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Rapid, reversible light-induced absorbance changes at 475 and515 nm in chloroplast fragments were diminished by washing thefragments with Tris. These diminished absorbance changes wererestoredby the donation of electrons to photosystem II by hydrogen peroxide (Received November 17, 1970; )  相似文献   

The method of centrifugation of chloroplast thylakoids through silicone fluid, previously used to estimate the uptake of solutes by thylakoids, is shown to be an excellent method for measuring binding of nucleotides to thylakoids. This binding, which is probably an exchange (Harris, D. A. and Slater, E. C. (1975) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 387, 335-348), is enhanced by light and is sensitive to uncoupling. Half-maximal binding of adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP) or adenosine 5'-diphosphate (ADP) at 10 mjM was reached within less than 0.1 s. With illumination times sufficient to elicit maximal binding, saturation of the site(s) is approached at 20 muM nucleotide and dissociation constants of 5 muM and 7 muM were calculated for ADP and ATP, respectively. At saturation, the binding corresponds to 1 mol/mol of coupling factor 1 or less. Although the light-dependent binding of ADP does not require Mg2+, that of ATP is markedly enhanced by Mg2+. A 10-fold molar excess of guanosine di- or triphosphate or adenyl-5'-yl imidodiphosphate had little effect on the binding. Adenosine 5'-phosphosulfate, a competitive inhibitor of phosphorylation with respect to ADP, decreases the binding. Thylakoids, previously illuminated in the absence of added nucleotides, retain the capacity to bind ADP or ATP in the dark long after the H+ electrochemical gradient has decayed. The conformation of coupling factor 1 in darkened thylakoids following illumination in the absence of added nucleotides may thus differ from that in thylakoids either illuminated in the presence of nucleotides or kept in the dark. Approximately 20% of the ADP bound to coupling factor 1 in thylakoids is converted to ATP by a 2-s illumination. Bound inorganic phosphate, derived either from ATP or from inorganic phosphate itself, serves as the phosphoryl donor. Bound ADP may, therefore, be of catalytic significance in the mechanism of phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Photochemical reactions of chloroplast fragments isolated fromspinach leaves were measured in the presence of ethylene glycolor were measured after washing with an ethylene glycol-containingmedium. 2,6-Dichlorophenolindophenol (DPIP) photoreduction,oxygen evolution and oxygen uptake (a photosystem I reaction)were investigated in ethylene glycol-treated chloroplast fragments.By washing with ethylene glycol, oxygen evolution was stronglyinhibited, but oxygen uptake was not much affected by ethyleneglycol washing. Chloroplast fragments in 50% ethylene glycolmaintained a high rate of DPIP photoreduction (85% of the controlactivity in an ethylene glycol-less medium). In 67% ethyleneglycol, DPIP photoreduction mediated by photosystem II was eliminatedand only a small rapid reduction mediated by photosystem I wasobserved. Chloroplast fragments inhibited by ethylene glycolphotoreduced DPIP in the presence of p-aminophenol added asan artificial electron donor to photosystem II. The restoredactivity of DPIP photoreduction was inhibited by 3-(3',4'- dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea. (Received September 8, 1970; )  相似文献   

Cryptochromes are blue light-activated photoreceptors found in multiple organisms with significant similarity to photolyases, a class of light-dependent DNA repair enzymes. Unlike photolyases, cryptochromes do not repair DNA and instead mediate blue light-dependent developmental, growth, and/or circadian responses by an as yet unknown mechanism of action. It has recently been shown that Arabidopsis cryptochrome-1 retains photolyase-like photoreduction of its flavin cofactor FAD by intraprotein electron transfer from tryptophan and tyrosine residues. Here we demonstrate that substitution of two conserved tryptophans that are constituents of the flavin-reducing electron transfer chain in Escherichia coli photolyase impairs light-induced electron transfer in the Arabidopsis cryptochrome-1 photoreceptor in vitro. Furthermore, we show that these substitutions result in marked reduction of light-activated autophosphorylation of cryptochrome-1 in vitro and of its photoreceptor function in vivo, consistent with biological relevance of the electron transfer reaction. These data support the possibility that light-induced flavin reduction via the tryptophan chain is the primary step in the signaling pathway of plant cryptochrome.  相似文献   

The prior treatment of thylakoids with cyanide (30 mM) was shown to inhibit plastocyanin-dependent electron transport reactions. We find that cyanide inhibition of electron flow from either water or diaminodurene to methyl viologen, but not from water to ferricyanide, is partially reversed when the thylakoids are collected by centrifugation and resuspended in a cyanide-free medium. However, methyl viologen reduction in thylakoids pretreated with cyanide is sensitive to cyanide (~1 mM) added to the reaction mixtures, whereas that in control thylakoids is unaffected. The cyanide must be added in the dark. Electron transport to methyl viologen in chloroplasts pretreated with cyanide is also sensitive to inhibition by EDTA and bathocuproine sulfonate. Thus, KCN inhibition of electron transport in thylakoids is partially reversible. Moreover, the accessibility of plastocyanin to various reagents is probably altered by the KCN treatment.  相似文献   

Oxidation-reduction reactions of photosystem II were investigatedin spinach chloroplast fragments. Chloroplast fragments treatedwith 8-hydroxyquinoline sulfate showed only a low activity forthe 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol (DPIP) Hill reaction, as wasobserved in chloroplast fragments treated with a high-concentrationof Tris buffer. Hydrogen peroxide could donate electrons tophotoreaction center II in chloroplast fragments treated with8-hydroxyquinoline, high-concentration Tris, or ethylene glycol,but water could not serve as an electron donor in these preparations.Electrons from hydrogen peroxide were transferred to DPIP, ferricyanide,and p-benzoquinone viaphotosystem II. (Received May 12, 1971; )  相似文献   

Effects of artificial electron donor and acceptors, electrontransfer mediators, and superoxide dismutase on lipid peroxidationin illuminated chloroplast fragments were studied. An indicator of lipid peroxidation, malondialdehyde (MDA) formation,was stimulated by 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-l,l-dimethylurea (DCMU).The DCMU stimulated MDA formation was inhibited about 90% byreduced 2,6-dichloroindophenol (DCIP). In photosystem I-enrichedparticles, MDA formation was larger than that in normal chloroplastfragments on the chlorophyll basis. Benzyl viologen and ferredoxinstimulated DMA formation. Superoxide dismutase inhibited MDAformation strongly in the presence of benzyl viologen and weaklyin its absence; the enzyme sometimes stimulated MDA formationin the presence of ferredoxin. Carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone(CCCP) stimulated MDA formation and maximal stimulation wasattained at about 20 µM CCCP.Phenazine methosulfate, DCIPand benzoquinone inhibited MDA formation in the presence andabsence of CCCP. From the above results, we confirmed our previous conclusionthat most of the singlet molecular oxygen formed in illuminatedchloroplasts is generated by electron transfer from O2to oxidized electron transfer components located on the oxidizingsides of photosystems I and II. (Received September 3, 1975; )  相似文献   

Photoinhibition was analyzed in O2-evolving and in Tris-treated PS II membrane fragments by measuring flash-induced absorption changes at 830 nm reflecting the transient P680+ formation and oxygen evolution. Irradiation by visible light affects the PS II electron transfer at two different sites: a) photoinhibition of site I eliminates the capability to perform a stable charge separation between P680+ and QA - within the reaction center (RC) and b) photoinhibition of site II blocks the electron transfer from YZ to P680+. The quantum yield of site I photoinhibition (2–3×10-7 inhibited RC/quantum) is independent of the functional integrity of the water oxidizing system. In contrast, the quantum yield of photoinhibition at site II depends strongly on the oxygen evolution capacity. In O2-evolving samples, the quantum yield of site II photoinhibition is about 10-7 inhibited RC/quantum. After selective elimination of the O2-evolving capacity by Tris-treatment, the quantum yield of photoinhibition at site II depends on the light intensity. At low intensity (<3 W/m2), the quantum yield is 10-4 inhibited RC/quantum (about 1000 times higher than in oxygen evolving samples). Based on these results it is inferred that the dominating deleterious effect of photoinhibition cannot be ascribed to an unique target site or a single mechanism because it depends on different experimental conditions (e.g., light intensity) and the functional status of the PS II complex.Abbreviations A830 absorption change at 830 nm - P680 primary electron donor of PS II - PS II photosystem II - Mes 2(N-morpholino)ethansulfonic acid - QA, QB primary and secondary acceptors of PS II - DCIP 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol - DPC 1,5-diphenylcarbohydrazide - FWHM fullwidth at half maximum - Ph-p-BQ phenyl-p-benzoquinone - PFR photon fluence rate - Pheo pheophytin - RC reaction center  相似文献   

Oxidation-reduction titrations of several electron carriers found in chloroplast Photosystem I fragments have been performed. The midpoint potential of P700 in these fragments and in chloroplasts has been found to be +520 mV by optical absorbance methods or electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy. The copper-containing protein plastocyanin is present in Photosystem I fragments and has a midpoint potential of +320 mV, significantly less positive than the midpoint potential of cytochrome f in the same fragments, which was measured to be +375 mV. Photo-system I fragments contain two b cytochromes, a low-potential form of cytochrome b559 (Em = +110 mV) and cytochrome b563 (Em = ?100 mV).  相似文献   

The multicopper oxidases are an intriguing, widespread family of enzymes that catalyze the reduction of O2 to water by a variety of single-electron and multiple-electron reducing agents. The structure and properties of the copper binding sites responsible for the latter chemical transformations have been studied for over 40 years and a detailed picture is emerging. This review focuses particularly on the kinetics of internal electron transfer between the type 1 (blue) copper site and the trinuclear center, as well as on the nature of the intermediates formed in the oxygen reduction process.  相似文献   

Hydrogen peroxide formed during the course of the copper(II)-catalysed oxidation of cysteamine with oxygen was continuously determined by a peroxidase (POD)-catalysed luminol chemiluminescence (CL) method. Horseradish peroxidase (HRP), lactoperoxidase (LPO) and Arthromyces ramosus peroxidase (ARP) were used as a CL catalyst. The respective PODs gave specific CL intensity-time profiles. HRP caused a CL delay, and ARP gave a time-response curve which followed the production rate of H2O2. LPO gave only a weak CL flash which decayed promptly. These differences of CL response curves could be explained in terms of the different reactivities of PODs for superoxide anion and the different formation rate of luminol radicals in the peroxidation of luminol catalysed by POD.  相似文献   

The chemiluminescence of luminol (3-aminophthalhydrazide) with H2O2 has been used to quantify endogenous amounts of H2O2 in plant tissues. The reaction is linear over at least three orders of magnitude between 10?5 and 10?2M H2O2. Interference by coloured compounds in the crude extract is calibrated by a purification step with Dowex AG 1-X8. The extract is calibrated with an internal H2O2 standard, and the specificity verified by H2O2 purging with catalase. The minimum delectability for H2O2 of this assay is at least 1 ng, corresponding to 0.1–1 g fresh material. Data are presented for the levels of H2O2 in potatoes after treatment with oxygen and ethylene, in tomatoes before and after ripening and in untreated germinating castor beans as well as in beans treated with aminotriazol to inhibit catalase activity. Though data using the titanium test are generally confirmed, the method presented here has the advantage of higher sensitivity and specificity.  相似文献   

Ross G. Binder  Bruce R. Selman 《BBA》1980,592(2):314-322
Low potential quinones are mediators of cyclic phosphorylation in washed spinach thylakoid membranes if they are prereduced to provide the proper redox poise. Cyclic phosphorylation catalyzed by different quinols varies in its sensitivity to the electron transfer inhibitor 2-iodo-6-isopropyl-3-methyl-2′,4,4′-trinitrodiphenyl ether (DNPINT), which is thought to inhibit electron flux from the bound plastoquinone (B) to the plastoquinone pool (Trebst, A., Wietoska, H., Draber, W. and Knops, H.J. (1978) Z. Naturforsch. 33c, 919–927). Cyclic phosphorylation catalyzed by uncharged quinols is extremely sensitive to DNPINT, whereas cyclic phosphorylation catalyzed by negatively charged quinols is approximately two orders of magnitude less sensitive. Many quinols have pK1 values in the physiological range (pH 7–9). Increasing the concentration of the deprotonated quinol either by raising the assay pH, increasing the mediator concentration, or increasing the fractional reduction of the quinone results in a decrease in the sensitivity of cyclic phosphorylation to DNPINT. At very high DNPINT concentrations, cyclic phosphorylation catalyzed by all quinols (and ferredoxin) is inhibited, but not phenazine methosulfate catalyzed cyclic phosphorylation.These data suggest that the deprotonated form of the quinol can donate electrons directly to the plastoquinone pool, whereas the uncharged quinol most obligately transfer electrons through the bound plastoquinone ‘B’. A second site of DNPINT action after the plastoquinone pool is also observed, which requires much higher DNPINT concentrations for inhibition of phosphorylation.  相似文献   

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