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To test the influence of past vicariant events on population genetic structure of the sooty tern Sterna fuscata , we examined sequence variation in the mitochondrial control region of individuals from the Indo-Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Our analyses indicate a rapid population expansion at a global scale during the last 100 000 years, consistent with global recolonisation during the interstade following the Pleistocene glacial maxima (125 000–175 000 years bp). We estimate islands of the Great Barrier Reef and Coral Sea were colonised no more than 16 000 years ago, most likely in association with the appearance of new breeding habitat following the final Pleistocene glacial retreat (19 000–22 000 years bp). Our results suggest that ice sheets linked to major glacial events not only impact genetic structuring in temperate seabirds, but that sea level changes in the tropics associated with these same events have also significantly impacted contemporary genetic structuring in tropical seabird species.  相似文献   

Sooty tern (Sterna fuscata) rookeries are scattered throughout the tropical oceans. When not nesting, individuals wander great distances across open seas, but, like many other seabirds, they tend to be site-faithful to nesting locales in successive years. Here we examine the matrilineal history of sooty terns on a global scale. Assayed colonies within an ocean are poorly differentiated in mitochondrial DNA sequence, a result indicating tight historical ties. However, a shallow genealogical partition distinguishes Atlantic from Indo-Pacific rookeries. Phylogeographic patterns in the sooty tern are compared to those in other colonially nesting seabirds, as well as in the green turtle (Chelonia mydas), an analogue of tropical seabirds in some salient aspects of natural history. Phylogeographic structure within an ocean is normally weak in seabirds, unlike the pronounced matrilineal structure in green turtles. However, the phylogeographic partition between Atlantic and Indo-Pacific rookeries in sooty terns mirrors, albeit in shallower evolutionary time, the major matrilineal subdivision in green turtles. Thus, global geology has apparently influenced historical gene movements in these two circumtropical species.  相似文献   

Chris J. Feare  & Paul F. Doherty  Jr 《Ibis》2004,146(3):475-480
Sooty Tern Sterna fuscata populations on the Seychelles Islands have been exploited for human consumption of their eggs for at least the last 75 years. This has led to concern about possible declines in these populations. To address these concerns, the Seychelles Government has instituted a research and management plan to ensure the sustainability of the egg harvest. The harvest model, upon which current harvest regulations are based, was constructed with an assumed adult survival rate because there are no published Sooty Tern survival rate estimates. We fill this knowledge gap and address this assumption. We estimated adult Sooty Tern survival to be 0.91 ( SÊ  = 0.01), which was close to the estimate used in the model. This estimate is also comparable with other seabird survival estimates. In the future this estimate could be improved with higher recapture rates. In addition, further advances in models for estimating probabilities of age at first breeding, prebreeder survival and population growth should be used to best effect, by making appropriate improvements to the ring search protocol, to provide further feedback to the management programme.  相似文献   

A colony of Amblyomma pseudoparvum was started with male and female ticks collected from the cavy-like rodent Dolichotis salinicola, in the Province of Salta, Argentina. These ticks and their progenies were fed on rabbits and the non-parasitic stages maintained in darkness at 27±1°C, 83–86% RH. The life cycle (pre-feeding and oviposition periods not tested) of A. pseudoparvum had a mean duration of 90.9 days. The mean time (days) for the different periods of the cycle were as follows: Feeding of females, 12.3; pre-oviposition, 5.1; minimum egg incubation, 33.4; feeding of larvae, 5.6; pre-moult to nymphs, 11.5; feeding of nymphs, 6.9; pre-moult to adults, 16.1. The mean recovery rates of larvae, nymphs and females were 16.0%, 18.7% and 53.0%, respectively.  相似文献   

Individual-based data on little terns Sterna albifrons at a post-breeding moulting area were used to investigate the spatial extent at which this site attract birds. Combining information collected on young terns, ringed at the natal colonies, with that on birds captured a few months later at the moulting site, we estimated a survival/movement parameter for each age-by-colony combination. This parameter is the product between the survival probability and the probability to visit the moulting site. The distance between the natal colony and the moulting site negatively influenced the probability of reaching the site in yearlings. Having corrected for the distance from the moulting area, colony characteristics explained only about 10% of the spatial variation in the survival/movement parameter of juveniles. In older birds that had visited the site at least once in their life, neither the colony nor the distance affected the survival/movement parameter significantly. The average annual adult survival/movement probability was 0.90. Juvenile survival between June and September was 0.60. Overall results suggest that the moulting area could act as a 'population funnel' within a system of moult migration that involves birds breeding up to 500 km away. However, other unknown moulting site must exist within this area that could be important for the conservation of the species.  相似文献   

Dispersal is an important evolutionary process that can affect admixture of populations and cause rapid responses to changing climatic conditions due to gene flow from populations at different altitudes or latitudes already experiencing these conditions. We investigated long-term patterns of natal and breeding dispersal in a coastal seabird, the Arctic tern Sterna paradisaea , that experiences specific climatic conditions in the northern temperate and Arctic climate zones during breeding and different climatic conditions in the Antarctic during winter. Long natal and breeding dispersal distances were costly as shown by their effects on delayed breeding. Dispersal distances varied significantly among years, with natal dispersal showing a strong temporal increase during the last 70 years. Annual differences in dispersal distance could be accounted for by climate conditions in the breeding grounds and the winter quarters. Natal dispersal was related to climate conditions in both the year of hatching and the year of breeding, whereas breeding dispersal was only related to climate conditions in the second year of the dispersal event. Only the north Atlantic oscillation (NAO) index for winter showed a consistent temporal trend, suggesting that the temporal trend in natal dispersal distance must be caused by changes in the NAO (or associated phenomena). These findings indicate that dispersal can change rapidly in response to changing climate conditions.  相似文献   

The geographic distribution of Amblyomma americanum (the lone star tick) has increased as has its role as a pathogen vector. The objectives of this study were to determine seasonal activity patterns of each life stage of A. americanum in the northwestern part of the species range and the relationship of these activity patterns among life stages and degree days. Tick activity was monitored over four years since 2007 in a forest and old field habitat located in northeast Missouri. Every other week from February to December, ticks were collected using bait and drag methods. Autocorrelations demonstrated yearly seasonal patterns in each life stage and cross‐correlations between life stages depicted a relationship between activity at a life stage and the previous stage's activity. Cross‐correlations indicated that degree days were related to activity. These data indicated that A. americanum generally complete their life cycle in a minimum of two years in northeast Missouri, with overwintering occurring predominantly in the nymphal and adult stages. These data provide a baseline to compare the life cycle of A. americanum in northeast Missouri to populations in different parts of the species range or at different times in the region.  相似文献   

J. C. Coulson    Jean  Horobin 《Journal of Zoology》1976,178(2):247-260
The paper describes the influence of the age of Arctic terns on the breeding biology and postfledging survival. Some of the effects of a "red-tide" on the terns are described.  相似文献   

Extended post-fledging parental care is an important aspect of parental care in birds, although little studied due to logistic difficulties. Commonly, the brood is split physically (brood division) and/or preferential care is given to a subset of the brood by one parent or the other (care division). Among gulls and tern (Laridae), males and females generally share parental activities during the pre-fledging period, but the allocation of parental care after fledging is little documented. This study examined the behaviour of male and female roseate terns (Sterna dougallii) during the late chick-rearing and early post-fledging periods, and in particular the amount of feeds and the time spent in attendance given to individual chicks/fledglings. Pre-fledging parental care was biparental in all cases. Post-fledging parental care was dependent on the number of fledglings in the brood. Males and females continued biparental care in clutches with one surviving fledgling, while in two-fledgling clutches, males fed the A-fledgling while females fed the B-fledgling. Overall, there was no difference in attendance, only in feeds. This division of care may be influenced by the male only being certain of the paternity of the A-chick but not by chick sex.  相似文献   

A case of tick bite was found in the inguinal region of a 74-year-old Korean woman. She was attacked by the tick while working in her vegetable garden in the vicinity of mountain located in Suncheon City, the southern coastal area of the Korean Peninsula. On admission she complained of mild discomfort and itching around the bite area. The causative tick was 23 mm long and had slender pedipalps. The scutum was quite ornate and had eyes at the edge. The genital aperture was located anterior to the level of the coxa II. The spiracular plate was comma-shaped and the anus was surrounded posteriorly by the anal groove. The coxa I had subequal 2 spurs; the external one slightly larger. The spur of coxa IV was slightly longer than those of coxae II and III. The tarsus IV had 2 distinct subapical ventral spurs. It was identified as the fully engorged adult female of Amblyomma testudinarium. This is the first human case of Amblyomma bite in Korea.  相似文献   

Amblyomma americanum (Linneaus) (Acari: Ixodidae), an important tick vector of human and animal disease, is not a competent vector of the bacterial agent of Lyme disease, Borrelia burgdorferi, although its range overlaps the geographical distribution of Lyme disease within the United States. A possible mechanism that could prevent acquisition of B. burgdorferi spirochetes from infected hosts is the toxic effect of A. americanum saliva on B. burgdorferi. The data presented here indicate that after 24 and 48 h of exposure to A. americanum saliva, significantly fewer B. burgdorferi were alive compared to treatment controls as assessed by spirochete motility under dark-field microscopy and resistance to the dead stain, propidium iodide. After 48 h, fewer than 13% of saliva-exposed B. burgdorferi were alive. In contrast, significantly more B. burgdorferi exposed to Ixodes scapularis (Acari: Ixodidae) saliva survived after 24 or 48 h compared to A. americanum saliva or treatment controls.  相似文献   

A colony of Amblyomma neumanni was started with engorged females collected from cattle in the province of Salta (24° 51S, 65° 33W), Argentina. The larvae and nymphs were fed on rabbits and the adults on calves. The non-parasitic stages were maintained in darkness at 27 ± 1°C and 83–86% RH. The life cycle (pre-feeding period not tested) had a mean duration of 205.7 days. The mean time (days) for the different phases of the cycle were as follows: feeding of females 8.8, pre-oviposition 23.8, oviposition 41.4, minimum egg incubation 76.1, feeding of larvae 8.5, pre-moult to nymphs 16.4, feeding of nymphs 7.9 and pre-moult to adults 22.8. The mean recovery rates of larvae, nymphs and females were 83.8, 85.6 and 89.3%, respectively. The nymphs moulting to females were heavier (8.1 ± 2.34 mg) than those moulting to males (6.0 ± 2.34 mg; p < 0.01), but their range of engorgement weight showed overlap (2.3–16.2 versus 2.2–12.8 mg, respectively). Two gynandromorphs were detected between the nymphs. A comparison of biological parameters of A. neumanni with other American Amblyomma species from mammals is presented. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

In 1989, 313 foraging flights of common terns in the Wadden Sea were radio-tracked. The feeding trips lasted on average 115 min covering about 30 km per flight. Completely tracked flights had a mean radius of 6.3 km. The terns preferred distinct foraging areas in the Wadden Sea. These were visited at site-specific phases of the tidal cycle resulting in a temporal and spatial pattern of foraging, caused by the site-specific and tide-related fluctuations of food availability.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   

Summary Injections of large doses of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) into the telencephalon of the squirrel fish (Holocentrus rufus) revealed the first anatomical evidence for a visual thalamo-telencephalic projection in a teleost. The central optic nucleus of the thalamus appears to be the only visual thalamic nucleus projecting to the telencephalon in this species. Since the central optic nucleus has a large tectal input but not a direct one from the retina, it is suggested that a retino-geniculo-telencephalic pathway does not exist in this species. Acknowledgements. The author is grateful to Drs. J. Maldonado, Dietrich Meyer and Henning Scheich for encouragement and support in this endeavor. The study was supported by: National Institutes of Health grant EY-02014 and EY-03264, a NIH grant to Dr. José del Castillo and the German Science Foundation (SFB 45)  相似文献   


A mated Amblyomma hebraeum female will engorge on a host for about 8 days before detaching and beginning the maturation of its single egg batch which is laid during a period of about 30 days. The feeding period is characterized by an important synthesis of endocuticular material occurring before the rapid feeding phase. This latter phase, correlated with an enormous weight uptake, shows an increase of ecdysteroid levels measured in the whole animal by RIA. However, the hemolymphatic levels of ecdysteroids remain very low (12 pg 20-hydroxyecdysone equivalent (20-OH-E eq.) per μ1. Within 4 days after detachment, the salivary glands degenerate. Ecdysteroid levels in the whole animal continue to increase, reaching high values (about 500 ng 20-OH-E eq./tick) at the moment of oviposition which begins 10–14 days after dropping. During the same period, hemolymphatic ecdysteroid levels increase, rising to a peak (600 pg 20-OH-E eq./μ1) 1 day prior to the beginning of oviposition. Then, the levels decrease and stabilize around 250 pg 20-OH-E eq./μl during egg-laying. Freshly laid eggs contain large amounts of ecdysteroids (2744 pg 20-OH-E eq./mg).

20-Hydroxyecdysone and ecdysone have been found to be the major free ecdysteroids in hemolymph, ovaries and eggs (verified by the HPLC-RIA technique and GC-MF of silylated HPLC fractions). Helix juice (or esterase) labile ecdysteroid conjugates do not seem to be present to any noticeable extent in hemolymph, ovaries and eggs.  相似文献   

At the beginning of the 1999 rainy season, three traditional cattle herds were monitored for 48 days while grazing in the bushy savannah of southwestern Burkina Faso. Cattle in each herd were caught on several occasions each day and the attached ticks were counted. This confirmed that Amblyomma variegatum Fabricius (Acari: Ixodidae) adults picked up in the pastures mainly attach to the interdigital areas (87% of the 791 ticks captured), and reach the predilection sites later (chest and udder/inguinal area) when the animals lie down. As many females as males attached to the hosts, but the seasonal distribution was very heterogeneous, with only a few females attaching as long as the humidity rate remained low. It is suggested that this prevents eggs from being laid when conditions are not optimal for their survival and that of the larvae. Ticks attached all day but the number picked up hourly and daily varied greatly according to their density on the pasture. As a general trend, confirmed by another study carried out in 2005, the number of ticks picked up daily increased from less than one tick/animal/day, before the onset of the rainy season, to 6.5 (+/- 1.5) ticks/animal/day on average during the infestation peak, which lasted 6-8 weeks, until early or mid-July. The number then decreased to less than one tick/animal/day from the end of July onwards. The infestation on the predilection sites followed the same trend, with a daily tick burden increase of three to five A. variegatum adults, depending on herd and year, during the infestation peak.  相似文献   

A resident of Florida returned from a short visit to southern Africa to find a male Amblyomma hebraeum tick attached to the skin behind her knee. Amblyomma hebraeum is a major vector of 2 pathogens that cause important diseases in southern Africa, heartwater of ruminants and African tick-bite fever of humans. The tick was tested by polymerase chain reaction assay for evidence of infection with Cowdria ruminantium and Rickettsia africae (the causative agents of heart-water and African tick-bite fever, respectively) and was found to be negative for both agents. This is the second record of the exotic tick, A. hebraeum, being introduced into the United States on a human host.  相似文献   

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