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Contractile forces in tumor cell migration   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cancer is a deadly disease primarily because of the ability of tumor cells to spread from the primary tumor, to invade into the connective tissue, and to form metastases at distant sites. In contrast to cell migration on a planar surface where large cell tractions and contractile forces are not essential, tractions and forces are thought to be crucial for overcoming the resistance and steric hindrance of a dense three-dimensional connective tissue matrix. In this review, we describe recently developed biophysical tools, including 2-D and 3-D traction microscopy to measure contractile forces of cells. We discuss evidence indicating that tumor cell invasiveness is associated with increased contractile force generation.  相似文献   

Stem cells are promising candidates for cell-based therapies in diverse conditions including regenerating damaged tissues, treating inflammation in virtue of sepsis, acute renal failure, and cardiovascular disease. Advancement of these therapies relies on the ability to guide stem cells to migrate directly and differentiate towards specific cell phenotypes. During the past decade, many researchers have demonstrated that exogenous applied forces could significantly affect the migration and lineage differentiation of stem cells. Besides, recent advances have highlighted the critical role of internal forces due to cell-matrix interaction in the function of stem cells. Stem cells can generate contractile forces to sense the mechanical properties of cell-generated force microenvironment, and thereby perceive mechanical information that directs broad aspects of stem cell functions, including migration and lineage commitment. In the review, we recount the cell-generated force microenvironment of stem cells and discuss the interactions between cell-generated forces with migration and differentiation of stem cells. We also summarize key experimental evidence of a tight linkage between migration and lineage differentiation of stem cells and pose important unanswered questions in this field.  相似文献   

Directional collective cell migration plays an important role in development, physiology, and disease. An increasing number of studies revealed key aspects of how cells coordinate their movement through distances surpassing several cell diameters. While physical modeling and measurements of forces during collective cell movements helped to reveal key mechanisms, most of these studies focus on tightly connected epithelial cultures. Less is known about collective migration of mesenchymal cells. A typical example of such behavior is the migration of the neural crest cells, which migrate large distances as a group. A recent study revealed that this persistent migration is aided by the interaction between the neural crest and the neighboring placode cells, whereby neural crest chase the placodes via chemotaxis, but upon contact both populations undergo contact inhibition of locomotion and a rapid reorganization of cellular traction. The resulting asymmetric traction field of the placodes forces them to run away from the chasers. We argue that this chase and run interaction may not be specific only to the neural crest system, but could serve as the underlying mechanism for several morphogenetic processes involving collective cell migration.  相似文献   

Traction force microscopy (TFM) is commonly used to estimate cells' traction forces from the deformation that they cause on their substrate. The accuracy of TFM highly depends on the computational methods used to measure the deformation of the substrate and estimate the forces, and also on the specifics of the experimental set-up. Computer simulations can be used to evaluate the effect of both the computational methods and the experimental set-up without the need to perform numerous experiments. Here, we present one such TFM simulator that addresses several limitations of the existing ones. As a proof of principle, we recreate a TFM experimental set-up, and apply a classic 2D TFM algorithm to recover the forces. In summary, our simulator provides a valuable tool to study the performance, refine experimentally, and guide the extraction of biological conclusions from TFM experiments.  相似文献   

Tissue vascularization is critical to enable oxygen and nutrient supply. Therefore, establishing expedient vasculature is necessary for the survival of tissue after transplantation. The use of biomechanical forces, such as cell-induced traction forces, may be a promising method to encourage growth of the vascular network. Three-dimensional (3D) bioprinting, which offers unprecedented versatility through precise control over spatial distribution and structure of tissue constructs, can be used to generate capillary-like structures in vitro that would mimic microvessels. This study aimed to develop an in vitro, 3D bioprinted tissue model to study the effect of cellular forces on the spatial organization of vascular structures and tissue maturation. The developed in vitro model consists of a 3D bioprinted polycaprolactone (PCL) frame with a gelatin spacer hydrogel layer and a gelatin–fibrin–hyaluronic acid hydrogel layer containing normal human dermal fibroblasts and human umbilical vein endothelial cells printed as vessel lines on top. The formation of vessel-like networks and vessel lumens in the 3D bioprinted in vitro model was assessed at different fibrinogen concentrations with and without inhibitors of cell-mediated traction forces. Constructs containing 5 mg/ml fibrinogen had longer vessels compared to the other concentrations of fibrinogen used. Also, for all concentrations of fibrinogen used, most of the vessel-like structures grew parallel to the direction the PCL frame-mediated tensile forces, with very few branching structures observed. Treatment of the 3D bioprinted constructs with traction inhibitors resulted in a significant reduction in length of vessel-like networks. The 3D bioprinted constructs also had better lumen formation, increased collagen deposition, more elaborate actin networks, and well-aligned matrix fibers due to the increased cell-mediated traction forces present compared to the non-anchored, floating control constructs. This study showed that cell traction forces from the actomyosin complex are critical for vascular network assembly in 3D bioprinted tissue. Strategies involving the use of cell-mediated traction forces may be promising for the development of bioprinting approaches for fabrication of vascularized tissue constructs.  相似文献   

Any cellular response leading to morphological changes is highly tuned to balance the force generated from structural reorganization, provided by actin cytoskeleton. Actin filaments serve as the backbone of intracellular force, and transduce external mechanical signal via focal adhesion complex into the cell. During migration, cells not only undergo molecular changes but also rapid mechanical modulation. Here we focus on determining, the role of spatial distribution of mechanical changes of actin filaments in epithelial, mesenchymal, fibrotic and cancer cells with non-migration, directional migration, and non-directional migration behaviors using the atomic force microscopy. We found 1) non-migratory cells only generated one type of filament elasticity, 2) cells generating spatially distributed two types of filament elasticity showed directional migration, and 3) pathologic cells that autonomously generated two types of filament elasticity without spatial distribution were actively migrating non-directionally. The demonstration of spatial regulation of filament elasticity of different cell types at the nano-scale highlights the coupling of cytoskeletal function with physical characters at the sub-cellular level, and provides new research directions for migration related disease.  相似文献   

Tissue engineering science: Consequences of cell traction force   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Blood and tissue cells mechanically interact with soft tissues and tissue-equivalent reconstituted collagen gels in a variety of situations relevant to biomedicine and biotechnology. A key phenomenon in these interactions is the exertion of traction force by cells on local collagen fibers which typically constitute the solid network of these tissues and gels and impart gross mechanical integrity. Two important consequences of cells exerting traction on such collagen networks are first, when the cells co-ordinate their traction, resulting in cell migration, and second, when their traction is sufficient to deform the network. Such cell-collagen network interactions are coupled in a number of ways. Network deformation, for example, can result in net alignment of collagen fibers, eliciting contact guidance, wherein cells move with bidirectional bias along an axis of fiber alignment, potentially leading to a nonuniform cell distribution. This may govern cell accumulation in wounds and be exploited to control cell infiltration of bioartificial tissues and organs. Another consequence of cell traction is the resultant stress and strain in the network which modulate cell protein and DNA synthesis and differentiation. We summarize, here, relevant mathematical theories which we have used to describe the inherent coupling of cell dynamics and tissue mechanics in cell-populated collagen gels via traction. The development of appropriate models based on these theories, in an effort to understand how events in wound healing govern the rate and extent of wound contraction, and to measure cell traction forces in vitro, are described. Relevant observations and speculation from cell biology and medicine that motivate or serve to critique the assumptions made in the theories and models are also summarized.Abbreviations ECM Extracellular Matrix - FPCL Fibroblast-Populated Collagen Lattice - FPCM Fibroblast-Populated Collagen Microsphere  相似文献   

Exposure of animal cells to intense hydrodynamic forces exerted in turbulent capillary flow, and by controiled agitation and aeration, resulted in preferential destruction of S and G(2) cells and the extent of destruction of these cells was dependent upon the intensity of the action. The loss of these cells was possibly due to their larger size. However, the appearance of large numbers of membrane-bound vesicular structures similar to apoptotic bodies as well as cells with low DNA stainability (in a sub-G(1) peak) suggested that the action of adverse hydrodynamic forces on these large cells may at least in part be to induce an apoptotic response. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional in vitro extracellular matrix models provide a physiological alternative to regular two-dimensional cell culture, though they lack the full diversity of molecular composition and physical properties of whole-animal systems. Cell-derived matrices are extracellular matrices that are the product of matrix secretion and assembly by cells cultured at high density in vitro. After the removal of the cells that produced the matrix, an assembled matrix scaffold is left that closely mimics native stromal fiber organization and molecular content. Cell-derived matrices have been shown to impart in vivo-like responses to cells cultured in these matrices. In this review, we focus on mechanisms through which the distinct molecular and topographical composition of cell-derived matrices directs cellular behavior, specifically through regulation of cell-matrix adhesions and subsequent contributions to the process of cell migration.  相似文献   

Motile cells can use and switch between different modes of migration. Here, we use traction force microscopy and fluorescent labeling of actin and myosin to quantify and correlate traction force patterns and cytoskeletal distributions in Dictyostelium discoideum cells that move and switch between keratocyte‐like fan‐shaped, oscillatory, and amoeboid modes. We find that the wave dynamics of the cytoskeletal components critically determine the traction force pattern, cell morphology, and migration mode. Furthermore, we find that fan‐shaped cells can exhibit two different propulsion mechanisms, each with a distinct traction force pattern. Finally, the traction force patterns can be recapitulated using a computational model, which uses the experimentally determined spatiotemporal distributions of actin and myosin forces and a viscous cytoskeletal network. Our results suggest that cell motion can be generated by friction between the flow of this network and the substrate.  相似文献   

How angiogenesis is regulated by local environmental cues is still not fully understood despite its importance to many regenerative events. Although mechanics is known to influence angiogenesis, the specific cellular mechanisms influenced by mechanical loading are poorly understood. This study adopts a lattice-based modelling approach to simulate endothelial cell (EC) migration and proliferation in order to explore how mechanical stretch regulates their behaviour. The approach enables the explicit modelling of ECs and, in particular, their migration/proliferation (specifically, rate and directionality) in response to such mechanical cues. The model was first used to simulate previously reported experiments of EC migration and proliferation in an unloaded environment. Next, three potential effects (increased cell migration, increased cell proliferation and biased cellular migration) of mechanical stretch on EC behaviour were simulated using the model and the observed changes in cell population characteristics were compared to experimental findings. Combinations of these three potential drivers were also investigated. The model demonstrates that only by incorporating all three changes in cellular physiology (increased EC migration, increased EC proliferation and biased EC migration in the direction perpendicular to the applied strain) in response to dynamic loading, it is possible to successfully predict experimental findings. This provides support for the underlying model hypotheses for how mechanics regulates EC behaviour.  相似文献   

《Developmental cell》2022,57(12):1529-1544.e5
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Chemokines are vertebrate‐specific, structurally related proteins that function primarily in controlling cell movements by activating specific 7‐transmembrane receptors. Chemokines play critical roles in a large number of biological processes and are also involved in a range of pathological conditions. For these reasons, chemokines are at the focus of studies in developmental biology and of clinically oriented research aimed at controlling cancer, inflammation, and immunological diseases. The small size of the zebrafish embryos, their rapid external development, and optical properties as well as the large number of eggs and the fast expansion in genetic tools available make this model an extremely useful one for studying the function of chemokines and chemokine receptors in an in vivo setting. Here, we review the findings relevant to the role that chemokines play in the context of directed single‐cell migration, primarily in neutrophils and germ cells, and compare it to the collective cell migration of the zebrafish lateral line. We present the current knowledge concerning the formation of the chemokine gradient, its interpretation within the cell, and the molecular mechanisms underlying the cellular response to chemokine signals during directed migration.  相似文献   


The phenomenological model for cell shape deformation and cell migration Chen (BMM 17:1429–1450, 2018), Vermolen and Gefen (BMM 12:301–323, 2012), is extended with the incorporation of cell traction forces and the evolution of cell equilibrium shapes as a result of cell differentiation. Plastic deformations of the extracellular matrix are modelled using morphoelasticity theory. The resulting partial differential differential equations are solved by the use of the finite element method. The paper treats various biological scenarios that entail cell migration and cell shape evolution. The experimental observations in Mak et al. (LC 13:340–348, 2013), where transmigration of cancer cells through narrow apertures is studied, are reproduced using a Monte Carlo framework.


X Ma  W Li  H Yu  Y Yang  M Li  L Xue  T Xu 《Cell death and differentiation》2014,21(3):407-415
The TNF–JNK pathway is a highly conserved signaling pathway that regulates a wide spectrum of biological processes including cell death and migration. To further delineate this pathway, we carried out a genetic screen for dominant modifiers of the cell death phenotype triggered by ectopic expression of Eiger (Egr), the Drosophila TNF ortholog. Here we show that Bendless (Ben), an E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme, modulates Egr-induced JNK activation and cell death through dTRAF2. Furthermore, Ben physically interacts with dTRAF2 and regulates Egr-induced dTRAF2 polyubiquitination. Finally, Ben is required for JNK-dependent tumor progression, cell migration, oxidative stress resistance and longevity. Our results indicate that Ben constitutes an essential component of the evolutionarily conserved TNF–JNK pathway that modulates cell death and invasion, tumor progression, stress response and lifespan in metazoans.  相似文献   

Caveolin-1 (Cav-1) is an integral membrane protein that plays an important role in proliferative and terminally differentiated cells. As a structural component of Caveolae, Cav-1 interacts with signaling molecules via a caveolin scaffolding domain (CSD) regulating cell signaling. Recent reports have shown that Cav-1 is a negative regulator in tumor metastasis. Therefore, we hypothesize that Cav-1 inhibits cell migration through its CSD. HeLa cells were engineered to overexpress Cav-1 (Cav-1 OE), Cav-1 without a functional CSD (?CSD), or enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) as a control. HeLa cell migration was suppressed in Cav-1 OE cells while ?CSD showed increased migration, which corresponded to a decrease in the tight junction protein, zonula occludens (ZO-1). The migration phenotype was confirmed in multiple cancer cell lines. Phosphorylated STAT-3 was decreased in Cav-1 OE cells compared to control and ?CSD cells; reducing STAT-3 expression alone decreased cell migration. ?CSD blunted HeLa proliferation by increasing the number of cells in the G2/M phase of the cell cycle. Overexpressing the CSD peptide alone suppressed HeLa cell migration and inhibited pSTAT3. These findings suggest that Cav-1 CSD may be critical in controlling the dynamic phenotype of cancer cells by facilitating the interaction of specific signal transduction pathways, regulating STAT3 and participating in a G2/M checkpoint. Modulating the CSD and targeting specific proteins may offer potential new therapies in the treatment of cancer metastasis.  相似文献   

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