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The incidence of virus diseases in the honey bee   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Chronic bee-paralysis virus and sacbrood virus occur commonly in apparently normal honey-bee colonies in Britain. Most sick adult bees not affected by Nosema apis, Malpighamoeba mellificae or Acarapis woodi have chronic paralysis and most dead larvae not affected by micro-organisms have sacbrood. Both virus diseases are probably limited by hereditary factors, but unknown environmental factors also seem to influence disease. Paralysed bees from Australia, Canada, Eire, Germany and Mexico were found to be infected with chronic paralysis virus.  相似文献   

The whitefly Bemisia tabaci infested winter-sown tomatoes immediately after germination. Soil-applied granular insecticides and foliar sprays of a synthetic pyrethroid reduced the number of nymphs and adults, but insecticides failed to reduce the incidence of tomato leaf curl virus disease which is transmitted by this insect. Results from pot experiments using aldicarb granules to tomato and to cotton plants indicated that the time and rate of application influence whitefly mortality and reproduction.  相似文献   

Two coir netting windbreaks, each 7 m tall and 46 m long, were erected in a pear and an apple orchard, to try to increase the number of insect pollinators present at blossom time. The flying insects were sampled with suction traps and insects visiting trees were sampled by examining marked clusters of blossom. The mean aerial density was calculated for each of the forty-two taxa, mainly families, identified from the aerial population. There were about 50% more insects flying in the pear than in the apple orchard. The distribution of flying insects was greatly affected by the windbreaks, and the sheltered zone contained three times as many of most species, and more than three times as many Chironomidae, Psychodidae and Bibionidae as elsewhere. Small flies were the most abundant insects in the air, in both orchards. In the pear orchard large insects comprised only about 7 % of the total aerial population, of which honeybees constituted 0–7% and wild bees 0–3%. By contrast, large insects accounted for a greater proportion of the population on blossom. The reasons for this are discussed. On apple blossom Syrphidae and honeybees were the insects most often seen, and on pear blossom Bibionidae and Mycetophilidae.  相似文献   

Windbreaks of coir netting were erected in apple orchards during the flowering period in 1969 and 1970 in an attempt to increase the number of insect pollinators present. Suction traps were used to sample flying insects; insects visiting trees were sampled by examination of flowers. The sheltered zone behind the windbreaks contained more of most species of insects than elsewhere. Increases in final fruit set of approximately 30% in 1969 (cv. Cox's Orange Pippin) and 20 % in 1970 (cv. White Jersey) occurred in trees receiving maximum shelter, and these were due mainly to the increased abundance, and possibly increased activity, of honey bees there. Fruit size was not reduced where yields were increased.  相似文献   

Trials are described in which the relationships between plant density, rosette disease incidence and the yield and quality of groundnuts were investigated on sprayed and unsprayed groundnut plants. During growth, the number and percentage of sprayed and unsprayed plants showing symptoms of rosette disease was significantly greater at low plant populations than at high. At harvest, in general on unsprayed plots the numbers attacked were also greater at low plant populations, but on the sprayed plots the results were inconsistent. The percentage attack at harvest was much lower on sprayed plots at all plant populations. Menazon used as a seed dressing did not affect the incidence of the disease but used as a spray it significantly reduced the amount of disease found. The spray was applied at a rate of 294 g a.i./ha, four times at 10-day intervals, the first spray being applied 10 days from germination. Spraying controlled secondary spread of the virus within the crop and appeared to reduce the severity of early attack. There was a marked improvement of yields and quality of nuts from sprayed plots. Plant density did not affect quality of the groundnuts obtained, but yields per ha were highest on both sprayed and unsprayed plots at the highest plant densities (seed rate up to 134 kg/ha).  相似文献   

The eriophyid mite vectors of ryegrass mosaic virus (RMV) were excluded from ryegrass by covering plots with a polyethylene film house ventilated by filtered air. Initially plots were manually inoculated to give different levels of RMV. During two seasons no mites were found within the house so that all transmission of virus was by sap. Rolling and frequent cutting of uninfected plots decreased yields, but surprisingly, increasing virus infection did not decrease yields significantly. Cutting transmitted virus within infected plots but not from infected to healthy plots, whereas combined rolling and cutting did transfer virus to healthy plots.  相似文献   

The influence of ryegrass mosaic virus (RMV) on yield of perennial ryegrass swards was examined under two harvesting frequencies and at two levels of nitrogen fertilizer, in a field trial planted with a clone of ryegrass, cv. S 321, using small plots established with proportions of healthy and infected plants. RMV reduced the height and the number of tillers of plants grown in pots and reduced the height also of plants in the field. The swards were planted in August and at a harvest 8 wk later RMV reduced the yield from 2–12 to 1–52 t dry matter (d.m.)/ha. In the first full harvest year, RMV caused only a small reduction in yield where no N fertilizer was applied and the application of a very small amount of fertilizer would have recouped the loss. On the other hand RMV severely restricted the increase in yield resulting from heavy dressings of the fertilizer. Thus where 400 kg N/ha was applied, RMV reduced the total annual yield from 18-6 to 13-8 t d.m./ha. The effect of the virus was especially great both in the Spring, the period of maximum herbage production, and when the level of fertilizer was high.  相似文献   

几种葫芦科蔬菜病毒病的鉴定及药剂防治研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分别在甘肃酒泉、陕西户县及临潼3地区蔬菜大田采集黄瓜、西葫芦、南瓜3种蔬菜上表现病毒病症状的毒原标样135个,采用鉴别寄主的生物学反应和双抗夹心ELISA法鉴定,结果表明引起上述地区黄瓜、西葫芦、南瓜3种蔬菜病毒病的毒原主要是黄瓜花叶病毒。3.95%“病毒必克”可湿性粉剂防治3种蔬菜病毒病的结果表明,300倍、500倍的病毒必克预防效果可达到75%~78%,且治疗效果明显,药效持久。因此,认为病毒必克是目前理想的植物病毒抑制剂。  相似文献   

We have examined the effect of a strain of Banana streak virus (BSV‐Cav) on the growth and yield of dessert bananas (Musa AAA group, Cavendish subgroup cv. Williams) in north Queensland, Australia. Healthy and infected plants were compared in a replicated field experiment over plant and first ratoon crops. In both crops, symptom expression followed a similar pattern, increasing to a maximum near the estimated time of bunch initiation, then decreasing in the period prior to bunch emergence. There was no evidence of plant‐to‐plant spread of virus, but the rate of transmission through suckers was 100%. In the plant crop, the mean bunch weights of healthy and infected plants were not significantly different. However, BSV‐Cav infection resulted in an 18 day delay in harvest, causing a 6% reduction in yield per annum. In the ratoon crop, the mean bunch weight of infected plants was 7% less than that of healthy plants, and the interval between the harvest of plant and ratoon crops was delayed by 9 days, resulting in a 11% reduction in yield per annum. Also, the mean length of fruit from infected plants was 5% less than that of healthy plants, resulting in a smaller percentage of fruit in the extra large size category. We conclude that in horticulturally favourable conditions typical of the tropical Australian banana industry, the effects of BSV‐Cav infection on the growth and yield of Cavendish bananas are small.  相似文献   

《Seminars in Virology》1993,4(6):363-368
The mechanism of satellite RNA (Sat-RNA) mediated attenuation of virus disease was suggested to be the result of competition between satellite RNAs and their helper viral RNAs for replication. Subcellular distribution of viral coat protein in cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) infected leaf tissues shows that the presence of Sat-RNAs interferes with the movement of CMV coat protein into chloroplants. As a strategy for controlling virus diseases, the expression of Sat-RNAs in transgenic plants confers some extent of resistance that may not be strong enough to protect the plants from natural virus infections. Transgenic plants expressing both the Sat-RNA and the coat protein of CMV exhibit enhanced resistance to the virus.  相似文献   

Plants of Pisum sativum cv. Pania were exposed to high temperature (35 oC day/25 oC night) at three stages in development. These were: (i) at process crop maturity, when the seed moisture content (m.c.) was 80%, i.e. about 10 days prior to pod wrinkle, (ii) at a seed m.c. of 70 to 80%, about the onset of pod wrinkle, and (iii) when the seed m.c. was 50 to 60%, 10 days after the onset of pod wrinkle. At each stage of development the high temperature treatment was imposed for 2,4,6, 8 or 10 days. Plants exposed to high temperature at seed m.c. of 70 to 80% produced seed with the highest incidence of hollow heart and at all stages of development the incidence increased with the length of exposure to the high temperature. Where plants at the development stage of pod wrinkle (seed m.c. 70–80%) were exposed to a range of temperature regimes for 5 days, over 20% of the seeds had hollow heart when the mean day/night temperature was 25 oC. Above a mean temperature of 25 oC, the percentage of affected seed increased with increasing day or night temperature. Over 80% of the seeds had hollow heart symptoms after 5 days exposure to a daily mean temperature of 32-5 oC. The severity of symptom development was not related to the proportion of seeds with the disorder and, under laboratory conditions, seed germination was not affected.  相似文献   

Stalk rot was present in each of 78 maize crops and six hybrid maize trials examined between 1971 and 1975. Fusarium culmorum was the main cause of the disease and was isolated from 67 of the 82 samples from which isolates were made. Lodging was found to be related to, and a natural succession of, the earlier wilting symptom caused by infection with F. culmorum. Yield losses were estimated in 39 crops between 1973 and 1975 and the disease caused a mean reduction of 18-7% in cob weight and 11-2% in 1000-grain weight of infected plants over the 3 yr of the survey.  相似文献   

 Roguing and replanting is a widely adopted control strategy of infectious diseases in orchards. Little is known about the effect of this type of management on the dynamics of the infectious disease. In this paper we analyze a structured population model for the dynamics of an S-I-R type epidemic under roguing and replanting management. The model is structured with respect to the total number of infections and the number of post-infectious infections on a tree. Trees are assumed to be rogued, and replaced by uninfected trees, when the total number of infections on the tree reaches a threshold value. Stability analysis and numerical exploration of the model show that for specific parameter combinations the internal equilibrium can become unstable and large amplitude periodic fluctuations arise. Several hypothesis on the mechanism causing the destabilisation of the steady-state are considered. The mechanism leading to the large amplitude fluctuations is identified and biologically interpreted. Received 2 September 1994  相似文献   

Experiments on roguing virus-diseased plants from plots of Majestic potatoes, which have been in progress since 1943, were continued in 1946. Plots were rogued in mid-June, early and late July, and plants were lifted from these plots at the end of July, August and September respectively. Roguing had little effect in reducing the spread of rugose mosaic (caused by potato virus Y ). The spread of leaf roll was reduced to half that on unrogued plots by roguing on 14 June. Later roguing did not reduce the spread of leaf roll, unless combined with early lifting. Early lifting increased the effect of early roguing. In spite of these results roguing main crop potatoes in the south of England is not considered a practical control measure.  相似文献   

Symptom severity of eighteen populations of Italian ryegrass infected artificially in the glasshouse and naturally in the field with ryegrass mosaic virus (RMV) was strongly correlated. A smaller proportion of plants of the more tolerant populations showed symptoms in the field, but this was probably due to an association of tolerance with increasing incidence of symptomless infection rather than with resistance to infection. Under sward conditions, the yield of a sensitive genotype was reduced by 27% and that of two more tolerant ones by 15 and 13 %. The percentage dry matter yield loss of the most sensitive genotype was similar in all cuts, despite the appearance of extensive necrosis at the time of one cut. With the more tolerant genotype the yield loss varied from 7 to 25 % according to cut. Over the period of the experiment RMV infection did not increase plant mortality.  相似文献   

Delaying the sowing of irrigated field beans in the Sudan after October greatly lowered the yield of seed, and increased both infestation by aphids and the incidence of Sudanese broad bean mosaic virus (SBBMV). Yield per plant was positively correlated with number of pods, but negatively with percentage infection with SBBMV. In greenhouse conditions, SBBMV was readily acquired from diseased plants and inoculated to healthy plants in 5 min feeding periods by both Aphis craccivora and Acyrthosiphon sesbaniae.  相似文献   

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