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城市垃圾堆肥对Cr污染土壤的修复效应   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
通过模拟土培试验和盆栽试验 ,研究垃圾堆肥对Cr污染土壤的修复效应 .结果表明 ,垃圾堆肥对于土壤中有效Cr含量的影响是通过有机质含量、Eh、pH、<0 0 1mm粘粒含量等理化因子的变化来实现的 ;有机质含量变化和Eh变化分别是旱地土壤和淹水土壤中的主要影响因素 ,对有效Cr的效应分别占贡献的 73 4 %、5 5 5 %;垃圾堆肥施入土壤后 ,土壤渗透性得到改善 ,土壤中的Cr因被还原、吸附而固定 ,迁移量减少 ;垃圾堆肥施入可以减少植株对Cr的吸收 ,旱地土壤中 ,施加垃圾肥可使生物产量增加 35 9%,植株体内Cr含量下降 48 9%,在淹水土壤中 ,这种效应更加显著 ,生物产量比旱地土壤高 86 3%,Cr含量低 2 3 8%;垃圾堆肥施入后 ,植株体内的其他重金属含量未超标 ,垃圾肥可以安全用于Cr污染土壤的修复 .  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to study the combined relationships between biological and chemical parameters with the humification index (HI) and degree of polymerisation (DP) during the composting of a municipal solid waste. During the composting, biological parameters increased during the first 15 days. After the second week, the dehydrogenase, urease, β-glucosidase, phosphatase and arylsulphatase activities decreased 64%, 50.1%, 49.6%, 24.1% and 58.3%, respectively, compared with their initial values, possibly due to the decreasing of the water-soluble carbon content (WSC). The WSC contents decreased possibly due to the degradation of the microorganisms as carbon and energy sources. The HI increased (66% compared to the initial values) indicating an increase in the structural complexity of the humic substances. The factorial analysis indicates a relationship between the biological properties, WSC and HI and DP. The linear regression analysis indicates the high correlation coefficients found between the HI and DP with chemical and biological properties, and therefore, it can be concluded that combination of chemical and biological parameters can be used to determine the compost maturity.  相似文献   

A 16S rDNA-based molecular study was performed to determine the nature of the bacterial constituents of the leachate from a closed municipal solid waste landfill. Total community DNA was extracted and bacterial 16S rRNA genes were subsequently amplified and cloned. Recombinant rDNA clones in the library were randomly selected, and they were sequenced for a single run and then grouped. A total of 76 sequence types representing 138 randomly selected nonchimeric clones were identified. Full-length sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of the sequence types revealed that more than 90% of the screened clones were affiliated with low-G+C gram-positive bacteria (38.4%), Proteobacteria (35.5%), the Cytophaga Flexibacter Bacteroides group (11.6%), and Spirochaetes (5.1%). Minor portions were affiliated with Verrucomicrobia (2.9%), candidate division OP11 (2.2%), and the green nonsulfur bacteria, Cyanobacteria and the Deinococcus Thermus group (each <1.0%). Although some rDNA sequences clustered with genera or taxa that were classically identified within anaerobic treatment systems and expected with known functions, a substantial fraction of the clone sequences showed relatively low levels of similarity with any other reported rDNA sequences and thus were derived from unknown taxa. These results suggest that bacterial communities in landfill environment are far more complex than previously expected and remain largely unexplored.  相似文献   

Microbial characterization during composting of municipal solid waste   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
This study investigates the prevailing physico-chemical conditions and microbial community; mesophilic bacteria, yeasts and filamentous fungi, bacterial spores, Salmonella and Shigella as well as faecal indicator bacteria: total coliforms, faecal coliforms and faecal Streptococci, present in a compost of municipal solid waste. Investigations were conducted in a semi-industrial pilot plant using a moderate aeration during the composting process. Our results showed that: (i) auto-sterilization induced by relatively high temperatures (60–55°C) caused a significant change in bacterial communities. For instance, Escherichia coli and faecal Streptococci populations decreased, respectively, from 2×107 to 3.1×103 and 107 to 1.5×103 cells/g waste dry weight (WDW); yeasts and filamentous fungi decreased from 4.5×106 to 2.6×103 cells/g WDW and mesophilic bacteria were reduced from 5.8×109 to 1.8×107 bacteria/g WDW. On the other hand, the number of bacterial spores increased at the beginning of the composting process, but after the third week their number decreased notably; (ii) Salmonella disappeared completely from compost by the 25th day as soon as the temperature reached 60°C; and (iii) the bacterial population increased gradually during the cooling phase. While Staphylococci seemed to be the dominant bacteria during the mesophilic phase and at the beginning of the thermophilic phase, bacilli predominated during the remainder of the composting cycle. The appearance of gram-negative rods (opportunistic pathogens) during the cooling phase may represent a serious risk for the sanitary quality of the finished product intended for agronomic reuse. Compost sonication for about 3 min induced the inactivation of delicate bacteria, in particular gram-negatives. By contrast, gram-positive bacteria, especially micrococcus, spores of bacilli, and fungal propagules survived, and reached high concentrations in the compost.  相似文献   

Selected biodegradable municipal solid waste fractions were subjected to fifteen different pre-hydrolysis treatments to obtain the highest glucose yield for bio-ethanol production. Pre-hydrolysis treatments consisted of dilute acid (H2SO4, HNO3 or HCl, 1 and 4%, 180 min, 60°C), steam treatment (121 and 134°C, 15 min), microwave treatment (700 W, 2 min) or a combination of two of them. Enzymatic hydrolysis was carried out with Trichoderma reesei and Trichoderma viride (10 and 60 FPU g−1 substrate). Glucose yields were compared using a factorial experimental design. The highest glucose yield (72.80%) was obtained with a pre-hydrolysis treatment consisting of H2SO4 at 1% concentration, followed by steam treatment at 121°C, and enzymatic hydrolysis with Trichoderma viride at 60 FPU g−1 substrate. The contribution of enzyme loading and acid concentration was significantly higher (49.39 and 47.70%, respectively), than the contribution of temperature during steam treatment (0.13%) to the glucose yield.  相似文献   

In this work a strategy for obtaining free amino-acids concentrate from an organic fraction of municipal solid waste compost and its use as a nitrogen source for lactic acid production, a compound widely used in different industries, using L. fermentum ATCC 9338 and L. plantarum NCIMB 8826 strains is described. Enzymatic digestion is based on the combined action of endoprotease Alcalase 1.5 MG and exoprotease Flavourzyme 500 MG. The highest degree of hydrolysis obtained under the optimal conditions was 41%. The use of glucanase Viscozyme L prior to protein hydrolysis helped to reduce the viscosity of the solution and promote the action of proteases, increasing its hydrolysis degree by 76%. The hydrolysate contained all 21 amino-acids, making it ideal for lactic acid bacteria growth. During shake flask cultivations the culture media was complemented with glucose as carbon source. Finally, with the hydrolysate, a maximum lactic acid concentration of 9.0 ± 0.2 g·L−1 and 11.1 ± 0.1 g·L−1 for L. fermentum ATCC 9338 and L. plantarum NCIMB 8826 respectively was obtained after 27 h. The innovation of the approach lies in exploiting the overproduction of compost for the production of lactic acid.  相似文献   

The degradation of municipal solid waste (MSW) under mesophilic conditions can be enhanced by exchanging leachate between fresh waste and stabilised waste. The optimum point in time when leachate from an anaerobically digesting waste bed can be used to initiate degradation of another waste bed might occur when the leachate of the digesting waste bed is highly active with cellulolytic and methanogenic bacteria. In this study, the cellulolytic activity of the leachate was measured using the cellulose-azure assay. As products of hydrolysis are soluble compounds, the rate of generation of these compounds was estimated based on a soluble chemical oxygen demand (SCOD) balance around the fresh waste bed. It was found that once the readily soluble material present in MSW was washed out there was very little generation of SCOD without the production of methane, indicating that flushing leachate from a stabilised waste bed resulted in a balanced inoculation of the fresh waste bed. With the onset of sustained methanogenesis, the rate of SCOD generation equalled the SCOD released from the digester as methane. The experimental findings also showed that cellulolytic activities of the leachate samples closely followed the trend of SCOD generation.  相似文献   

草坪植物对生活垃圾堆肥基质的生理生态响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵树兰  廉菲  多立安 《生态学报》2009,29(2):916-923
以生活垃圾堆肥和土壤(对照)为基质,采用不同播种方式进行草坪建植,研究了堆肥基质对草坪植物光合特性和保护酶系统的影响.结果表明:堆肥能明显地提高草坪植物的净光合速率,第一峰值出现在9:00,在单播方式下,堆肥基质黑麦草、高羊茅分别比各自对照高出12.7%、11.4%;黑麦草与早熟禾混播、高羊茅与早熟禾混播分别比对照高出33.0%、29.6%.堆肥基质黑麦草单播、黑麦草与早熟禾混播表现出比对照较低的日平均蒸腾速率和较高的水分利用效率;而高羊茅单播、高羊茅与早熟禾混播,则呈现比对照较高的日平均蒸腾速率和相似的水分利用效率.以垃圾堆肥为草坪基质,黑麦草表现出高光合、低蒸腾的节水对策;而高羊茅则表现出高光合、高蒸腾的代谢特点.另外,堆肥基质也显著地提高了草坪植物叶片叶绿素含量,单播黑麦草和高羊茅叶片的叶绿素含量显著高于对照(P<0.05).堆肥基质还能显著增强草坪植物叶片POD、SOD和CAT活性,与对照相比差异均达到显著(P<0.05)或极显著水平(P<0.01),表明堆肥基质中草坪植物的抗逆境能力显著增强.  相似文献   

准好氧填埋渗滤液水质变化特性研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
在大型模拟填埋试验装置(21 m×3.8 m×6.0 m)上,研究了准好氧填埋渗滤液水质的主要指标CODCr、BOD、NH3+-N和pH的变化特性.结果表明,准好氧填埋结构下渗滤液CODCr、BOD浓度下降很快,没有出现在传统填埋场累积的现象,并且封场后39周分别降为173和30 mg·L-1;NH3+-N浓度下降更为显著,第39周降为1 mg·L-1,下降率达到99.6%,为渗滤液后续处理解决了NH3+-N浓度过高的难题;pH值在前2周略低于7,第3周后一直呈弱碱性.根据实验数据,拟合了准好氧填埋结构渗滤液污染物的衰减方程.  相似文献   

Leached spent mushroom compost (SMC), municipal solid waste compost (MSWC) and their extracts, were tested to suppress Phytophthora drechsleri in cucumber plants. The composts were mixed with sand-loam soil in sterile and non-sterile types and were used to assess suppressiveness against P. drechselri in greenhouse experiments. The extracts of composts, in both sterile and non-sterile types, were applied to evaluate their effect in suppression of pathogen in vitro. The results of the experiments showed that all applications rate of non-sterile SMC were significantly effective in the control of the pathogen. However the sterile SMC amendments did not have a positive effect on the pathogen suppression in vitro or in vivo, as it was expected. In greenhouse experiments, both composts were effective in controlling pathogen at the rate of 15%, but the treatments amended with higher rate of MSWC did not show a positive effect. The treatments amended with MSWC (15%) and SMC (25%) showed the most suppressive effect in controlling the pathogen. The extract of leached-SMC could inhibit P. drechselri in petri dish.  相似文献   

A column experiment with horizontal permeable barriers was conducted to investigate phytoextraction of heavy metals by Lolium perenne L. from municipal solid waste compost following EDTA application, as well as to study the effects of L. perenne and permeable barriers on preventing metal from leaching. In columns with barriers, EDTA addition yielded maximum concentrations of Cu, Zn and Pb of 155, 541 and 33.5 mg kg−1 in shoot, respectively. This led to 4.2, 2.1 and 7.4 times higher concentrations of Cu, Zn and Pb compared to treatment with no chelating agent, respectively. In treatments with 10 mmol kg−1 EDTA, the barriers reduced leaching of Cu, Zn and Pb by approximately three times, respectively, resulting in leaching of total initial Cu, Zn and Pb by 27.3%, 25.2% and 28.8%, respectively, after four times’ irrigation. These results indicate that L. perenne and permeable barriers are effective to reduce leaching of heavy metals and minimize the risk of contaminating groundwater in EDTA-enhanced phytoremediation. Thus these findings highlight that turfgrass and permeable barriers can effectively prevent metal leaching.  相似文献   

生活垃圾堆肥淋洗液培植无土草皮的生态特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
多立安  廉菲  赵树兰  滕萌  王礼莉  高玉葆 《生态学报》2007,27(12):5050-5056
以生活垃圾堆肥淋洗液培植无土草皮,结果表明,垃圾堆肥淋洗液中有机质、全氮、有效磷及其它营养元素含量显著高于对照土壤淋洗液,能够充分满足草坪植物生长需要。高浓度淋洗液使黑麦草和高羊茅种子萌发高峰期推迟出现,但不影响发芽率,到萌发第11天,种子发芽率分别达到94%和92%以上。对黑麦草而言,80%的淋洗液可显著提高植株高度、地上生物量和叶绿素含量;对高羊茅,60%的淋洗液则为最佳浓度。当淋洗液培植的无土草皮进行田间铺坪90d时,黑麦草和高羊茅草皮地上生物量分别达到5.38g/块和7.89g/块,并显著高于对照草皮(P〈0.05),而地下生物量和根长差异不显著。垃圾堆肥淋洗液改变了黑麦草和高羊茅植株地上/地下生物量的分配格局,使其根冠比降低,其分别为4.60和3.71,并明显低于对照。从坪用性状上看,铺坪后垃圾堆肥淋洗液培养的草皮叶色深绿,质地柔软光滑,明显优于土壤淋洗液培养的对照草皮。  相似文献   

Mahar RB  Liu J  Li H  Nie Y 《Biodegradation》2009,20(3):319-330
The conventional landfilling does not promote sustainable waste management due to uncontrolled emissions which potentially degrade the environment. Pretreatment of municipal solid waste prior to landfilling significantly enhances waste stabilization, reduces the emissions and provides many advantages. Therefore, pretreatment of municipal solid waste methods were investigated. The major objectives of biological pretreatment are to degrade most easily degradable organic matters of MSW in a short duration under controlled conditions so as to produce desired quality for landfill. To investigate the suitable pretreatment method prior to landfilling for developing countries four pretreatment simulators were developed in the laboratory: (i) anaerobic simulator (R1), (ii) aerobic pretreatment simulator by natural convection of air (R2), (iii) aerobic pretreatment simulator by natural convection of air with leachate recirculation (R3) and (iv) forced aeration and leachate recirculation (R4). During the pretreatment organic matter, elemental composition, i.e., carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and settlement were determined for bench scale experiments. A two-component kinetic model is proposed for the biodegradation of organic matter. Biodegradation kinetic constants were determined for readily and slowly degradable organic matter. The biodegradation of organic matter efficiency in terms of kinetic rate constants for the pretreatment simulators was observed as R4 > R3 > R2 > R1. Biodegradation rate constants for readily degradable matter in simulators R4 and R3 were 0.225 and 0.222 per day. R3 and R4 simulators were more effective in reducing methane emissions about 45% and 55%, respectively, as compared to anaerobic simulator R1. Pretreatment of MSW, by natural convection of air with leachate recirculation R3 is sustainable method to reduce the emissions and to stabilize the waste prior to landfilling.  相似文献   

Fungi are important in terrestrial decay processes. However, fungi associated with organic decay during composting are still not well known. In this study culture-independent methods were used to identify fungi associated with composting organic municipal wastes to gain a better understanding of the diversity of fungi associated with this process. Fungal communities from 0, 210, and 410 day-old compost samples were assessed with DNA fingerprinting using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and by the analysis of DNA sequences from rDNA clone libraries. From 207 rDNA sequences, 82 fungal OTU’s were detected. A disproportionate number of yeast sequences were detected in Day 0 clone libraries, including the human pathogens Candida tropicalis and Candida krusei (Saccharomycetales). Basidiomycetes accounted for over half of the clones from the Day 210 sample. Clones of Cercophora and Neurospora species accounted for most of the fungal clones of the Day 410 sample. No Zygomycetes or Aspergillus species were detected in this study. These findings call for a reassessment of long held views about the organisms involved in the composting of organic municipal wastes.  相似文献   

The effects of leachate recirculation and the recirculation rate on the anaerobic treatment of domestic solid waste was investigated in three simulated landfill anaerobic bioreactors. A single pass reactor was operated without leachate recirculation while the other two reactors were operated with leachate recirculation. The leachate recirculation rate was 9 l/day (13% of the reactor volume) in Reactor9, while the recirculation rate was 21 l/day (30% of the reactor volume), in Reactor21. pH, chemical oxygen demand (COD), volatile fatty acids (VFA), ammonium–nitrogen (NH4–N) total and methane gas measurements in leachate samples were regularly monitored. After 220 days of anaerobic incubation, it was observed that the pH, COD, VFA concentrations, methane gas productions and methane percentages in Reactor9 were better than the single pass reactor and Reactor21. When the leachate recirculation rate was increased to three times a decrease in pH, and an increase in VFA and COD concentrations were observed in Reactor21. The COD values were measured as 47 000, 39 000 and 52 000 mg/l while the VFA concentrations were 15 000, 13 000 and 21 000 mg/l, respectively, in single pass, Reactor9 and Reactor21 after 220 days of anaerobic incubation. The values of pH were 5.89, 6.44 and 6.16, respectively, after anaerobic incubation. The mean methane percentages of single pass reactor, Reactor9 and Reactor21 were 30, 50 and 40%, respectively, after 50 days of incubation. Leachate recirculation reduced the waste stabilization time and was effective in enhancing methane gas production and improving leachate. However, leachate recirculation was not effective in removing ammonia from the leachate. The amounts of COD recovered by methane were 62.9, 162.3 and 94.6 g for single pass, Reactor9 and Reactor21, respectively, at the end of 220 days of anaerobic incubation.  相似文献   

The concentration of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) during the composting of kitchen waste and pruning residues, and the abatement of VOCs by different compost biofilters was studied. VOCs removal efficiencies greater than 90% were obtained using composts of municipal solid waste (MSW) or MSW-pruning residue as biofilter material. An electronic nose identified qualitative differences among the biofilter output gases at very low concentrations of VOCs. These differences were related to compost constituents, compost particle size (2-7 or 7-20 mm), and a combination of both factors. The total concentration of VOCs determined by a photoionization analyser and inferred from electronic nose data sets were correlated over an ample range of concentrations of VOCs, showing that these techniques could be specially adapted for the monitoring of these processes.  相似文献   

多立安  王晶晶  赵树兰 《生态学报》2011,31(16):4717-4724
从生活垃圾堆肥中提取有益微生物菌种,配成不同浓度的复合微生物菌剂(CM),施入草坪基质,研究了复合微生物菌剂对干旱胁迫下草坪植物生理生态特性的影响。结果表明:在干旱胁迫下,接种过复合微生物菌剂的草坪植物叶片的丙二醛(MDA)含量显著低于未接种菌剂的对照,超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性显著高于对照。不同草坪植物品种生理生态特性在接种CM后对干旱胁迫的响应程度不同。即高羊茅(Festuca arundinacea L.),当接种200倍稀释液的菌剂,叶片SOD、POD和CAT活性达到最大,分别是对照的8.13、1.53和2.46倍;而黑麦草(Lolium perenne L.)则当接种100倍稀释液的菌剂,POD和CAT活性分别高出对照64.4%和56.1%,而SOD活性是对照的6.50倍。和对照相比,各接种菌剂处理的脯氨酸(Pro)含量、可溶性蛋白含量明显降低,离体叶片持水力却保持了较高的水平。上述结果表明,接种复合微生物菌剂后,植物能够通过自身的保护酶活性和渗透调节物质含量来减轻干旱伤害,维持植物体的正常生理代谢功能,从而有效缓解干旱胁迫对草坪植物的伤害,提高草坪植物的抗旱性,为干旱环境草坪植物的建植提供依据。  相似文献   

Ye J  Mu Y  Cheng X  Sun D 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(9):5498-5503
Treatment of a fresh leachate with high-strength organics and calcium from municipal solid waste (MSW) incineration plant by an up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor was investigated under mesophilic conditions, emphasizing the influence of organic loading rate (OLR). When the reactor was fed with the raw leachate (COD as high as 70,390-75,480 mg/L) at an OLR of 12.5 kg COD/(m3 d), up to ∼82.4% of COD was removed suggesting the feasibility of UASB process for treating fresh leachates from incineration plants. The ratio of volatile solids/total solids (VS/TS) of the anaerobic sludge in the UASB decreased significantly after a long-term operation due to the precipitation of calcium carbonate in the granules. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observation shows that Methanosaeta-like species were in abundance, accompanied by a variety of other species. The result was further confirmed by polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) and sequencing.  相似文献   

Laboratory scale tests on phytodepuration of raw and pre-treated leachate from municipal sanitary waste were carried out with four vegetable aquatic and terrestrial species at different organic loads. We used the terrestrial species Stenotaphrum secundatum and the free-floating aquatic species Lemna minor, Eichhornia crassipes and Myriophyllum verticellatum to purify leachate from municipal solid waste. The organic load characterized by COD varied from 2–30 g m−2 day−1. Blanks using tap water served as controls. Duration of the experiments varied from 9–90 days. Maximum concentrations in the experiments were 1600 mg l−1 COD and 300 mg l−1 NH4–N for S. secundatum. Best results in terms of COD, BOD, and ammonia removal were obtained for raw leachate with COD=2 g m−2 day−1 in free water surface (FWS) wetlands, and with 2 and 5 g m−2 day−1 in subsurface flow (SSF) wetlands. Results show that for pretreated leachate (labeled c) low in BOD and NH4–N, the aquatic species showed low removal and stress even at the lowest load of COD=2 g m−2 day−1. We cannot say if this is due to the pretreatment itself or the chemical or microbial composition of this leachate. The Stenotaphrum system operated well with this load of leachate c. For untreated leachate (type a and b) the removal and plant growing conditions seemed good at COD=2 g m−2 day−1. For S. secundatum a load of COD=5 g m−2 day−1 operated well. All loads above COD=5 g m−2 day−1 caused low removal and stress, and the green parts of the plants disappeared. Oxygen was, however, consumed throughout the experimental period. For pretreated leachate (type c), the removal of COD were low (−24 to 17%) but good for NH4–N (52–91%). This leachate also experienced high ammonia removal from the beginning of the experiments, probably due to existing consortia of nitrifying bacteria in it. Statistical analysis shows that the S. secundatum and L. minor systems maintained higher oxygen levels than the M. verticellatum and E. crassipes systems, when operated with tap water. For Lemna minor, this may be due to a better capacity for transporting oxygen into the water. With leachate all S. secundatum systems have higher oxygen levels than the aquatic systems, basically because the water content of the soil has been kept well below saturation. S. secundatum shows a significantly lower removal of COD than did the aquatic systems at a loading of COD=2 g m−2 day−1 of raw leachate. There is no significant difference between the systems in the removal of NH4–N at a loading of COD=2 g m−2 day−1 of both types of leachate. E. crassipes has a lower removal of NH4–N than M. verticellatum and S. secundatum at a loading of 5 g m−2 day−1 of COD of both types of leachate. In our experiments, it appears that the amount of free ammonia explains the toxicity of the leachate to the plants. This, however, does not exclude other possible toxic factors.  相似文献   

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