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We analysed 87 species of Onosma (Boraginaceae) from throughout its distribution range to investigate its evolutionary history. Using nrDNA ITS and two plastid (rpl32‐trnL(UAG) and trnH–psbA) markers, we reconstructed phylogenetic relationships within Onosma by conducting maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, Bayesian, and BEAST analyses. The analyses revealed that Onosma as currently circumscribed is not monophyletic. However, the vast majority of Onosma species appear to belong to a single clade, the so‐called Onosma s.s. Outside of this core clade is a clade containing O. rostellata, a subclade of Sino‐Indian species and Maharanga emodii. Podonosma orientalis (as O. orientalis) appear only distantly related to Onosma but is more closely related to Alkanna, as also suggested in previous molecular studies. The Onosma s.s. clade includes all representatives of O. sect. Onosma, and encompasses three subsections, i.e. Onosma, Haplotricha and Heterotricha, corresponding to asterotrichous, haplotrichous and heterotrichous groups, respectively, but none of these subsections was retrieved as monophyletic. We observed significant incongruence between nuclear and chloroplast phylogenies regarding the phylogenetic status of the heterotrichous group. A dozen of the Iranian haplotrichous species formed a lineage which may not hybridize with asterotrichous species. Divergence time estimates suggested that the early radiation of Onosma s.l. took place at the Oligocene‐Miocene boundary and the diversification within Onosma s.s. occurred during middle to late Miocene and Pliocene.  相似文献   

Astragalus sect. Incani, one of the most species‐rich sections of Astragalus with ca 140 species, is well known for its taxonomic complexity resulting from overlapping morphological characters and high phenotypic plasticity. Its main centers of diversity are in Iran and Turkey with about 120 species. Using nrDNA ITS and plastid rpl32‐trnL(UAG) markers, we reconstructed the phylogeny of members of the section by means of maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, Bayesian, Beast and S‐DIVA analyses. This is the first comprehensive work on the section Incani covering its full geographic range. All members of the section (including A. subsecundus) except A. platyphyllus formed a well‐supported clade (Incani s.s.). Within the section, two major groups with different geographic distribution were detected. One group includes nine examined species restricted to eastern Iran and Central Asia and the other group comprises a majority of the species from west and northwestern Iran, Turkey and southern Europe. The Divergence time analysis suggests that Incani s.s. originated in the late Pliocene and a majority of the speciation events dates to the last 1–1.5 Myr. This indicates that the recent diversification of Incani s.s. coincided with climatic changes during the Pliocene and Pleistocene and was followed by complex biogeographical processes in which dispersal have been vital for shaping the current distribution pattern . The S‐DIVA suggested a predominantly east–west route of dispersal from an origin in the east, and a major phylogenetic split between eastern and western lineages. However, the geographical distribution of A. monspessulanus/A. incanus and A. ackerbergensis/A. gueldenstaedtiae does not correspond to their phylogenetic positions. The former species are restricted to southern Europe/North Africa, but belong in two distinct subclades. The latter, restricted to northeastern Iran are phylogenetically close to species of western and northwestern Iran and Turkey. Astragalus sykesiae is resurrected as a distinct species separated from a broadly defined A. mercklinii.  相似文献   

This study represents a nuclear rDNA ITS-based phylogenetic analyses of a greater sampling of the Old WorldAstragalus compared to our previous work (212 vs. 134 taxa). Phylogenetic relationships among 212 species (213 accessions) of the Old WorldAstragalus, including newly segregated monotypic genusPodlechiella, the two aneuploid New WorldAstragalus, and five related genera, were inferred from analyses of nuclear rDNA ITS sequences using maximum parsimony. A total of 658 nucleotide sites and four binary characters for indels were analyzed. The results of phylogenetic analyses suggest sect.Phyllolobium, comprising mostly the Chinese species, is placed outside of the so-calledAstragalus s. str. and is a well-supported monophyletic group. The monotypic annual segregate genusThlaspidium (≡Astragalus sect.Thlaspidium, A. thlaspi), is clearly nested withinAstragalus s. str. Among the many sections analyzed here, only sects.Cenanthrum, Caraganella, Eremophysa, Incani, Laxiflori, andLotidium are strongly supported as monophyletic. Our analysis, in agreement with previous studies, shows that the North American euploidAstragalus species are scattered throughout the Old World groups of the genus.  相似文献   

ITS and ETS-based sequence analyses of 29 Neolitsea, six Actinodaphne and five outgroup `core' Laureae taxa show that Neolitsea is monophyletic with two large subclades, whereas most of the sampled Actinodaphne are paraphyletic below it. Inflorescence features appear to be among the more reliable morphological characters for explaining relationships between Neolitsea and other genera within the `core' Laureae, with the Neolitsea/Actinodaphne clade defined by inflorescences lacking vegetative terminal buds in the main axis. Although the relationships within Neolitsea are still poorly resolved, there is enough structure to suggest that the genus seems to divide into two groups based on fruit shape: elliptic or ovoid, versus globose, although more evidence (both molecular and morphological) and wider taxon sampling are required to confirm this.  相似文献   

Pachysandra is an eastern Asian-North American disjtunct genus with three species, two in eastern Asia (Pachysandra axillaris and Pachysandra terminalis) and one in eastern North America (Pachysandra procurnbens). Although morphological and cytological studies suggest a close affinity of Pprocumbens with P axillaris, molecular data from nuclear and chloroplast DNA regions have provided conflicting signals. In this study, we tested previous phylogenetic hypotheses using sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacers and chloroplast ndhF gene from multiple individuals of each of the three species. We also estimated the time of divergence between eastem Asia and eastern North America. Our results support the morphological and cytological conclusion that P procumbens is more closely related to P axillaris than to P terminalis. The estimated time of divergence of P axillaris and P procumbens was 14.6±5.5 mya, consistent with estimates from many other eastern Asian-North American disjunct genera. The migration of Pachysandra populations from eastern Asia to North America might have occurred by way of the North Atlantic land bridge.  相似文献   

Lespedeza (tribe Desmodieae, Fabaceae) follows a disjunct distribution in eastern Asia and eastern North America. Phylogenetic relationships among its species and related taxa were inferred from nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and plastid sequences (trnH‐psbA, psbK‐psbI, trnK‐matK and rpoC1). We examined 35 species of Lespedeza, two of Kummerowia and one of Campylotropis, the sole constituents of the Lespedeza group. An analysis of these data revealed that the genus Campylotropis is sister to the other two genera. However, we were unable to resolve the relationships between Kummerowia and Lespedeza in the strict consensus trees of parsimony analyses based on plastid and combined DNA data. In the genus Lespedeza, the Old World subgenus Macrolespedeza is monophyletic, whereas the transcontinental subgenus Lespedeza is paraphyletic. Monophyly of eastern Asian species and of North American species is strongly supported. Although inconsistent with the traditional classification, this phylogenetic finding is consistent with seedling morphology. Three subgroups recognized in subgenus Macrolespedeza were unresolved in our phylogenetic trees. An incongruence length difference (ILD) test indicated that the two partitions (nuclear ITS and plastid sequences) were significantly incongruent, perhaps because of hybridization between species in Lespedeza. Most of the primary clades of tribe Desmodieae are Asian, implying that the relatively few New World ones, such as those in Lespedeza, are more recently derived from Asia. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 164 , 221–235.  相似文献   

The current study represents phylogenetic analyses of Eremurus, Asphodelus and Asphodeline (Xanthorrhoeaceae-Asphodeloideae) using both plastids genome (trnL-F) and the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (nrDNA ITS) sequence data. The analyses revealed that each of the investigated genera is monophyletic. Eremurus subgenus Eremurus is monophyletic, whereas the E. subgenus Henningia is paraphyletic. Trachyandra is the closest relative of Eremurus. Bulbinella and Kniphofia are subsequent sisters of Eremurus and Trachyandra. Aloe, Haworthia and Bulbine were nested in a single clade, sister to the last four genera. Asphodeline section Asphodeline appeared to be non-monophyletic, because of the inclusion of A. damascena. All species of Asphodelus analyzed herein, formed a well-supported clade that it is sister to the clade of Asphodeline species.  相似文献   

Abstract Pachysandra is an eastern Asian–North American disjunct genus with three species, two in eastern Asia (Pachysandra axillaris and Pachysandra terminalis) and one in eastern North America (Pachysandra procumbens). Although morphological and cytological studies suggest a close affinity of P. procumbens with P. axillaris, molecular data from nuclear and chloroplast DNA regions have provided conflicting signals. In this study, we tested previous phylogenetic hypotheses using sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacers and chloroplast ndhF gene from multiple individuals of each of the three species. We also estimated the time of divergence between eastern Asia and eastern North America. Our results support the morphological and cytological conclusion that P. procumbens is more closely related to P. axillaris than to P. terminalis. The estimated time of divergence of P. axillaris and P. procumbens was 14.6±5.5 mya, consistent with estimates from many other eastern Asian–North American disjunct genera. The migration of Pachysandra populations from eastern Asia to North America might have occurred by way of the North Atlantic land bridge.  相似文献   

This paper assessed the systematic position of the genus Gomphogyne. The nuclear ITS, the chloro-plast rpl16, and trnS-trnR sequences were used to reconstruct the phylogeny of Gomphogyne and its related gen-era. Analyses of three separate and combined datasets provided a good amount of informative characters and re-solved the systematical relationships of Gomphogyne well. The maximum parsimony analyses revealed that: (1) Gomphogyne was a natural genus and was different from the genera Hemsleya and Gynostemma; (2) Hemsleya delavayi and H. macrocarpa did not belong to the genus Gomphogyne, but to the genus Hemsleya; and (3) Gomphogyne was sister to Hemsleya. It was assured that Gomphogyne was a monotypic genus. These results were largely in agreement with the systems of classification of the Cucurbitaceae of Jeffrey in 1990 and in 2005 and with that of Li for Hemsleya in 1993, but were different from the previous studies in which Gomphogyne and Gy-nostemma together were suggested to be sister to Hemsleya.  相似文献   

运用核糖体DNA内转录间隔区ITS序列对狭蕊龙胆属Metagentiana10种及其近缘属22种植物进行了系统发育分析。ITS分析结果表明狭蕊龙胆属是一个多系群:在系统发育树上,双蝴蝶属Tripterospermum和蔓龙胆属Crawfurdia的种类位于狭蕊龙胆属各分支中,而且双蝴蝶属和蔓龙胆属的种类也相互交叉;这一结果不支持将3个属各自独立为属。但是,在所有分析中,3个属共同形成一单系分支,是龙胆属Gentiana的姊妹群;这一结果与形态学、花部解剖学、细胞学、孢粉学和胚胎学等证据基本一致,狭蕊龙胆属应该从龙胆属中分离出来,它与双蝴蝶属和蔓龙胆属有更为密切的亲缘关系。根据分支图,在狭蕊龙胆属、双蝴蝶属和蔓龙胆属组成的复合群中,现已知的染色体基数x=17、21和23可能存在网状和平行进化。  相似文献   

Phylogenetics of Chilopsis and Catalpa (Bignoniaceae) was elucidated based on sequences of chloroplast ndhF and the nrDNA ITS region. In Bignoniaceae, Chilopsis and Catalpa are most closely related as sister genera. Our data supported section Macrocatalpa of the West Indies and section Catalpa of eastern Asian and North American continents. Within section Catalpa, Catalpa ovata of eastern Asia form a clade with North American species, C. speciosa and C. bignonioides, while the other eastern Asian species comprise a clade where C. duclouxii is sister to the clade of C. bungei and C. fargesii. The Caribbean species of Catalpa diverged early from the continental species. More studies are needed to test whether the phylogenetic pattern is common in eastern Asian-North American disjunct genera with species in the West Indies.  相似文献   

We investigated phylogenetic and biogeographic relationships within Juglans (walnuts), a Tertiary disjunct genus, using 15 species of Juglans and related (Juglandaceae) outgroups. The relationships were analyzed using nucleotide sequences of the chloroplast gene matK and its flanking spacers and of the internal transcribed spacers (ITS) and 5.8S gene of the nuclear ribosomal DNA. The DNA sequences provided 246 informative characters for parsimony analysis. ITS data supported as monophyletic groups the four generic sections, Cardiocaryon, Dioscaryon, Rhysocaryon, and Trachycaryon. Within Rhysocaryon, the temperate black walnuts and the tropical black walnuts were supported as monophyletic groups. When the two data sets were combined, J. cinerea was nested within Cardiocaryon. Combined analysis with published nuclear DNA restriction site data placed J. cinerea in a monophyletic group with Cardiocaryon. These analyses consistently supported Juglans as a monophyletic group and as the sister group to the genus Pterocarya. The results of this work are consistent with the known geological history of Juglans. The fossil record suggests that the butternuts had evolved by the early Oligocene in North America. The presence of butternuts in Eurasia could be the result of migration from North America to Eurasia during the warming trend of the mid Oligocene.  相似文献   

基于ITS、rpl16和trnS-trnR DNA序列讨论锥形果属的系统位置   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于核基因ITS和叶绿体基因rpll6、trnS-trnR的DNA序列讨论了锥形果属的系统位置,3个基因片段独立以及联合的分析为锥形果属Gomphogyne的系统进化研究提供了足够的信息.结果表明:(1)锥形果属是一个自然属;(2)雪胆属Hemsleya的短柄雪胆H. delavayi和圆锥果雪胆H. macrocarpa曾经被作为锥形果属的种,分子证据表明它们确实隶属于雪胆属;(3)锥形果属单独构成雪胆属的姊妹群,而并非是与绞股蓝属Gynostemma共同构成.  相似文献   


A phylogenetic analysis was performed based on ITS DNA sequences of fourteen samples from different sources of six species of Salicornia, the three allied genera Arthrocnemum, Sarcocornia and Halocnemum of the same tribe Salicornieae, and other genera of the subfamily Salicornioideae used in previous studies. Bassia hirsuta, Camphorosma monspeliaca (subfamily Chenopodioideae) and four species of Suaeda (subf. Suaedoideae) were chosen as outgroups. Results show that the annual genus Salicornia is a sister group to the perennial genera Sarcocornia, Arthrocnemum and Halocnemum. Moreover, the phylogenetic analysis based on ITS results distinguished two groups of Salicornia species which fitted with ploidy level: one group consisted of diploid species, and the second of tetraploid ones. Sarcocornia and Arthrocnemum are shown to be closely related, even though the species investigated here exhibited an evident distance between their ITS sequences. On the basis of our results, these two genera should be united. Bienertia (already separated as Bienertieae) was confirmed as probable outgroup to the subf. Salicornioideae, while Kalidium (subf. Salicornioideae, tribe Halopeplideae) was an outgroup to the rest of the Salicornioideae (tribe Salicornieae). The group Allenrolfea plus Halocnemum was the most basal of the tribe Salicornieae amongst those investigated in this study. The two samples of Halocnemum strobilaceum used in this work displayed numerous changes (transitions and transversions) in their respective sequences, probably related to their morphological and chorological differentiation. On the basis of our analysis, the most probable basal chromosome number for Salicornieae appears to be 2n = 18. The same number would also be the base number for the annual genus Salicornia and the perennial Arthrocnemum ( + Sarcocornia), with polyploidy arising independently in the two groups.  相似文献   

应用nrDNA ITS和ETS序列探讨了樟科Lauraceae黄肉楠属Actinodaphne的系统演化关系。对得到的3个序列矩阵(ITS、ETS和ITS/ETS),采用MP(maximum parsimony),ML(maximum likelihood)和Bayesian33分析方法进行了系统发育分析。结果显示,本文选的黄肉楠属Actinodaphne物种与所选的月棒族中的外类群靠近并混和在一起,进一步证实了本属为一个复系类群。结合对传统的形态学性状的重新认识,认为花序类型特征可能是重新界定黄肉楠属的最重要的性状,具有相同化序类型的物种可能具有相同的起源。然而,由于取样数量相对较少以及对矩阵的中.独分析存在一定的差异,还需更详细的研究来验证本文对黄肉楠属系统演化关系的假设,并进一步更精确地重建本属的系统发育关系。  相似文献   

沼兰族是兰科植物的大族之一,约2000种,除了极地和沙漠地区,全球均有分布.该族植物主要分布在热带地区,尤其在东南亚、热带美洲、非洲以及澳大利亚等地区种类非常丰富.目前,已有关于该族植物形态和分子系统的研究,但有关该族亚族和属间的系统关系尚不清楚,属的界定争议也较大.该文基于核基因片段 ITS 和叶绿体基因片段 mat K 序列,采用最大简约法、最大似然法贝叶斯推理分析法,对现有沼兰族主要属的123种植物和10个外类群植物进行了分子系统学研究.结果表明:沼兰族主要分为3个亚族分支,包括附生的鸢尾兰亚族(Oberoniinae)、地生的羊耳蒜亚族(Liparidinae)和沼兰亚族分支(Crepidium clade).鸢尾兰亚族包括6个属、羊耳蒜亚族分支包括5个属、沼兰亚族分支包括4个属;丫瓣兰亚族(Ypsilorchidinae)应归并为鸢尾兰亚族;Disticholiparis 属与 Stichorkis 属的模式标本相同,应并入 Stichorkis 属;沼兰属(Cre-pidium )和无耳沼兰属(Dienia )的唇瓣结构差异较大,但二者均为单系类群.此外,在收集野外实验材料过程中,发现了2种产自中国西南部和越南北部的沼兰族新种,分别命名为麻栗坡羊耳蒜(Platystyliparis mali-poensis G.D.Tang,X.Y.Zhuang & Z.J.Liu)和秉滔羊耳蒜(Cestichis pingtaoi G.D.Tang,X.Y.Zhuang &Z.J.Liu).  相似文献   

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