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Large numbers of the snail Terebralia palustris (Linnaeus) (Potamididae; Gastropoda) are frequently observed feeding in a cluster on a single fallen mangrove leaf, yet none are present on leaves nearby. Consequently, we investigated the food-finding ability of T. palustris in a Kenyan mangrove forest using field experiments. We estimated the attractive effect of different cues and analysed the paths (video-recorded) of snails when approaching a food-related odour. This intertidal snail can potentially use both air-borne and water-borne odours to locate food. T. palustris is attracted to conspecifics feeding on leaves, while intact leaves as well as non-feeding snails are not attractive. Moreover, the guiding stimulus appears to be compounds released when the leaves are damaged.T. palustris also seems able to discriminate between different food items; it is more strongly attracted to green mangrove leaves than senescent or fallen ones or mangrove propagules, probably because green leaves release a greater amount of attractive cues.Feeding snails thus recruit more snails to feed on the same leaf. The ecological implications of this behaviour are discussed: a large number of snails on the same leaf counteracts the ability of crabs to remove the leaf being eaten by the snails.  相似文献   

This revision addresses two Southern Hemisphere genera in the family Buccinidae. Buccipagoda kengrahami (Ponder, 1982) and B. ponderi n. sp. are recognised from off southern Australia and B. achilles n. sp. from off New Zealand. Sagenotriton n. gen. is introduced for S. ajax n. sp. from off New Zealand, and S. bathybius (Bouchet & Warén, 1986) and S. bonaespei (Barnard, 1963) from off South Africa.  相似文献   

Understanding the relative impacts of harvesting across an area such as a marine park is vital if the goals of fisheries management are to be met. Given their accessibility, densities of targeted intertidal turbinids should be relatively simple to quantify; however, natural spatial and temporal variability in these populations has hampered this effort. This study aimed to quantify short-term population dynamics of Turbo militaris in relation to current zoning regulations and accessibility. While our results reflected the variability found by other studies, we also detected significantly lower densities at a headland where harvesting is known to occur, and found a trend towards denser aggregations at more remote locations. Importantly, we found that densities at some locations were so low that current fisheries bag limits may be ineffective for protecting populations at local scales. Comparisons between study sites suggest a combination of no-take zoning and inaccessibility may provide the most effective protection for this species. However, a greater understanding of the wider impacts of harvesting, and processes affecting recovery, are essential to ensure sustainable management of this fishery.  相似文献   

Variation in the abundance, distribution and size of four species of mangrove littorinid gastropods (genus Littoraria) was investigated using a nested sampling design at different spatial scales along the East African coast, from Tanzania to South Africa. Littorinid abundance and diversity decreased abruptly south of Inhaca Island at the southern end of the study area. All species presented a large-scale spatial variation in abundance, with L. subvittata showing the greatest abundance while L. intermedia was rare. Littoraria scabra and L. intermedia were found mainly at the seaward edge of the forests. Littoraria subvittata increased in abundance in the middle of the forest and towards the landward side. Littoraria pallescens occurred mainly at the seaward edge and in the middle areas in the Rhizophora zone. These small-scale variations show contrasting specific distribution patterns within the mangrove, likely reflecting different tolerances to physical factors and biological interactions. All species appeared decreased in shell height from north to south. Littoraria scabra was always significantly larger than other species at all mangrove study sites. Handling editor: P. Viaroli  相似文献   

The ellobiid Ellobium scheepmakeri (Petit de la Saussaye, 1850) is reported from the banks of the Selangor River estuary, 57 years after it was first collected in Peninsular Malaysia. It was found in abundance under logs in the dryland mangrove forest of a dominantly Nypa swamp at the upper reaches of the Kuala Selangor estuary where sediment pore water salinity was recorded at 6–7 ppt.  相似文献   

A new galesaurid cynodont, Progalesaurus lootsbergensis gen. et sp. nov., is described on the basis of a well-preserved skull, lower jaw, right scapula and left atlantal neural arch. Autapomorphies of Progalesaurus include postcanine teeth bearing numerous mesial and distal accessory cusps that flank a recurved main cusp, a post-temporal fenestra bordered by the squamosal ventrally and a large external naris. Progalesaurus is similar to Galesaurus in possessing a poorly defined masseteric fossa on the dentary, a strongly recurved main cusp of the postcanine dentition, an incomplete secondary palate and a similar basisphenoid-parasphenoid morphology. A cladistic analysis of ten early cynodont genera resolves a monophyletic Galesauridae encompassing Cynosaurus , Progalesaurus and Galesaurus , although support for this clade is weak. Procynosuchus and Dvinia are placed at the base of Cynodontia whereas Thrinaxodon and Platycraniellus are positioned higher, but outside of Eucynodontia. The holotype and only known specimen of Progalesaurus was collected during systematic prospecting of Permo/Triassic boundary strata at New Lootsberg Pass, Graaff-Reinet District, South Africa. The discovery of Progalesaurus increases the number of valid Early Triassic cynodonts to four and sheds light on the tempo of early cynodont diversification after the end-Permian mass extinction.  相似文献   

Cerithideopsilla is a genus of potamidid snails found in high abundance on sedimentary intertidal flats and beneath mangrove trees on continental shores in the tropical and subtropical Indo‐West Pacific region and Mediterranean Sea. Taxonomic revisions have recognized four species, but recent molecular studies have hinted at a higher diversity. Here, we analyse 377 individuals sampled from across the known range and use a combination of molecular phylogenetic (mitochondrial COI and 16S rRNA, and nuclear 28S rRNA genes), statistical (generalized mixed Yule‐coalescent GMYC method) and morphological (shell form) criteria to delimit 16 species. These form four species groups, corresponding with the traditionally recognized species C. alata, C. ‘djadjariensis’ (for which the valid name is C. incisa), C. cingulata and C. conica. Distribution maps were compiled using museum specimens identified by diagnostic shell characters. In combination with the molecular phylogenetic trees, these suggest an allopatric speciation mode, with diversification centred on the East Asian coastline and northern Australia, and a pronounced gap in the ‘eastern Indonesian corridor’, an area of low oceanic productivity. There is, however, frequently geographical overlap between sister species and we suggest from several sources of evidence (e.g. presence of C. conica in isolated saline lakes 900 km from the sea) that post‐speciation transport by migratory birds has occurred. Nine of the 16 species occur between the Gulf of Tonkin and Hong Kong, so southern China is significant for both the evolution and conservation of Cerithideopsilla species. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 114 , 212–228.  相似文献   

Synopsis Feeding habits, diel periodicity and total daily ingestion, and nitrogen budgets of longfin dace (Agosia chrysogaster) were examined on two occasions when food quality, but not quantity, differed. Agosia chrysogaster was found to be an opportunistic omnivore, consuming primarily insects when the preferred taxon (baetid mayflies) was abundant in the environment, but consuming primarily algae when mayfly abundance was low. Ingestion provided a better measure of diel feeding periodicity than gut fullness; feeding was diurnal on both sample dates, but more markedly so when the primary food was algae. Mean nitrogen content of algal foods was low, and A. chrysogaster apparently compensated for this by increasing its daily ingestion rate when algae were the major food. A reduction in nitrogen content of food during digestion from 4–6% (of dry mass) to less than 1% (in feces) suggested a high assimilation efficiency for nitrogen (nitrogen assimilated/nitrogen consumed = 72–78%). Populations of this abundant and successful cyprinid in Sonoran Desert streams may play an important role in ecosystem nitrogen dynamics. Nitrogen stored in fish biomass comprised 3–6% of the total nitrogen stored in Sycamore Creek, and excretion of ammonia by the fish represented 5–10% of total nitrogen uptake by algae. Such rapid recycling of usable nitrogen to primary producers is significant in this nitrogen limited stream ecosystem.  相似文献   

Three new species of Crenitis Bedel, 1881 are described from South Africa; C. castellus sp.n. and C. rupestris sp. n. from the KwaZulu-Natal Drakensberg, and C. quagga sp.n. from the Western Cape Province. All three new species were found in madicolous habitats, which appear to be characteristic for a number of species of the genus. A revised key to African species of Crenitis is included.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:18BE876C-46CB-4AD5-9BB0-EA6F8D711F09  相似文献   

In the courtship behavior of the German cockroach, the male presents tergal glands to the female and feeds her with glandular secretions to place her in the appropriate precopulatory position. The phagostimulant activity of the secretions was quantitatively examined using the polyethylene glycol film method. The methanol extract of the glands on the eighth tergite induced a potent feeding response in 6-day-old virgin females (EC 50 = 0.0037 male equivalent/40 g PEG spot). However, there was no temporal relation between the feeding response and the sexual receptivity of the females. Moreover, besides virgin females, the extract induced a feeding response in gravid or mated females, males, and the last-instar nymphs. These results strongly suggest that the secretions function as a dietary feeding stimulant in principle but as a courtship pheromone in the context of courtship behavior where the stimulants are offered as a nuptial gift.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2018,17(6):366-377
A new Plio-Pleistocene viverrid species is described based on two newly discovered maxillae (KW 10141 and KW 10383) from the recent excavations at the hominin-bearing site of Kromdraai (Gauteng, South Africa). This major site allows us to address the conundrum of Paranthropus and Homo origins in South Africa and presents a highly diverse carnivore spectrum (at least 22 species) including herpestids and viverrids. Civettictis braini nov. sp. is a viverrid species comparable in size to the extant African civet Civettictis civetta (Schreber, 1776). However C. braini nov. sp. differs significantly from the extant species in its dental proportions. Its canine and three premolars (P1–P3) are relatively robust, while its carnassials (P4) and two molars (M1, M2) are extremely reduced. This new species supplements our knowledge on carnivore taxonomic diversity and paleoecology in Southern Africa about 2 millions of years ago.  相似文献   

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