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Thermophilic (55°C) anaerobic enrichment cultures were incubated with [14C-lignin]lignocellulose, [14C-polysaccharide]lignocellulose, and kraft [14C]lignin prepared from slash pine, Pinus elliottii, and 14C-labeled preparations of synthetic lignin and purified cellulose. Significant but low percentages (2 to 4%) of synthetic and natural pine lignin were recovered as labeled methane and carbon dioxide during 60-day incubations, whereas much greater percentages (13 to 23%) of kraft lignin were recovered as gaseous end products. Percentages of label recovered from lignin-labeled substrates as dissolved degradation products were approximately equal to percentages recovered as gaseous end products. High-pressure liquid chromatographic analyses of CuO oxidation products of sound and degraded pine lignin indicated that no substantial chemical modifications of the remaining lignin polymer, such as demethoxylation and dearomatization, occurred during biodegradation. The polysaccharide components of pine lignocellulose and purified cellulose were relatively rapidly mineralized to methane and carbon dioxide; 31 to 37% of the pine polysaccharides and 56 to 63% of the purified cellulose were recovered as labeled gaseous end products. An additional 10 to 20% of the polysaccharide substrates was recovered as dissolved degradation products. Overall, these results indicate that elevated temperatures can greatly enhance rates of anaerobic degradation of lignin and lignified substrates to methane and low-molecular-weight aromatic compounds.  相似文献   

Surface wood samples obtained from a Douglas fir log (Pseudotsuga menziesii) in a Pacific Northwest stream were incubated in vitro with [14C]lignocellulose in a defined mineral salts medium supplemented with 10 mg of N liter−1 of 15N-labeled NO3 (50 atom% 15N). Evolution of 14CO2, distribution and isotopic dilution of 15N, filtrate N concentrations, and the rates of denitrification, N2 fixation, and respiration were measured at 6, 12, and 18 days of incubation. The organic N content of the lignocellulose-wood sample mixture had increased from 132 μg of N to a maximum of 231 μg of N per treatment after 6 days of incubation. Rates of [14C]lignocellulose decomposition were greatest during the first 6 days and then began to decline over the remaining 12 days. Total CO2 evolution was also highest at day 6 and declined steadily over the remaining duration of the incubation. Filtrate NH4+-N increased from background levels to a final value of 57 μg of N per treatment. Filtrate NO3 N completely disappeared by day 6, and organic N showed a slight decline between days 12 and 18. The majority of the 15N that could be recovered appeared in the particulate organic fraction by day 6 (41 μg of N), and the filtrate NH4+ N fraction contained 11 μg of 15N by day 18. The 15N enrichment values of the filtrate NH4+ and the inorganic N associated with the particulate fraction had increased to approximately 20 atom% 15N by 18 days of incubation, whereas the particulate organic fraction reached its highest enrichment by day 6. Measurements of N2 fixation and denitrification indicated an insignificant gain or loss of N from the experimental system by these processes. The data show that woody debris in stream ecosystems might function as a rapid and efficient sink for exogenous N, resulting in stimulation of wood decomposition and subsequent activation of other N cycling processes.  相似文献   

Nutritional and physical factors affecting the decomposition of [14C]lignocellulose prepared from Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) were examined by incubating the labeled substrate with homogenized surface wood scrapings obtained from a Douglas fir log in a Pacific Northwest stream. Incubations were conducted in distilled water, in stream water collected from four different sources, or in a defined mineral salts solution with or without supplemental N (KNO3). Decomposition rates of [14C]lignocellulose, as measured by 14CO2 evolution, were greater in each of the four filter-sterilized sources of stream water than in distilled water alone. Decomposition experiments conducted in stream water media with the addition of defined mineral salts demonstrated that [14C]cellulose decomposition was stimulated 50% by the addition of either KNO3 or KH2PO4/K2HPO4 and further enhanced (167%) by a combination of both. In contrast, [14C]lignin decomposition was stimulated (65%) only by the addition of both N and P. Decomposition of [14C]lignocellulose was greatest when supplemental KNO3 was supplied in concentrations of at least 10.0 mg of N liter−1 but not increased further by higher concentrations. The decomposition of [14C]lignocellulose increased as the incubation temperature was raised and NO3−1-N supplementation further increased these rates between three-and sevenfold over the range of temperatures examined (5 to 22°C). Accumulation of NH4+ (2 to 4 mg of N liter−1) was always observed in culture filtrates of incubations which had been supplemented with KNO3, the quantity being independent of NO3 concentrations ≥ 10 mg of N liter−1. The role of supplemental NO3 in the decomposition of [14C]lignocellulose is discussed in relation to wood decomposition and the low concentrations of N found in stream ecosystems of the Pacific Northwest.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented indicating that intact plants of Hordeum vulgare degrade [α- 14C]hordenine to 14CO 2.  相似文献   

A technique for the simultaneous determination of [35S]sulfide and [14C]carbon dioxide produced in anaerobic aqueous samples dual-labeled with [35S]sulfate and a 14C-organic substrate is described. The method involves the passive distillation of sulfide and carbon dioxide from an acidified water sample and their subsequent separation by selective chemical absorption. The recovery of sulfide was 93% for amounts ranging from 0.35 to 50 μmol; recovery of carbon dioxide was 99% in amounts up to 20 μmol. Within these delineated ranges of total sulfide and carbon dioxide, 1 nmol of [35S]sulfide and 7.5 nmol of [14C]carbon dioxide were separated and quantified. Correction factors were formulated for low levels of radioisotopic cross-contamination by sulfide, carbon dioxide, and volatile organic acids. The overall standard error of the method was ±4% for sulfide and ±6% for carbon dioxide.  相似文献   

The distribution and lignocellulolytic activity of the microbial community was determined on a large log of Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) in a Pacific Northwest stream. Scanning electron microscopy, plate counts, and degradation of [14C]lignocelluloses prepared from Douglas fir and incubated with samples of wood taken from the surface and within the log revealed that most of the microbial colonization and lignocellulose-degrading activity occurred on the surface. Labeled lignocellulose and surface wood samples were incubated in vitro with nutrient supplements to determine potential limiting factors of [14C]lignocellulose degradation. Incubations carried out in a nitrogenless mineral salts and trace elements solution were no more favorable to degradation than those carried out in distilled water alone. Incubations supplemented with either (NH4)2SO4 or organic nitrogen sources showed large increases in the rates of mineralization over incubations with mineral salts and trace elements alone, with the greatest effect being observed from an addition of (NH4)2SO4. Subsequent incubations with (NH4)2SO4, KNO3, and NH4NO3 revealed that KNO3 was the most favorable for lignin degradation, whereas all three supplements were equally favorable for cellulose degradation. Supplementation with glucose repressed both lignin and cellulose mineralization. The results reported in this study indicate that nitrogen limitation of wood decomposition may exist in streams of the Pacific Northwest. The radiotracer technique was shown to be a sensitive and useful tool for assessing relative patterns of lignocellulose decay and microbial activity in wood, along with the importance of thoroughly characterizing the experimental system before its general acceptance.  相似文献   

Degradation of [8,9,-14C]endosulfan by soil microorganisms.   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Twenty-eight soil fungi, 49 soil bacteria, and 10 actinomycetes were tested as to their ability to degrade the insecticide endosulfan. Using 14C-labeled material, the qualitative as well as the quantitative formation of metabolities, as well as of 14CO2, could be followed. Sixteen fungi, 15 bacteria, and 3 actinomycetes were found capable of metabolizing more than 30% of the applied endosulfan. The major metabolities detected were endosulfate, formed by oxidation of the sulfite group, and endodiol, formed by hydrolysis of the ester bond. The majority of highly active fungi formed endosulfate as the major metabolite, whereas the majority of active bacteria formed endodiol. In addition to endosulfate and endodiol, individual cultures contained small quantities of endohydroxyether and two unidentified products. The very small quantities of 14CO2 evolved from cultures indicated that an extensive mineralization of the carbon skeleton of endosulfan did not occur.  相似文献   

Twenty-eight soil fungi, 49 soil bacteria, and 10 actinomycetes were tested as to their ability to degrade the insecticide endosulfan. Using 14C-labeled material, the qualitative as well as the quantitative formation of metabolities, as well as of 14CO2, could be followed. Sixteen fungi, 15 bacteria, and 3 actinomycetes were found capable of metabolizing more than 30% of the applied endosulfan. The major metabolities detected were endosulfate, formed by oxidation of the sulfite group, and endodiol, formed by hydrolysis of the ester bond. The majority of highly active fungi formed endosulfate as the major metabolite, whereas the majority of active bacteria formed endodiol. In addition to endosulfate and endodiol, individual cultures contained small quantities of endohydroxyether and two unidentified products. The very small quantities of 14CO2 evolved from cultures indicated that an extensive mineralization of the carbon skeleton of endosulfan did not occur.  相似文献   

The fate of [14C]heptachlor in Saitama soil and the degradation of [14C]heptachlor in four Japanese field soils over 112 d after application were investigated. Heptachlor was degraded mainly to cis-heptachlor epoxide by a biotic process and to 1-hydroxychlordene by an abiotic process in the field soils. Volatilization of heptachlor and cis-heptachlor epoxide from the soil was observed over the experimental period. The amount of 1-hydroxychlordene produced in the soils appeared to be related to the soil water contents. Because heptachlor and heptachlor epoxides are predicted to volatilize to the atmosphere and to persist in soils, these compounds are thought to spread among Japanese environmental compartments even after a ban on their use.  相似文献   

Cultures of Fusarium roseium 'Gibbosum' on rice were treated with [14C]zearalenone, alpha[14C]zearalenol, or beta-[14C]zearalenol to determine whether a precursor-product relationship exists among these closely related fungal metabolites. Culture extracts were purified by silica gel column chromatography and fractionated by high-pressure liquid chromatography, and the level of radioactivity was determined. Within 7 days, the beta-[14C]zearalenol was converted to zearalenone, and no residual beta-[14C]zearalenol was detectable. Most of the alpha-[14C]zearalenol added was also converted into zearalenone with 14 days. In cultures treated with [14C]zearalenone, no radioactivity was noted in any other components.  相似文献   

[14C]GABA is taken up by rat brain synaptosomes via a high affinity, Na+-dependent process. Subsequent addition of depolarizing levels of potassium (56.2 MM) or veratridine (100 μM) stimulates the release of synaptosomal [14C]GABA by a process which is sensitive to the external concentration of divalent cations such as Ca2+, Mg2+, and Mn2+. However, the relatively smaller amount of [14C]GABA taken up by synaptosomes in the absence of Na+ is not released from synaptosomes by Ca2+ -dependent, K +-stimulation. [14C]DABA, a competitive inhibitor of synaptosomal uptake of GABA (Iversen & Johnson , 1971) is also taken up by synaptosomal fractions via a Na + -dependent process; and is subsequently released by Ca2+ -dependent, K+-stimulation. On the other hand, [14C]β-alanine, a purported blocker of glial uptake systems for GABA (Schon & Kelly , 1974) is a poor competitor of GABA uptake into synaptosomes. Comparatively small amounts of [14C] β-alanine are taken up by synaptosomes and no significant amount is released by Ca2+ -dependent, K+-stimulation. These data suggest that entry of [14C]GABA into a releasable pool requires external Na+ ions and maximal evoked release of [14C]GABA from the synaptosomal pool requires external Ca2+ ions. The GABA analogue, DABA, is apparently successful in entering the same or similar synaptosomal pool. The GABA analogue, β-alanine, is not. None of the compounds or conditions studied were found to simultaneously affect both uptake and release processes. Compounds which stimulated release (veratridine) or inhibited release (magnesium) were found to have minimal effect on synaptosomal uptake. Likewise compounds (DABA) or conditions (Na+-free medium) which inhibited uptake, had little effect on release.  相似文献   

Cultures of Fusarium roseium 'Gibbosum' on rice were treated with [14C]zearalenone, alpha[14C]zearalenol, or beta-[14C]zearalenol to determine whether a precursor-product relationship exists among these closely related fungal metabolites. Culture extracts were purified by silica gel column chromatography and fractionated by high-pressure liquid chromatography, and the level of radioactivity was determined. Within 7 days, the beta-[14C]zearalenol was converted to zearalenone, and no residual beta-[14C]zearalenol was detectable. Most of the alpha-[14C]zearalenol added was also converted into zearalenone with 14 days. In cultures treated with [14C]zearalenone, no radioactivity was noted in any other components.  相似文献   

The effect of iron substrates and growth conditions on in vitro dissimilatory iron reduction by membrane fractions of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 was characterized. Membrane fractions were separated by sucrose density gradients from cultures grown with O2, fumarate, and aqueous ferric citrate as the terminal electron acceptor. Marker enzyme assays and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis demonstrated the high degree of separation between the outer and cytosolic membrane. Protein expression pattern was similar between chelated iron- and fumarate-grown cultures, but dissimilar for oxygen-grown cultures. Formate-dependent ferric reductase activity was assayed with citrate-Fe3+, ferrozine-Fe3+, and insoluble goethite as electron acceptors. No activity was detected in aerobic cultures. For fumarate and chelated iron-grown cells, the specific activity for the reduction of soluble iron was highest in the cytosolic membrane. The reduction of ferrozine-Fe3+ was greater than the reduction of citrate-Fe3+. With goethite, the specific activity was highest in the total membrane fraction (containing both cytosolic and outer membrane), indicating participation of the outer membrane components in electron flow. Heme protein content and specific activity for iron reduction was highest with chelated iron-grown cultures with no heme proteins in aerobically grown membrane fractions. Western blots showed that CymA, a heme protein involved in iron reduction, expression was also higher in iron-grown cultures compared to fumarate- or aerobic-grown cultures. To study these processes, it is important to use cultures grown with chelated Fe3+ as the electron acceptor and to assay ferric reductase activity using goethite as the substrate.  相似文献   

木质纤维素的定量测定及降解规律的初步研究   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19  
为了准确地测定稻草及其发酵物中纤维素、半纤维素、木质素的含量,通过差重法进行定量测定,并以此评价白腐菌株Pleurotus sapidus对稻草秸秆的降解状况,结果表明:利用差重法测定稻草发酵物中纤维素、半纤维索、木质素的百分含量是可行的,并能很好地评价白腐菌对稻草的降解规律,即降解过程中纤维素、半纤维素、本质素在前20d降解的很快,之后降解减缓,在50d内,纤维素被降解34.02%,半纤维素被降解56.29%,木质素被降解61.65%。  相似文献   

Termites thrive in the tropics and play an important role in lignocellulose degradation. This ability depends mainly on intestine microbes in the gut, but most of them are so-called unculturable microbes, which can not be cultivated by traditional culture methods. The recent development of molecular approaches such as the PCR method has made it possible to access the enormous numbers of unculturable microbes in the gut of termites.

This review explains our research on the ecological role of the termite, the termite-microbe symbiotic system, and the functions of lignocellulose degradation using various molecular methods. In the future, new technologies such as genomics should make it possible to analyze and utilize unculturable microbial resources in natural environments.  相似文献   

白腐菌选择性降解竹基质中木质纤维素的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对竹基质白腐菌选择性降解进行了初步研究。结果表明,菌株B1对竹基质中木质素和半纤维素有明显的降解选择性。降解55 d木质素和半纤维素降解率分别达44.4%和47.1%;降解20 d降解选择性最好,木质素和半纤维素降解率选择系数分别是2.08和1.98。从FTIR图谱中木质纤维素相关谱峰(2 924、1 6351、6011、5101、165、1 045、666/cm等)的明显变化也可以得出相同结论。  相似文献   

[β-14C]Hordenine is ultimately degraded by intact plants of Hordeum vulgare to C6-C1 intermediates that are incorporated into polymeric material.  相似文献   

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