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Reuse of wastewater in aquaculture provides a scope to enhance water productivity of the system. Quantification of nutrient inputs incorporated through treated domestic sewage with varying dosages viz. 79.3 x 10(5)lha(-1) and 67.7 x 10(5)lha(-1) and water productivity in a controlled carp culture system were assessed in comparison to those involved in a fertilized based one, with a view to correlate among physical, chemical and biological processes involved in fish yield under the systems. The net water productivities were measured on the basis of net return values (in Indian rupees; INR) from the carp production systems at a stocking density @ 5000 per ha with four species combination. Selected relevant water parameters such as dissolved oxygen, total alkalinity, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) in sewage effluent and fertilizer based systems were monitored along with certain biological parameters viz. gross primary productivity, fish production and water productivity. The nutrient inputs in terms of total ammonia-nitrogen (TAN) in effluents, total nitrogen (TN) in fertilizers and phosphorus (P2O5) in both effluents and fertilizers were found significantly correlated with biological production. The results of the experiment revealed that the sewage incorporation at 79.3 x 10(5)lha(-1) yielded similar gross fish production as recorded from fertilizer based system, whereas net water productivity using sewage as nutrient source was found 64% higher than that of a fertilizer based system.  相似文献   

Sesbania bispinosa belongs to the family Fabaceae contains appreciable percentage of antidiabetic cyclitol known as (+)-pinitol. A rapid high-performance liquid chromatography method has been developed for estimating the pinitol content in methanol extracts of S. bispinosa (roots, stems, leaves, flowers and pods) with respect to its harvesting age. Chromatographic separation was carried out on XBridge Amide column (250 mm x 4.6 mm, 3.5 μm coating) using isocratic elution of solvent system comprising water: acetonitrile (80:20) and water: acetonitrile (30:70) with 0.2% triethylamine at 30°C. The RP-HPLC-PDA-RI and LC-MS/MS analyses have shown significant variations of pinitol content in roots, stems, leaves, flowers, and pods extracts of S. bispinosa with respect to a particular harvesting age. At pre-fruiting stage, the highest percentage of pinitol was detected in all the parts of the plant extracts (roots: 2.72%, stems: 2.81%, leaves: 2.32% and pods: 3.92%). Therefore, it is recommended to harvest the plant at pre-fruiting stage for getting highest amounts (0.16%) of total pinitol. As a result, the pinitol content might be employed as a reference marker to decide the harvesting age of S. bispinosa.  相似文献   

Interactions of growth regulators and polyethylene glycol on maturation of geranium somatic embryos were investigated. Somatic embryos were induced on medium with 20 M thidiazuron for 3 days. The growth regulators used were 1 µM abscisic acid, jasmonic acid, napthaleneacetic acid and benzylaminopurine at 21 days from the start of induction. Benzylaminopurine and napthaleneacetic acid did not enhance abscisic acid effects on maturation frequency but only improved maturation frequency in the presence of polyethylene glycol. Abscisic acid significantly improved protein content in the presence of polyethylene glycol. Benzylaminopurine and napthalene acetic acid in combination with abscisic acid and jasmonic acid improved protein types in somatic embryos only in the absence of polyethylene glycol. Osmoticum effected by polyethylene glycol seems the main component required for protein synthesis. This study showed significant improvement of somatic embryo quality for artificial seed production.  相似文献   

α-Gliadin proteins of the wheat gluten form a multigene family encoded by genomic loci Gli-A2, Gli-B2 and Gli-D2 located on the homoeologous wheat chromosomes 6AS, 6BS, and 6DS, respectively which upon partial digestion elicits celiac disease (CD) in the genetically susceptible individuals. The present investigation was planned to study the variations in the amino acid sequence of the α-gliadin proteins and CD eliciting epitopes in the Indian wheat cultivars. Representative wheat varieties released and cultivated in India during the period 1905–2011 were selected for studying the α-gliadin genes by cloning and sequencing followed by in silico analysis of the gene sequences. A lot of variation for α-gliadin gene sequences especially in T cell stimulatory epitopes glia-α9, glia-α20, glia-α2 and glia-α was observed in different wheat varieties. Modern varieties released during 1971–2011 had higher proportion of intact T-cell stimulatory epitopes. The old wheat varieties released in the period 1905–1970 on the other hand had large proportion of variant epitopes. We identified three wheat varieties namely C591, C273 and K78 having only variant epitopes at Gli-D2 and Gli-B2 and both intact and variant epitopes at Gli-A2. Identification of lower proportion of T-cell stimulatory epitopes in these three varieties is the first step towards developing a wheat variety less immunogenic for celiac disease patients. The gene sequences of the selected varieties have been submitted at NCBI with accession numbers GenBank KJ410473–KJ410488.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in semen quality, freezability and plasma luteinizing hormone (LH) levels were studied between summer and spring. Semen volume, density and initial sperm motility did not differ significantly between different seasons. Plasma LH decreased between summer and spring but the differences were, however, not significant. Pre-freezing motility did not differ significantly but post-freezing motility varied significantly (P<0.01) between seasons. Post-freezing motility was lowest during summer and highest during winter. It can be concluded that summer spermatozoa may be fragile and cannot withstand freezing stress. To increase reproductive efficiency in buffalo during summer, semen should be frozen during winter and spring and used during hot weather conditions. Seasonal variations in plasma LH levels were insignificant.  相似文献   

The paper describes the dominating role of surface tension (ST) on the modeling, monitoring, and estimating pK(a) for a large series of 43 substituted sulfonamides. Because of the direct correlation of ST with parachor (Pc) vis-a-vis molecular volume (MV), ST is considered as a steric parameter. Single as well as multi-parametric regressions have indicated that ST has a dominating role in QSAR of the set of sulfonamides used and that excellent results are obtained in multi-parametric regression analysis. The results are discussed critically on the basis of statistical parameters.  相似文献   

Genotoxic effects of EMS have been assessed in fish, A. testudineus, using widely accepted cytogenetic protocols like chromosome aberrations, nuclear anomalies in red blood cells and abnormal sperm head morphology. In addition, gel electrophoretic protein profiles and total protein contents in nine selected tissues were analysed for evaluating their utility as potential indicators of genotoxicity. EMS not only caused chromosomal aberrations in somatic cells, nuclear anomalies in red blood cells, and increased incidence of sperm with abnormal head morphology, but also altered significantly both protein profiles and total protein contents in all tissues tested vis-à-vis suitable controls, indicating relevance of protein data in genotoxicity assessment.  相似文献   

The responses of Ri-TDNA-transformed roots and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi established on Ri-TDNA-transformed roots to lead-amended media was investigated in vitro. At exposure to increasing concentrations of lead (2–10 mg/l[ppm]), three Ri-TDNA-transformed root clones viz., Swa, Swb and Swc, exhibited profuse growth. At exposure to increasing concentrations of lead (0.1–5 ppm), the dual cultures of Ri-TDNA-transformed roots and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi., Glomus lamellosum/Swa, Glomus intraradices/Swb and Glomus proliferum/Swc, exhibited tolerance to 5 ppm of lead. When subjected to one physiological stress, either exposure to Pb or inoculation with AM fungi, Ri-TDNA-transformed root clones exuded more phenols in the growth medium than retained in the roots. When subjected to dual physiological stress, mycorrhizal Ri-TDNA-transformed roots growing on Pb-enriched medium, the total phenol content increased in the roots and exudation into the medium decreased.  相似文献   

Summary The accumulation of ethylene in headspace of hypocotyl cultures of geranium (Pelargonium × hortorum Bailey) and its possible role in thidiazuron-mediated somatic embryogenesis was investigated. The action of ethylene as determined by various ethylene synthesis and action inhibitors was varied. Silver nitrate (AgNo3), aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG), and silver thiosulphate (STS) had no significant influence on the embryogenic response, while 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) applied during the initial 3 d of induction or the expression phase, significantly increased the number of somatic embryos formed. Thidiazuron-treated tissues accumulated large quantities of ethylene within 6 h of culture, but the levels decreased after 12 h and reached very low levels after 3 d in culture. In the presence of acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), the levels of ethylene decreased by 20 to 50% during the first 48 h of culture. Analysis of endogenous auxin, cytokinins, and abscisic acid (ABA) indicated possible interactions of ethylene with other phytohormones during the induction of somatic embryos on geranium hypocotyl explants. Thidiazuron (10 μM) increased, while ASA decreased the levels of endogenous auxin, cytokinins, and abscisic acid during this period of induction.  相似文献   

Das S  Sen R 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(20):9659-9667
A logistic kinetic model was derived and validated to characterize the dynamics of a sporogenous bacterium in stationary phase with respect to sporulation and product formation. The kinetic constants as determined using this model are particularly important for describing intrinsic properties of a sporogenous bacterial culture in stationary phase. Non-linear curve fitting of the experimental data into the mathematical model showed very good correlation with the predicted values for sporulation and lipase production by Bacillus coagulans RK-02 culture in minimal media. Model fitting of literature data of sporulation and product (protease and amylase) formation in the stationary phase by some other Bacilli and comparison of the results of model fitting with those of Bacillus coagulans helped validate the significance and robustness of the developed kinetic model.  相似文献   

High resolution 31P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy was used to investigate the changes in phosphate metabolism and intracellular pH in intact maize (Zea mays L) root segments to hyper osmotic shock. The results were compared with the happenings under field conditions, when the stress was given gradually. Effect of sugar substrate on adaptation of tissue to both kinds of situations was also studied. The hyper osmotic shock resulted in large vacuolar alkalinization and a decrease in pH across tonoplast membrane. There was gradual build up of phosphocholine and decrease in glucose 6P and UPDG levels. In gradual stress, the root segments were able to adapt to the stress and maintained pH gradient across tonoplast, with marginal alkalinization of vacuoles. The presence of sugar substrate reduced the impact of stress significantly, commensurate with the increased activity of plasmalemma H(+)-ATPase. The latter providing the driving force for uptake of organic molecules and ions required for osmoregulation.  相似文献   

I provide data compiled over 4 yr on the mating behavior in small troops of wild Japanese macaques on Yakushima Island. The key parameters are the number of sexually receptive females, the number of nontroop males (NTMs), and copulation on the periphery of the troop. I analyzed the following aspects: 1) changes in the proportion of copulation with high-ranking males (HRMs) and NTMs, 2) variations in factors such as fluctuation in the number of sexually receptive females and troop males and their effects on the number of visiting NTMs, 3) the effect of attempted interruption of mounting series by other males, and 4) some aspects of copulation on the periphery of the troop. Throughout the study, 56% of the total number of females mated most frequently with the α-male in a single mating season. However, the relative mating success of HRMs varied over the years and between individuals. The number of visiting NTMs varied depending on the number of receptive females and troop males. Females tended to mate with the NTMs when they appeared around their troops. The direct effect of interruption of the mounting series by other males is equivocal. The females mated with the low-ranking males (LRMs) and NTMs on the periphery of the troop, which increased the possibility of mounting series ending with ejaculation. Females actively sought opportunities for copulation on the periphery of the troop by moving there or initiating close proximity with LRMs and NTMs there. On Yakushima Island, the mating success of HRMs was not always as high as that predicted by the priority of access model. The injury status of the HRM, the number of visiting NTMs, and female choice are all considered to influence a male’s mating success.  相似文献   

In this study, a total of 69 topsoil samples and 10 Panax notoginseng samples from Yunnan Province were collected and the concentrations of As, Cd, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb and Zn in all the samples were determined. The hazard index (HI), total carcinogenic risk (TCR) and estimated daily intake (EDI) of heavy metals were calculated to assess the health risk of P. notoginseng growers and consumers. The average concentrations of As, Cd, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb and Zn in P. notoginseng planting soils are 43.6, 0.55, 50.8, 0.30, 73.4, 58.2, and 161 mg/kg, respectively. The average Nemerow integrated pollution index of heavy metals in soils is 1.8, indicating that the P. notoginseng planting soils are slightly polluted by those heavy metals. The average HI value is 1.29 and the TCR value of As is above the threshold value, suggesting that As pollution in soil has adverse impact on local growers' health. P. notoginseng is polluted by Cd, As and Pb. 39.1% of estimated daily intakes of As for P. notoginseng consumers through leaf consumption exceeding its permitted daily exposure dosages, suggesting that there is a potential health risk for P. notoginseng consumers to consume P. notoginseng leaves.  相似文献   

The influence of subclinical nematodosis on the kinetic disposition of albendazole was evaluated in goats following oral and intraruminal administration. The disposition curves of its metabolites indicated increased uptake of the drug in parasitized goats following intraruminal compared to oral dosing (P < 0.05). The midpoint for the pharmacologically active metabolite, albendazole sulphoxide, in the circulatory compartment was around 0.6 mug ml- 1 both in parasitized and na?ve goats. The period of exposure to this concentration was around 14 h (oral route), 18 h (intraruminal route) and 16 h (oral route), 17 h (intraruminal route) in parasitized and na?ve goats, respectively. As the duration of exposure of parasites to the toxic concentration of the anthelmintically active metabolite was prolonged, it could be assumed that intraruminal delivery of the drug would improve the efficacy of albendazole in parasitized goats.  相似文献   


Aims and methods

Concentrations of heavy metals such as Cd, As, Hg, Pb, Cr, Cu, Zn and Ni in different tissues (seeds, roots and shoots) of the mature canola (Brassica napus L.) plants and in the associated rhizosphere soils from Yangtze River Delta (YRD) region of China, were determined to evaluate the heavy metals’ pollution in the soils and the canola seeds, and to discuss their accumulation and translocation characteristics in canola plants. At the same time, the phytoextraction potential of the canola plant for the above heavy metals was theoretically calculated and discussed on the basis of above measured data.


The results showed that the concentration ranges of Cd, As, Hg, Pb, Cr, Cu, Zn and Ni in the rhizosphere soils were 0.115–0.481, 3.40–20.5, 0.069–0.682, 9.92–27.4, 46.8–86.6, 17.7–253.3, 65.2–511.7 and 16.0–37.8?mg?kg?1, respectively. The concentrations of Cu, Zn and Hg at some sampling sites exceeded the 2nd grade threshods of Chinese national environmental quality standard for soils. The potential ecological risk of heavy metals in the canola rhizosphere soils decreased in the order of Zhejiang > Shanghai > Jiangsu provinces. The concentration ranges of above heavy metals in the canola seeds were 0.032–0.067, 0.002–0.005, 0.001–0.005, 0.053–0.165, 0.191–0.855, 3.01–13.20, 34.82–96.95 and 0.343–2.86?mg?kg?1, respectively, with Cu and Zn at some sampling sites exceeding the permissible concentrations in foods of China. Heavy metals’ concentrations in canola seeds didn’t increase with their increasing concentrations in the rhizosphere soils. The bioconcentration factors (BCFs) of most heavy metals in the canola seeds decreased with their increasing concentrations in the associated rhizosphere soils. The average BCFs of heavy metals decreased in the order of Zn (0.488)>Cd (0.241)>Cu (0.145)>Ni (0.038)>Hg (0.021)>Pb (0.005)=Cr (0.005)>As (0.000) in the canola seeds, Cd (1.550)>Cu (0.595)>Zn (0.422)>Hg (0.138)>Ni (0.085)>Pb (0.080)>As (0.035)>Cr (0.031) in the roots, and Cd (0.846)>Zn (0.242)>Cu (0.205)>Hg (0.159)>Ni (0.031)>Pb (0.025)>As (0.012)>Cr (0.007) in the shoots, respectively. The accumulation capacity for most of the above heavy metals in the mature canola tissues was root > shoot > seed, with the exceptions of seed > root > shoot for Zn and shoot > root > seed for Hg. Except Hg from root to shoot and Zn from root to seed, translocation factors (TFs) of above heavy metals were lower than 1.0.


The concentrations, BCFs and TFs of above heavy metals in the canola tissues indicated that the investigated canola plants did not meet the criteria of hyperaccumulators for the above heavy metals. The phytoextracton potential of the studied canola plants for the above heavy metals from the polluted soils was very limited. It would take 920, 3,170 and 3,762?years (assuming two crops per year) to reduce the initial soil Zn, Cu and Hg concentrations, respectively, from the most polluted soil concentrations to the 2nd grade thresholds of Chinese national environmental quality standard for soils.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to develop a health risk assessment in different areas of San Luis Potosí, México. Four heavy metals (arsenic, mercury, cadmium, and lead) were analyzed in soil from communities assessed. The mean arsenic concentration was significantly higher (p < .05) in the city of San Luis Potosí (51.85 mg/kg) compared to the other assessed areas (5.52–8.43 mg/kg). For cadmium, the mean concentration was significantly higher (p < .05) in Santa Maria Picula (7.46 mg/kg) than in the other areas (3.72–4.15 mg/kg). Regarding mercury levels, a significantly higher (p < .05) mean concentration was found in Mezquitic (1.54 mg/kg) compared to other areas (0.56–0.81 mg/kg). Lastly, when comparing the mean lead concentration in the city of San Luis Potosí (108 mg/kg), it was found to be significantly lower (p < .05) than in other areas (219–227 mg/kg). Subsequently, a probabilistic health risk assessment was performed, ingestion was the major exposure pathway for all four metals. Maximum cumulative hazard index (HI) values showed higher risk in all sampled locations (HIs > 1.0), suggesting that these sites can pose a non-carcinogenic risk to the populations (children) living in those areas. This study highlights the necessity of establishing a biomonitoring program for the surveillance of the child populations living in the assessed locations.  相似文献   

A total of 59 topsoil and corresponding maize plants were collected from this study area. The spatial distribution, correlation analysis, and multiple linear regression of heavy metals were researched detailedly in this article. The results showed that distribution characteristics of heavy metals (Pb, Cd, and Ni) in different parts of maize plants (immature stage) accumulated mostly in stems, with Pb mainly accumulated in roots (mature period), and Cd and Ni mostly in leaves. Except for the southeastern local region of this mining area, Mn and Cu possessed roughly similar spatial distribution characteristics. The results of partial correlation analysis indicated that Cu, Cd in the roots of the tested maize plants and Ni in soil may have antagonistic effects, Cu (soil)–Cu (stem) and Ni (soil)–Pb (stem) had a certain promoting effect. Besides, Cu, Pb, and Ni in soil promoted the absorption of Cu, Pb, and Ni in the leaves, whereas Cr and Pb in soil can promote the enrichment of Mn in maize grains. Our findings suggested that the concentrations of heavy metals in maize organs could be predicted accurately using the established models.  相似文献   

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