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The nerves and nerve terminals to tonic larval muscle fibers in third and fifth instar caterpillars were studied to compare them with those formed by the same motor neurons on phasic flight muscles in adult moths. Scanning micrographs showed a primary nerve branch running the length of each fiber, with secondary nerve branches extending from it at intervals. There was a great deal of variability in both the length of the branches and the distance from the nerve at which the neuromuscular junctions were formed. The rapid increase in muscle fiber size during larval development may be responsible for this variability. The nerves and junctions were often found to be obscure by overlying fibroblasts and tracheoblasts or entering the deep muscle clefts. Those examined were similar in appearance to the adult junctions formed by the same neurons, although some may have formed single branches instead of y-shapes. The membrane specializations of the synapse seen in freeze-fractured specimens were similar to those of the adult junction. However, the overall shape of the nerve terminal within the junction differed. The larval nerve terminals appeared varicose instead of having a uniform diameter. The spacing of the nerve plaques varied, in contrast with the relatively straight alignment and even spacing of plaques found in adult junctions. Such differences could result from an interaction between the motor neuron and the two different types of muscle fiber that it innervates, an intrinsic change in the motor neurons themselves that occurs with metamorphosis, or a plastic functional response that occurs as a result of the different types of motor patterns that are used in the two stages.  相似文献   

At frog neuromuscular junction, noradrenaline (NA) shortens the release period for evoked quantal release acting on a beta1 receptor. To test the hypothesis that this action of NA is mediated by cAMP, we measured the latencies of focally recorded uni-quantal endplate currents (EPCs) after application of dibutyryl-cAMP (db-cAMP) and adenylyl cyclase activator, forskolin. The interval between the time when responses with minimal delay appeared and the point at which 90% of all latencies had occurred (P90 parameter) was shortened in the presence of both 1 x 10(-6) mol/l db-cAMP and 1 x 10(-6) mol/l forskolin by about 30%. The cAMP-induced shortening is equal to that found after application of NA and effects of both drugs are not additive.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. An electron microscopic study was made of the effect of lanthanum ions on the neuromuscular junction of the cockroach Periplaneta americana leg muscles. Experimental muscles were treated with 5mM La-saline for 2, 4 and 17hr at 4°C or 2 hr at room temperature (20–22°C).
  • 2.2. After exposure to lanthanum for 2 hr at 4 C synaptic vesicles appeared to be slightly reduced in number, but the terminal mitochondria appeared unchanged. After the exposure for 4hr at 4°C the majority of the terminals were fairly depleted of vesicles. No synaptic contact was recognized at this time. By 17 hr all terminals were almost devoid of synaptic vesicles.
  • 3.3. The effect of lanthanum ions on the structural changes was markedly affected by temperature, 2 hr of treatment with La-saline being enough to deplete the synaptic vesicles at room temperature.
  • 4.4. From the results obtained and literature cited the ultrastructural changes may correlate with the functional changes in the insect neuromuscular junction.

The submaxillaris muscle of the frog after zinc iodide-osmium staining reveals the presence of polyneural innervation. Cholinesterase staining shows that the longer terminals have postsynaptic folds whereas the smaller terminals (up to 5 micron) lack them. Thin-section electron microscopy shows that muscle fibers with or without an M line have terminals with and without postsynaptic folds. The terminals with postsynaptic folds have presynaptic membrane outpocketings above folds. These outpocketings are rudimentary or absent in the terminals without postsynaptic folds. In longer junctions, the P face of the presynaptic membrane has double rows of paired particles on active zone ridges perpendicular to the axis of the muscle. In smaller junctions active zone ridges are rudimentary or absent and double rows of particles form various patterns. Postsynaptic active zones in longer junctions consist of clusters of particles leaving gaps in between, whereas in the smaller junctions they lack gaps. The polyneural innervation and different deployment of membrane particles at neuromuscluar junctions could be a factor responsible for different physiological properties of this muscle.  相似文献   

Synaptic size, synaptic remodelling, polyneuronal innervation, and synaptic efficacy of neuromuscular junctions were studied as a function of growth in cutaneous pectoris muscles of postmetamorphic Rana pipiens. Recently metamorphosed frogs grew rapidly, and this growth was accompanied by hypertrophy of muscle fibers, myogenesis, and increases in the size and complexity of neuromuscular junctions. There were pronounced gradients in pre- and postsynaptic size across the width of the muscle, with neuromuscular junctions and muscle fibers near the medial edge being smaller than in more lateral regions. The incidence of polyneuronal innervation, measured physiologically and histologically, was also higher near the medial edge. Growth-associated declines in all measures of polyneuronal innervation indicated that synapse elimination occurs throughout life. Electrophysiology also demonstrated regional differences in synaptic efficacy and showed that doubly innervated junctions have lower synaptic efficacy than singly innervated junctions. Repeated, in vivo observations revealed extensive growth and remodelling of motor nerve terminals and confirmed that synapse elimination is a slow process. It was concluded that some processes normally associated with embryonic development persist long into adulthood in frog muscles.  相似文献   

Mechanisms governing the elimination of polyneuronal innervation were examined by correlating the morphology and physiology of competing nerve terminals at identified dually innervated neuromuscular junctions in sartorius muscles of adult frogs (Rana pipiens). Synaptic efficacy (endplate potential amplitude per unit nerve terminal length) was presumed to reflect the ability of a terminal to compete for synaptic space. The synaptic efficacies of two terminals at the same synaptic site were found to be surprisingly equal, with a median difference of 33%. Much more variation would be expected if dually innervated junctions were randomly innervated by pairs of terminals having the same range of synaptic efficacy as that found at singly innervated junctions in the same muscle. This finding supports the hypothesis that the weaker input is eliminated from dually innervated junctions when there is a large discrepancy in competitive efficacy, and that both inputs may persist if competitive efficacies are relatively equal. We also tested but failed to find support for the hypothesis that spatial proximity between competing terminals intensifies competition for synaptic space during synapse elimination.  相似文献   

The neuromuscular junction is a plastic structure and is constantly undergoing changes as the nerve terminals that innervate the muscle fiber extend and retract their processes. In vivo observations on developing mouse neuromuscular junctions revealed that prior to the retraction of a nerve terminal the acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) under that nerve terminal disperse. Agrin is a protein released by nerve terminals that binds to synaptic basal lamina and directs the aggregation of AChRs and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) in and on the surface of the myotube. Thus, if the AChRs under a nerve terminal disperse, then the cellular signaling mechanism by which agrin maintains the aggregation of those AChRs must have been disrupted. Two possibilities that could lead to the disruption of the agrin induced aggregation are that agrin is present at the synaptic basal lamina but is unable to direct the aggregation of AChRs, or that agrin has been removed from the synaptic basal lamina. Thus, if agrin were blocked, one would expect to see anti-agrin staining at abandoned synaptic sites; whereas if agrin were removed, anti-agrin staining would be absent at abandoned synaptic sites. We find that anti-agrin staining and α-bungarotoxin staining are absent at abandoned synaptic sites. Further, in vivo observations of retracting nerve terminals confirm that agrin is removed from the synaptic basal lamina within 7 days. Thus, while agrin will remain bound to synaptic basal lamina for months following denervation, it is removed within days following synaptic retraction. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Mechanisms governing synapse elimination, synaptic remodeling, and polyneuronal innervation were examined in anatomical and electrophysiological studies of frog neuromuscular junctions. There was a substantial level of polyneuronal innervation in adult junctions and this varied seasonally. Nerve terminal retraction and synapse elimination occurred during normal growth and following reinnervation. Synapse elimination was not inevitable, however. Repeated in vivo observations of some identified junctions showed that polyneuronal innervation could persist for over a year, while at other junctions it arose de novo by terminal sprouting. We concluded that polyneuronal innervation in adult muscles was governed by an equilibrium between processes of retraction and elimination on one hand, and sprouting and synaptogenesis on the other. Other observations revealed that structural remodeling was a common feature of adult junctions. Most often, remodeling involved the simultaneous growth and retraction of different parts of the same junction. The net result was usually junctional growth that, in small frogs, appeared to provide a good match between synaptic size and the electrical demands of transmission. In larger animals, pre- and postsynaptic sizes were not as well matched, providing morphological evidence for a growth-associated decline in synaptic efficacy. Finally, electrophysiology was used to describe some of the functional correlates and consequences of competitive interactions between the terminals of different axons. These results are explained by a hypothetical mechanism that involves trophic support provided by the muscle to the motoneuron, the overall level of nerve-muscle activity, and the synchrony of pre- and postsynaptic activity.  相似文献   

The nonlinear cable equation was solved numerically by means of an implicit procedure. The correlation between end-plate length and fiber diameter was determined in frog (Rana pipiens) sartorius muscles stained with gold chloride (Löwit, 1875). The diameter of the fibers stained by the Löwit method was 80 (74-85) micron (median and its 95% confidence interval for 52 fibers), the length of the end plates in the same fibers was 382 (353-417) micron. The fibers simulated were 80 micron in diameter. To solve the equation the muscle fibers were represented by 500 segments 20 micron long, and the equation was solved in steps of 10 microseconds; a double exponential function was incorporated to the first seven segments to represent the neuromuscular junction. The potential of the first segment of the cable was set to the clamping level and the membrane potential of the remaining segments calculated. The current needed to hold the first segment was estimated by adding the current flowing through the first segment to the current flowing from it to the second segment. Our results indicate that the lack of space clamp in the point voltage-clamp studies of the frog neuromuscular junction introduces serious errors in the estimates of the end-plate conductance value, the kinetics of the conductance changes, and the reversal potential of the end-plate currents. The possibility of an efficient voltage-clamp technique is also explored. Our calculations suggest that the study of end-plate current and conductance is possible with little error if the end-plate potential is controlled at both ends of the synaptic area simultaneously.  相似文献   

A key objective of stem cell biology is to create physiologically relevant cells suitable for modeling disease pathologies in vitro. Much progress towards this goal has been made in the area of motor neuron (MN) disease through the development of methods to direct spinal MN formation from both embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells. Previous studies have characterized these neurons with respect to their molecular and intrinsic functional properties. However, the synaptic activity of stem cell-derived MNs remains less well defined. In this study, we report the development of low-density co-culture conditions that encourage the formation of active neuromuscular synapses between stem cell-derived MNs and muscle cells in vitro. Fluorescence microscopy reveals the expression of numerous synaptic proteins at these contacts, while dual patch clamp recording detects both spontaneous and multi-quantal evoked synaptic responses similar to those observed in vivo. Together, these findings demonstrate that stem cell-derived MNs innervate muscle cells in a functionally relevant manner. This dual recording approach further offers a sensitive and quantitative assay platform to probe disorders of synaptic dysfunction associated with MN disease.  相似文献   

A decrease in the amplitude of the miniature and evoked end-plate potentials, as well as a change in the course of facilitation and depression of the end-plate potentials under rhythmic stimulation, were observed in psychosine-treated preparations of the cutaneous-pectoral muscle of the frog. The results of electron microscopic investigations indicate changes in the structure of synaptic Schwann cells enveloping the motor terminals and disturbances of the inner mesaxon structure of the myelinated axons.A. A. Ukhtomskii Institute of Physiology, Saint Petersburg University. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 482–490, July–August, 1992.  相似文献   

In this review we present recent evidence implicating second-messenger systems in two forms of long-lasting synaptic change seen at crustacean neuromuscular junctions. Crustacean motor axons are endowed with numerous terminals, each possessing many individual synapses. Some synapses appear to be quiescent or impotent, but can be recruited in response to imposed functional demands. Supernormal impulse activity leads to long-term facilitation (LTF) which persists for many hours. During the persistent phase, additional synapses are physiologically effective, and morphological changes in synapses are seen at the ultrastructural level. Pulsatile application of serotonin, a neuromodulator, also enhances synaptic transmission, but this enhancement declines more rapidly than LTF. Elevation of intraterminal Ca2+ is neither necessary nor sufficient for long-lasting enhancement of transmission, but activation of A-kinase is necessary. LTF is set in motion by an unknown depolarization-dependent mechanism leading to A-kinase activation, whereas serotonin facilitation depends for its initiation on the phosphatidylinositol system. The initial phase of serotonin facilitation may be accounted for by production of inositol triphosphate, whereas the secondary long-lasting phase appears to require participation of both C kinase and A kinase. Neither LTF nor serotonin facilitation requires an intact neuron; both are presynaptic phenomena expressed by the nerve terminals. Brief comparison is made with long-lasting synaptic changes in other systems.  相似文献   

Summary Isolated rat hearts were subjected to increasing periods of hypoxia with or without subsequent reoxygenation and the gap-junctional particle configuration was followed quantitatively. Irregular contractions were prevented by K+-arrest; glucose, counteracting the effects of hypoxia, was omitted. Hyperkalemia alone and a maximum of 20 min of hypoxia do not produce reorganization of the gap-junctional particles normally forming multiple hexagonally packed arrays separated by smooth aisles. After 30 min of hypoxia, the aisles disappear in a proportion of the junctions, thereby increasing the particle density from 9400±800/m2 to 10200±900/m2. After 40 min of hypoxia, the normal configuration is no longer found and numerous junctions are arranged as uninterrupted hexagonal lattices. The particles are further condensed to 11600±900/m2. Following reoxygenation after both 30 and 40 min of hypoxia, the proportion of crystalline gap junctions dramatically augments and the mean particle density has further increased significantly. Corresponding thin sections show irreversible cell damage. When reoxygenation is performed with a control solution containing normal levels of K+ and glucose, the particle density does not increase substantially in comparison to the respective 30- and 40-min hypoxic periods. In both groups, the gap junctions display either a normal, a crystalline or an intermediate configuration with crystalline margins and loose centers. The gap-junctional reorganization during hypoxia essentially represents a particle condensation, while the mean center-to-center distances between the particles and pits remain constant. Furthermore, the reappearance of normal gap junctions after reoxygenation appears to depend on glucose availability.  相似文献   

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