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Lyngbya majuscula is a filamentous marine cyanobacterium with a worldwide distribution in temperate and tropical regions to a depth of 30 m. Over 70 chemicals have been isolated and characterised from this organism, many of which are biologically active. Previously, L. majuscula has been reported as implicated in negative health outcomes only in Hawaii and Okinawa. Recently large blooms of L. majuscula have occurred with increasing repetition in the Moreton Bay region as well as other areas along the Australian coastline.Lyngbya toxin A (LA) and debromoaplysiatoxin (DAT) were found in samples of L. majuscula collected from Eastern Moreton Bay and North Deception Bay, Queensland, Australia, respectively. Samples of L. majuscula were also obtained from West Maui, Hawaii and the freshwater Lyngbya wollei from Florida. A quantitative measure of the irritant effects of the chemicals found in L. majuscula was made using a mouse ear swelling test. The relative toxicities of two purified toxins, LA and DAT, were examined. These were found to produce swelling to a similar extent. The time course of inflammation and histopathological results were also similar for the two purified toxins. Less than 1 μg per ear of either toxin or a mixture (1:1) of the two toxins caused a measurable increase in ear thickness. When toxins were combined (1:1) there was an additive, not synergistic effect. Increases in ear thickness occurred within 15 min. Crude extracts of L. majuscula from Moreton Bay were also applied to mice ears. The effect of crude extracts from Eastern Moreton Bay was not fully explained by the measured LA content, suggesting other toxin(s) and/or modulating factors were present. The toxic effects of L. majuscula containing DAT from North Deception Bay were explained by the concentrations measured. Some samples of L. majuscula containing no measurable quantities of LA or DAT were found to exert an inflammatory response. This response had a different time course to the response produced by LA or DAT.  相似文献   

Large blooms of the marine cyanobacterium Lyngbya majuscula in Moreton Bay, Australia (27°05′S, 153°08′E) have been re-occurring for several years. A bloom was studied in Deception Bay (Northern Moreton Bay) in detail over the period January–March 2000. In situ data loggers and field sampling characterised various environmental parameters before and during the L. majuscula bloom. Various ecophysiological experiments were conducted on L. majuscula collected in the field and transported to the laboratory, including short-term (2 h) 14C incorporation rates and long-term (7 days) pulse amplitude modulated (PAM) fluorometry assessments of photosynthetic capacity. The effects of L. majuscula on various seagrasses in the bloom region were also assessed with repeated biomass sampling. The bloom commenced in January 2000 following usual December rainfall events, water temperatures in excess of 24 °C and high light conditions. This bloom expanded rapidly from 0 to a maximum extent of 8 km2 over 55 days with an average biomass of 210 gdw−1 m−2 in late February, followed by a rapid decline in early April. Seagrass biomass, especially Syringodium isoetifolium, was found to decline in areas of dense L. majuscula accumulation. Dissolved and total nutrient concentrations did not differ significantly (P > 0.05) preceding or during the bloom. However, water samples from creeks discharging into the study region indicated elevated concentrations of total iron (2.7–80.6 μM) and dissolved organic carbon (2.5–24.7 mg L−1), associated with low pH values (3.8–6.7). 14C incorporation rates by L. majuscula were significantly (P < 0.05) elevated by additions of iron (5 μM Fe), an organic chelator, ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid (5 μM EDTA) and phosphorus (5 μM PO4−3). Photosynthetic capacity measured with PAM fluorometry was also stimulated by various nutrient additions, but not significantly (P > 0.05). These results suggest that the L. majuscula bloom may have been stimulated by bioavailable iron, perhaps complexed by dissolved organic carbon. The rapid bloom expansion observed may then have been sustained by additional inputs of nutrients (N and P) and iron through sediment efflux, stimulated by redox changes due to decomposing L. majuscula mats.  相似文献   

【目的】了解北京地区典型水域贝类和虾类生物多样性,分析外来水生入侵物种的生态风险。【方法】选取北运河、潮白河、永定河、大清河和蓟运河五大水系以及南水北调蓄水工程沿线等北京地区典型水域,于2020年6、8和10月开展3次监测工作。共设置监测站点48个,涵盖河流、湖泊、水库等不同水体类型。通过对采集样品的分类鉴定,分析北京地区贝类和虾类物种组成、分布特征和生物多样性,同时对入侵贝类沼蛤的生态风险进行初步分析。【结果】本研究共鉴定出贝类和虾类13科27种,其中,贝类11科22种,虾类2科5种。角形环棱螺、纹沼螺、中华新米虾和铜锈环棱螺为各监测站点中的优势物种。从监测时间分析,各监测站点贝类和虾类的物种数量、密度和生物量都随着监测时间的延续表现为先升高后降低的趋势,而生物多样性表现为持续升高趋势。从水体类型分析,各监测站点贝类和虾类的物种组成和生物多样性没有表现出显著差异,同质化趋势明显,而湖泊型水体贝类和虾类的生物量和密度较高。此外,本研究在玉渊潭西湖和龙潭闸2个站点均采集获得入侵贝类沼蛤的活体样品,且在3次监测中沼蛤种群密度均较大,这表明北京地区沼蛤生物入侵风险较大,需持续开展跟踪监测并密切关注其种群发展动态。【结论】北京地区底栖动物尤其是贝类和虾类资源较为丰富,但相关监测调查仍然没有全面覆盖本地贝类和虾类物种,在后续工作中应该加大监测力度,同时应密切关注入侵生物沼蛤的种群动态和入侵情况。  相似文献   

沼蛤是一种典型的淡水入侵贝类,能够利用其分泌的足丝牢固黏附在多种水下基质表面,引起严重的生物污损问题。沼蛤污损不但影响水生态系统健康,也给水利工程、交通运输、水产养殖等行业带来经济损失,已成为全球水生态系统安全和国民经济重要行业的潜在威胁,相关防污工作亟待开展。欲从根本上解决沼蛤污损问题,一方面需要加强对其基础生物学特性和污损机制的深入解析,另一方面也需要在此基础上研发更加经济、高效、环境友好的防污措施。本文综述了近年来国内外关于沼蛤污损生物学特性、污损机制和防污措施方面的研究进展,尤其是对沼蛤生物污损发生的主要机制如足探测识别、足丝黏附和环境影响等方面进行了总结,也从物理、化学、生物和防污材料等角度阐述了现有的沼蛤污损控制措施并对未来发展方向进行了展望,以期更加深入地理解沼蛤生物污损现象,为揭示其作用机制、制定科学有效的防污措施、维护水生态系统安全提供数据支撑,综述内容对于水下仿生材料研发也具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

Large-scale blooms of Lyngbya majuscula (Gomont) have occurred throughout Moreton Bay (south-east Queensland) and have been documented since 1997. L. majuscula is a toxic cyanobacteria which fixes nitrogen and is found attached to: seagrass, algae and coral. The toxic and smothering nature of L. majuscula has affected human and environmental health in sensitive coastal ecosystems. To reduce these impacts, monitoring is an essential component of studying the origins and development of L. majuscula blooms. An accurate and cost effective means to map the extent of a bloom and its biophysical properties is needed. This study presents an operational approach for mapping the extent of L. majuscula blooms in the clear and shallow water regions of Moreton Bay, eastern Australia, from a combination of field and remotely sensed data sets. The ability to discriminate L. majuscula from other substrate types over a range of depths was first examined using detailed field reflectance spectra, measured optical properties of Moreton Bay waters and a radiative transfer model (Hydrolight 4.1). A two-stage process was then used to map L. majuscula. The spatial extent of L. majuscula and other major substrate types was first recorded from a boat-based survey by marine park authorities using point-based GPS measurements. This sampling was timed to coincide with an overpass of the Landsat 7 ETM+ sensor. When the results of the boat-based mapping detected more than 25% L. majuscula cover in the study area, a cloud free Landsat 7 ETM+ image was acquired for that date. In the second stage of mapping, selected field survey data provided the basis for a supervised classification of the ETM+ image data to map L. majuscula. Effort and accuracy assessment of both field and image mapping methods indicated a trade-off between areal coverage and mapping accuracy. The Landsat 7 ETM+ based mapping procedure provided 100% areal coverage with 58% accuracy. In contrast, the boat-based field survey method covered only 0.5% of the study area, but with almost 100% mapping accuracy. The approach outlined in this work has been adopted as a standard operating procedure in Moreton Bay. This study illustrates how remote sensing can be combined with field monitoring, to provide marine park authorities with useful information to understand and manage blooms.  相似文献   

Eurytemora affinis, a calanoid copepod, has been encountered in Volkerak-Zoommeer (Rhine delta region, S.W. Netherlands) both before this lake system was isolated in 1987 from the estuarine influence, and after. It was the main particle-feeding crustacean at all the 3 sampling stations in March–April 1990 when it reached densities of up to 215 ind.l–1. Its decline from mid April onwards, and low densities through summer, coincided with increase in cladocerans, especiallyDaphnia spp. (D. pulex andD. galeata), a decrease in seston (<33m) and chlorophyll concentrations and in primary production rates. The clearance rates (CR) ofEurytemora measured in the spring period varied enormously (0.6–24 ml.ind–1.d–1) depending mainly on size (0.44–1.06 mm), food concentration (0.8–2.2 mg C.l–1), and the water temperature which varied only narrowly (8.0–9.0°C). Mean ingestion rates of the animals measuring 0.68±0.02 mm during the study was 6.7±3.2 gC.ind–1.d–1; and assimilation efficiency varied between 27 and 53% (mean: 41±9%). The weight specific CR (SCR) varied between 0.96 and 6.4 litre.mg–1 body C.d–1. Pooled regression of SCR on the animal's body weight at the 3 study stations revealed a significant inverse relationship. Also daily ration and specific assimilation ofE. affinis varied greatly and inversely with the body weight. This calanoid contributed from about 50 to 100% to the zooplankton community grazing rates and assimilation rates, the former often exceeding the phytoplankton primary production.  相似文献   

The seasonal changes in phytoplankton biomass and species diversity in a shallow, eutrophic Danish lake are described and related to different disturbance events acting on the phytoplankton community.Both the spring diatom maximum and the summer bloom of the filamentous blue-green alga, Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (L.) Ralfs, coincided with low values of phytoplankton species diversity and equitability. Diatom collapse was mainly due to internal modifications as nutrient depletion (Si, P) caused by rapid growth of phytoplankton, and increased grazing activity from zooplankton. A large population of Daphnia longispina O.F. Müller in June effectively removed smaller algal competitors, thus favouring the development of a huge summer bloom (140 mm3 l–1) of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae. Heavy rainfall and storms in late July increased the loss of Apahnizomenon by out-flow and disturbed the stratification of the lake. These events caused a marked decline in phytoplankton biomass but had no effect on species diversity. A second storm period in late August circulated the lake completely and was followed by a rapid increase in phytoplankton diversity, and a change in the phytoplankton community structure from dominance of large, slow-growing K-selected species (Aphanizomenon) to small, fast-growing r-selected species (cryptomonads).  相似文献   

Factors affecting the occurrence and distribution of entomopathogenic fungi in 244 soil samples collected from natural and cultivated areas in Spain were studied using an integrated approach based on univariate and multivariate analyses. Entomopathogenic fungi were isolated from 175 of the 244 (71.7 %) soil samples, with only two species found, Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae. Of the 244 soil samples, 104 yielded B. bassiana (42.6 %), 18 yielded M. anisopliae (7.3 %), and 53 soil samples (21.7 %) harboured both fungi. Log-linear models indicated no significant effect of habitat on the occurrence of B. bassiana, but a strong association between M. anisopliae and soils from cultivated habitats, particularly field crops. Also, irrespective of habitat type, B. bassiana predominated over M. anisopliae in soils with a higher clay content, higher pH, and lower organic matter content. Logistic regression analyses showed that pH and clay content were predictive variables for the occurrence of B. bassiana, whereas organic matter content was the predictive variable for M. anisopliae. Also, latitude and longitude predicted the occurrence of these same species, but in opposite directions. Altitude was found to be predictive for the occurrence of B. bassiana. Using principal component analysis, four factors (1 to 4) accounted for 86 % of the total variance; 32.8, 22.9, 19.6 and 10.4 % of the cumulative variance explained, respectively. Factor 1 was associated with high positive weights for soil clay and silt content and high negative weights for soil sand content. Factor 2 was associated with high positive weights for soil organic matter content and high negative weights for soil pH. Factor 3 was associated with high positive weights for latitude and longitude of the sampled localities and factor 4, had high positive weights only for the altitude. Bi-plot displays representing soil samples were developed for different factor combinations and indicated that, irrespective of geographical location, absence of both fungal species was determined by alkaline sandy soils with low organic matter content, whereas heaviness of soil texture, acidity and increasing organic matter content led to progressively higher percentages of samples harbouring entomopathogenic fungi. These results could aid decision-making as to whether or not a particular cultivated or natural soil is suitable for using entomopathogenic fungi as a pest control measure and for selecting the fungal species best suited to a particular soil.  相似文献   

A decrease in seagrass cover and a commensurate increase in Caulerpa taxifolia distribution in Moreton Bay have prompted concern for the impact that habitat change may have on faunal communities. Therefore, it is important to understand the patterns of habitat use. We examined habitat selection of three common seagrass species: double-ended pipefish (Syngnathoides biaculeatus), eastern trumpeter (Pelates quadrilineatus), and fan-bellied leatherjacket (Monacanthus chinensis) using a mesocosm experiment. Fish were given three possible habitat pairings (1) seagrass and C. taxifolia, (2) seagrass and unvegetated, and (3) C. taxifolia and unvegetated. Observation trials were conducted during the day and night over two days. In all trials, fish preferred vegetated habitat (seagrass or C. taxifolia) over unvegetated habitat (sand). In seagrass and C. taxifolia trials, all species preferred seagrass significantly over C. taxifolia. Habitat use patterns did not differ between day and night trials. Caulerpa taxifolia provides a valuable structured habitat in the absence of seagrass; however, it is unclear if C. taxifolia meadows provide other resource benefits to fishes beyond that of shelter.  相似文献   

The predatory mite Neoseiulus cucumeris is used for biological control of phytophagous mites and thrips on greenhouse cucumber and sweet pepper. In a previous study, N. cucumeris provided effective control of broad mite but was only rarely found on the sampled leaves, raising questions about the factors affecting N. cucumeris distribution. To determine the distribution of N. cucumeris, leaves of pepper plants were sampled three times per day: just after sunrise, at noon and just before sunset for two years and throughout a 24 h period in one year. The presence of other mites and insects was recorded. Biotic (pollen) and abiotic (temperature, humidity) factors were monitored from the three plant levels. The effect of direct and indirect sunlight on the mites was assessed. N. cucumeris was found primarily in flowers; however, the mite’s distribution was affected by other predators (intraguild predation); in the presence of the predatory bug Orius laevigatus virtually no mites occurred in the flowers. Whereas temperature and humidity varied from the top to the lower level of the plants, apparently neither these factors nor the presence of pollen outside the flowers influenced mite distribution. N. cucumeris was found to be negatively phototropic; therefore N. cucumeris were pre-conditioned to light by rearing under light conditions for 4 months before being released. The light-reared mites were initially more numerous during the noon sampling period, however, rearing conditions caused only a temporary and non-significant change in distribution.  相似文献   

Limnoperna fortunei (Bivalvia, Mitylidae) was introduced into South America in 1991 in the La Plata River (Argentina). It arrived in the ballast water of ships coming from Asia, where this species is native. It was first observed in 1998 in the Paraguay River. Limnoperna was introduced into the Pantanal region as hull fouling of vessels using the Paraguay–Parana waterway. This study describes how L. fortunei came to the Pantanal region, and provides details of its occurrence, density, and impacts. From 1999 to 2002, observations and sampling on natural and artificial substrates in the Paraguay River were made. Some aspects of the spread and impacts, based on local community information, were also analyzed. On artificial substrate the density reached 523.8 individuals m−2 and on natural substrate (rocks), up to 10,000 individuals m−2 were found. The densities observed were quite low compared to those found in Southern Brazil, where values up to 100,000 individuals m−2 have been recorded in the last 3 years. In the Paraguay River, the population density of L. fortunei can be negatively impacted by periodic low levels of dissolved oxygen and decreases in pH to between 5 and 6. Such conditions are frequently present during the periodic flooding or inundation of this area. Under these conditions, a high mortality of L. fortunei was recorded in March of 2002, on both natural and artificial substrates. Despite low densities, L. fortunei can colonize water cooling systems of boats, obstructing water circulation and causing motor overheating. Accumulation in water supply equipment, such as pumps and pipes has also been observed. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

左涛  王俊  时永强 《生态学报》2017,37(15):5189-5197
基于2011年5月至2012年4月(12月和翌年1—2月冰期除外)在渤海莱州湾逐月采集的数据资料,分析莱州湾强壮滨箭虫丰度空间分布和体长的季节变化,估算其生产力和摄食率,以掌握其种群动态特征,为评价该种在莱州湾生态系统结构功能中地位提供参数和依据。结果显示:强壮滨箭虫丰度和生物量年变化曲线为双峰型,最高峰出现于5月,次高峰出现于8—9月;4 mm和15 mm体长的个体分别是丰度和生物量的主要贡献者。生产力估值为0.25 mg C m~(-3)d~(-1),摄食率估值为0.88 mg C m~(-3)d~(-1)。种群月均体长以3—4月最高(10 mm)、5月和11月最低(5 mm);月均体长与月表层水温、盐度呈负相关。春季5月、夏季7—8月和秋季10—11月中,小型个体丰度所占的比例较高,应为种群数量增长期。各月的体长频数分布可分辨出平均体长5mm(Cohort Ⅰ)、介于5—10 mm(Cohort Ⅱ)和10 mm(Cohort Ⅲ)的3个同生群。Cohort Ⅲ和Cohort I高丰度区的表层水温和盐度分别介于15—17℃和29—32。Cohort Ⅲ基本不出现于水温大于24℃的站位,其丰度与水温呈显著负相关。Cohort Ⅰ基本不出现于水温低于11℃的站位,其丰度与水温呈显著正相关。Cohort Ⅱ高丰度区的表层水温和盐度为26—27℃和30—32。由上推测强壮滨箭虫发生明显体型更替的水温阈值应不超过15—17℃。  相似文献   

The geographic range and bloom frequency of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum and other members of the A. minutum group have been increasing over the past few decades. Some of these species are responsible for paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) outbreaks throughout the world. The origins of new toxic populations found in previously unaffected areas are typically not known due to a lack of reliable plankton records with sound species identifications and to the lack of a global genetic database. This paper provides the first comprehensive study of minutum-group morphology and phylogeny on a global scale, including 45 isolates from northern Europe, the Mediterranean, Asia, Australia and New Zealand.Neither the morphospecies Alexandrium lusitanicum nor A. angustitabulatum was recoverable morphologically, due to large variation within and among all minutum-group clonal strains in characters previously used to distinguish these species: the length:width of the anterior sulcal plate, shape of the 1′ plate, connection between the 1′ plate and the apical pore complex, and the presence of a ventral pore. DNA sequence data from the D1 to D2 region of the LSU rDNA also fail to recognize these species. Therefore, we recommend that all isolates previously designated as A. lusitanicum or A. angustitabulatum be redesignated as A. minutum. A. tamutum, A. insuetum, and A. andersonii are clearly different from A. minutum on the basis of both genetic and morphological data.A. minutum strains from Europe and Australia are closely related to one another, which may indicate an introduction from Europe to Australia given the long history of PSP in Europe and its recent occurrence in Australia. A minutum from New Zealand and Taiwan form a separate phylogenetic group. Most strains of A. minutum fit into one of these two groups, although there are a few outlying strains that merit further study and may represent new species. The results of this paper have greatly improved our ability to track the spread of A. minutum species and to understand the evolutionary relationships within the A. minutum group by correcting inaccurate taxonomy and providing a global genetic database.  相似文献   

Grazing rates and behaviors of the copepod Neocalanus plumchrus were investigated in shipboard experiments during the first SUPER Program cruise (May, 1984). N. plumchrus can exploit cells in the 2 to 30 m size range with equal clearance efficiency but displays considerable flexibility in responding to changes in concentration and size composition. Its functional response helps to stabilize phytoplankton at low densities. In 60-liter microcosms, a density of one copepod liter–1 was sufficient to maintain the ambient abundance and structure of the phytoplankton community for a week. In the absence of the copepod, phytoplankton bloomed to unnaturally high levels, and the community composition was dramatically altered. Despite its grazing potential, N. plumchrus was not present in sufficient density to control phytoplankton blooms in the subarctic Pacific. However, the copepod may have an important role in regulating the abundance of smaller grazers and the size structure of the phytoplankton community.Contribution No. 2002 from Hawaii Institute of Geophysics, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI 96822  相似文献   

Dreissena polymorpha population densities and biomass were followed in three Belarusian lakes with different trophic status over a 12-year period subsequent to initial colonization. In all three lakes zebra mussel population densities did not change once they reached a maximum. Application of the Ramcharan et al. [1992. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 49: 2611–2620] model for predicting population dynamics of zebra mussels was accurate for two of the three lakes studied. Population density appears to depend on the time since initial colonization, relative abundance of substrate available for colonization, lake morphometry and trophic type. Zebra mussel distribution within lakes was highly patchy, but the degree of dispersion decreased over time after initial colonization, which may be a result of saturation of suitable substrates by zebra mussels as populations increase and reach carrying capacity. In lakes where submerged macrophytes are the dominant substrate for zebra mussel attachment, populations may be less stable than in lakes with a variety of substrates, which will have a more balanced age distribution, and be less impacted by year to year variation in recruitment. Dreissena polymorpha usually reach maximum population density 7–12 years after initial introduction. However, the timing of initial introduction is often very difficult to determine. Both European and North American data suggest that zebra mussels reach maximum density in about 2–3 years after populations are large enough to be detected.  相似文献   

Hampl V  Cepicka I  Flegr J  Tachezy J  Kulda J 《Protist》2007,158(3):365-383
The family Monocercomonadidae (Parabasala, Trichomonadida) is characterized by the absence of a costa and in most species also of an undulating membrane; both of which are typical structures of trichomonadids. We have examined 25 isolates of Monocercomonadidae species by sequencing of the SSU rDNA and the ITS region and by light and transmission electron microscopy. The isolates formed three distinct phylogenetically unrelated clades: (1) Monocercomonas colubrorum, (2) Monocercomonas ruminantium together with a strain ATCC 50321 designated as Pseudotrichomonas keilini, and (3) Hexamastix. Twenty isolates of Monocercomonas colubrorum split into three clades with no host-specificity. The morphological differences among clades were insufficient to classify them as a separate species. Non-monophyly of the cattle commensal Monocercomonas ruminantium with the type species Monocercomonas colubrorum and absence of Pseudotrichomonas characters in the free-living strain ATCC 50321 led to their reclassification into a new genus (Honigbergiella gen. nov.). The close relationship of these strains indicates a recent switch between a free-living habit and endobiosis. Two strains of Hexamastix represented different species -Hexamastix kirbyi Honigberg 1955 and Hexamastix mitis sp. nov. Polyphyly of the Monocercomonadidae confirmed that the absence of a costa and an undulating membrane are not taxonomically significant characters and were probably secondarily lost in some or all clades. Our observations, however, indicated that other characters - infrakinetosomal body, comb-like structure, marginal lamella, and the type of axostyle - are fully consistent with the position of Monocercomonadidae species in the parabasalian tree and are, therefore, reasonable taxonomic characters.  相似文献   

Chile is home to 23 species of Bromeliaceae, including 2 subspecies and 4 varieties. Twenty species are endemic to the country. We examined 883 herbarium specimens from 27 herbaria for our treatment of the Bromeliaceae for the “Flora de Chile”. These data and field observations resulted in a comprehensive database that we used to generate distribution maps for each species. We applied ecological niche modelling to reveal distribution areas and centers of Bromeliaceae diversity. We further analysed the collecting dates of the herbarium specimens to assess possible changes in species abundance. In this study we assess the conservation status of the bromeliad species in Chile. IUCN categories were assigned to the 27 bromeliad taxa as follows: Critically endangered: 4, Endangered: 6, Vulnerable: 11, Near threatened: 2, Least concern: 4. No species has become “Extinct” up to now. We also put forth a hypothesis about their biogeographic history.  相似文献   

Japanese temperate bass Lateolabrax japonicus juveniles recruit to the surf zone and grow by feeding on commonly occurring coastal copepods. However, little is known about diel and tidal patterns in their migration and feeding habits. We sampled wild juveniles during the neap and spring tides, over periods of 24 h, with small seine nets in the sand flat of the eastern part of Ariake Bay, Kyushu, western Japan. In both the neap and spring tides, abundance of juveniles significantly increased during the daytime, being highest around the time of high tide. The relative gut fullness indices of juveniles drastically increased in the morning (0700–0900) and during the flood tide in the daytime, while major prey copepod (Paracalanus spp.) density in the ambient water was relatively constant. We summarized that L. japonicus juveniles would migrate to the surf zone after sunrise to feed on copepods, and then emigrate from the surf zone after sunset. The migratory behavior of L. japonicus juveniles would be influenced by light (daytime) and feeding activity influenced by both light (morning) and tidal condition (flood tide). The intertidal region of the tidal flat was recognized to be one of the important habitats for L. japonicus during their early life history.  相似文献   

By reducing the number of flowers and fruits, intense grazing activities of domestic livestock are considered to have negative effects on the plant recruitment of perennial plants in the Succulent Karoo, South Africa. In the present study, the fruit set of six perennial species belonging to the Aizoaceae was investigated under two different grazing intensities. Two species (Cheiridopsis imitans and Leipoldtia schultzei) were examined more closely to determine whether factors other than grazing impact fruit production of these plants. Apart from reproductive output, the population structure of these two species was explored in heavily and slightly grazed areas.For all investigated species, heavy livestock grazing was identified as a major threat to fruit production. Deviations from this pattern were recorded in a drought year, when harsh weather conditions reduced herd sizes dramatically and the usually high grazing pressure was alleviated. However, detailed analyses revealed that also other biotic factors can cause severe fruit and flower losses even exceeding that caused by grazing. Caterpillars of the noctuid moth, Diaphone eumela, and two rodent species, Otomys unisulcatus and Rhabdomys pumilio, proved to be further important herbivores of flowers and fruits. Experiments with caged plants, excluding livestock from grazing, confirmed though that livestock grazing definitely accounts for a continuous reduction of fruit production. Insufficient pollination success was another parameter reducing fruit set; however, this was almost exclusively observed under low grazing pressure.  相似文献   

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