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Mammals living in more complex social groups typically have large brains for their body size and many researchers have proposed that the primary driver of the increase in brain size through primate and hominin evolution was the selection pressures associated with sociality. Many mammals, and especially primates, use flexible signals that show a high degree of voluntary control and these signals may play an important role in forming and maintaining social relationships between group members. However, the specific role that cognitive skills play in this complex communication, and how in turn this relates to sociality, is still unclear. The hypothesis for the communicative roots of complex sociality and cognition posits that cognitive demands behind the communication needed to form and maintain bonded social relationships in complex social settings drives the link between brain size and sociality. We review the evidence in support of this hypothesis and why key features of cognitively complex communication such as intentionality and referentiality should be more effective in forming and maintaining bonded relationships as compared with less cognitively complex communication. Exploring the link between cognition, communication and sociality provides insights into how increasing flexibility in communication can facilitate the emergence of social systems characterised by bonded social relationships, such as those found in non‐human primates and humans. To move the field forward and carry out both within‐ and among‐species comparisons, we advocate the use of social network analysis, which provides a novel way to describe and compare social structure. Using this approach can lead to a new, systematic way of examining social and communicative complexity across species, something that is lacking in current comparative studies of social structure.  相似文献   

Most communication among common grackles Quiscalus quiscula occurs at distances of less than a few metres in the noisy environment of a breeding colony. This report examines both the adaptations of communication to these conditions and the effects of communication in regulating individuals' spatial relationships. For each of six vocalizations and five action patterns studied in one colony, I consider variation in the form of the display, the circumstances associated with its use, and the responses it elicits. Each individual, male or female, has one characteristic, stereotyped song pattern that would facilitate individual recognition between mates. Variation in the components of vocalizations and action patterns is of two kinds: unidimensional, with either covarying or nested components, or multidimensional, with independently varying components, alternatives that have different implications for communication. The wide-spectrum sounds made by common grackles offer advantages in close-range communication in colonies, because the ease of locating such signals would minimize the cocktail-party effect, although they would have disadvantages in long-range communication. Most vocalizations of common grackles lack associations with specific responses or external contexts, a situation that should often characterize short-range communication between acquainted individuals. The responses to vocalizations vary with context, especially the initial spatial relationships and identities of the interactors.  相似文献   

This article explains the ritual symbolism of a sacrificial rite characteristic of the so-called 'secret societies' of the conflict-ridden Upper Guinea forest and coastal region of West Africa. Whereas the political dimension of these secret societies or cults is relatively well known, very little knowledge exists about the ritual communication with imperceptible beings around which the cults are organized. It appears from the study of Loma ritual prayer that secret mask cults are typical self-referential entities constituted by a symbolism emerging from a reconfiguration in ritual speech of modes of relationships characteristic of the social structure of the Loma of Guinea and Liberia. Against recent anthropological theories of ritual which reject the idea that ritual can be defined as communication of meaning, it is argued that Loma sacrificial prayer conveys an essential 'message' about the secret cult's constitution. In addition to an analysis of the recontextualization of modes of relationships that typifies Loma ritual prayer, the article also pays attention to indexical expressions in prayer which serve to negotiate social relationships and power relations external to the ritual context.  相似文献   

This study is an attempt to determine how much individuals should invest in social communication, depending on the type of relationships they may form. Two simple models of social relationships are considered. In both models, individuals emit costly signals to advertise their “quality” as potential friends. Relationships are asymmetrical or symmetrical. In the asymmetrical condition (first model), we observe that low‐quality individuals are discouraged from signaling. In the symmetrical condition (second model), all individuals invest in communication. In both models, high‐quality individuals (elite) do not compete and signal uniformly. The level of this uniform signal and the size of the “elite” turn out to be controlled by the accuracy of signals. The two models may be relevant to several aspects of animal and human social communication.  相似文献   

Understanding the rules that link communication and social behaviour is an essential prerequisite for discerning how a communication system as complex as human language might have evolved. The comparative method offers a powerful tool for investigating the nature of these rules, since it provides a means to examine relationships between changes in communication abilities and changes in key aspects of social behaviour over evolutionary time. Here we present empirical evidence from phylogenetically controlled analyses indicating that evolutionary increases in the size of the vocal repertoire among non-human primate species were associated with increases in both group size and time spent grooming (our measure of extent of social bonding).  相似文献   

Social living goes hand in hand with communication, but the details of this relationship are rarely simple. Complex communication may be described by attributes as diverse as a species' entire repertoire, signallers' individualistic signatures, or complex acoustic phenomena within single calls. Similarly, attributes of social complexity are diverse and may include group size, social role diversity, or networks of interactions and relationships. How these different attributes of social and communicative complexity co-evolve is an active question in behavioural ecology. Sciurid rodents (ground squirrels, prairie dogs and marmots) provide an excellent model system for studying these questions. Sciurid studies have found that demographic role complexity predicts alarm call repertoire size, while social group size predicts alarm call individuality. Along with other taxa, sciurids reveal an important insight: different attributes of sociality are linked to different attributes of communication. By breaking social and communicative complexity down to different attributes, focused studies can better untangle the underlying evolutionary relationships and move us closer to a comprehensive theory of how sociality and communication evolve.  相似文献   

Older adults exhibit more bilateral motor cortical activity during unimanual task performance than young adults. Interestingly, a similar pattern is seen in young adults with reduced hand dominance. However, older adults report stronger hand dominance than young adults, making it unclear how handedness is manifested in the aging motor cortex. Here, we investigated age differences in the relationships between handedness, motor cortical organization, and interhemispheric communication speed. We hypothesized that relationships between these variables would differ for young and older adults, consistent with our recent proposal of an age-related shift in interhemispheric interactions. We mapped motor cortical representations of the right and left first dorsal interosseous muscles using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) in young and older adults recruited to represent a broad range of the handedness spectrum. We also measured interhemispheric communication speed and bimanual coordination. We observed that more strongly handed older adults exhibited more ipsilateral motor activity in response to TMS; this effect was not present in young adults. Furthermore, we found opposing relationships between interhemispheric communication speed and bimanual performance in the two age groups. Thus, handedness manifests itself differently in the motor cortices of young and older adults and has interactive effects with age.  相似文献   

The evolution of nonconceptive sexuality in bonobos and chimpanzees is discussed from a functional perspective. Bonobos and chimpanzees have three functions of sexual activity in common (paternity confusion, practice sex, and exchange for favors), but only bonobos use sex purely for communication about social relationships. Bonobo hypersexuality appears closely linked to the evolution of female-female alliances. I suggest that these alliances were made possible by relaxed feeding competition, that they were favored through their effect on reducing sexual coercion, and that they are ultimately responsible for the relaxed social conditions that allowed the evolution of “communication sex.”  相似文献   

Like many economic exchanges, industrial symbiosis (IS) is thought to be influenced by social relationships and shared norms among actors in a network. While many implicit references to social characteristics exist throughout the literature, there have been few explicit attempts to operationalize and measure the concepts. The “short mental distance,”“trust,”“openness,” and “communication” recorded among managers in Kalundborg, Denmark, set a precedent for examining and encouraging social interactions among key personnel in the dozens of eco‐industrial networks around the world. In this article we explore the relationships among various aspects of social embeddedness, social capital, and IS. We develop a conceptual framework and an approach using quantitative and qualitative methods to identify and measure these social characteristics, including social network structure, communication, and similarities in norms and conceptions of waste, and apply them in an industrial network in Nanjangud, South India. The findings suggest that there is a fairly high level of shared norms about dealing with waste—the “short mental distance”—in this network, but by‐product transactions are only weakly correlated with the structure and content of communication among managers. Replication of this approach can increase the understanding and comparability of the role of social characteristics in eco‐industrial activities around the world.  相似文献   

The social brain hypothesis proposes that large neocortex size in Homonoids evolved to cope with the increasing demands of complex group living and greater numbers of interindividual relationships. Group living requires that individuals communicate effectively about environmental and internal events. Recent data have highlighted the complexity of chimpanzee communication, including graded facial expressions and referential vocalizations. Among Hominoids, elaborate facial communication is accompanied by specializations in brain areas controlling facial movement. Finally, the evolution of empathy, or emotional awareness, might have a neural basis in specialized cells in the neocortex, that is, spindle cells that have been associated with self-conscious emotions, and mirror neurons that have recently been shown to activate in response to communicative facial gestures.  相似文献   

Male and female interests can either be in conflict or serve as a basis for exchange. Communication is thus an important aspect of intersexual relationships. Verreaux's sifaka (Propithecus verreauxi verreauxi), like many prosimians, uses chemical signals as one form of communication. The goals of this study were to determine 1) if males and females exhibit sex differences in their scent-marking behavior, and 2) if scent-marking is an example of mating conflict or cooperation. All occurrences of scent-marks, scent-mark context, and scent-mark style were collected on 23 sifaka in the Kirindy Forest of western Madagascar for 7 months (September 2001-March 2002). Scent-mark rates were collected using continuous focal animal sampling from November 2000-March 2002. Home-range data were collected using monthly censuses and instantaneous focal sampling throughout those 17 months. The pressures of behavioral ecology seem to have shaped scent-marking in sifaka: the sexes exhibited significantly different scent-marking behavior. Results from this study are consistent with the hypotheses that 1) females scent-mark to advertise their presence and mark their resources, 2) clean-chested males use scent-marks as between-group communication to advertise their presence, and 3) stained-chested males use scent-marks as a form of olfactory mate-guarding. Scent-marking does not appear to be a "service" that males provide to females, because overmarking limits female communication rather than adding to the overall number of scent-marks. Scent-marking behavior is a crucial aspect of the mating conflict and for understanding intersexual relationships in sifaka.  相似文献   

Animals commonly modify their behavior in the presence of aconspecific or in response to signals. This is particularlytrue in the context of aggressive exchanges, which animals useto form networks of social relationships and to communicatesocial status associated with those relationships. Althoughhierarchical structures are a widespread phenomenon that hasbeen studied extensively, the dynamic communication processes,specifically chemical communication in this review, is relativelyoverlooked. In particular, it is the exchange of informationduring agonistic interactions that mediates hierarchies and/oralters the outcomes of agonistic interactions. Given the theoreticalappeal of these interactions, and the evolutionary importanceand taxonomic diversity associated with social hierarchies,it is not surprising that the sensory mechanisms involved inthe formation and maintenance of hierarchical structures havereceived recent attention. In crayfish, dominance is thoughtto be largely determined by physical superiority, where encountersare largely dyadic and fighting behavior is highly stereotyped.However, recent evidence has shown that the outcome of dyadicencounters are dependent upon a number of factors other thanphysical size, that include the exchange of chemical informationduring encounters, previous social history, and the intrinsicneurochemical state of opponents. We have attempted to providea comprehensive analysis of the extrinsic chemical processes(previous history, sensory communication, etc.) and intrinsicchemical processes (neurochemical state) that produce and maintaindominance relations and social hierarchies in crayfish. We hopethat this review will bring together a global picture of theprocesses that determine a crayfish's social standing and howintrinsic and extrinsic chemicals have substantial effects onaggressive states and agonistic bouts.  相似文献   

Most research on dog communication has focused on either the use of lupine signals during intra-specific interactions or has studied single-breed groups, with little regard to the effects of morphological change in the dog on their communication. This oversight ignores the fact that most modern dog breeds do not resemble the wolf and thus they have lost the ability to send some signals and may encounter communication problems. Using puppies in 40 litters from 32 breeds, we investigated the relationship between the frequencies of behaviours (social signals), and the adult morphology of these dogs. Despite a high level of precision, no statistically significant relationships were found between the deviation of the adult morphology from the ancestral lupine morphotype and early social signalling in the dog. We concluded that any communication loss due to morphological deviation, is not compensated for by increasing the frequency of signalling behaviours at this age.  相似文献   

Mobile phones have quickly become an important part of young people's social relationships in Port Vila Vanuatu. In particular, young people embrace the new technology's capacity to broaden the breadth of their sociality. They use the mobile phone to facilitate private and secretive communication, engage in unsanctioned relationships, pre‐marital sexual relationships, and also multiple concurrent intimate relationships. Literature on mobile phone use often either takes the approach that mobile phone technology becomes purely incorporated into pre‐existing social practices, or that it dramatically reshapes social ontologies. The present article argues for an alternative view, one that takes into account the nuances between these two analytical poles. This article suggests that young people use the mobile phone in practices informed by previous models of social relationships, yet the specific materiality of the mobile phone technology is influencing the direction in which models of social relationships are changing. In demonstrating this point, I pay particular attention to two material aspects of the mobile phone technology ‐ the mobile phone as a repository of a particular kind of information ‐ ‘evidence’, and the capacity of the mobile phone to ‘disconnect’ people from their relationships by switching off the mobile. This article argues that these practices are influencing the emergence of a radically altered kinship and gender landscape in the urban context.  相似文献   

The surname distribution, taken from the lists of telephone subscribers in 1979 and 1988, was used to analyze the similarity-distance relationships between human populations. The study used 43 neighbouring Italian communal populations, situated along the Apennine mountains. These communes were chosen to determine the effects of the territorial geomorphological structure, the presence of communication routes, and different administrative jurisdictions on the communes aggregation or differentiation. Overall communication routes are shown to be the most important factor in group aggregation. The presence of communication routes is also predominant in group differentiation due to the Apennine ridge. The ridge has an influence only when routes are absent, and in any case, its effect is lessened in the presence of communication routes. Aggregation due to adherence to the same political division, either on the provincial or regional level was found to be a secondary effect which occurs only when the borders of the administrative subdivisions coincide with the factors considered above.  相似文献   

Considerable knowledge is available on the neural substrates for speech and language from brain-imaging studies in humans, but until recently there was a lack of data for comparison from other animal species on the evolutionarily conserved brain regions that process species-specific communication signals. To obtain new insights into the relationship of the substrates for communication in primates, we compared the results from several neuroimaging studies in humans with those that have recently been obtained from macaque monkeys and chimpanzees. The recent work in humans challenges the longstanding notion of highly localized speech areas. As a result, the brain regions that have been identified in humans for speech and nonlinguistic voice processing show a striking general correspondence to how the brains of other primates analyze species-specific vocalizations or information in the voice, such as voice identity. The comparative neuroimaging work has begun to clarify evolutionary relationships in brain function, supporting the notion that the brain regions that process communication signals in the human brain arose from a precursor network of regions that is present in nonhuman primates and is used for processing species-specific vocalizations. We conclude by considering how the stage now seems to be set for comparative neurobiology to characterize the ancestral state of the network that evolved in humans to support language.  相似文献   



Video communication is increasingly used to connect people around the world. This includes connecting young children with their parents and other relatives during times of separation. An important issue is the extent to which video communication with children can approximate a physical presence such that familial relationships can be truly maintained by this means.

Methodology/Principal Findings

The current study employed an adaptation of the Separation and Reunion Paradigm with children (17 months to 5 years) to investigate the potential for video communication with a parent to afford a sense of proximity and security to children. The protocol involved a free-play session with the parent, followed by two separation-reunion episodes. During one of the separation episodes the parent was ‘virtually available’ to the child via a video link. Our results revealed three important differences. First, children left alone played longer in a strange room when their parent was virtually available to them compared to when the children were left alone with neither physical nor video contact with their parent. Second, younger participants sought physical contact with their parent less at the end of the video separation episode compared to when they were left entirely alone. Finally, the comparison between free play with video and free play with parent, revealed that the children exhibit a similar level of interactivity with their parent by video as they did in person.


For young children a video connection can have many of the same effects as a physical presence. This is a significant finding as it is the first such empirical demonstration and indicates considerable promise in video communication as a tool to maintain family relationships when physical presence is not possible.  相似文献   

Non-verbal communication enables efficient transfer of information among people. In this context, classic orchestras are a remarkable instance of interaction and communication aimed at a common aesthetic goal: musicians train for years in order to acquire and share a non-linguistic framework for sensorimotor communication. To this end, we recorded violinists' and conductors' movement kinematics during execution of Mozart pieces, searching for causal relationships among musicians by using the Granger Causality method (GC). We show that the increase of conductor-to-musicians influence, together with the reduction of musician-to-musician coordination (an index of successful leadership) goes in parallel with quality of execution, as assessed by musical experts' judgments. Rigorous quantification of sensorimotor communication efficacy has always been complicated and affected by rather vague qualitative methodologies. Here we propose that the analysis of motor behavior provides a potentially interesting tool to approach the rather intangible concept of aesthetic quality of music and visual communication efficacy.  相似文献   

Primate societies are characterized by bonded social relationships of a kind that are rare in other mammal taxa. These bonded relationships, which provide the basis for coalitions, are underpinned by an endorphin mechanism mediated by social grooming. However, bonded relationships of this kind impose constraints on the size of social groups that are possible. When ecological pressures have demanded larger groups, primates have had to evolve new mechanisms to facilitate bonding. This has involved increasing the size of vocal and visual communication repertoires, increasing the time devoted to social interaction and developing a capacity to manage two-tier social relationships (strong and weak ties). I consider the implications of these constraints for the evolution of human social communities and argue that laughter was an early evolutionary innovation that helped bridge the bonding gap between the group sizes characteristic of chimpanzees and australopithecines and those in later hominins.  相似文献   

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