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MOTIVATION: The increasing availability of large-scale protein-protein interaction (PPI) data has fueled the efforts to elucidate the building blocks and organization of cellular machinery. Previous studies have shown cross-species comparison to be an effective approach in uncovering functional modules in protein networks. This has in turn driven the research for new network alignment methods with a more solid grounding in network evolution models and better scalability, to allow multiple network comparison. RESULTS: We develop a new framework for protein network alignment, based on reconstruction of an ancestral PPI network. The reconstruction algorithm is built upon a proposed model of protein network evolution, which takes into account phylogenetic history of the proteins and the evolution of their interactions. The application of our methodology to the PPI networks of yeast, worm and fly reveals that the most probable conserved ancestral interactions are often related to known protein complexes. By projecting the conserved ancestral interactions back onto the input networks we are able to identify the corresponding conserved protein modules in the considered species. In contrast to most of the previous methods, our algorithm is able to compare many networks simultaneously. The performed experiments demonstrate the ability of our method to uncover many functional modules with high specificity. AVAILABILITY: Information for obtaining software and supplementary results are available at http://bioputer.mimuw.edu.pl/papers/cappi.  相似文献   

The characterization of protein interactions is essential for understanding biological systems. While genome-scale methods are available for identifying interacting proteins, they do not pinpoint the interacting motifs (e.g., a domain, sequence segments, a binding site, or a set of residues). Here, we develop and apply a method for delineating the interacting motifs of hub proteins (i.e., highly connected proteins). The method relies on the observation that proteins with common interaction partners tend to interact with these partners through a common interacting motif. The sole input for the method are binary protein interactions; neither sequence nor structure information is needed. The approach is evaluated by comparing the inferred interacting motifs with domain families defined for 368 proteins in the Structural Classification of Proteins (SCOP). The positive predictive value of the method for detecting proteins with common SCOP families is 75% at sensitivity of 10%. Most of the inferred interacting motifs were significantly associated with sequence patterns, which could be responsible for the common interactions. We find that yeast hubs with multiple interacting motifs are more likely to be essential than hubs with one or two interacting motifs, thus rationalizing the previously observed correlation between essentiality and the number of interacting partners of a protein. We also find that yeast hubs with multiple interacting motifs evolve slower than the average protein, contrary to the hubs with one or two interacting motifs. The proposed method will help us discover unknown interacting motifs and provide biological insights about protein hubs and their roles in interaction networks.  相似文献   

Sporns O  Honey CJ  Kötter R 《PloS one》2007,2(10):e1049
Brain regions in the mammalian cerebral cortex are linked by a complex network of fiber bundles. These inter-regional networks have previously been analyzed in terms of their node degree, structural motif, path length and clustering coefficient distributions. In this paper we focus on the identification and classification of hub regions, which are thought to play pivotal roles in the coordination of information flow. We identify hubs and characterize their network contributions by examining motif fingerprints and centrality indices for all regions within the cerebral cortices of both the cat and the macaque. Motif fingerprints capture the statistics of local connection patterns, while measures of centrality identify regions that lie on many of the shortest paths between parts of the network. Within both cat and macaque networks, we find that a combination of degree, motif participation, betweenness centrality and closeness centrality allows for reliable identification of hub regions, many of which have previously been functionally classified as polysensory or multimodal. We then classify hubs as either provincial (intra-cluster) hubs or connector (inter-cluster) hubs, and proceed to show that lesioning hubs of each type from the network produces opposite effects on the small-world index. Our study presents an approach to the identification and classification of putative hub regions in brain networks on the basis of multiple network attributes and charts potential links between the structural embedding of such regions and their functional roles.  相似文献   

In yeast iso-1-cytochrome c, the side chain of histidine 26 (His26) attaches omega loop A to the main body of the protein by forming a hydrogen bond to the backbone atom carbonyl of glutamic acid 44. The His26 side chain also forms a stabilizing intra-loop interaction through a hydrogen bond to the backbone amide of asparagine 31. To investigate the importance of loop-protein attachment and intra-loop interactions to the structure and function of this protein, a series of site-directed and random-directed mutations were produced at His26. Yeast strains expressing these variant proteins were analyzed for their ability to grow on non-fermentable carbon sources and for their intracellular production of cytochrome c. While the data show that mutations at His26 lead to slightly decreased intracellular amounts of cytochrome c, the level of cytochrome c function is decreased more. The data suggest that cytochrome c reductase binding is affected more than cytochrome c oxidase or lactate dehydrogenase binding. We propose that mutations at this residue increase loop mobility, which, in turn, decreases the protein's ability to bind redox partners.  相似文献   

The main reaction pathways in the living cell are carried out by functional modules--namely, macromolecular machines with compact structure or ensembles that change their composition and/or organization during function. Modules define themselves by spatial sequestration, chemical specificity and a characteristic time domain within which their function proceeds. On receiving a specific input, modules go through functional cycles, with phases of increasing and decreasing complexity of molecular interactions. Here, we discuss how such modules are formed and the experimental and theoretical approaches that can be used to investigate them, using examples from polynucleotide-protein interactions, vesicle transport and signal transduction to illustrate the underlying principles. Further progress in this field, where systems biology and biochemistry meet, will depend on iterative validation of the experimental and theoretical approaches.  相似文献   

Bhattacharya G  Cosgrove D 《Biochemistry》2005,44(34):11518-11524
Usher syndrome is a genetically heterogeneous disorder characterized by hearing loss with retinitis pigmentosa. Usher syndrome type IIa is the most common of the Usher syndromes, accounting for over half of all cases. The gene encodes a 180 kDa basement membrane glycoprotein called usherin. Here, we demonstrated a specific interaction between usherin and fibronectin in retinal basement membranes. This interaction was confirmed using biochemical, biophysical, and genetic approaches. Surface plasmon resonance assay confirmed that fibronectin binding to usherin is of high affinity and 1:1 stoichiometry. Using a fusion peptide-based co-immunoprecipitation approach, we show that binding to fibronectin occurs at the LE domain of usherin. Recombinant LE domain-specific peptides were engineered that contained single amino acid substitutions corresponding to missense mutations found in humans with Usher syndrome type IIa. Only mutations in loop d of the LE domain abolished the ability of the LE domain to co-immunoprecipitate fibronectin.  相似文献   

D D Pittman  J H Wang  R J Kaufman 《Biochemistry》1992,31(13):3315-3325
Sulfated tyrosine residues within recombinant human factor VIII were identified by [35S]sulfate biosynthetic labeling of Chinese hamster ovary cells which express human recombinant factor VIII. Alkaline hydrolysis of purified [35S]sulfate-labeled factor VIII showed that greater than 95% of the [35S]sulfate was incorporated into tyrosine. [3H]Tyrosine and [35S]sulfate double labeling was used to quantify the presence of 6 mol of tyrosine sulfate per mole of factor VIII. Amino acid sequence analysis of thrombin and tryptic peptides isolated from [35S]sulfate-labeled factor VIII demonstrated tyrosine sulfate at residue 346 in the factor VIII heavy chain and at residues 1664 and 1680 in the factor VIII light chain. In addition, the carboxyl-terminal half of the A2 domain contained three tyrosine sulfate residues, likely at positions 718, 719, and 723. Interestingly, all sites of tyrosine sulfation border thrombin cleavage sites. The functional importance of tyrosine sulfation was examined by treatment of cells expressing factor VIII with sodium chlorate, a potent inhibitor of tyrosine sulfation. Increasing concentrations of sodium chlorate inhibited sulfate incorporation into factor VIII without affecting its synthesis and/or secretion. However, factor VIII secreted in the presence of sodium chlorate exhibited a 5-fold reduction in procoagulant activity, although the protein was susceptible to thrombin cleavage. These results suggest that tyrosine sulfation is required for full factor VIII activity and may affect the interaction of factor VIII with other components of the coagulation cascade.  相似文献   

A cytochrome P450 2B4 (CYP2B4) model was used to select key residues supposed to serve in interactions with NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase (P450R). Eight amino acid residues located on the surface of the hemoprotein were chosen for mutagenesis experiments with CYP2B4(Delta2-27) lacking the NH(2)-terminal signal anchor sequence. The mutated proteins were expressed in Escherichia coli, purified, and characterized by EPR- and CD-spectral analysis. Replacement of histidine 226 with alanine caused a 3.8-fold fall in the affinity for P450R with undisturbed reductive capacity of the system. Similarly, the K225A, R232A, and R253A variants exhibited P450R-directed activity that was depressed to about half that of the control enzyme, suggesting that the deletion of positive charges on the surface of CYP2B4(Delta2-27) resulted in impaired electrostatic contacts with complementary amino acids on the P450R protein. While the Y235A mutant did not show appreciably perturbed reduction activity, the conservative substitution with alanine of the phenylalanine residues at positions 223 and 227 gave a 2.1- to 6. 1-fold increase in the K(m) values with unchanged V(max); this was attributed to the disruption of hydrophobic forces rather than to global structural rearrangement(s) of the engineered pigments. Measurement of the stoichiometry of aerobic NADPH consumption and H(2)O(2) formation revealed the oxyferrous forms of the F223A, H226A, and F227A mutants to autoxidize more readily owing to less efficient coupling of the systems. Noteworthy, the F244A enzyme did not exhibit significant reduction activity, suggesting a pivotal role of Phe-244 in the functional coupling of P450R. The residue was predicted to constitute part of an obligatory electron transfer conduit through pi-stacking with Phe-296 located close to the heme unit. All of the residues examined reside in the putative G helix of CYP2B4, so that this domain obviously defines part of the binding site for P450R.  相似文献   

The digestive vacuole plasmepsins PfPM1, PfPM2, PfPM4, and PfHAP (a histoaspartic proteinase) are 4 aspartic proteinases among 10 encoded in the Plasmodium falciparum malarial genome. These have been hypothesized to initiate and contribute significantly to hemoglobin degradation, a catabolic function essential to the survival of this intraerythrocytic parasite. Because of their perceived significance, these plasmepsins have been proposed as potential targets for antimalarial drug development. To test their essentiality, knockout constructs were prepared for each corresponding gene such that homologous recombination would result in two partial, nonfunctional gene copies. Disruption of each gene was achieved, as confirmed by PCR, Southern, and Northern blot analyses. Western and two-dimensional gel analyses revealed the absence of mature or even truncated plasmepsins corresponding to the disrupted gene. Reduced growth rates were observed with PfPM1 and PfPM4 knockouts, indicating that although these plasmepsins are not essential, they are important for parasite development. Abnormal mitochondrial morphology also appeared to accompany loss of PfPM2, and an abundant accumulation of electron-dense vesicles in the digestive vacuole was observed upon disruption of PfPM4; however, those phenotypes only manifested in about a third of the disrupted cells. The ability to compensate for loss of individual plasmepsin function may be explained by close similarity in the structure and active site of these four vacuolar enzymes. Our data imply that drug discovery efforts focused on vacuolar plasmepsins must incorporate measures to develop compounds that can inhibit two or more of this enzyme family.  相似文献   

The product of the fadL gene (FadL) of Escherichia coli is a multifunctional integral outer-membrane protein required for the specific binding and transport of exogenous long-chain fatty acids [C12-C18]. FadL also serves as a receptor for the bacteriophage T2. In order to define regions of functional importance within FadL, the fadL gene has been mutagenized by the insertion of single-stranded hexameric linkers into the unique SalI restriction site that lies towards the 3' end of the gene and into four HpaII restriction sites distributed throughout the coding region. The five insertion mutants were classified into three groups based on their specific growth rates (alpha) in minimal media containing the long-chain fatty acid oleate (C18:1) as a sole carbon and energy source: Oleslow, alpha = 0.035-0.045; Ole +/-, alpha = 0.020-0.035; and Ole-, alpha less than or equal to 0.005 (wild-type, alpha = 0.07-0.10). The hexameric insertion at the SalI site (fadL allele termed S1; insertion after amino acid 410) conferred an Oleslow phenotype and resulted in a reduction of long-chain fatty acid transport (36% the wild-type level). This insertion mutant, however, bound oleic acid at wild-type levels and was fully functional as a receptor for the bacteriophage T2. The modified FadL-S1 protein did not have the heat-modifiable property characteristic of wild-type FadL. Insertions in the four HpaII sites (fadL alleles termed H1, H2, H3, and H5; after amino acids 41, 81, 238, and 389, respectively) resulted in all three classes of mutants. The fadL insertion mutant H5 was defective for long-chain fatty acid transport but bound oleic acid at significant levels. Together with the S1 allele, these data suggest that the carboxyl terminus of FadL is crucial for long-chain fatty acid transport. The insertion mutants H1 and H2 were defective for both oleic acid binding and transport suggesting that the amino terminus of FadL is important for long-chain fatty acid binding and transport. The fadL linker mutant H3 was defective in oleic acid binding yet had significant levels of oleic acid transport. These studies delineated for the first time different regions of the fadL gene that encode domains of FadL implicated in the binding and transport of long-chain fatty acids.  相似文献   



For many years, scientists believed that point mutations in genes are the genetic switches for somatic and inherited diseases such as cystic fibrosis, phenylketonuria and cancer. Some of these mutations likely alter a protein's function in a manner that is deleterious, and they should occur in functionally important regions of the protein products of genes. Here we show that disease-associated mutations occur in regions of genes that are conserved, and can identify likely disease-causing mutations.  相似文献   

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