interaction and identify two nearly identical sites on Cp that specifically bind MPO. We propose that inhibition of MPO by Cp requires two nearly identical sites on Cp to bind homodimeric MPO simultaneously and at an angle of at least 120 degrees, which, in turn, exerts tension on MPO and results in conformational change.  相似文献   

Previously, we isolated an ATP-dependent proteolytic pathway in muscle, liver, and reticulocytes that requires ubiquitin and the enzymes which conjugate ubiquitin to proteins. We report here that skeletal muscle contains another soluble alkaline energy-dependent (but ubiquitin-independent) proteolytic activity. The cleavage of non-ubiquitinated protein substrates by the partially purified protease requires ATP hydrolysis since ATP in the absence of Mg2+, nonhydrolyzable ATP analogs, and pyrophosphate all fail to stimulate proteolysis. Proteolytic activity is also stimulated by UTP, CTP, and GTP, although not as effectively as by ATP (Km(ATP) = 0.027 mM). The enzyme is inactivated by the serine protease inhibitors diisopropyl fluorophosphate and 3,4-dichloroisocoumarin, but not by specific inhibitors of aspartic, thiol, or metalloproteases. It is maximally active at pH 8 and has a molecular weight of approximately 600,000. This new activity differs from the 720-kDa multicatalytic proteinase, but resembles the soluble ATP-dependent proteolytic system that we previously isolated from murine erythroleukemia cells.  相似文献   

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