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Complementation tests and enzyme analyses separated 29 leucine auxotrophs of the Basidiomycete Rhodosporidium toruloides into three groups, each deficient in one of the leucine biosynthetic enzymes. The following differences are suggested between the organization of the leucine pathway in R. toruloides and the Ascomycetes Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Neurospora crassa: (1) isopropylmalate, the product of the first enzymic reaction appears not to be an internal inducer of the later enzymes of the pathway; this is consistent with the apparent lack of mutants homologous to the leu3 class in N. crassa and S. cerevisiae; (2) as in S. cerevisiae, but unlike N. crassa, isopropylmalate synthase is under the control of a general cross pathway control system; (3) unlike S. cerevisiae, but like N. crassa, R. toruloides appears to possess only one gene encoding isopropylmalate synthase.Abbreviations IPM Isopropylmalate - EMS methanesulphonic acid, ethyl ester  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The metabolism of leucine by Leishmania donovani was investigated. Washed promastigotes were incubated with (1-14C]-or [U-14C]leucine or [1 -14C]α-ketoisocaproate (KIC) and 14C02 release was measured. The amount of KIC-derived acetyl-CoA oxidized in the citric acid cycle was computed. Promastigotes from mid-stationary phase cultures oxidized each of these labeled substrates less rapidly than cells from late log phase cultures, and significantly less acetyl-CoA derived from KIC oxidation was oxidized in the citric acid cycle. Glucose was a stronger inhibitor than was acetate of CO2 formation in the citric acid cycle in log phase promastigotes, but the reverse was observed in cells from mid-stationary phase. Alanine also inhibited leucine catabolism, but glutamate had little effect. Acute hypo-osmotic stress did not affect leucine catabolism, but hyper-osmotic stress caused appreciable inhibition of leucine oxidation. Cells grown under hypo-or hyper-osmotic conditions showed no changes in the effects of hypo-or hyper-osmotic stress on leucine catabolism, i.e. L. donovani is not an osmoconformer with respect to leucine metabolism. Leucine utilization in L. donovani was insensitive to a number of drugs that affect leucine metabolism in mammalian cells, indicating that the leucine pathway in L. donovani is not regulated in the same manner as in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Tropomodulin-1 (Tmod-1) is a well defined actin-capping protein that interacts with tropomyosin (TM) at the pointed end of actin filaments. Previous studies by others have mapped its TM-binding domain to the amino terminus from amino acid 39 to 138. In this study, we have identified several amino acid residues on Tmod-1 that are important for its interaction with TM5 (a nonmuscle TM isoform). Glutathione S-transferase affinity chromatography and immunoprecipitation assays reveal that Tmod sense mutations of either amino acid 134, 135, or 136 causes various degrees of loss of function of Tmod TM-binding ability. The reduction of TM-binding ability was relatively mild (reduced approximately 20-40%) from the G136A Tmod mutant but more substantially (reduced approximately 50-100%) from the I134D, L135E, and L135V Tmod mutants. In addition, mutation at any of these three sites dramatically alters the subcellular location of Tmod-1 when introduced into mammalian cells. Further analysis of these three mutants uncovered a previously unknown nuclear trafficking function of Tmod-1, and residues 134, 135, and 136 are located within a nuclear export signal motif. As a result, mutation on either residue 134 or residue 135 not only will cause a significant reduction of the Tmod-1 ability to bind to TM5 but also lead to predominant nuclear localization of Tmod-1 by crippling its nuclear export mechanism. The failure of the Tmod mutations to fully associate with TM5 when introduced into neonatal rat cardiomyocytes was also associated with an accelerated and severe fragmentation of sarcomeric structures compared with overexpression of wild type Tmod-1. The multiple losses of function of Tmod engendered by these missense mutations are most severe with the single substitution of residue 135.  相似文献   

Biosynthetic pathways of acyl moieties of capsaicinoid in intactCapsicum fruits and spheroplasts prepared from placentas ofCapsicum fruits were examined using a radioisotopic technique.In intact Capsicum fruits, L-[U-14C] valine was incorporatedinto capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin, the acyl constituents ofwhich are even-number branched chain fatty acids, while L-[U-14C]leucine was incorporated into nordihydrocapsaicin and homodihydrocapsaicin,which have odd-number branched chain facty acids as the acylmoieties. The intermediates of the odd- and even-number branchedchain fatty acids were identified with GLC/GPC after the spheroplastshad been incubated with L-[U-14C] valine or L-[U-14C] leucine.After incubation with L-[U-14C] valine, isobutyric acid and8-methyl nonanoic acid were detected, while isopentanoic acidand 9-methyl decanoic acid were found after incubation withL-[U-14C] leucine. The involvement of a-ketoisovalerate or a-ketoisocaproatein the biosynthesis of acyl moieties of capsaicinoid was alsodemonstrated in vitro using cell-free extracts of the placentasof Capsicum fruits. These findings suggest that the acyl moietiesof individual capsaicinoids in Capsicum fruits are synthesizedby pathways similar to those proposed for adipose tissue andbacteria. 1Formation and Metabolism of Pungent Principle of Capsicum Fruits.Part IX. (Received September 2, 1980; Accepted November 17, 1980)  相似文献   

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