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We have analyzed transgene (lacZ) expression from a first-generation adenovirus (Ad) vector in comparison to helper-dependent (hd) Ads deleted for various portions of the viral coding sequences and generated by using the Cre/loxP helper-dependent system (R. J. Parks et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93:13565-13570, 1996). An hd vector deleted for approximately 70% of the Ad genome (AdRP1001) provided levels and durations of transgene expression similar to those of a control first generation Ad vector containing an identical expression cassette. Deletion of all Ad sequences from the hdAd and replacement with a approximately 22-kb fragment of lambda DNA resulted in a decrease in the level and duration of lacZ expression which could not be reversed by the inclusion of a matrix attachment region. However, substitution of the lambda stuffer in the fully deleted hdAd with sequences from the human hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase gene resulted in significantly improved transgene expression. In vitro assays for cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) directed against putative peptides encoded by the vector backbone showed that, although CTL were generated against the vector containing the lambda DNA, no such CTL were generated against the vector containing the hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT) sequences. Surprisingly, the rate of loss of the HPRT- and lambda-containing vectors from mouse liver was similar, despite the differences in expression kinetics, indicating that the lambda stuffer-directed CTL were inefficient at eliminating the transduced cells. Thus, the nature of the DNA backbone of hdAds can have important effects on the functioning of the vector. Since most fully deleted vectors require "stuffer" DNA as part of the vector backbone to maintain optimum vector size, these observations must be taken into account in the design of hdAd vectors.  相似文献   

The PML oncogenic domain (POD/ND10/PML body) is a common target of DNA viruses, which replicate their genomes in proximity to this nuclear structure. The adenovirus early protein E4 ORF3 is both necessary and sufficient to rearrange PODs from punctate bodies into track-like structures. Although multiple hypotheses exist, the precise reason for this activity has not yet been elucidated. PML, the protein responsible for nucleating PODs, is an interferon (IFN)-stimulated gene, implicating the participation of this nuclear body in an innate antiviral response. Here, we demonstrate that E4 ORF3 is critical to the replicative success of adenovirus during the IFN-induced antiviral state. When cells are pretreated with either IFN-alpha or IFN-gamma, a mutant virus that does not express E4 ORF3 is severely compromised for replication. This result suggests the functional significance of ORF3 track formation is the inhibition of a POD-mediated, antiviral mechanism. Replication of the E4 ORF3 mutant virus can be rescued following the introduction of E4 ORF3 from evolutionarily divergent adenoviruses, suggesting a conserved function for E4 ORF3 inhibition of the IFN-induced antiviral state. Furthermore, E4 ORF3 inhibition of an IFN-induced response is unrelated to the inhibition of adenovirus replication by the Mre11-Rad50-Nbs1 DNA repair complex. We propose that the evolutionarily conserved function of the adenovirus E4 ORF3 protein is the inhibition of a host interferon response to viral infection via disruption of the PML oncogenic domain.  相似文献   

Transgenic animals have been used for years to study gene function, produce important proteins, and generate models for the study of human diseases. However, inheritance and expression instability of the transgene in transgenic animals is a major limitation. Copy number and promoter methylation are known to regulate gene expression, but no report has systematically examined their effect on transgene expression. In the study, we generated two transgenic pigs by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) that express green fluorescent protein (GFP) driven by cytomegalovirus (CMV). Absolute quantitative real-time PCR and bisulfite sequencing were performed to determine transgene copy number and promoter methylation level. The correlation of transgene expression with copy number and promoter methylation was analyzed in individual development, fibroblast cells, various tissues, and offspring of the transgenic pigs. Our results demonstrate that transgene expression is associated with copy number and CMV promoter methylation in transgenic pigs.  相似文献   

Helper-dependent adenovirus (hdAd) vectors have shown great promise as therapeutic gene delivery vehicles in gene therapy applications. However, the level and duration of gene expression from hdAd can differ considerably depending on the nature of the noncoding stuffer DNA contained within the vector. For example, an hdAd containing 22 kb of prokaryotic DNA (hdAd-prok) expresses its transgene 60-fold less efficiently than a similar vector containing eukaryotic DNA (hdAd-euk). Here we have determined the mechanistic basis of this phenomenon. Although neither vector was subjected to CpG methylation and both genomes associated with cellular histones to similar degrees, hdAd-prok chromatin was actively deacetylated. Insertion of an insulator element between the transgene and the bacterial DNA derepressed hdAd-prok, suggesting that foreign DNA nucleates repressive chromatin structures that spread to the transgene. We found that Sp100B/Sp100HMG and Daxx play a role in repressing transgene expression from hdAd and act independently of PML bodies. Thus, we have identified nuclear factors involved in recognizing foreign DNA and have determined the mechanism by which associated genes are repressed.Efficient delivery and expression of foreign genes are of great importance in medicine and basic science. In many gene therapy applications, expression of the therapeutic gene would be required for the lifetime of the patient, yet many vector systems display only transient expression, lasting as little as a few days or weeks. Helper-dependent adenovirus (hdAd) vectors can enhance the duration of expression of a therapeutic gene; studies of mice and nonhuman primates have yielded several years of gene expression after a single administration (28). Indeed, several studies have described lifelong expression of a gene and persistent phenotypic correction in mouse models of human disease (18, 26, 42).Most hdAds contain noncoding “stuffer” DNA to maintain the size of the vector within appropriate limits for efficient DNA packaging; vectors constructed below ∼27 kb undergo DNA rearrangement in order to increase the size of the genome to 27 to 38 kb (31, 38). Interestingly, the nature of the stuffer DNA included in the hdAd has a significant effect on the function of the vector. An hdAd vector containing 22 kb of eukaryotic DNA (hdAd-euk) expressed a transgene to a higher level and for a longer duration than a vector containing 22 kb of prokaryotic DNA (hdAd-prok), both in vitro and in vivo (29). The genomes of the two vectors persisted at similar levels within the livers of transduced mice, suggesting that incorporation of prokaryote-derived stuffer DNA into an hdAd leads to the shutoff of associated transgenes. As a result of these observations, most current hdAd vectors are constructed using stuffer DNA derived from eukaryotic sources (27).Silencing of transgenes associated with prokaryotic DNA is not unique to hdAd. Removal of the bacterial origin of replication and antibiotic resistance gene from herpes simplex virus (HSV) amplicons resulted in a 20-fold improvement in gene expression in normal human fibroblasts in vitro, and more-persistent reporter gene expression in nude mice, compared to amplicons retaining the bacterial elements (39). Similarly, removal of bacterial sequences from plasmids results in significantly improved transgene expression in vitro and in vivo (2, 3, 34). For both plasmid and HSV amplicons, the mechanisms by which the bacterial sequences impair transgene expression are not fully understood. However, the bacterial sequences appear to nucleate the formation of a repressive chromatin structure(s) that spreads to the transgene (4, 39).In this study, we experimentally address the mechanism behind the repressive effects of prokaryotic DNA on gene expression in hdAd vectors. We found that prokaryotic DNA inhibits eukaryotic gene expression in cis, via induction of histone deacetylation, which is independent of DNA methylation. Furthermore, our data indicate that Sp100 and Daxx are involved in repressing the expression of genes associated with prokaryotic DNA.  相似文献   

A central feature of the adeno-associated virus (AAV) latent life cycle is persistence in the form of both integrated and episomal genomes. However, the molecular processes associated with episomal long-term persistence of AAV genomes are only poorly understood. To investigate these mechanisms, we have utilized a recombinant AAV (rAAV) shuttle vector to identify circular AAV intermediates from transduced HeLa cells and primary fibroblasts. The unique structural features exhibited by these transduction intermediates included circularized monomer and dimer virus genomes in a head-to-tail array, with associated specific base pair alterations in the 5′ viral D sequence. In HeLa cells, the abundance and stability of AAV circular intermediates were augmented by adenovirus expressing the E2a gene product. In the absence of E2a, adenovirus expressing the E4 open reading frame 6 gene product decreased the abundance of AAV circular intermediates, favoring instead the linear replication form monomer (Rfm) and dimer (Rfd) structures. In summary, the formation of AAV circular intermediates appears to represent a new pathway for AAV genome conversion, which is consistent with the head-to-tail concatemerization associated with latent-phase persistence of rAAV. A better understanding of this pathway may increase the utility of rAAV vectors for gene therapy.  相似文献   

毛白杨PtSEP3-1基因启动子的克隆分析及其表达载体构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
SEP(SEPALLATA)类基因属于花器官发育ABCDE模型中的E类基因,拟南芥中的研究表明该类基因可能具有控制花器官形态发育以及激活其它类型基因的功能,是一类花发育过程中的关键基因。因此,研究杨树SEP类基因启动子表达特性对于杨树的开花调控研究具有重要意义。本文根据毛白杨SEP3基因和毛果杨基因组序列设计引物,通过PCR获得了PtSEP3-1基因上游2000bp的序列。序列分析结果表明该序列具有启动子的基本元件TATA-box和CAAT-box,还包含大量光响应元件ACE、Box I和Box4等,此外还有脱落酸响应元件ABRE,赤霉素响应元件GARE-motif以及胁迫响应元件HSE、TC-richrepeats等。进一步构建了一个以PtSEP3-1启动子驱动GUS基因的植物表达载体pPtSEP3-1protest,为该启动子的功能鉴定奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Adenovirus (Ad)-based vectors have great potential for use in the gene therapy of multiple diseases, both genetic and nongenetic. While capable of transducing both dividing and quiescent cells efficiently, Ad vectors have been limited by a number of problems. Most Ad vectors are engineered such that a transgene replaces the Ad E1a, E1b, and E3 genes; subsequently the replication-defective vector can be propagated only in human 293 cells that supply the deleted E1 gene functions in trans. Unfortunately, the use of high titers of E1-deleted vectors has been repeatedly demonstrated to result in low-level expression of viral genes still resident in the vector. In addition, the generation of replication-competent Ad (RCA) by recombination events with the E1 sequences residing in 293 cells further limits the usefulness of E1-deleted Ad vectors. We addressed these problems by isolating new Ad vectors deleted for the E1, E3, and the E2b gene functions. The new vectors can be readily grown to high titers and have several improvements, including an increased carrying capacity and a theoretically decreased risk for generating RCA. We have also demonstrated that the further block to Ad vector replication afforded by the deletion of both the E1 and E2b genes significantly diminished Ad late gene expression in comparison to a conventional E1-deleted vector, without destabilization of the modified vector genome. The results suggested that these modified vectors may be very useful both for in vitro and in vivo gene therapy applications.  相似文献   

Recombinant adeno-associated viral (AAV) vectors have been shown to be one of the most promising vectors for therapeutic gene delivery because they can induce efficient and long-term transduction in non-dividing cells with negligible side-effects. However, as AAV vectors mostly remain episomal, vector genomes and transgene expression are lost in dividing cells. Therefore, to stably transduce cells, we developed a novel AAV/transposase hybrid-vector. To facilitate SB-mediated transposition from the rAAV genome, we established a system in which one AAV vector contains the transposon with the gene of interest and the second vector delivers the hyperactive Sleeping Beauty (SB) transposase SB100X. Human cells were infected with the AAV-transposon vector and the transposase was provided in trans either by transient and stable plasmid transfection or by AAV vector transduction. We found that groups which received the hyperactive transposase SB100X showed significantly increased colony forming numbers indicating enhanced integration efficiencies. Furthermore, we found that transgene copy numbers in transduced cells were dose-dependent and that predominantly SB transposase-mediated transposition contributed to stabilization of the transgene. Based on a plasmid rescue strategy and a linear-amplification mediated PCR (LAM-PCR) protocol we analysed the SB100X-mediated integration profile after transposition from the AAV vector. A total of 1840 integration events were identified which revealed a close to random integration profile. In summary, we show for the first time that AAV vectors can serve as template for SB transposase mediated somatic integration. We developed the first prototype of this hybrid-vector system which with further improvements may be explored for treatment of diseases which originate from rapidly dividing cells.  相似文献   

实验以两种不同的表达策略构建了两个以大肠杆菌DE3为宿主的原核表达载体,由T7启动子启动外源基因的转录,在诱导剂IPTG诱导下成功地进行了戊肝病毒ORF3蛋白的原核表达。并通过SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳、免疫印迹、竞争抑制法酶联免疫等一系列实验对两种表达产物进行了鉴定和分析。综合分析两种表达结果发现,在融合型表达中ORF3蛋白与其融合标签蛋白(谷胱甘肽S一转移酶)之间存在免疫交叉反应,而且这种融合标签蛋白在空间结构上可能对ORF3蛋白中的抗体结合位点有掩盖作用。  相似文献   

Transforming Potential of the Adenovirus Type 5 E4orf3 Protein   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Previous observations that the adenovirus type 5 (Ad5) E4orf6 and E4orf3 gene products have redundant effects in viral lytic infection together with the recent findings that E4orf6 possesses transforming potential prompted us to investigate the effect of E4orf3 expression on the transformation of primary rat cells in combination with adenovirus E1 oncogene products. Our results demonstrate for the first time that E4orf3 can cooperate with adenovirus E1A and E1A plus E1B proteins to transform primary baby rat kidney cells, acting synergistically with E4orf6 in the presence of E1B gene products. Transformed rat cells expressing E4orf3 exhibit morphological alterations, higher growth rates and saturation densities, and increased tumorigenicity compared with transformants expressing E1 proteins only. Consistent with previous results for adenovirus-infected cells, the E4orf3 protein is immunologically restricted to discrete nuclear structures known as PML oncogenic domains (PODs) in transformed rat cells. As opposed to E4orf6, the ability of E4orf3 to promote oncogenic cell growth is probably not linked to a modulation of p53 functions and stability. Instead, our results indicate that the transforming activities of E4orf3 are due to combinatorial effects that involve the binding to the adenovirus 55-kDa E1B protein and the colocalization with PODs independent from interactions with the PML gene product. These data fit well with a model in which the reorganization of PODs may trigger a cascade of processes that cause uncontrolled cell proliferation and neoplastic growth. In sum, our results provide strong evidence for the idea that interactions with PODs by viral proteins are linked to oncogenic transformation.  相似文献   

The global health burden engendered by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-induced acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a sobering reminder of the pressing need for a preventative vaccine. In non-human primate models replicating adenovirus (Ad)-HIV/SIV recombinant vaccine vectors have been shown to stimulate potent immune responses culminating in protection against challenge exposures. Nonetheless, an increase in the transgene carrying capacity of these Ad vectors, currently limited to approximately 3000 base pairs, would greatly enhance their utility. Using a replicating, E3-deleted Ad type 5 host range mutant (Ad5 hr) encoding full-length single-chain HIVBaLgp120 linked to the D1 and D2 domains of rhesus macaque CD4 (rhFLSC) we systematically deleted the genes encoding early region 4 open reading frame 1 (E4orf1) through E4orf4. All the Ad-rhFLSC vectors produced similar levels of viral progeny. Cell cycle analysis of infected human and monkey cells revealed no differences in virus-host interaction. The parental and E4-deleted viruses expressed comparable levels of the transgene with kinetics similar to Ad late proteins. Similar levels of cellular immune responses and transgene-specific antibodies were elicited in vaccinated mice. However, differences in recognition of Ad proteins and induced antibody subtypes were observed, suggesting that the E4 gene products might modulate antibody responses by as yet unknown mechanisms. In short, we have improved the transgene carrying capacity by one thousand base pairs while preserving the replicability, levels of transgene expression, and immunogenicity critical to these vaccine vectors. This additional space allows for flexibility in vaccine design that could not be obtained with the current vector and as such should facilitate the goal of improving vaccine efficacy. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report describing the effects of these E4 deletions on transgene expression and immunogenicity in a replicating Ad vector.  相似文献   

Adenovirus vectors delivered to lung are being considered in the treatment of cystic fibrosis (CF). Vectors from which E1 has been deleted elicit T- and B-cell responses which confound their use in the treatment of chronic diseases such as CF. In this study, we directly compare the biology of an adenovirus vector from which E1 has been deleted to that of one from which E1 and E4 have been deleted, following intratracheal instillation into mouse and nonhuman primate lung. Evaluation of the E1 deletion vector in C57BL/6 mice demonstrated dose-dependent activation of both CD4 T cells (i.e., TH1 and TH2 subsets) and neutralizing antibodies to viral capsid proteins. Deletion of E4 and E1 had little impact on the CD4 T-cell proliferative response and cytolytic activity of CD8 T cells against target cells expressing viral antigens. Analysis of T-cell subsets from mice exposed to the vector from which E1 and E4 had been deleted demonstrated preservation of TH1 responses with markedly diminished TH2 responses compared to the vector with the deletion of E1. This effect was associated with reduced TH2-dependent immunoglobulin isotypes and markedly diminished neutralizing antibodies. Similar results were obtained in nonhuman primates. These studies indicate that the vector genotype can modify B-cell responses by differential activation of TH1 subsets. Diminished humoral immunity, as was observed with the E1 and E4 deletion vectors in lung, is indeed desired in applications of gene therapy where readministration of the vector is necessary.  相似文献   

Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is the main cause of acute hepatitis worldwide. HEV accounts for up to 30% mortality rate in pregnant women, with highest incidences reported for genotype 1 (G1) HEV. The contributing factors in adverse cases during pregnancy in women due to HEV infection is still debated. The mechanism underlying the pathogenesis of viral infection is attributed to different genomic component of HEV, i.e., open reading frames (ORFs): ORF1, ORF2, ORF3 and ORF4. Recently, ORF4 has been discovered in enhancing the replication of GI isolates of HEV through regulation of an IRES-like RNA element. However, its characterization through computational methodologies remains unexplored. In this novel study, we provide comprehensive overview of ORF4 protein''s genetic and molecular characteristics through analyzing its sequence and different structural levels. A total of three different datasets (Human, Rat and Ferret) of ORF4 genomes were built and comparatively analyzed. Several non-synonymous mutations in conjunction with higher entropy values were observed in rat and ferret datasets, however, limited variation was observed in human ORF4 genomes. Higher transition to tranversion ratio was observed in the ORF4 genomes. Studies have reported the association of intrinsic disordered proteins (IDP) with drug discovery due to its role in several signaling and regulatory processes through protein-protein interactions (PPIs). As PPIs are potent drug target sources, thus the ORF4 protein was explored by analyzing its polypeptide structure in order to shed light on its intrinsic disorder. Pressures that lead towards preponderance of disordered-promoting amino acid residues shaped the evolution of ORF4. The intrinsic disorder propensity analysis revealed ORF4 protein (Human) as a highly disordered protein (IDP). Predominance of coils and lack of secondary structure further substantiated our findings suggesting its involvement in binding to ligand molecules. Thus, ORF4 contributes to cellular signaling processes through protein-protein interactions, as IDPs are targets for regulation to accelerate the process of drug designing strategies against HEV infections.  相似文献   

We have used the methylotrophic yeast, Pichia pastoris, to express the open reading frame 3 (ORF3) of the hepatitis E virus (HEV). The ORF3 gene codes for a 123-amino-acid protein that contains highly immunodominant epitopes and is a potentially useful diagnostic and immunoprophylactic antigen. The expressed protein showed positive on immunoblots probed against antibodies raised in rabbit and infected human patient sera. In order to optimize the ORF3 protein expression, we have examined the regulated expression of this protein and characterized it. Unlike its expression in E. coli, the ORF3 protein was present in both the soluble and insoluble fractions of the cell lysate. The expressed protein is not glycosylated and does not undergo any major processing in the host strain.  相似文献   

利用PCR技术从番茄基因组DNA中克隆长约1.1kb的E8基因启动子与517bp的E8基因片段,将其二者连接构建植物表达载体,导入农杆菌,通过花序侵染法转化拟南芥,得到转基因拟南芥。用RT-PCR分析转基因拟南芥中E8基因启动子驱动E8基因小片段的结果表明,E8基因小片段mRNA仅在转基因拟南芥长角果中转录,根、茎、叶、花中不转录,提示E8基因的1.1kb启动子在异源植物拟南芥中仍具有驱动外源基因果实特异性表达的特性。  相似文献   

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