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Pathogen-responsive endogenous small non-coding RNAs regulate gene expression in relation to plant immune responses by serving as RNA silencing machinery. Decay caused by the bacterium, Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora (Ecc), often leads to soft rot disease in the plant Brassica campestris L. ssp. pekinensis (Bcp). To discover endogenous small RNA species in Bcp in response to Ecc infection, we developed a highly efficient approach for cloning pathogen-regulated small RNAs. A group of degenerate stem-loop reverse primers was designed to synthesize first single-stranded cDNA (sscDNA) and the sscDNA was then tailed with a poly(C) at its 3′ end to create a forward priming site. A novel cDNA/RNA subtractive hybridization was performed to capture Ecc-regulated small RNAs and this subsequently allowed construction of small RNA cDNA libraries for sequencing.  相似文献   

Recurring RNA structural motifs are important sites of tertiary interaction and as such, are integral to RNA macromolecular structure. Although numerous RNA motifs have been classified and characterized, the identification of new motifs is of great interest. In this study, we discovered four new conformationally recurring motifs: the pi-turn, the Omega-turn, the alpha-loop and the C2'-endo mediated flipped adenosine motif. Not only do they have complex and interesting structures, but they participate in contacts of high biological significance. In a first for the RNA field, new motifs were discovered by a fully automated algorithm. This algorithm, COMPADRES, utilized a reduced representation of the RNA backbone and was highly successful at discerning unique structural relationships. This study also shows that recurring RNA substructures are not necessarily accompanied by consistent primary or secondary structure.  相似文献   

The RNA secondary structure prediction is a classical problem in bioinformatics. The most efficient approach to this problem is based on the idea of a comparative analysis. In this approach the algorithms utilize multiple alignment of the RNA sequences and find common RNA structure. This paper describes a new algorithm for this task. This algorithm does not require predefined multiple alignment. The main idea of the algorithm is based on MEME-like iterative searching of abstract profile on different levels. On the first level the algorithm searches the common blocks in the RNA sequences and creates chain of this blocks. On the next step the algorithm refines the chain of common blocks. On the last stage the algorithm searches sets of common helices that have consistent locations relative to common blocks. The algorithm was tested on sets of tRNA with a subset of junk sequences and on RFN riboswitches. The algorithm is implemented as a web server (http://bioinf.fbb.msu.ru/RNAAlign/).  相似文献   

A variety of expression systems for the display of either short peptides or fully folded proteins on E.coli and, to a lesser extent, on Gram-positive bacteria have been developed. The expression of proteins on the surface of microbial cells has proved extremely important for numerous applications ranging from combinatorial library screening and protein engineering, to whole cell biocatalysts and adsorbants for bioremediation purposes.  相似文献   

We propose an ab initio method, named DiscoverR, for finding common patterns from two RNA secondary structures. The method works by representing RNA secondary structures as ordered labeled trees and performs tree pattern discovery using an efficient dynamic programming algorithm. DiscoverR is able to identify and extract the largest common substructures from two RNA molecules having different sizes without prior knowledge of the locations and topologies of these substructures. We also extend DiscoverR to find repeated regions in an RNA secondary structure, and apply this extended method to detect structural repeats in the 3'-untranslated region of a protein kinase gene. We describe the biological significance of a repeated hairpin found by our method, demonstrating the usefulness of the method. DiscoverR is implemented in Java; a jar file including the source code of the program is available for download at http://bioinformatics.njit.edu/DiscoverR.  相似文献   

郭艳合  刘立  蔡荣  钱程 《遗传》2008,30(1):28-34
microRNA (miRNA)和small interfering RNA(siRNA)在真核生物生命活动的基本过程中发挥着重要的调节作用。随着对siRNA和miRNA研究的不断深入, 最近科学家在研究大鼠雄性精子时发现哺乳动物睾丸内存在另一种新型的小RNA分子, 该分子在精子发生过程中起着重要的生理调节作用, 该种小分子RNA被命名为piRNA, 在功能、分布和分子特征等方面piRNA较miRNA和siRNA存在着显著的不同, 对piRNA深入研究有望揭示出机体内在的基因表达调节机制。  相似文献   

This article describes the construction of a set of versatile expression vectors based on the In-Fusion™ cloning enzyme and their use for high-throughput cloning and expression screening. Modifications to commonly used vectors rendering them compatible with In-Fusion™ has produced a ligation-independent cloning system that is (1) insert sequence independent (2) capable of cloning large PCR fragments (3) efficient over a wide (20-fold) insert concentration range and (4) applicable to expression in multiple hosts. The system enables the precise engineering of (His6-) tagged constructs with no undesirable vector or restriction-site-derived amino acids added to the expressed protein. The use of a multiple host-enabled vector allows rapid screening in both E. coli and eukaryotic hosts (HEK293T cells and insect cell hosts, e.g. Sf9 cells). These high-throughput screening activities have prompted the development and validation of automated protocols for transfection of mammalian cells and Ni-NTA protein purification.  相似文献   

Mirkovic N  Li Z  Parnassa A  Murray D 《Proteins》2007,66(4):766-777
The technological breakthroughs in structural genomics were designed to facilitate the solution of a sufficient number of structures, so that as many protein sequences as possible can be structurally characterized with the aid of comparative modeling. The leverage of a solved structure is the number and quality of the models that can be produced using the structure as a template for modeling and may be viewed as the "currency" with which the success of a structural genomics endeavor can be measured. Moreover, the models obtained in this way should be valuable to all biologists. To this end, at the Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium (NESG), a modular computational pipeline for automated high-throughput leverage analysis was devised and used to assess the leverage of the 186 unique NESG structures solved during the first phase of the Protein Structure Initiative (January 2000 to July 2005). Here, the results of this analysis are presented. The number of sequences in the nonredundant protein sequence database covered by quality models produced by the pipeline is approximately 39,000, so that the average leverage is approximately 210 models per structure. Interestingly, only 7900 of these models fulfill the stringent modeling criterion of being at least 30% sequence-identical to the corresponding NESG structures. This study shows how high-throughput modeling increases the efficiency of structure determination efforts by providing enhanced coverage of protein structure space. In addition, the approach is useful in refining the boundaries of structural domains within larger protein sequences, subclassifying sequence diverse protein families, and defining structure-based strategies specific to a particular family.  相似文献   

Exploitation of potential new targets for drug and vaccine development has an absolute requirement for multimilligram quantities of soluble protein. While recombinant expression of full-length proteins is frequently problematic, high-yield soluble expression of functional subconstructs is an effective alternative, so long as appropriate termini can be identified. Bioinformatics localizes domains, but doesn't predict boundaries with sufficient accuracy, so that subconstructs are typically found by trial and error. Combinatorial Domain Hunting (CDH) is a technology for discovering soluble, highly expressed constructs of target proteins. CDH combines unbiased, finely sampled gene-fragment libraries, with a screening protocol that provides "holistic" readout of solubility and yield for thousands of protein fragments. CDH is free of the "passenger solubilization" and out-of-frame translational start artifacts of fusion-protein systems, and hits are ready for scale-up expression. As a proof of principle, we applied CDH to p85alpha, successfully identifying soluble and highly expressed constructs encapsulating all the known globular domains, and immediately suitable for downstream applications.  相似文献   

Studies involving fungal endophytes very often rely on surface-sterilisation of plant samples to enable endophyte isolations. However, surface-sterilisation can be very time-consuming, potentially limiting the number of samples processed. To overcome this limitation, a novel method was developed to bulk surface-sterilise multiple plant tissue samples simultaneously and separately. The method relies on 24 perforated Falcon? tubes, each containing a sample, sequentially transferred through a series of containers holding the sterilants. The samples that can be surface-sterilised using this method include roots, stems and leaves or entire seedlings. This method increased our throughput by a factor of 24 relative to conventional surface-sterilisation methods.  相似文献   

Implantable microchips provide a secure, permanent and unique identification of individual animals. When performing fetal intervention studies in experimental animal models easy and secure identification of fetuses is desirable, as having test and control groups within the same uterus reduces the total number of animals used in a study. The aims of this study were: (1) to establish a protocol to identify porcine fetuses in utero by microchip implantation and (2) to assess postnatally whether clinical or pathological reactions to the implant occurred. Two Danish Landrace/Danish Large White crossbred sows at day 100 of gestation were used. The sows were sedated with azaperone and induced with propofol intravenously. Anaesthesia was maintained with isoflurane and oxygen. Antibiotics were administered intramuscularly (i.m.) at induction and analgesia was given pre-, intra- and postoperatively. A laparotomy was performed and the uterus exteriorized. The rump of the first fetus was recognized through the uterine wall and the thigh muscle of the fetus was fixed between the thumb and the forefinger. The microchip was then implanted into the fetus at an angle of 45 degrees i.m. in the lateral hindleg using an insertion device with a 12G needle. The same procedure was done in every fetus. The uterus was returned to the abdomen and the abdominal wall closed. The sows gave birth to 24 liveborn piglets and one stillborn. None of the liveborn piglets were limping at the time of birth and no visible cutaneous or palpable reactions on the hindlegs were observed. Following euthanasia, the microchip was easily localized and no macroscopic reactions at the implantation site were seen. None of the piglets had more than one microchip implanted. Histology showed a chronic mild foreign body granulomatous inflammatory response with peripheral eosinophils surrounding the microchip. No inflammation was evident in the adjacent muscles. It is concluded that transuterine identification of piglets two weeks before delivery is feasible using a microchip implant as an effective, easy and reliable method for identification of individuals after birth.  相似文献   

Our abilities to predict three-dimensional conformation of a polypeptide, given its amino acid sequence, remain limited despite advances in structure analysis. Analysis of structures and sequences of protein families with similar secondary structural elements, but varying topologies, might help in addressing this problem. We have studied the small beta-barrel class of proteins characterized by four strands (n = 4) and a shear number of 8 (S = 8) to understand the principles of barrel formation. Multiple alignments of the various protein sequences were generated for the analysis. Positional entropy, as a measure of residue conservation, indicated conservation of non-polar residues at the core positions. The presence of a type II beta-turn among the various barrel proteins considered was another strikingly invariant feature. A conserved glycyl-aspartyl dipeptide at the beta-turn appeared to be important in guiding the protein sequence into the barrel fold. Molecular dynamics simulations of the type II beta-turn peptide suggested that aspartate is a key residue in the folding of the protein sequence into the barrel. Our study suggests that the conserved type II beta-turn and the non-polar residues in the barrel core are crucial for the folding of the protein's primary sequence into the beta-barrel conformation.  相似文献   

Somers K  Stinissen P  Somers V 《Proteomics》2011,11(12):2550-2554
Phage display is a high-throughput technology used to identify ligands for a given target. A drawback of the approach is the absence of PTMs in phage-displayed peptides. The applicability of phage display could be broadened considerably by the implementation of PTMs in this system. The aim of this study was to investigate the possible application of citrullination, a PTM of an arginine into a citrulline amino acid, in filamentous (M13) and lytic (T7) phage display. After in vitro citrullination of T7 and M13 phages, citrullination was confirmed and the infectivity of both citrullinated and non-citrullinated phage was compared by titer determination. We demonstrated the successful in vitro citrullination of T7 and M13 phage-displayed peptides. This in vitro modification did not affect the viability or infectivity of the T7 virions, a necessary prerequisite for the implementation of this approach in T7 phage display. For M13 phage, however, the infecting phage titer decreased five-fold upon citrullination, limiting the use of this modification in M13 phage display. In conclusion, in vitro citrullination can be applied in T7 phage display giving rise to a high-throughput and sensitive approach to identify citrulline-containing ligands by the use of the strengths of phage display technology.  相似文献   

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