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BackgroundSelective maintenance of genomic epigenetic imprints during pre-implantation development is required for parental origin-specific expression of imprinted genes. The Kruppel-like zinc finger protein ZFP57 acts as a factor necessary for maintaining the DNA methylation memory at multiple imprinting control regions in early mouse embryos and embryonic stem (ES) cells. Maternal-zygotic deletion of ZFP57 in mice presents a highly penetrant phenotype with no animals surviving to birth. Additionally, several cases of human transient neonatal diabetes are associated with somatic mutations in the ZFP57 coding sequence.ResultsHere, we comprehensively map sequence-specific ZFP57 binding sites in an allele-specific manner using hybrid ES cell lines from reciprocal crosses between C57BL/6J and Cast/EiJ mice, assigning allele specificity to approximately two-thirds of all binding sites. While half of these are biallelic and include endogenous retrovirus (ERV) targets, the rest show monoallelic binding based either on parental origin or on genetic background of the allele. Parental-origin allele-specific binding is methylation-dependent and maps only to imprinting control differentially methylated regions (DMRs) established in the germline. We identify a novel imprinted gene, Fkbp6, which has a critical function in mouse male germ cell development. Genetic background-specific sequence differences also influence ZFP57 binding, as genetic variation that disrupts the consensus binding motif and its methylation is often associated with monoallelic expression of neighboring genes.ConclusionsThe work described here uncovers further roles for ZFP57-mediated regulation of genomic imprinting and identifies a novel mechanism for genetically determined monoallelic gene expression.

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The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0672-7) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate the epigenetic states and expression of imprinted genes in five human embryonic stem cell (hESC) lines derived in Taiwan.METHODS: The heterozygous alleles of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at imprinted genes were analyzed by sequencing genomic DNAs of hESC lines and the monoallelic expression of the imprinted genes were confirmed by sequencing the cDNAs. The expression profiles of 32 known imprinted genes of five hESC lines were determined using Affymetrix human genome U133 plus 2.0 DNA microarray.RESULTS: The heterozygous alleles of SNPs at seven imprinted genes, IPW, PEG10, NESP55, KCNQ1, ATP10A, TCEB3C and IGF2, were identified and the monoallelic expression of these imprinted genes except IGF2 were confirmed. The IGF2 gene was found to be imprinted in hESC line T2 but partially imprinted in line T3 and not imprinted in line T4 embryoid bodies. Ten imprinted genes, namely GRB10, PEG10, SGCE, MEST, SDHD, SNRPN, SNURF, NDN, IPW and NESP55, were found to be highly expressed in the undifferentiated hESC lines and down-regulated in differentiated derivatives. The UBE3A gene abundantly expressed in undifferentiated hESC lines and further up-regulated in differentiated tissues. The expression levels of other 21 imprinted genes were relatively low in undifferentiated hESC lines and five of these genes (TP73, COPG2, OSBPL5, IGF2 and ATP10A) were found to be up-regulated in differentiated tissues.CONCLUSION: The epigenetic states and expression of imprinted genes in hESC lines should be thoroughly studied after extended culture and upon differentiation in order to understand epigenetic stability in hESC lines before their clinical applications.  相似文献   

Imprinting Control Regions (ICRs) need to maintain their parental allele-specific DNA methylation during early embryogenesis despite genome-wide demethylation and subsequent de novo methylation. ZFP57 and KAP1 are both required for maintaining the repressive DNA methylation and H3-lysine-9-trimethylation (H3K9me3) at ICRs. In vitro, ZFP57 binds a specific hexanucleotide motif that is enriched at its genomic binding sites. We now demonstrate in mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) that SNPs disrupting closely-spaced hexanucleotide motifs are associated with lack of ZFP57 binding and H3K9me3 enrichment. Through a transgenic approach in mouse ESCs, we further demonstrate that an ICR fragment containing three ZFP57 motif sequences recapitulates the original methylated or unmethylated status when integrated into the genome at an ectopic position. Mutation of Zfp57 or the hexanucleotide motifs led to loss of ZFP57 binding and DNA methylation of the transgene. Finally, we identified a sequence variant of the hexanucleotide motif that interacts with ZFP57 both in vivo and in vitro. The presence of multiple and closely located copies of ZFP57 motif variants emerges as a distinct characteristic that is required for the faithful maintenance of repressive epigenetic marks at ICRs and other ZFP57 binding sites.  相似文献   

Embryonic stem (ES) cells are pluripotent stem cells and give rise to a variety of differentiated cell types including neurons. To study a molecular basis for differentiation from ES cells to neural cells, we searched for proteins involved in mouse neurogenesis from ES cells to neural stem (NS) cells and neurons by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) and peptide mass fingerprinting, using highly homogeneous cells differentiated from ES cells in vitro. We newly identified seven proteins with increased expression and one protein with decreased expression from ES cells to NS cells, and eight proteins with decreased expression from NS cells to neurons. Western blot analysis confirmed that a tumor-specific transplantation antigen, HS90B, decreased, and an extracellular matrix and membrane glycoprotein (such as laminin)-binding protein, galectin 1 (LEG1), increased in NS cells, and LEG1 and a cell adhesion receptor, laminin receptor (RSSA), decreased in neurons. The results of RT-PCR showed that mRNA of LEG1 was also up-regulated in NS cells and down-regulated in neurons, implying an important role of LEG1 in regulating the differentiation. The differentially expressed proteins identified here provide insight into the molecular basis of neurogenesis from ES cells to NS cells and neurons.  相似文献   

Genomic imprinting is a common epigenetic phenomenon in mammals. Dysregulation of genomic imprinting has been implicated in a variety of human diseases. ZFP57 is a master regulator in genomic imprinting. Loss of ZFP57 causes loss of DNA methylation imprint at multiple imprinted regions in mouse embryos, as well as in embryonic stem (ES) cells. Similarly, mutations in human ZFP57 result in hypomethylation at many imprinted regions and are associated with transient neonatal diabetes and other human diseases. Mouse and human Zfp57 genes are located in the same syntenic block. However, mouse and human ZFP57 proteins only display about 50% sequence identity with different number of zinc fingers. It is not clear if they share similar mechanisms in maintaining genomic imprinting. Here we report that mouse and human ZFP57 proteins are functionally interchangeable. Expression of exogenous wild-type human ZFP57 could maintain DNA methylation imprint at three imprinted regions in mouse ES cells in the absence of endogenous mouse ZFP57. However, mutant human ZFP57 proteins containing the mutations found in human patients could not substitute for endogenous mouse ZFP57 in maintaining genomic imprinting in ES cells. Like mouse ZFP57, human ZFP57 and its mutant proteins could bind to mouse KAP1, the universal cofactor for KRAB zinc finger proteins, in mouse ES cells. Thus, we conclude that mouse and human ZFP57 are orthologs despite relatively low sequence identity and mouse ES cell system that we had established before is a valuable system for functional analyses of wild-type and mutant human ZFP57 proteins.  相似文献   

Embryonic stem (ES) cell-derived clones and chimeras are often associated with growth abnormalities during fetal development, leading to the production of over/under-weight offspring that show elevated neonatal mortality and morbidity. Due to the role played by imprinted genes in controlling fetal growth, much of the blame is pointed at improper epigenetic reprogramming of cells used in the procedures. We have analyzed the expression pattern of two growth regulatory imprinted genes, namely insulin like growth factor II (Igf2) and H19, in mouse ES cells cultured under growth restricted conditions and after in vitro aging. Culture of cells with serum-depleted media (starvation) and at high cell density (confluence) increased the expression of both imprinted genes and led to aberrant methylation profiles of differentially methylated regions in key regulatory sites of Igf2 and H19. These findings confirm that growth constrained cultures of ES cells are associated with alterations to methylation of the regulatory domains and the expression patterns of imprinted genes, suggesting a possible role of epigenetic factors in the loss of developmental potential.  相似文献   

Previously, we discovered that ZFP57 is a maternal-zygotic effect gene, and it maintains DNA methylation genomic imprint at multiple imprinted regions in mouse embryos. Despite these findings, it remains elusive how DNA methyltransferases are targeted to the imprinting control regions to initiate and maintain DNA methylation imprint. To gain insights into these essential processes in genomic imprinting, we examined how ZFP57 maintains genomic DNA methylation imprint in mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells. Here we demonstrate that the loss of ZFP57 in mouse ES cells led to a complete loss of genomic DNA methylation imprint at multiple imprinted regions, similar to its role in mouse embryos. However, reintroduction of ZFP57 into Zfp57-null ES cells did not result in reacquisition of DNA methylation imprint, suggesting that the memory for genomic imprinting had been lost or altered in Zfp57-null ES cells in culture. Interestingly, ZFP57 and DNA methyltransferases could form complexes in the presence of KAP1/TRIM28/TIF1β when co-expressed in COS cells. We also found that the wild-type exogenous ZFP57 but not the mutant ZFP57 lacking the KRAB box that interacts with its co-factor KAP1/TRIM28/TIF1β could substitute for the endogenous ZFP57 in maintaining the DNA methylation imprint in ES cells. These results suggest that ZFP57 may recruit DNA methyltransferases to its target regions to maintain DNA methylation imprint, and this interaction is likely facilitated by KAP1/TRIM28/TIF1β.  相似文献   

Culture of preimplantation mammalian embryos and cells can influence their subsequent growth and differentiation. Previously, we reported that culture of mouse embryonic stem cells is associated with deregulation of genomic imprinting and affects the potential for these cells to develop into normal fetuses. The purpose of our current study was to determine whether culture of preimplantation mouse embryos in a chemically defined medium (M16) with or without fetal calf serum (FCS) can affect their subsequent development and imprinted gene expression. Only one third of the blastocysts that had been cultured from two-cell embryos in M16 medium complemented with FCS developed into viable Day 14 fetuses after transfer into recipients. These M16 + FCS fetuses were reduced in weight as compared with controls and M16 fetuses and had decreased expression of the imprinted H19 and insulin-like growth factor 2 genes associated with a gain of DNA methylation at an imprinting control region upstream of H19. They also displayed increased expression of the imprinted gene Grb10. The growth factor receptor binding gene Grb7, in contrast, was strongly reduced in its expression in most of the M16 + FCS fetuses. No alterations were detected for the imprinted gene MEST: Preimplantation culture in the presence of serum can influence the regulation of multiple growth-related imprinted genes, thus leading to aberrant fetal growth and development.  相似文献   

Embryonic stem cell studies have generated great interest, due to their ability to form a wide variety of matured cells. However, there remains a poor understanding of mechanisms regulating the cell state of embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and of the genes they express during early differentiation. Gene expression analysis may be a valuable tool to elucidate either the molecular pathways involved in self-renewal and pluripotency, or early differentiation and to identify potential molecular therapy targets. The aim of this study was to characterize at the molecular level the undifferentiated mouse ESC state and the early development towards embryoid bodies. To attempt this issue, we performed CodeLink Mouse Uniset I 20K bioarrays in a well-characterized mouse ESC line, MES3, 3- and 7 day-old embryoid bodies and we compared our findings with those in adult tissue cells. Gene expression results were subsequently validated in a commercial stem cell line, CGR8 (ATCC). Significance Analysis of Microarrays (SAM) was used to identify statistically significant changes in microarray data. We identified 3664 genes expressed at significantly greater levels in MES3 stem cells than in adult tissue cells, which included 611 with 3-fold higher gene expression levels versus the adult cells. We also investigated the gene expression profile during early embryoid body formation, identifying 2040 and 2243 genes that were up-regulated in 3- and 7- day-old embryoid bodies, respectively. Our gene expression results in MES3 cells were partially confirmed in CGR8 cells, showing numerous genes that are expressed in both mouse stem cells. In conclusion, our results suggest that commonly expressed genes may be strong candidates for involvement in the maintenance of a pluripotent and undifferentiated phenotype and in early development.  相似文献   

High-throughput gene trapping is a random approach for inducing insertional mutations across the mouse genome. This approach uses gene trap vectors that simultaneously inactivate and report the expression of the trapped gene at the insertion site, and provide a DNA tag for the rapid identification of the disrupted gene. Gene trapping has been used by both public and private institutions to produce libraries of embryonic stem (ES) cells harboring mutations in single genes. Presently, approximately 66% of the protein coding genes in the mouse genome have been disrupted by gene trap insertions. Among these, however, genes encoding signal peptides or transmembrane domains (secretory genes) are underrepresented because they are not susceptible to conventional trapping methods. Here, we describe a high-throughput gene trapping strategy that effectively targets secretory genes. We used this strategy to assemble a library of ES cells harboring mutations in 716 unique secretory genes, of which 61% were not trapped by conventional trapping, indicating that the two strategies are complementary. The trapped ES cell lines, which can be ordered from the International Gene Trap Consortium (http://www.genetrap.org), are freely available to the scientific community.  相似文献   

Recent work has implicated imprinted gene functioning in neurodevelopment and behaviour and defining the expression patterns of these genes in brain tissue has become a key prerequisite to establishing function. In this work we report on the expression patterns of two novel imprinted loci, Nap1l5 and Peg13, in adult mouse brain using in situ hybridisation methods. Nap1l5 and Peg13 are located, respectively, within the introns of the non-imprinted genes Herc3 and the Tularik1 (T1)/KIAA1882 homologue in two separate microimprinted domains on mouse chromosomes 6 and 15. These 'host' genes are highly expressed in brain and consequently we were interested in assessing their expression patterns in parallel to the imprinted genes. The brain expression of all four genes appeared to be mainly neuronal. The detailed expression profiles of Nap1l5 and Peg13 were generally similar with widespread expression that was relatively high in the septal and hypothalamic regions, the hippocampus and the cerebral cortex. In contrast, there was some degree of dissociation between the imprinted genes and their non-imprinted hosts, in that, whilst there was again widespread expression of Herc3 and the T1/KIAA1882 homologue, these genes were also particularly highly expressed in Purkinje neurons and piriform cortex. We also examined expression of the novel imprinted genes in the adrenal glands. Nap1l5 expression was localised mainly to the adrenal medulla, whilst Peg13 expression was observed more generally throughout the adrenal medulla and the outer cortical layers.  相似文献   

Jiang H  Sun B  Wang W  Zhang Z  Gao F  Shi G  Cui B  Kong X  He Z  Ding X  Kuang Y  Fei J  Sun YJ  Feng Y  Jin Y 《Cell research》2007,17(9):792-803
Parthenogenetic embryonic stem (pES) cells provide a valuable in vitro model system for studying the molecular mechanisms that underlie genomic imprinting. However, the pluripotency of pES cells and the expression profiles of paternally expressed imprinted genes have not been fully explored. In this study, three mouse pES cell lines were established and the differentiation potential of these cells in extended culture was evaluated. The undifferentiated cells had a normal karyotype and homozygous genome, and expressed ES-cell-specific molecular markers. The cells remained undifferentiated after more than 50 passages and exhibited pluripotent differentiation capacity. All three lines of the established ES cells produced teratomas; two lines of ES cells produced chimeras and germline transmission. Furthermore, activation of the paternally expressed imprinted genes Snrpn, U2afl-rsl, Peg3, Impact, Zfp127, Dlkl and Mest in these cells was detected. Some paternally expressed imprinted genes were found to be expressed in the blastocyst stage of parthenogenetically activated embryos in vitro and their expression level increased with extended pES cell culture. Furthermore, our data show that the activation of these paternally expressed imprinted genes in pES cells was associated with a change in the methylation of the related differentially methylated regions. These findings provide direct evidence for the pluripotency of pES cells and demonstrate the association between the DNA methylation pattern and the activa- tion of paternally expressed imprinted genes in pES cells. Thus, the established ES cell lines provide a valuable model for studying epigenetic regulation in mammalian development.  相似文献   

Embryonic stem (ES) cells maintain pluripotency by self-renewal. Several homeoproteins, including Oct3/4 and Nanog, are known to be key factors in maintaining the self-renewal capacity of ES cells. However, other genes required for the mechanisms underlying this process are still unclear. Here we report the identification by in silico analysis of a homeobox-containing gene, CrxOS, that is specifically expressed in murine ES cells and is essential for their self-renewal. ES cells mainly express the short isoform of endogenous CrxOS. Using a polyoma-based episomal expression system, we demonstrate that overexpression of the CrxOS short isoform is sufficient for maintaining the undifferentiated morphology of ES cells and stimulating their proliferation. Finally, using RNA interference, we show that CrxOS is essential for the self-renewal of ES cells, and provisionally identify foxD3 as a downstream target gene of CrxOS. To our knowledge, ours is the first delineation of the physiological role of CrxOS in ES cells.  相似文献   

Transgenesis enables the elucidation of gene function; however, constant transgene expression is not always desired. The tetracycline responsive system was devised to turn on and off transgene expression at will. It has two components: a doxycycline (dox)-controlled transactivator (TA) and an inducible expression cassette. Integration of these transgenes requires two transfection steps usually accomplished by sequential random integration. Unfortunately, random integration can be problematic due to chromatin position effects, integration of variable transgene units, and mutation at the integration site. Therefore, targeted transgenesis and knockin were developed to target the TA and the inducible expression cassette to a specific location, but these approaches can be costly in time, labor, and money. Here, we describe a one-step Cre-mediated knockin system in mouse embryonic stem cells that positions the TA and inducible expression cassette to a single location. Using this system, we show dox-dependent regulation of eGFP at the DNA topoisomerase 3β promoter. Because Cre-mediated recombination is used in lieu of gene targeting, this system is fast and efficient.  相似文献   

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