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An investigation has been made of the effect of varying pH at constant ionic strength on vitamin B12 binding by human serum and by two transcbalamin fractions separated from serum by gel filtration. It was found that the methodology used had a considerable influence on the results obtained. Genuine effects of pH were largely confined to reduced vitamin B12 binding at very acid and very alkaline pH. However, due to an adsorption artefact involving transcobalamin II, certain methods appeared to demonstrate a marked decrease in vitamin B12 binding between pH 4.5 and pH 10.3, especially in the range of pH 5.3–7.5.  相似文献   

Intracellular B12 metabolism involves a B12 trafficking chaperone CblC that is well conserved in mammals including human. The protein CblC is known to bind cyanocobalamin (CNCbl, vitamin B12) inducing the base-off transition and convert it into an intermediate that can be used in enzyme cofactor synthesis. The binding affinity of human CblC for CNCbl was determined to be Kd = ≈6–16 μM, which is relatively low considering sub-micromolar B12 concentrations (0.03–0.7 μM) in normal cells. In the current study, we discovered that the base-off transition of CNCbl upon binding to bCblC, a bovine homolog of human CblC, is facilitated in the presence of reduced form of glutathione (GSH). In addition, GSH dramatically increases the binding affinity for CNCbl lowering the Kd from 27.1 ± 0.2–0.24 ± 0.09 μM. The effect of GSH is due to conformational change of bCblC upon binding with GSH, which was indicated by limited proteolysis and urea-induced equilibrium denaturation of the protein. The results of this study suggest that GSH positively modulates bCblC by increasing the binding affinity for CNCbl, which would enhance functional efficiency of the protein.  相似文献   

The ionophore A23187, in the presence of calcium ions, was capable of eliciting the release of granule-associated unsaturated vitamin B12 binding capacity from human granulocytes. The ionophore-induced extrusion of unsaturated vitamin B12 binding capacity was concentration, time and temperature-dependent. The release was blocked by 2-deoxyglucose and was unaccompanied by cytotoxicity (trypan-blue uptake and lactate dehydrogenase release). The unsaturated vitamin B12 binding capacity release was accompanied by the release of lysozyme, a specific granule marker enzyme.  相似文献   

In the current article, chemiluminescence (CL) from the vitamin B12 and luminol reaction was studied under alkaline conditions to develop a sensitive analytical method for vitamin B12 using the carbonate enhancement effect. The method was successfully applied to the determination of vitamin B12 in vitamin B12 tablets, multivitamin capsules, and vitamin B12 injections. Experimental parameters were optimized, including luminol concentration, urea-hydrogen peroxide (urea-H2O2) concentration, effect of pH, and sequence of addition of reactants for obtaining maximum CL, which was not explored previously. The limit of detection was 5 pg/ml, and the linear range was 10 pg/ml to 1 μg/ml with a regression coefficient of R2 = 0.9998. The importance of these experimental parameters and the carbonate enhancement effect is discussed based on the knowledge of the mechanism of oxidation of luminol and decomposition of urea-H2O2 in the presence of vitamin B12. Extraction of vitamin B12 was carried out, and the observed recovery was 97-99.2% with a relative standard deviation in the range of 0.30-1.09%. The results obtained were compared with those of the flame atomic absorption spectrometry method.  相似文献   

Vitamin B12 production in fermentation of Propionibacterium shermanii and Propionibacterium arl AKU 1251 in whey permeate medium has been studied. The observed results and simulated expected values obtained by fitting statistical equations to the recorded data showed that 24 h old inoculum, 5 mg iron l?1 and 4% whey lactose were optimal for vitamin B12 biosynthesis in both strains when fermentation was carried out under anerobic (84 h) and aerobic (84 h) conditions at 30°C. The supplementation of whey medium with 0.5% (NH4)2HPO4 enhanced further the metabolite yield; however, the preference for a mixed carbon source (lactose + d-glucose or lactose + d-fructose) at different levels varied in the strains under study. P. shermanii, under optimal cultural conditions, was found to be a better strain than Propionibacterium arl AKU, 1251 in fermenting whey lactose for product (vitamin B12) formation.  相似文献   

The kinetic behaviour of intrinsic factor-vitamin B12 binding has been examined under varying conditions using an albuminised charcoal separation technique. The overall reaction obeys second order rate laws. The intrinsic factor considered alone obeys first order laws; the velocity of reaction of vitamin B12 is too fast for measurement by the technique described but by deduction obeys first order laws. Rate constants as three temperatures, (k2 at 25°C=1.56·108·mole?1·s?1) the activation energy (E=12.7 kJ·mole?1) and Arrhenius constant (A=2.7·1010 1·mole?1·s?1 have been calculated. There is the possibility of diffusion control of the reaction in which case the E and A values are invalid. The effect of pH on the reaction has been studied and the results discussed in relation to the pH studies of other workers whose results show disagreement. Albumin coated charcoal was shown to discriminate between intrinsic factor-vitamin B12 and free vitamn B12 over a wide pH range. The apparent under-estimation of intrinsic factor in dilute solution was shown to be due to adsorption of the intrinsic factor to plastic tubes.  相似文献   

Transcobalamins, vitamin B12 binding proteins, deliver B12 to cell surface receptors which then permit B12 to cross cell membranes for metabolic use. There is little documentation concerning B12 binding proteins in bacteria and protists. We found that prokaryotes and eukaryotes requiring B12, as well as those protists synthesizing B12, also produce several transcobalamins for functionally transporting B12 similar to humans.  相似文献   

Lipid profile of the spinal cord myelin was studied in normal and vitamin B12 deficient chicks. The significant findings were a reduction in the total galactolipids and an increase in the total phospholipids of myelin in vitamin B12 deficiency. The altered molar ratios of these lipids suggest a relative immaturity of the myelin in this condition. These changes may initiate the degenerative changes in the central nervous system in vitamin B12 deficiency.Vitamin B12 is essential for normal functioning of both the hemopoietic and the nervous system. Sub-acute combined degeneration of the spinal cord is seen both in association with pernicious anemia and in megaloblastic anemia of dietary origin (1,2). Though many biochemical postulates (3, 4) have been advanced to explain the neurological changes, the role of vitamin B12 in maintaining the integrity of myelin is still obscure. So far only in two animal species the monkey (5) and the chick (6) has myelin degeneration been reported in vitamin B12 deficiency. However, in neither of these reports, have changes in the composition of myelin been described. The results of a study in chicks wherein the effects of vitamin B12 on the lipid profile of myelin were investigated are reported here.  相似文献   



Since 1975 cells lines from patients with suspected inborn errors of vitamin B12 metabolism have been referred to our laboratory because of elevations of homocysteine, methylmalonic acid, or both.


Cultured fibroblasts from patients were subjected to a battery of tests: incorporation of labelled propionate and methyltetrahydrofolate into cellular macromolecules, to test the functional integrity of methylmalonyl-CoA mutase and methionine synthase, respectively; uptake of labelled cyanocobalamin and synthesis of adenosylcobalamin and methylcobalamin; and, where applicable, complementation analysis.


This approach has allowed for the discovery of novel steps in the cellular transport and metabolism of vitamin B12, including those involving cellular uptake, the efflux of vitamin B12 from lysosomes, and the synthesis of adenosylcobalamin and methylcobalamin. For all of these disorders, the responsible genes have been discovered.


The study of highly selected patients with suspected inborn errors of metabolism has consistently resulted in the discovery of previously unknown metabolic steps and has provided new lessons in biology.  相似文献   

Glutathionylcobalamin (GSCbl) is a biologically relevant vitamin B12 derivative and contains glutathione as the upper axial ligand thought formation of a cobalt-sulfur bond. GSCbl has been shown to be an effective precursor of enzyme cofactors, however processing of the cobalamin in intracellular B12 metabolism has not been fully elucidated. In this study, we discovered that bCblC, a bovine B12 trafficking chaperone, catalyzes elimination of the glutathione ligand from GSCbl by using the reduced form of glutathione (GSH). Deglutathionylation products are base-off cob(II)alamin and glutathione disulfide, which are generated stoichiometrically to GSH. Although cob(I)alamin was not detected due to its instability, deglutathionylation is likely analogous to dealkylation of alkylcobalamins, which uses the thiolate of GSH for nucleophilic displacement. The catalytic turnover number for the deglutathionylation of GSCbl is ?1.62 ± 0.13 min−1, which is, at least, an order of magnitude higher than that for elimination of upper axial ligands from other cobalamins. Considering the prevalence of GSH at millimolar concentrations in cells, our results explain the previous finding that GSCbl is more effective than other cobalamins for synthesis of enzyme cofactors.  相似文献   

In the 1930s, vitamins and hormones were very ‘fashionable’ fields in biochemistry. The first vitamin to be isolated (in 1926) was vitamin B1, then named aneurin by its discoverers, Jansen and Donath. Its structure was elucidated much later, during 1934–1935, mainly through the work of Windaus and co-workers in Göttingen and R.R. Williams and co-workers in New York.  相似文献   

The beautiful structure of vitamin B12 has attracted great interest in its biosynthesis. This review briefly outlines the background and then covers very recent developments which have shown the importance of isobacteriochlorins in relation to the B12 biosynthetic pathway. These isobacteriochlorin systems are also key materials for sulphite and nitrite reductase enzymes, and thus they act as a bridge, presumably an evolutionary bridge, between these enzymes and vitamin B12. Determination of the structures of the isobacteriochlorins opens up the central part of the biosynthetic pathway to the corrin macrocycle.  相似文献   

4,5-Dioxovalerate, which has been proposed as an intermediate in the newly discovered so-called C5 pathway that leads from L-glutamate to δ-aminolevulinate, strongly inhibits uroporphyrin formation from δ-aminolevulinate in cells of Clostridiumtetanomorphum and in cell-free extracts of this organism, in spite of the presence of L-alanine: 4,5-dioxovalerate aminotransferase (aminolevulinate aminotransferase, EC The interference by 4,5-dioxovalerate with porphyrin formation is due to strong inhibition of δ-aminolevulinate dehydratase (EC Since 4,5-dioxovalerate hence effectively prevents the operation of the reaction sequence from L-glutamate to porphyrin, it is concluded that 4,5-dioxovalerate does not function as a physiological δ-aminolevulinate precursor.  相似文献   

This paper reports the role of amino acids, betaine and choline on vitamin B12 biosynthesis in Propionibacterium shermanii 566, P. shermanii and Propionibacterium arl AKU 1251. l-Glutamic acid supplemented at the 0.05% (w/v) level in whey permeate stimulated vitamin B12 production in the three organisms, whereas the influence of other amino acids differed in the three strains. A uniform increase in product formation in Propionibacterium cultures with increasing doses of betaine and choline was recorded, but with variable relative effectiveness. However, no significant difference at the 0.50 and 0.75% (w/v) levels of these two compounds was observed. The addition of betaine at 0.5% (w/v) concentration was considered optimal for maximum fermentation efficiency in the cultures. An increase of 2.8–25.7% and 5.1–40.8% in vitamin B12 yield as compared to the control was observed by supplementing whey permeate medium with l-glutamic acid and betaine, respectively, at their optimum values in the organisms studied.  相似文献   

When rabbit serum labelled with vitamin B12[57Co] was subjected to starch gel electrophoresis and au;oradiography, three phenotypes of proteins capable of binding vitamin B12 were observed. Family data revealed that these phenotypes (called TC-A, TC-AB and TC-B) are controlied by two codominant alleles (TCA and TCB), at an autosomic locus. Proteins capable of binding vitamin B12 both in vivo and in vitro are commonly referred to as Transcobalamins and can be found in the serum of numerous animal species (for a review, see Glass, 1974; Allen, 1975; Stenman, 1975). Furthermore, Daiger et al. (1975a) have described seven different patterns of vitamin B12 binding proteins which occur in human plasma and which are presumably controlled by four alleles. The present paper describes experiments in which both starch gel electrophoresis and autoradiography are used to identify three phenotypes of rabbit serum proteins responsible for binding vitamin B12 in vitro. It was found that these three phenotypes are controlled by two allelic codominant genes, at an autosomic locus. Individual serum samples (30 μl), obtained from 385 White New Zealand rabbits varying in age from one month to three years, were incubated with 0.1 ng of vitamin B12[57Co] (specific activity: 180 μCi/μg; Lot 247; Radiochemical Centre, Amersham, England) at 37°C for 30 minutes. Starch gel electrophoresis and autoradiography were performed as described by Geldermann (1970) and Daiger et al. (1975b), respectively. Electrofocusing (pH range 3.5–9.5) was conducted in the 2117 Multiphor apparatus (LKB, Bromma, Sweden) according to the manufacturer's instructions. The resulting pH gradient was measured with a surface pH electrode (Ingold, Zürich, Switzerland).  相似文献   

Specific high-affinity binding sites for [3H]-leukotriene B4 have been identified on membrane preparations from rat and human leukocytes. The rat and human leukocyte membrane preparations show linearity of binding with increasing protein concentration, saturable binding and rapid dissociation of binding by excess unlabelled leukotriene B4. Dissociation constants of 0.5 to 2.5 nM and maximum binding of 5000 fmoles/mg protein were obtained for [3H] leukotriene B4 binding to these preparations. Displacement of [3H]-leukotriene B4 by leukotriene B4 was compared with displacement by leukotriene B3 and leukotriene B5 which differ from leukotriene B4 only by the absence of a double bond at carbon 14 or the presence of an additional double bond at carbon 17, respectively. Leukotriene B3 was shown to be equipotent to leukotriene B4 in ability to displace [3H]-leukotriene B4 from both rat and human leukocyte membranes while leukotriene B5 was 20–50 fold less potent. The relative potencies for the displacement of [3]-leukotriene B4 by leukotrienes B3, B4 and B5 on rat and human leukocyte membranes were shown to correlate well with their potencies for the induction of the aggregation of rat leukocytes and the chemokinesis of human leukocytes.  相似文献   

The potential of recovering propionic acid from discharged water in vitamin B12 production by anaerobic fermentation was investigated in this paper. A primary amine, N1923, was used as the extractant, kerosene as diluter and n-octanol as modifier. The influences of the content of N1923 in the organic phase, the phase ratio and the pH of aqueous phase on the extraction yield of propionic acid were studied. The organic phase composition with the volume ratio was proposed of N1923:kerosene:n-octanol as 45:35:20. Under conditions of the phase ratio (o/w) as 1:4, the pH of aqueous phase of 3.0 and after 5 min extraction, the extraction yield of propionic acid can be over 97%.  相似文献   

Age-dependent changes in folate and vitamin B12 metabolism of mice have been investigated. The concentration of folate in liver plasma and blood showed a postnatal increase to a maximum at approx. 25 weeks. Total folate concentrations then remained constant whereas free folate decreased slowly up to week 98. Conversely both total and free folate of the brain were reduced extensively during the first 10 weeks of life after which time total folate concentration stabilised whilst that of free folate continued to decline slowly. The concentration of vitamin B12 in brain, liver and plasma showed an initial rapid increase. The vitamin continued to accumulate more slowly in the brain and liver from weeks 10 to 98. The concentration of vitamin B12 in the plasma appeared to achieve equilibrium after a period of accumulation lasting 25 weeks. These results suggest that during maturation the characteristics of folate metabolism of the brain are distinct from those of peripheral tissues, and that folate, unlike vitamin B12 metabolism, undergoes continuing change with advancing age.  相似文献   

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