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Recent developments in sequencing methods and bioinformatics analysis tools have greatly enabled the culture-independent analysis of complex microbial communities associated with environmental samples, plants, and animals. This has led to a spectacular increase in the number of studies on both membership and functionalities of these hitherto invisible worlds, in particular those of the human microbiome. The wide variety in available microbiome tools and platforms can be overwhelming, and making sound conclusions from scientific research can be challenging. Here, I will review 1) the methodological and analytic hoops a good microbiome study has to jump through, including DNA extraction and choice of bioinformatics tools, 2) the hopes this field has generated for diseases such as autism and inflammatory bowel diseases, and 3) some of the hypes that it has created, e.g., by confusing correlation and causation, and the recent pseudoscientific commercialization of microbiome research.  相似文献   

The significance of the gut microbiota as a determinant of drug pharmacokinetics and accordingly therapeutic response is of increasing importance with the advent of modern medicines characterised by low solubility and/or permeability, or modified-release. These physicochemical properties and release kinetics prolong drug residence times within the gastrointestinal tract, wherein biotransformation by commensal microbes can occur. As the evidence base in support of this supplementary metabolic “organ” expands, novel opportunities to engineer the microbiota for clinical benefit have emerged. This review provides an overview of microbe-mediated alteration of drug pharmacokinetics, with particular emphasis on studies demonstrating proof of concept in vivo. Additionally, recent advances in modulating the microbiota to improve clinical response to therapeutics are explored.  相似文献   

Four Lactobacillus species, namely L. crispatus, L. iners, L. gasseri, and L. jensenii, commonly dominate the vaginal communities of most reproductive-age women. It is unclear why these particular species, and not others, are so prevalent. Historically, estrogen-induced glycogen production by the vaginal epithelium has been proffered as being key to supporting the proliferation of vaginal lactobacilli. However, the ‘fly in the ointment’ (that has been largely ignored) is that the species of Lactobacillus commonly found in the human vagina cannot directly metabolize glycogen. It would appear that this riddle has been solved as studies have demonstrated that vaginal lactobacilli can metabolize the products of glycogen depolymerization by α-amylase, and fortunately, amylase activity is found in vaginal secretions. These amylases are presumed to be host-derived, but we suggest that other bacterial populations in vaginal communities could also be sources of amylase in addition to (or instead of) the host. Here we briefly review what is known about human vaginal bacterial communities and discuss how glycogen-derived resources and resource competition might shape the composition and structure of these communities.  相似文献   

人体微生物群系影响人类的健康,与人类的各种疾病,如肥胖、糖尿病、冠心病、结肠癌等的发生具有密切的关系.近年来,人类微生物组研究日益受到重视.综述人类微生物组的测序和比较研究进展.  相似文献   

Asthma is a highly heterogeneous disease characterized by inflammation of the airways, which invokes symptoms such as wheeze, dyspnea, and chest tightness. Asthma is the product of multiple interconnected immunological processes and represents a constellation of related, but distinct, disease phenotypes. The prevalence of asthma has more than doubled since the 1980s, and efforts to understand this increase have inspired consideration of the microbiome as a key player in the pathophysiology and regulation of this disease. While recent years have seen an explosion of new research in this area, researchers are only beginning to untangle to mechanisms by which the microbiome may influence asthma. This review will focus on the relationship between the microbiome and the immune system and how this influences development of asthma. This review will also highlight evidence that may point the way toward new therapies and potential cures for this ancient respiratory foe.  相似文献   

The Human Intestinal Microbiome: A New Frontier of Human Biology   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To analyze the vast number and variety of microorganisms inhabitingthe human intestine, emerging metagenomic technologies are extremelypowerful. The intestinal microbes are taxonomically complexand constitute an ecologically dynamic community (microbiota)that has long been believed to possess a strong impact on humanphysiology. Furthermore, they are heavily involved in the maturationand proliferation of human intestinal cells, helping to maintaintheir homeostasis and can be causative of various diseases,such as inflammatory bowel disease and obesity. A simplifiedanimal model system has provided the mechanistic basis for themolecular interactions that occur at the interface between suchmicrobes and host intestinal epithelia. Through metagenomicanalysis, it is now possible to comprehensively explore thegenetic nature of the intestinal microbiome, the mutually interactingsystem comprising the host cells and the residing microbialcommunity. The human microbiome project was recently launchedas an international collaborative research effort to furtherpromote this newly developing field and to pave the way to anew frontier of human biology, which will provide new strategiesfor the maintenance of human health.  相似文献   

The worldwide prevalence of metabolic syndrome, which includes obesity and its associated diseases, is rising rapidly. The human gut microbiome is recognized as an independent environmental modulator of host metabolic health and disease. Research in animal models has demonstrated that the gut microbiome has the functional capacity to induce or relieve metabolic syndrome. One way to modify the human gut microbiome is by transplanting fecal matter, which contains an abundance of live microorganisms, from a healthy individual to a diseased one in the hopes of alleviating illness. Here we review recent evidence suggesting efficacy of fecal microbiota transplant (FMT) in animal models and humans for the treatment of obesity and its associated metabolic disorders.  相似文献   

Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) has become a research focus of biomedicine and clinical medicine in recent years. The clinical response from FMT for different diseases provided evidence for microbiota-host interactions associated with various disorders, including Clostridium difficile infection, inflammatory bowel disease, diabetes mellitus, cancer, liver cirrhosis, gutbrain disease and others. To discuss the experiences of using microbes to treat human diseases from ancient China to current era should be important in moving standardized FMT forward and achieving a better future. Here, we review the changing concept of microbiota transplantation from FMT to selective microbiota transplantation, methodology development of FMT and stepup FMT strategy based on literature and state experts’ perspectives.  相似文献   

This minireview considers the benefits of refocusing attention away from treating the patient as a mammalian human to managing the complete patient: a majority microbial superorganism. Under the “completed self” model for formation of the human‐microbial superorganism, the single, most pivotal sign in distinguishing a life course of health versus that filled with disease is self‐completion (i.e., seeding of the minority mammalian human by the majority microbial portion of the symbiont). From a disease prevention perspective, microbial seeding at birth and subsequent nurturing of the microbiota are significant steps to reduce the risk of both noncommunicable diseases (e.g., type 1 diabetes) and certain infectious diseases. Management of the microbiome during pregnancy, birth, and shortly thereafter appears to be the most significant critical window for healthy superorganism formation. However, the bolus for microbiota seeding at birth and the nurturing process are subject to environmental influences and disruption, such as exposure to toxic chemicals and drugs, infections, and other physical and psychological stressors. Additionally, childhood and adult corrective measures, such as fecal transplantation and administration of prebiotics and probiotics, while potentially useful, may have limitations that are yet to be fully defined. This minireview considers (1) basic features of management of the microbiome to facilitate self‐completion, (2) protection of the microbiota from environmental hazards, and (3) the benefits of using a superorganism focus for health management beginning with pregnancy and extending throughout childhood and adult life  相似文献   

Human body sites represent ecological niches for microorganisms, each providing variations in microbial exposure, nutrient availability, microbial competition, and host immunological responses. In this study, we investigated the oral, anal, and cervical microbiomes from the same 20 sexually active adolescent females, using culture-independent, next-generation sequencing. DNA from each sample was amplified for the bacterial 16S rRNA gene and sequenced on an Illumina platform using paired-end reads. Across the three anatomical niches, we found significant differences in bacterial community composition and diversity. Overall anal samples were dominated with Prevotella and Bacteriodes, oral samples with Streptococcus and Prevotella, and cervical samples with Lactobacillus. The microbiomes of a few cervical samples clustered with anal samples in weighted principal coordinate analyses, due in part to a higher proportion of Prevotella in those samples. Additionally, cervical samples had the lowest alpha diversity. Our results demonstrate the occurrence of distinct microbial communities across body sites within the same individual.  相似文献   

Most discussions of human microbiome research have focused on bacterial investigations and findings. Our target is to understand how human eukaryotic microbiome research is developing, its potential distinctiveness, and how problems can be addressed. We start with an overview of the entire eukaryotic microbiome literature (578 papers), show tendencies in the human‐based microbiome literature, and then compare the eukaryotic field to more developed human bacterial microbiome research. We are particularly concerned with problems of interpretation that are already apparent in human bacterial microbiome research (e.g. disease causality, probiotic interventions, evolutionary claims). We show where each field converges and diverges, and what this might mean for progress in human eukaryotic microbiome research. Our analysis then makes constructive suggestions for the future of the field.  相似文献   

人类肠道中定居着许多对宿主有益的微生物,包括细菌、病毒、真核生物等,它们在肠道内能与其他微生物及免疫系统相互作用,对人体健康具有重要影响,被称为"被遗忘的器官",它们的基因组也被誉为人类的"第二基因组",与人体的能量代谢及物质代谢有关。本文总结了人体肠道中病毒、真核生物、细菌和宿主免疫系统的相互作用,微生物群的失衡可能导致的疾病如肥胖和克罗恩病等,以及微生物环境在人体内的成熟过程,期望有助于诊断和治疗与肠道微生物失衡相关的疾病。  相似文献   

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