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T Haarmeier  F Bunjes  A Lindner  E Berret  P Thier 《Neuron》2001,32(3):527-535
We usually perceive a stationary, stable world and we are able to correctly estimate the direction of heading from optic flow despite coherent visual motion induced by eye movements. This astonishing example of perceptual invariance results from a comparison of visual information with internal reference signals predicting the visual consequences of an eye movement. Here we demonstrate that the reference signal predicting the consequences of smooth-pursuit eye movements is continuously calibrated on the basis of direction-selective interactions between the pursuit motor command and the rotational flow induced by the eye movement, thereby minimizing imperfections of the reference signal and guaranteeing an ecologically optimal interpretation of visual motion.  相似文献   

Biological motion displays depict a moving human figure by means of just a few isolated points of light attached to the major joints of the body. Naive observers readily interpret the moving pattern of dots as representing a human figure, despite the complete absence of form cues. This paper reports a series of experiments which investigated the visual processes underlying the phenomenon. Results suggest that (i) the effect relies upon responses in low-level motion-detecting processes, which operate over short temporal and spatial intervals and respond to local modulations in image intensity; and (ii) the effect does not involve hierarchical visual analysis of motion components, nor does it require the presence of dots which move in rigid relation to each other. Instead, movements of the extremities are crucial. Data are inconsistent with current theoretical treatments.  相似文献   

Aging reduces center-surround antagonism in visual motion processing   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Betts LR  Taylor CP  Sekuler AB  Bennett PJ 《Neuron》2005,45(3):361-366
Discriminating the direction of motion of a low-contrast pattern becomes easier with increasing stimulus area. However, increasing the size of a high-contrast pattern makes it more difficult for observers to discriminate motion. This surprising result, termed spatial suppression, is thought to be mediated by a form of center-surround suppression found throughout the visual pathway. Here, we examine the counterintuitive hypothesis that aging alters such center-surround interactions in ways that improve performance in some tasks. We found that older observers required briefer stimulus durations than did younger observers to extract information about stimulus direction in conditions using large, high-contrast patterns. We suggest that this age-related improvement in motion discrimination may be linked to reduced GABAergic functioning in the senescent brain, which reduces center-surround suppression in motion-selective neurons.  相似文献   

It is well known that context influences our perception of visual motion direction. For example, spatial and temporal context manipulations can be used to induce two well-known motion illusions: direction repulsion and the direction after-effect (DAE). Both result in inaccurate perception of direction when a moving pattern is either superimposed on (direction repulsion), or presented following adaptation to (DAE), another pattern moving in a different direction. Remarkable similarities in tuning characteristics suggest that common processes underlie the two illusions. What is not clear, however, is whether the processes driving the two illusions are expressions of the same or different neural substrates. Here we report two experiments demonstrating that direction repulsion and the DAE are, in fact, expressions of different neural substrates. Our strategy was to use each of the illusions to create a distorted perceptual representation upon which the mechanisms generating the other illusion could potentially operate. We found that the processes mediating direction repulsion did indeed access the distorted perceptual representation induced by the DAE. Conversely, the DAE was unaffected by direction repulsion. Thus parallels in perceptual phenomenology do not necessarily imply common neural substrates. Our results also demonstrate that the neural processes driving the DAE occur at an earlier stage of motion processing than those underlying direction repulsion.  相似文献   

Human exhibits an anisotropy in direction perception: discrimination is superior when motion is around horizontal or vertical rather than diagonal axes. In contrast to the consistent directional anisotropy in perception, we found only small idiosyncratic anisotropies in smooth pursuit eye movements, a motor action requiring accurate discrimination of visual motion direction. Both pursuit and perceptual direction discrimination rely on signals from the middle temporal visual area (MT), yet analysis of multiple measures of MT neuronal responses in the macaque failed to provide evidence of a directional anisotropy. We conclude that MT represents different motion directions uniformly, and subsequent processing creates a directional anisotropy in pathways unique to perception. Our data support the hypothesis that, at least for visual motion, perception and action are guided by inputs from separate sensory streams. The directional anisotropy of perception appears to originate after the two streams have segregated and downstream from area MT.  相似文献   

Perception of a moving visual stimulus can be suppressed or enhanced by surrounding context in adjacent parts of the visual field. We studied the neural processes underlying such contextual modulation with fMRI. We selected motion selective regions of interest (ROI) in the occipital and parietal lobes with sufficiently well defined topography to preclude direct activation by the surround. BOLD signal in the ROIs was suppressed when surround motion direction matched central stimulus direction, and increased when it was opposite. With the exception of hMT+/V5, inserting a gap between the stimulus and the surround abolished surround modulation. This dissociation between hMT+/V5 and other motion selective regions prompted us to ask whether motion perception is closely linked to processing in hMT+/V5, or reflects the net activity across all motion selective cortex. The motion aftereffect (MAE) provided a measure of motion perception, and the same stimulus configurations that were used in the fMRI experiments served as adapters. Using a linear model, we found that the MAE was predicted more accurately by the BOLD signal in hMT+/V5 than it was by the BOLD signal in other motion selective regions. However, a substantial improvement in prediction accuracy could be achieved by using the net activity across all motion selective cortex as a predictor, suggesting the overall conclusion that visual motion perception depends upon the integration of activity across different areas of visual cortex.  相似文献   

Temporal integration in the visual system causes fast-moving objects to generate static, oriented traces (‘motion streaks’), which could be used to help judge direction of motion. While human psychophysics and single-unit studies in non-human primates are consistent with this hypothesis, direct neural evidence from the human cortex is still lacking. First, we provide psychophysical evidence that faster and slower motions are processed by distinct neural mechanisms: faster motion raised human perceptual thresholds for static orientations parallel to the direction of motion, whereas slower motion raised thresholds for orthogonal orientations. We then used functional magnetic resonance imaging to measure brain activity while human observers viewed either fast (‘streaky’) or slow random dot stimuli moving in different directions, or corresponding static-oriented stimuli. We found that local spatial patterns of brain activity in early retinotopic visual cortex reliably distinguished between static orientations. Critically, a multivariate pattern classifier trained on brain activity evoked by these static stimuli could then successfully distinguish the direction of fast (‘streaky’) but not slow motion. Thus, signals encoding static-oriented streak information are present in human early visual cortex when viewing fast motion. These experiments show that motion streaks are present in the human visual system for faster motion.  相似文献   

A fundamental tenet of visual science is that the detailed properties of visual systems are not capricious accidents, but are closely matched by evolution and neonatal experience to the environments and lifestyles in which those visual systems must work. This has been shown most convincingly for fish and insects. For mammalian vision, however, this tenet is based more upon theoretical arguments than upon direct observations. Here, we describe experiments that require human observers to discriminate between pictures of slightly different faces or objects. These are produced by a morphing technique that allows small, quantifiable changes to be made in the stimulus images. The independent variable is designed to give increasing deviation from natural visual scenes, and is a measure of the Fourier composition of the image (its second-order statistics). Performance in these tests was best when the pictures had natural second-order spatial statistics, and degraded when the images were made less natural. Furthermore, performance can be explained with a simple model of contrast coding, based upon the properties of simple cells in the mammalian visual cortex. The findings thus provide direct empirical support for the notion that human spatial vision is optimised to the second-order statistics of the optical environment.  相似文献   

We present a parallel processing network, consisting of nine microcomputers, for neuron-network simulations and for the realization of an associative computer memory. We add some remarks on the present possibilities to implement larger associative networks and on parallel processing strategies in general.  相似文献   

A model of local image encoding is described which explicitly incorporates quantitative data about the number density, bandwidth and receptive field organisation of neurons involved in motion detection. The model solves the problem of extracting local velocity on the basis of inputs tuned to spatiotemporal frequency and sensitive to contrast. The spatiotemporally tuned, opponent motion filters are followed by a compressive non-linearity and comprise a first stage. The inter-stage signals are interpreted as those from single neurons and the second stage is modelled as a neural-network layer. The second stage uses semilinear units and models the effect of lateral, on-centre off-surround, intralayer connections. Characterisation of the first stage leads to a clarification of the concept of the psychophysical channel and its relation to physiological data. The quantitative parametrisation of the model allows the simulation of several psychophysical phenomena which are reported in a companion paper.  相似文献   

Healthy subjects underwent analysis for positioning accuracy. The flexion-extension movements in the ankle and elbow joints performed without visual control were studied. The movements were produced by flexor muscles against small background loading (extensors were inactive). The subject was asked to memorize a certain target value of the joint angle reached under visual guidance in the phase of flexor contraction. After the flexion- (additional activation of the flexors) or extension-directed movement (relaxation of these muscles) the subject was asked to restore the target level from memory, without visual guidance. In the first case, when the target level was finally approached due to the flexor relaxation, a systematic overshoot of the target joint angle was observed. In the second case, when the target level was finally approached due to the additional activation of the flexors after their temporal relaxation, the positioning was much more accurate.Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 91–98, March–April, 1994.  相似文献   

Born RT  Groh JM  Zhao R  Lukasewycz SJ 《Neuron》2000,26(3):725-734
To track a moving object, its motion must first be distinguished from that of the background. The center-surround properties of neurons in the middle temporal visual area (MT) may be important for signaling the relative motion between object and background. To test this, we microstimulated within MT and measured the effects on monkeys' eye movements to moving targets. We found that stimulation at "local motion" sites, where receptive fields possessed antagonistic surrounds, shifted pursuit in the preferred direction of the neurons, whereas stimulation at "wide-field motion" sites shifted pursuit in the opposite, or null, direction. We propose that activating wide-field sites simulated background motion, thus inducing a target motion signal in the opposite direction. Our results support the hypothesis that neuronal center-surround mechanisms contribute to the behavioral segregation of objects from the background.  相似文献   

We test the model of early visual processing introduced in the companion paper by simulating a range of psychophysical phenomena. We present new data concerning our ability to discriminate the speed of drifting gratings when spatiotemporally apertured in a variety of ways. We shall investigate the role played by the aperture in modifying the grating's behaviour from its idealisation as a pure Fourier component and show that this is not negligible. Other phenomena which we simulate and explain relate to the way perceived velocity is influenced by contrast and spatial frequency. Many of our explanations are couched in terms of the relative number of cells occurring within each locale of the Fourier domain. This use of the cell density map is a unifying concept and avoids the necessity for a range of separate mechanisms. We argue that a neurophysiologically detailed model is necessary in order to explain psychophysical data (Weber fractions) which vary over less than an order of magnitude, and small deviations from veridical encoding of velocity.  相似文献   

The effects of visual and auditory relevant feedback on human forearm movements elicited by random position signal sequences were examined. Forearm movements were performed with four feedback conditions. We observed the reaction time, the holding time, and the adjustment error sequences when the arm moved briskly and accurately to the target position. As the results, the reaction times for auditory relevant feedback were shorter than those for the others (visual or no feedback). The holding times for auditory relevant feedback were longer than those for the others. And the subjects had about one adjustment error to terminate on the target zone.  相似文献   

A general model for visual motion detection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We propose a general model for detection of both first-order motion and second-order motion. In this model an input stimulus is divided into a number of partially overlapping spatiotemporal local regions. Spatiotemporal frequency analysis is done for every local region using Gabor filters, then the input stimulus (original spatiotemporal signal) is replaced by the outputs of Gabor filters. Local motion is detected by applying Gabor motion detectors to each local spatiotemporal pattern depicted by each local feature value. Outputs of all the detectors are integrated to give the final output for global motion of the input stimulus. The model was simulated on a computer and was confirmed to correctly detect second-order motion as well as first-order motion.  相似文献   

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