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Structural insights into substrate binding by the molecular chaperone DnaK   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
How substrate affinity is modulated by nucleotide binding remains a fundamental, unanswered question in the study of 70 kDa heat shock protein (Hsp70) molecular chaperones. We find here that the Escherichia coli Hsp70, DnaK, lacking the entire alpha-helical domain, DnaK(1-507), retains the ability to support lambda phage replication in vivo and to pass information from the nucleotide binding domain to the substrate binding domain, and vice versa, in vitro. We determined the NMR solution structure of the corresponding substrate binding domain, DnaK(393-507), without substrate, and assessed the impact of substrate binding. Without bound substrate, loop L3,4 and strand beta3 are in significantly different conformations than observed in previous structures of the bound DnaK substrate binding domain, leading to occlusion of the substrate binding site. Upon substrate binding, the beta-domain shifts towards the structure seen in earlier X-ray and NMR structures. Taken together, our results suggest that conformational changes in the beta-domain itself contribute to the mechanism by which nucleotide binding modulates substrate binding affinity.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli, DnaK is essential for the replication of bacteriophage lambda DNA; this in vivo activity provides the basis of a screen for mutations affecting DnaK function. Mn PCR was used to introduce mutations into residues 405-468 of the C-terminal polypeptide-binding domain of DnaK. These mutant proteins were screened for the ability to propagate bacteriophage lambda in the background of a dnaK deficient cell line, BB1553. This initial screen identified several proteins which were mutant at multiple positions. The multiple mutants were further dissected into single mutants which remained negative for lambda propagation. Four of these single-site mutants were purified and assayed for biochemical functionality. Two single-site mutations, F426S and S427P, are localized in the peptide binding site and display weakened peptide binding affinity. This indicates that the crystallographically determined peptide binding site is also critical for in vivo lambda replication. Two other mutations, K414I and N451K, are located at the edge of the beta-sandwich domain near alpha-helix A. The K414I mutant binds peptide moderately well, yet displays defects in allosteric functions, including peptide-stimulated ATPase activity, ATP-induced changes in tryptophan fluorescence, ATP-induced peptide release, and elevated ATPase activity. The K414 position is close in tertiary structure to the linker region to the ATPase domain and reflects a specific area of the peptide-binding domain which is necessary for interdomain coupling. The mutant N451K displays defects in both peptide binding and allosteric interaction.  相似文献   

Hsp70-class molecular chaperones interact with diverse polypeptide substrates, but there is limited information on the structures of different Hsp70-peptide complexes. We have used a site-directed fluorescence labeling and quenching strategy to investigate the orientation of different peptides bound to DnaK from Escherichia coli. DnaK was selectively labeled on opposite sides of the substrate-binding domain (SBD) with the fluorescent probe bimane, and the ability of peptides containing N- or C-terminal tryptophan residues to quench bimane fluorescence was measured. Tryptophan-labeled derivatives of the model peptide NRLLLTG bound with the same forward orientation previously observed in the crystal structure of the DnaK(SBD)-NRLLLTG complex. Derivatives of this peptide containing arginine in the C-terminal rather than N-terminal region, NTLLLRG, also bound in the forward direction indicating that charged residues in the flanking regions of the peptide are not the major determinant of peptide binding orientation. We also tested peptides having proline in one (ELPLVKI) or two (ELPPVKI) central positions. Tryptophan derivatives of each of these peptides bound with a strong preference for the reverse direction relative to that observed for the NRLLLTG and NTLLLRG peptides. Computer modeling the peptides NRLLLTG and ELPPVKI in both the forward and reverse orientations into the DnaK(SBD) indicated that differential hydrogen-bonding patterns and steric constraints of the central peptide residues are likely causes for differences in their binding orientations. These findings establish that DnaK is able to bind substrates in both forward and reverse orientations and suggest that the central residues of the peptide are the major determinants of directional preference.  相似文献   

The C-terminal domain of the molecular chaperone DnaK is a compact lid-like structure made up of five alpha-helices (alphaA-alphaE) (residues 508-608) that is followed by a 30-residue disordered, flexible region (609-638). The lid encapsulates the peptide molecule bound in the substrate-binding domain, whereas the function of the 30-residue disordered region is not known. By sequentially deleting the flexible subdomain and the individual lid helices, we deduced the importance of each structural unit to creating long-lived DnaK-peptide complexes. Here we report that (i) the alphaD helix is essential for long-lived DnaK-peptide complexes. For example, ATP triggers the dissociation of a acrylodan-labeled p5 peptide (ap5, a-CLLLSAPRR) from wtDnaK and DnaK595(A-D) with k(off) equal to 7.6 and 8.9 s(-1), respectively, whereas when the D-helix is deleted, creating DnaK578(A-C), k(off) jumps to 207 s(-1). (ii) The presence of the alphaB helix impacts the rate of the ATP-induced high-to-low affinity conformational change. For example, ATP induces this conformational change in a lidless variant, DnaK517(1/2A), with a rate constant of 442 s(-1), whereas, after adding back the B-helix (residues 518-554), ATP induces this conformational change in DnaK554(A-B) with a rate constant of 2.5 s(-1). Our interpretation is that this large decrease occurs because the B-helix of the DnaK554(A-B) is bound in the substrate-binding site. (iii) The deletion analysis also revealed that residues 596-638, which comprise the alphaE helix and the flexible subdomain, affect ATP binding. Our results are consistent with this part of the lid producing conformational heterogeneity, perhaps by binding to the ATPase domain.  相似文献   

To gain further insight into the interactions involved in the allosteric transition of DnaK we have characterized wild-type (wt) protein and three mutants in which ionic interactions at the interface between the two subdomains of the substrate binding domain, and within the lid subdomain have been disrupted. Our data show that ionic contacts, most likely forming an electrically charged network, between the N-terminal region of helix B and an inner loop of the beta-sandwich are involved in maintaining the position of the lid relative to the beta-subdomain in the ADP state but not in the ATP state of the protein. Disruption of the ionic interactions between the C-terminal region of helix B and the outer loops of the beta-sandwich, known as the latch, does not have the same conformational consequences but results equally in an inactive protein. This indicates that a variety of mechanisms can inactivate this complex allosteric machine. Our results identify the ionic contacts at the subdomain and interdomain interfaces that are part of the hinge region involved in the ATP-induced allosteric displacement of the lid away from the peptide binding site. These interactions also stabilize peptide-Hsp70 complexes at physiological (37 degrees C) and stress (42 degrees C) temperatures, a requirement for productive substrate (re)folding.  相似文献   

Central to the chaperone function of Hsp70 stress proteins including Escherichia coli DnaK is the ability of Hsp70 to bind unfolded protein substrates in an ATP-dependent manner. Mg2+/ATP dissociates bound substrates and, furthermore, substrate binding stimulates the ATPase of Hsp70. This coupling is proposed to require a glutamate residue, E175 of bovine Hsc70, that is entirely conserved within the Hsp70 family, as it contacts bound Mg2+/ATP and is part of a hinge required for a postulated ATP-dependent opening/closing movement of the nucleotide binding cleft which then triggers substrate release. We analyzed the effects of dnaK mutations which alter the corresponding glutamate-171 of DnaK to alanine, leucine or lysine. In vivo, the mutated dnaK alleles failed to complement the delta dnaK52 mutation and were dominant negative in dnaK+ cells. In vitro, all three mutant DnaK proteins were inactive in known DnaK-dependent reactions, including refolding of denatured luciferase and initiation of lambda DNA replication. The mutant proteins retained ATPase activity, as well as the capacity to bind peptide substrates. The intrinsic ATPase activities of the mutant proteins, however, did exhibit increased Km and Vmax values. More importantly, these mutant proteins showed no stimulation of ATPase activity by substrates and no substrate dissociation by Mg2+/ATP. Thus, glutamate-171 is required for coupling of ATPase activity with substrate binding, and this coupling is essential for the chaperone function of DnaK.  相似文献   

GrpE acts as a nucleotide exchange factor for DnaK, the main Hsp70 protein in bacteria, accelerating ADP/ATP exchange by several orders of magnitude. GrpE is a homodimer, each subunit containing three structural domains: a N-terminal unordered segment, two long coils and a C-terminal globular domain formed by a four-helix bundle, and a β-subdomain. GrpE association to DnaK nucleotide-binding domain involves side-chain and backbone interactions located within the “headpiece” of the cochaperone, which consists of the C-terminal half of the coils, the four-helix bundle and the β-subdomain. However, the role of the GrpE N-terminal region in the interaction with DnaK and the activity of the cochaperone remain controversial. In this study we explore the contribution of this domain to the binding reaction, using the wild-type proteins, two deletion mutants of GrpE (GrpE34-197 and GrpE69-197) and the isolated DnaK nucleotide-binding domain. Analysis of the thermodynamic binding parameters obtained by isothermal titration calorimetry shows that both GrpE N-terminal segments, 1-33 and 34-68, contribute to the binding reaction. Partial proteolysis and substrate dissociation kinetics also suggest that the N-terminal half of GrpE coils (residues 34-68) interacts with DnaK interdomain linker, regulates the nucleotide exchange activity of the cochaperone and is required to stabilize DnaK-substrate complexes in the ADP-bound conformation.  相似文献   

Hsp70 chaperones assist protein folding by reversible interaction with extended hydrophobic segments of substrate polypeptides. We investigated the contribution of three structural elements of the substrate- binding cavity of the Escherichia coli homologue, DnaK, to substrate specificity by investigating mutant DnaK proteins for binding to cellulose-bound peptides. Deletion of the C-terminal subdomain (Delta539-638) and blockage of the access to the hydrophobic pocket in the substrate-binding cavity (V436F) did not change the specificity, although the latter exchange reduced the affinity to all peptides investigated. Mutations (A429W, M404A/A429W) that affect the formation of a hydrophobic arch spanning over the bound substrate disfavored DnaK binding, especially to peptides with short stretches of consecutive hydrophobic residues flanked by acidic residues, while binding to most other peptides remained unchanged. The arch thus contributes to the substrate specificity of DnaK. This finding is of particular interest, since of all the residues of the substrate-binding cavity that contact bound substrate, only the arch-forming residues show significant variation within the Hsp70 family.  相似文献   

The thermodynamics of binding of unfolded polypeptides to the chaperone SecB was investigated in vitro by isothermal titration calorimetry and fluorescence spectroscopy. The substrates were reduced and carboxamidomethylated forms of RNase A, BPTI, and alpha-lactalbumin. SecB binds both fully unfolded RNase A and BPTI as well as compact, partially folded disulfide intermediates of alpha-lactalbumin, which have 40-60% of native secondary structure. The heat capacity changes observed on binding the reduced and carboxamidomethylated forms of alpha-lactalbumin, BPTI, and RNase A were found to be -0.10, -0.29, and -0.41 kcal mol(-1) K(-1), respectively, and suggest that between 7 and 29 residues are buried upon substrate binding to SecB. In all cases, binding occurs with a stoichiometry of one polypeptide chain per monomer of SecB. There is no evidence for two separate types of binding sites for positively charged and hydrophobic ligands. Spectroscopic and proteolysis protection studies of the binding of SecB to poly-L-Lys show that binding of highly positively charged peptide ligands to negatively charged SecB leads to charge neutralization and subsequent aggregation of SecB. The data are consistent with a model where SecB binds substrate molecules at an exposed hydrophobic cleft. SecB aggregation in the absence of substrate is prevented by electrostatic repulsion between negatively charged SecB tetramers.  相似文献   

The evolutionarily conserved DnaJ proteins are essential components of Hsp70 chaperone systems. The DnaJ homologue of Escherichia coli associates with chaperone substrates and mediates their ATP hydrolysis-dependent locking into the binding cavity of its Hsp70 partner, DnaK. To determine the substrate specificity of DnaJ proteins, we screened 1633 peptides derived from 14 protein sequences for binding to E.coli DnaJ. The binding motif of DnaJ consists of a hydrophobic core of approximately eight residues enriched for aromatic and large aliphatic hydrophobic residues and arginine. The hydrophobicity of this motif explains why DnaJ itself can prevent protein aggregation. Although this motif shows differences from DnaK's binding motif, DnaJ and DnaK share the majority of binding peptides. In contrast to DnaK, DnaJ binds peptides consisting of L- and D-amino acids, and therefore is not restricted by backbone contacts. These features allow DnaJ to scan hydrophobic protein surfaces and initiate the functional cycle of the DnaK system by associating with hydrophobic exposed patches and subsequent targeting of DnaK to these or to hydrophobic patches in spatial neighbourhood.  相似文献   

HscA, a specialized bacterial Hsp70-class molecular chaperone, interacts with the iron-sulfur cluster assembly protein IscU by recognizing a conserved LPPVK sequence motif. We report the crystal structure of the substrate-binding domain of HscA (SBD, residues 389-616) from Escherichia coli bound to an IscU-derived peptide, ELPPVKIHC. The crystals belong to the space group I222 and contain a single molecule in the asymmetric unit. Molecular replacement with the E.coli DnaK(SBD) model was used for phasing, and the HscA(SBD)-peptide model was refined to Rfactor=17.4% (Rfree=21.0%) at 1.95 A resolution. The overall structure of HscA(SBD) is similar to that of DnaK(SBD), although the alpha-helical subdomain (residues 506-613) is shifted up to 10 A relative to the beta-sandwich subdomain (residues 389-498) when compared to DnaK(SBD). The ELPPVKIHC peptide is bound in an extended conformation in a hydrophobic cleft in the beta-subdomain, which appears to be solvent-accessible via a narrow passageway between the alpha and beta-subdomains. The bound peptide is positioned in the reverse orientation of that observed in the DnaK(SBD)-NRLLLTG peptide complex placing the N and C termini of the peptide on opposite sides of the HscA(SBD) relative to the DnaK(SBD) complex. Modeling of the peptide in the DnaK-like forward orientation suggests that differences in hydrogen bonding interactions in the binding cleft and electrostatic interactions involving surface residues near the cleft contribute to the observed directional preference.  相似文献   

Kasper P  Christen P  Gehring H 《Proteins》2000,40(2):185-192
We describe a methodology to calculate the relative free energies of protein-peptide complex formation. The interaction energy was decomposed into nonpolar, electrostatic and entropic contributions. A free energy-surface area relationship served to calculate the nonpolar free energy term. The electrostatic free energy was calculated with the finite difference Poisson-Boltzmann method and the entropic contribution was estimated from the loss in the conformational entropy of the peptide side chains. We applied this methodology to a series of DnaK*peptide complexes. On the basis of the single known crystal structure of the peptide-binding domain of DnaK with a bound heptapeptide, we modeled ten other DnaK*heptapeptide complexes with experimentally measured K(d) values from 0.06 microM to 11 microM, using molecular dynamics to refine the structures of the complexes. Molecular dynamic trajectories, after equilibration, were used for calculating the energies with greater accuracy. The calculated relative binding free energies were compared with the experimentally determined free energies. Linear scaling of the calculated terms was applied to fit them to the experimental values. The calculated binding free energies were between -7.1 kcal/mol and - 9.4 kcal/mol with a correlation coefficient of 0.86. The calculated nonpolar contributions are mainly due to the central hydrophobic binding pocket of DnaK for three amino acid residues. Negative electrostatic fields generated by the protein increase the binding affinity for basic residues flanking the hydrophobic core of the peptide ligand. Analysis of the individual energy contributions indicated that the nonpolar contributions are predominant compared to the other energy terms even for peptides with low affinity and that inclusion of the change in conformational entropy of the peptide side chains does not improve the discriminative power of the calculation. The method seems to be useful for predicting relative binding energies of peptide ligands of DnaK and might be applicable to other protein-peptide systems, particularly if only the structure of one protein-ligand complex is available.  相似文献   

We present an NMR investigation of the nucleotide-dependent conformational properties of a 44-kDa nucleotide binding domain (NBD) of an Hsp70 protein. Conformational changes driven by ATP binding and hydrolysis in the N-terminal NBD are believed to allosterically regulate substrate affinity in the C-terminal substrate binding domain. Several crystal structures of Hsc70 NBDs in different nucleotide states have, however, not shown significant structural differences. We have previously reported the NMR assignments of the backbone resonances of the NBD of the bacterial Hsp70 homologue Thermus thermophilus DnaK in the ADP-bound state. In this study we show, by assigning the NBD with the ATP/transition state analogue, ADP.AlFx, bound, that it closely mimics the ATP-bound state. Chemical shift difference mapping of the two nucleotide states identified differences in a cluster of residues at the interface between subdomains 1A and 1B. Further analysis of the spectra revealed that the ATP state exhibited a single conformation, whereas the ADP state was in slow conformational exchange between a form similar to the ATP state and another state unique to the ADP-bound form. A model is proposed of the allosteric mechanism based on the nucleotide state altering the balance of a dynamic equilibrium between the open and closed states. The observed chemical shift perturbations were concentrated in an area close to a previously described J-domain binding channel, confirming the importance of that region in the allosteric mechanism.  相似文献   

The biological activity of DnaK, the bacterial representative of the Hsp70 protein family, is regulated by the allosteric interaction between its nucleotide and peptide substrate binding domains. Despite the importance of the nucleotide-induced cycling of DnaK between substrate-accepting and releasing states, the heterotropic allosteric mechanism remains as yet undefined. To further characterize this mechanism, the nucleotide-induced absorbance changes in the vibrational spectrum of wild-type DnaK was characterized. To assign the conformation sensitive absorption bands, two deletion mutants (one lacking the C-terminal alpha-helical subdomain and another comprising only the N-terminal ATPase domain), and a single-point DnaK mutant (T199A) with strongly reduced ATPase activity, were investigated by time-resolved infrared difference spectroscopy combined with the use of caged-nucleotides. The results indicate that (1) ATP, but not ADP, binding promotes a conformational change in both subdomains of the peptide binding domain that can be individually resolved; (2) these conformational changes are kinetically coupled, most likely to ensure a decrease in the affinity of DnaK for peptide substrates and a concomitant displacement of the lid away from the peptide binding site that would promote efficient diffusion of the released peptide to the medium; and (3) the alpha-helical subdomain contributes to stabilize the interdomain interface against the thermal challenge and allows bidirectional transmission of the allosteric signal between the ATPase and substrate binding domains at stress temperatures (42 degrees C).  相似文献   

DnaK, the Hsp70 chaperone of Escherichia coli interacts with protein substrates in an ATP-dependent manner, in conjunction with DnaJ and GrpE co-chaperones, to carry out protein folding, protein remodeling, and assembly and disassembly of multisubunit protein complexes. To understand how DnaJ targets specific proteins for recognition by the DnaK chaperone system, we investigated the interaction of DnaJ and DnaK with a known natural substrate, bacteriophage P1 RepA protein. By characterizing RepA deletion derivatives, we found that DnaJ interacts with a region of RepA located between amino acids 180 and 200 of the 286-amino acid protein. A peptide corresponding to amino acids 180-195 inhibited the interaction of RepA and DnaJ. Two site-directed RepA mutants with alanine substitutions in this region were about 4-fold less efficiently activated for oriP1 DNA binding by DnaJ and DnaK than wild type RepA. We also identified by deletion analysis a site in RepA, in the region of amino acids 35-49, which interacts with DnaK. An alanine substitution mutant in amino acids 36-39 was constructed and found defective in activation by DnaJ and DnaK. Taken together the results suggest that DnaJ and DnaK interact with separate sites on RepA.  相似文献   

HscA, a specialized bacterial hsp70-class chaperone, interacts with the iron-sulfur cluster assembly protein IscU by recognizing a conserved LPPVK sequence motif at positions 99-103. We have used a site-directed fluorescence labeling and quenching strategy to determine whether HscA binds to IscU in a preferred orientation. HscA was selectively labeled on opposite sides of the substrate binding domain with the fluorescent probe bimane, and the ability of LPPVK-containing peptides having tryptophan at the N or C terminus to quench bimane fluorescence was measured. Quenching was highly dependent on the position of tryptophan in the peptide and the location of bimane on HscA implying a strong directional preference for peptide binding. Similar experiments showed that full-length IscU binds in the same orientation as IscU-derived peptides and that binding orientation is unaffected by the co-chaperone HscB. The preferred orientation of the HscA-IscU complex is the reverse of that previously described for peptide complexes of Escherichia coli DnaK and rat Hsc70 substrate binding domain fragments establishing that hsp70 isoforms can bind peptide/polypeptide substrates in different orientations.  相似文献   

Gur E  Katz C  Ron EZ 《FEBS letters》2005,579(9):1935-1939
DnaJ, DjlA and CbpA are the J-domain proteins of DnaK, the major Hsp70 of Escherichia coli. CbpA was originally discovered as a DNA binding protein. Here, we show that DNA binding is a property of DnaJ and DjlA as well. Of special interest in this respect is DjlA, as this cytoplasmic protein is membrane bound and, as shown here, its affinity for DNA is extremely high. The finding that all the three J-proteins of DnaK are DNA binding proteins sheds new light on the cellular activity of these proteins.  相似文献   

Molecular chaperones of the 70 kDa family mediate protein–protein interactions by selectively binding to partially unfolded segments of other proteins in an ATP-dependent activity cycle. Previous investigations of chaperone substrate selectivity have shown that chaperones have a propensity to bind to partially unfolded segments of polypeptides that contain bulky hydrophobic residues. However, recent investigations have shown that 70 kDa chaperones such as DnaK, which is expressed by Escherichia coli, also bind short basic peptides and even polycations. We report here that DnaK specifically binds to the polycation protamine when [protamine]/[DnaK] is near unity, whereas protamine induces the aggregations of DnaK when [protamine]/[DnaK] ≥ 20. Complexes between DnaK and protamine were detected using fluorescently labeled protamine (protamine*) in conjunction with high performance size exclusion chromatography. We found that: (i) an unlabeled peptide of known affinity for DnaK partially inhibited the formation of DnaK-protamine* complexes; (ii) Mg-ATP (and Mg-γ-S-ATP) significantly reduced the affinity of protamine* for DnaK; and (iii) the rate of DnaK-protamine* complex dissociation is highly temperature-sensitive, with apparent activation enthalpies (ΔH*) equal to 32 ± 4 and 28 ± 1 kcal mol−1 in the absence of added nucleotide and in the presence of ADP, respectively. The results are consistent with the specific binding of protamine* at the (poly)peptide binding site of DnaK. A model is proposed to account for the protamine-induced aggregation of DnaK.  相似文献   

Ribosome-associated Trigger Factor (TF) and the DnaK chaperone system assist the folding of newly synthesized proteins in Escherichia coli. Here, we show that DnaK and TF share a common substrate pool in vivo. In TF-deficient cells, deltatig, depleted for DnaK and DnaJ the amount of aggregated proteins increases with increasing temperature, amounting to 10% of total soluble protein (approximately 340 protein species) at 37 degrees C. A similar population of proteins aggregated in DnaK depleted tig+ cells, albeit to a much lower extent. Ninety-four aggregated proteins isolated from DnaK- and DnaJ-depleted deltatig cells were identified by mass spectrometry and found to include essential cytosolic proteins. Four potential in vivo substrates were screened for chaperone binding sites using peptide libraries. Although TF and DnaK recognize different binding motifs, 77% of TF binding peptides also associated with DnaK. In the case of the nascent polypeptides TF and DnaK competed for binding, however, with competitive advantage for TF. In vivo, the loss of TF is compensated by the induction of the heat shock response and thus enhanced levels of DnaK. In summary, our results demonstrate that the co-operation of the two mechanistically distinct chaperones in protein folding is based on their overlap in substrate specificities.  相似文献   

Moro F  Fernández V  Muga A 《FEBS letters》2003,550(1-3):119-123
Members of the Cool protein family contain SH3, Dbl, and pleckstrin homology domains and are binding partners for the p21-activated kinase (PAK). Using the yeast two-hybrid screen, we identified Cbl-b as a Cool family binding partner. We co-immunoprecipitated endogenous Cool and Cbl-b from a variety of breast cancer cell lines. The Cool–Cbl-b interaction requires the SH3 domain of Cool and competes with the binding of PAK to Cool proteins. Expression of Cbl-b effectively blocks the ability of Cool-2 to stimulate PAK, thus providing an additional mechanism, aside from catalyzing receptor ubiquitination, by which Cbl-b acts as a negative regulator for signaling activities requiring PAK activation.  相似文献   

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