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Aims The fauna of mountains and their surrounding regions are likely to be influenced principally by two biological processes: horizontal colonization along similar altitudinal levels by elements originating from lineages inhabiting higher latitudes; and vertical colonization by lineages from the same latitude, but at lower altitudes. We examine whether the expected patterns derived from the latter process can be observed in mountain dung beetle assemblages. Specifically, we study the variation in species composition and richness with altitude in five regions spanning elevation gradients, analysing whether the altitudinal rates of change in the number of species and genera differ, and whether beta‐diversity scores for adjacent sites in each altitudinal gradient are different for species and genera. Location Eastern Cordillera of the Colombian Andes. Methods Field work was carried out in 1997–99 at 27 sites in five regions with elevation gradients, with 10–32 pitfall traps placed in each site. For each altitudinal level the numbers of species and genera were analysed with respect to altitude, and the slope of the linear regression between these variables was calculated. The slope of the curve of the altitude against the cumulative number of species and genera was also calculated for each altitudinal gradient to describe the compositional change between adjacent sites (beta diversity). Species and generic slopes were compared using analysis of covariance. The turnover of species along each altitudinal gradient was measured using presence/absence data and Cody's beta‐diversity index between adjacent pairs of sites. A cluster analysis was used to detect faunistically homogeneous groups of localities. Results Species richness always decreased with altitude, although the slopes did not differ significantly from zero. The number of genera also decreased with increasing altitude, but generally at a significantly slower rate than for species. Variation in the species beta‐diversity scores between altitudinal levels did not follow a homogeneous pattern in the different regions. Two main altitudinal groups of sites with a boundary c. 1500–1750 m a.s.l. can be detected with respect to faunistic similarity. Low‐ and mid‐altitude sites are inhabited by all of the genera (19) and 80% of all species collected. Eight genera and 61 species (c. 60% of the total) are unable to inhabit high‐altitude sites, and only 20 species appear to be exclusive to these high‐altitude environments (> 2000 m a.s.l.). Main conclusions The dominant processes explaining dung beetle composition in the high north‐eastern Andean mountains are probably those of vertical colonization. The limited role of horizontal colonization processes, or colonization from northern or southern lineages, could be a consequence of the isolation and recent geological origin of these mountains.  相似文献   

Macrocyclic lactones can have adverse effects in dung beetles exposed to manure containing them. An assessment of the survival and fertility of adult Onthophagus landolti Harold fed with manure from cows treated with moxidectin was performed, as well as the emergence rate of the imagoes from the masses. Three cows (Bos indicus x B. taurus) were subcutaneously injected with 1% moxidectin (0.2 mg kg?1 b.w.) and another three were injected with 10% moxidectin (1.0 mg/kg?1 b.w.). Manure was collected from these animals one day prior to moxidectin administration, five days post-treatment in the 1% and 10% treatments, and fourteen days in the 10% treatment. Four bioassays were done: a control using manure without moxidectin; 1% moxidectin at five days post-treatment; 10% moxidectin at five days post-treatment; and 10% moxidectin at fourteen days post-treatment. In each replicate, for each pair of adult O. landolti was daily fed with 30 g manure according to the treatments. No lethal effects were observed in any of the four treatments. Sub-lethal effects (P < .05) were present in the 10% moxidectin treatments at five and fourteen days post-treatment. Fecundity was reduced by 78.2% at five days and 54.9% at fourteen days, and imago emergence was negatively affected at both times. Current moxidectin application methods may have negative effects on the environmental services provided by dung beetles, and therefore need to be modified to minimize any impacts they might have on these vital members of tropical livestock systems.  相似文献   

Aim We describe the changes in species richness, rarity and composition with altitude, and explore whether the differences in Scarabaeinae dung beetle composition along five altitudinal transects of the same mountain range are related to altitude or if there are interregional differences in these altitudinal gradients. Location Field work was carried out on the eastern slope of the eastern Cordillera, Colombian Andes, between Tamá Peak to the north, in the Tamá National Park (07°23′ N, 72°23′ W) and the San Miguel River (00°28′ N, 77°17′ W) to the south. Methods Sampling was carried out between February 1997 and November 1999 in five regions spanning elevation gradients. In each gradient, six sites were chosen at 250 m intervals between 1000 and 2250 m a.s.l. Results We found a curvilinear relationship between altitude and mean species richness, with a peak in richness at middle elevations. However, the diversity of dung beetle assemblages does not seem to be related to the interregional differences in environmental conditions. The number of geographically restricted species is negatively and significantly related to altitude, with geographically restricted species more frequent at low altitude sites. Ordination delimited the two main groups according to altitude: one with all the highest sites (1750–2250 m a.s.l.) and a second group with the remaining sites (< 1750 m a.s.l.). Analysis of species co‐occurrence shows that these dung beetle assemblages seem to be spatially structured when all sites have the same probability of being chosen. In contrast, the spatial structure of species assemblages seems to be random when the probability of choosing any site is proportional to its altitude. Main conclusions The altitude of sites is the main factor that influences the diversity of these dung beetle assemblages. The peak in species richness at middle elevations, the higher number of geographically restricted species at lower altitudinal levels, and the compositional differences along these mountain gradients seem to result from the mixing at these altitudes of dung beetle assemblages that have different environmental adaptations and, probably, different origins. The relevance of altitude in these assemblages is related to the limited role of these Neotropical high altitude environments as centres of refuge and vicariance for a monophyletic group of warm‐adapted species, for which the vertical colonization of these high mountain environments by lineages distributed at lower altitudes would have been very difficult.  相似文献   

Aim Relationships between elevation and litter‐dweller harvestman (Arachnida: Opiliones) species richness along three elevational gradients in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest were evaluated. Specifically, three candidate explanatory factors for the observed patterns were tested: (1) the mid‐domain effect, (2) the Rapoport effect, and (3) the influence of environmental variables on species density and specimen abundance. Location Cuscuzeiro, Corcovado and Capricórnio mountains, in Ubatuba (23°26′ S, 45°04′ W), a coastal municipality in São Paulo state, south‐eastern Brazil. Methods We recorded harvestman species and abundance through active sampling using 8 × 8‐m plots in both summer and winter. At each plot we measured the temperature, humidity and mean litter depth. Harvestman species richness per elevational band was the sum of all species recorded in each band, plus the species supposed to occur due to the interpolation of the upper and lower elevational records. Differences between observed and expected species richness per elevational band, based on the mid‐domain effect, were examined through a Monte Carlo simulation. The Rapoport effect was evaluated using both the midpoint method and a new procedure proposed here, the ‘specimen method’. We applied multiple regression analysis to evaluate the contribution of each environmental variable (elevation, temperature, humidity and litter depth) on species density and specimen abundance per plot. Results Harvestman abundance and species richness decreased at higher elevations in the three mountains. The decrease in species richness was not monotonic and showed a plateau of high species richness at lower elevations. The number of harvestman species per elevational band does not fit that predicted by the mid‐domain effect based solely on geometric constraints assuming hard boundaries. Species with their midpoints at higher elevations tended to cover broader elevational range sizes. Both the midpoint method and the specimen method detected evidence of the Rapoport effect in the data. At fine spatial scales, temperature and humidity had positive effects on species density and specimen abundance, while mean litter depth had no clear effect. These relationships, however, were not constant between seasons. Main conclusions Our results suggest that harvestman species density declines at higher elevations due to restrictions imposed by temperature and humidity. We found a pattern in species range distribution as predicted by the elevational Rapoport effect. However, the usual rescue effect proposed to explain the Rapoport effect does not apply in our study. Since the majority of harvestman species covering broader elevational ranges do not exhibit reduced abundance at low elevations, an alternative rescue effect is proposed here. According to this alternative rescue effect, the decrease in species richness at higher elevations occurs due to differential upper limits of species with source populations below mid‐elevations. The seasonal differences in the relationships between environmental variables and species richness/specimen abundance per plot is an indication that species occurrence on elevational gradients is seasonally dependent. Thus relationships and hypotheses based on data recorded over short time periods, or in a single season, should be viewed cautiously.  相似文献   

The Brazilian Atlantic Forest is one of the most diverse environments, but it is also one of the most threatened areas in terms of loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services. Assessment of changes in the community structure during the recovery of forests can be performed using indicator organisms. Dung beetles perform several ecological functions and show high sensitivity to natural and anthropogenic environmental changes. This study aimed to investigate the effect of regeneration time of Atlantic Forest sites on structure of Scarabaeinae assemblages. We sampled dung beetles using ten baited pitfall traps per site, in six sites grouped into three classes of forest regeneration time (~30, ~60 and >80 years) in the southern Brazilian Atlantic Forest, during January 2015. A total of 520 individuals belonging to 16 species and nine genera of dung beetles were sampled. Rarefied species richness did not differ between sites with different regeneration times. Average species richness and abundance of Scarabaeinae was smaller in areas of shorter recovery time. True alpha diversity was higher in areas with intermediate recovery whereas Shannon diversity showed higher values in areas of shorter recovery. Approximately 29?% of the variation in abundance data of Scarabaeinae was explained by environmental variables, with one-third of this variation explained also by spatial predictors. External factors such as landscape management and farming practices in the surroundings must be taken into consideration in management plans and the management of natural areas for the recovery of biodiversity in the Atlantic Forest. These external factors can considerably affect the structure of communities and lead to scenarios of greater diversity in intermediate regeneration sites due to the heterogeneity of the landscape.  相似文献   

We analyzed changes over time in species composition and functional guild structure (temporal beta diversity) for natural assemblages and those modified by humans in a fragmented, tropical mountain landscape. The assemblages belong to cloud forests (the original vegetation type), secondary forests, traditional shaded coffee plantations, commercial shaded coffee plantations, and a cattle pasture. Copronecrophagous beetles, subfamily Scarabaeinae (Insecta: Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), were used as the indicator group. This group has been used in previous studies and other tropical forests and has been found to be a good indicator of the effects of anthropogenic change. For each assemblage, we compared samples that were collected several years apart. Changes were found in species composition, order of abundance, and in the proportion that a given species is present in the different functional groups. The changes that occurred between samplings affected the less abundant species in the cloud forest and in the pasture. In the other vegetation types, both abundant and less abundant species were affected. Their order of abundance and proportion in the different guilds also changed. This study shows that, although landscape richness remains relatively constant, richness at the local level (alpha diversity) changes notably even over short lapses of time. This could be a characteristic of landscapes with intermediate degrees of disturbance (such as those that have been partially modified for human use), where assemblage composition is very fluid.  相似文献   

The landscape of the Australian Wet Tropics can be described as "islands" of montane rainforest surrounded by warmer or more xeric habitats. Historical glaciation cycles have caused expansion and contraction of these rainforest "islands" leading to consistent patterns of genetic divergence within species of vertebrates. To explore whether this dynamic history has promoted speciation in endemic and diverse groups of insects, we used a combination of mtDNA sequencing and morphological characters to estimate relationships and the tempo of divergence among Australian representatives of the dung beetle genus Temnoplectron. This phylogenetic hypothesis shares a number of well-supported clades with a previously published phylogenetic hypothesis based on morphological data, though statistical support for several nodes is weak. Sister species relationships well-supported in both tree topologies, and a tree obtained by combining the two data sets, suggest that speciation has mostly been allopatric. We identify a number of speciation barriers, which coincide with phylogeographic breaks found in vertebrate species. Large sequence divergences between species emphasize that speciation events are ancient (pre-Pleistocene). The flightless, rainforest species appear to have speciated rapidly, but also in the distant past.  相似文献   

【目的】揭示白龙江林区地表甲虫群落沿海拔梯度(927-2 735 m)的多样性格局、群落结构及动态变化,为林区内生物多样性长期监测及保护提供理论基础和依据。【方法】采用巴氏罐诱捕法,沿不同海拔梯度(927、1 794、2 376和2 735 m)设置陷阱诱集地表甲虫。【结果】共采集2 015头地表甲虫,包括18科95种。虎甲科Cicindelidae的个体数量最多(436只)占总数的21.6%,其次是叩甲科Elateridae、步甲科Carabidae、葬甲科Silphidae、隐翅甲科Staphylinidae。5个科的采集数量占到总数的75.1%,是白龙江地区优势种群。随着海拔梯度的升高,流域内地表甲虫的数量及优势种群数量都呈先上升后下降的趋势。在海拔2 376 m处,地表甲虫丰富度最高,诱集数量最多。低海拔地区地表甲虫丰富度低,诱集数量少。在种群动态变化中,中高海拔地区的优势种群在6-9月间的种群数量变化趋势呈单峰增长模式,且不同海拔高度不同科种群的诱集峰值不同。如在不同海拔梯度内诱集的步甲科数量均在7月份最多;在海拔2 376 m处,叩甲科个体数量在8月份最多,相比海拔较低的1 794 m处,则7月份数量最多,在低海拔927 m处和高海拔地区2 735 m处,叩甲科的个体数量急剧减少,且动态变化不明显。【结论】在白龙江林区拱坝河流域,地表甲虫种类丰富,优势种群明显。在不同海拔梯度上,其优势种群表现出不同的变化模式。根据地表甲虫群落在海拔梯度上的分布,可将地表甲虫分为三类。一是分布在中高海拔,包括步甲科、隐翅甲科及虎甲科等,在流域内4个不同海拔梯度都有分布。二是在中高海拔和高海拔处种类丰富,在低海拔处未诱集到相应甲虫,包括叩甲科及葬甲科。三是在不同海拔高度都有分布,但数量少,未形成优势种群,包括金龟科、象甲科及瓢虫科等。  相似文献   

Aim To evaluate the influence of environment and biogeographical region, as a proxy for historical influence, on the ecological structure of Holarctic communities from similar environments. It is assumed that similarities among communities from similar environments in different realms are the result of convergence, whereas their differences are interpreted as being due to different historical processes. Location Holarctic realm, North America and Eurasia above 25° N. Methods Checklists of mammalian species occurring in 96 Holarctic localities were collected from published sources. Species were assigned to one of 20 functional groups defined by diet, body size and three‐dimensional use of space. The matrix composed of the frequencies of functional groups in the 96 localities is used as input data in a correspondence analysis (CA). The localities are classified into nine groups according to Bailey's ecoregions (used as a surrogate of regional climate), and the positions of the communities in the dimensions of the CA are compared in relation to ecoregion and realm. Partial regression was used to test for the relative influence of ecoregion and realm over each dimension and to evaluate the effect of biogeographical realm on the variation in the factor scores of the communities of the same ecoregion. Results In some cases, mammalian communities from areas with similar regional climates exhibit convergence in community structure, irrespective of the biogeographical realm where they are located. However, all of them are clearly subdivided into Nearctic and Palearctic subsets. Differences in the composition of the regional pools only partially explain differences in local communities between realms. Main conclusions Holarctic mammalian communities from regions with widely different climates differ in ecological structure irrespective of their biogeographical location. On the other hand, the structures of Nearctic and Palearctic communities from regions of similar climate radically differ in some features. Thus, although present climatic conditions influence community structure, contingent historic processes associated with each region also play a major role in determining community structure.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. The spatio-temporal approach was used to evaluate the environmental features influencing carabid beetle assemblages along a chronosequence of an Italian Alpine glacier foreland. The influence of environmental variables on species richness, morphology (wing and body length), and distribution along the chronosequence was tested.
2. Species richness was found to be a poor indicator of habitat due to weak influences by environmental variables. It seems that the neighbouring habitats of a glacier foreland are not able to determine significant changes in carabid species richness.
3. Instead it appears that history (age since deglaciation) and habitat architecture of a glacier foreland are strongly correlated to species adaptive morphological traits, such as wing morphology and body length. Assemblages characterised by species with reduced wing size are linked to the older stages of the chronosequence, where habitat is more structured. Assemblages characterised by the largest species are linked to the younger sites near the glacier. These morphological differentiations are explained in detail.
4. Habitat age can therefore be considered the main force determining assemblage composition. On the basis of the relationship between morphological traits and environmental variables, it seems likely that age since deglaciation is the main variable influencing habitat structure (primary effect) on the Forni foreland. The strong relationship between carabid assemblages and habitat type indicates that site age has but a secondary effect on carabid assemblages. This may be utilised to interpret potential changes in assemblages linked to future glacier retreat.  相似文献   

Genetic variability of Athyrium filix-femina populations was evaluated with regard to phenotypic, allozyme, and RAPD variation in 20 Swiss populations along five altitudinal gradients at four different elevations in the northern Swiss Alps. Additionally, allozyme and phenotypic variations in one Italian and two Spanish populations were compared with the variation in the Swiss populations. We hypothesized that there will be statistically significant genetic differences among populations of different altitudes and sites. The results showed no substantial correlation between genetic variation and phenotypic variation among Swiss populations. These results imply that outbreeding and effective gene exchange (long-distance spore dispersal) are the keys to population structure in this fern species, and as a consequence, phenotypic plasticity is assumed to be favored. This contrasts with results found in similar studies of herbaceous flowering plants where genetic adaptation to gradients like altitude is common. However, when data from the more distant Italian and Spanish populations of A. filix-femina were included, significant variation was detected.  相似文献   

Yu TL  Lu X 《Zoological science》2010,27(11):856-860
The large-male mating advantage and size-assortative mating are two different size-based patterns, which deviate from random mating in toads. These two pairing patterns may arise due to female choice, male-male competition, male choice, or a combination of these. This study investigated the mating system of Minshan's toad (Bufo minshanicus) from three populations along an altitudinal gradient during two breeding reasons in the northeastern Tibetan plateau. Our study shows that males found in amplexus with females were larger on average than non-amplectant males in two sites with higher operational sex ratios. Similarly, in those sites, males and females found in amplexus maintained an optimal size ratio. These data suggest that male-male competition leads to size-assortative mating in the lack of mate choice (female and male mate choice) by Minshan's toad, as larger males performed higher frequencies for taking-over other low quality ones with amplectant females.  相似文献   

The tribe Sisyphini Mulsant was recently redefined following the transfer of the endemic southern African genus Epirinus Dejean from the polyphyletic tribe Deltochilini Lacordaire. A molecular phylogeny of the southern African members of Sisyphini supports Epirinus as sister to Sisyphus Latreille and recovered three major clades in Sisyphus classified here as subgenera Sisyphus (Neosisyphus Müller) stat. rev. , Sisyphus (Parasisyphus Barbero, Palestrini & Zunino) stat.n. and Sisyphus (Sisyphus) stat.n. A molecular clock analysis suggests that Sisyphus and Epirinus diverged from their last common ancestor during the Lower to Middle Oligocene (c. 29.37 Ma). Biogeographical analysis indicated that southern African Sisyphus species are centred in the east and northeast in Highveld grassland and warmer savannah regions. By contrast, Epirinus species are largely restricted to the southwest and southeast in the cooler winter and bimodal rainfall regions plus arid highland Karoo and Highveld grasslands. Based on morphological and biogeographical differences between Epirinus and Sisyphus, we propose that the monogeneric Epirinus be placed in its own tribe, Epirinini van Lansberge stat. rev.  相似文献   

According to the intermediate disturbance hypothesis (IDH), species diversity should be higher at sites with intermediate levels of disturbance. We tested this hypothesis using ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) collected in pitfall traps from sites that varied in time since last disturbance. This successional gradient was embedded in an urban landscape near Montreal, Quebec. We predicted that diversity in young forests and old fields would be higher than in agricultural fields and old forests. Fifty-five species (2932 individuals) were found in 2003 and 46 species (2207 individuals) in 2004. In both years, species richness was highest from traps placed in agricultural fields. We collected nine introduced species; these had higher catch rates than the native species in both years (64.8% of total catch). When introduced species were removed from the Nonmetric Multidimensional Scaling ordination analysis, the assemblages from agricultural fields were less distinct compared to those of the other habitats, suggesting the introduced fauna is important in structuring carabid assemblages from the agricultural fields. Introduced species may play a significant role in the community composition of ground beetles in urban landscapes, and their influence may be the cause of the lack of support found for the IDH.  相似文献   

Litter-dwelling ground beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) assemblages were monitored 1 yr after the construction of a corridor for installation of an oil pipeline along a xeric ridge-top forest in southeastern Ohio. After the creation of the corridor, three distinct habitats were evident in these sites: open corridor, ecotone areas around the corridor, and undisturbed forest interior. Carabidae were collected using directional pitfall traps that were placed parallel and perpendicular to the corridor in each of the three habitats. Results indicate that more carabids were present in the ecotone than in the other two habitats. Carabid diversity as estimated by rarefaction was highest in the corridor followed by ecotone and forest interior. Generalist and forest specialists such as Synuchus impunctatus (Say), Carabus goryi Dejean, and Pterostichus trinarius (Casey) were present in greater numbers in the forest interior and ecotone assemblages. In contrast, open-habitat specialists such as Harpalus pensylvanicus (DeGeer) and Selenophorus opalinus (LeConte) were present in greater numbers in the corridor assemblages. Carabid assemblages of the corridor were distinct from those of the ecotone and forest interior, whereas the latter two habitats had very similar assemblages. The successional pathway of the corridor carabid assemblage will therefore be likely different from that of the forest interior and ecotone. Overall, results indicate that construction of the oil pipeline corridor had significant short-term effects on the carabid numbers, diversity, and species composition because of ensuing habitat changes and fragmentation of the forest.  相似文献   

Maintaining biodiversity is central to maintaining ecosystem functionality of wetlands. Hydrology has the strongest influence on wetland biodiversity, second to which agriculture is the most influential factor. This study investigates the influence of hydrology and farming practices on the abundance, species richness and composition of dipteran communities on temperate Atlantic floodplain hay meadows. Insects were sampled by sweep-net across twenty-four vegetation zones for which hydrological variables were calculated by combining river level data with fine-scale topographical data. Plant communities were surveyed using relevés and land owners were interviewed to gather data on current and past management regimes. A total of twenty-two sciomyzid species were recorded; over one-third of the Irish fauna. Flood depth and duration were found to have the strongest influence on sciomyzids, syrphids and plants. Sciomyzid species richness and total abundance were both positively correlated with hydroperiod and flood depth while both plants and syrphids responded negatively to increases. The difference in response highlights the need to assess more than one taxonomic group, when assessing the impact of changing environmental variables on biodiversity. Whereas vegetation structure drives changes in sciomyzid indicator species, plant species richness and composition, past management regimes and current nutrient inputs do not appear to influence these species. Thus, while the maintenance of the hydrological heterogeneity and the diversity of mowing regimes is important in maintaining biodiversity, variation in nutrient inputs and previous management (at least within the range here investigated) is likely to be of lesser importance for Syrphidae and Sciomyzidae.  相似文献   

Basic characteristics of species assemblages are frequently related to temperature variables recorded at a coarse‐grained scale. In this study, 15 min instant‐measurements of environmental and soil temperatures were recorded during 1 year in six Atlantic Forest sites of southern Brazil, ranging from 250 to 1,630 m a.s.l. These measurements were used to examine the comparative explanatory capacity of several temperature variables in predicting species richness and total or specific variations of dung beetle abundance. The results suggest that temperature measurements obtained during the survey period have the highest explanatory capacity. Furthermore, average temperature values seem to have a relatively higher explanatory capacity than absolute minimum or maximum values reflecting extreme conditions. In general, there is no rule in selecting a temperature variable when the objective involves explaining the variation in species abundances. Both soil and air variables can have similar explanatory capacities. The present results should be considered when designing future ecological studies in Neotropical conditions.  相似文献   

We conducted this study to determine the diversity patterns, community structures, and seasonality of ground beetle assemblages along an altitudinal gradient (437–1420 m) on Mt. Sobaeksan, Korea. Ground beetles were collected by pitfall traps installed along an altitudinal gradient (437, 757, 1100, and 1420 m). A total of 32 species belonging to seven subfamilies were identified from 3259 collected ground beetles. The diversity pattern of the ground beetle assemblage according to altitude was neither monotonic decreased nor hump-shaped. However, subfamily assemblages and wing form diversity patterns differed according to altitude and may be correlated with altitude or some other environmental variables. The dominant species were Synuchus cycloderus (29.4%) and Eucarabus sternbergi sobaeksanensis (15.4%) and their seasonal activities according to altitude were similar. According to non-metric multidimensional scaling, ground beetles and altitudes could be divided into two distinct groups: a low altitude group (437–757 m) and a high altitude group (1100–1420 m). Some species were particularly abundant at high altitudes, such as Aulonocarabus koreanus kwonileeique and Poecilus nitidicollis, while others were highly abundant at low altitudes, such as Pterostichus audax, Pterostichus ishikawai, and Synuchus species.  相似文献   

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