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Free-flap coverage of the exposed Achilles tendon   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Posterior skin loss of the distal lower leg enhances the risk of exposure of the Achilles tendon. Most commonly, these wounds are a sequela to peripheral vascular insufficiency or else posttraumatic in origin. As a consequence, local flaps or skin grafts frequently are inadequate options for achieving coverage. Free-tissue transfers have proven to be a reasonable alternative in these situations for preservation of tendon function or even limb salvage. In this series of 12 patients, small defects were best covered with fasciocutaneous flaps, whereas the larger and usually chronic, concomitantly suppurating wounds required muscle flaps. Eighty-three percent (10 of 12) of patients remained ambulatory with healed wounds, obviating the need for extremity amputation.  相似文献   

Although the mechanical properties of ligament and tendon are well documented in research literature, very few unified mechanical formulations can describe a wide range of different loadings. The aim of this study was to propose a new model, which can describe tendon responses to various solicitations such as cycles of loading, unloading, and reloading or successive relaxations at different strain levels. In this work, experiments with cycles of loading and reloading at increasing strain level and sequences of relaxation were performed on white New Zealand rabbit Achilles tendons. We presented a local formulation of thermodynamic evolution outside equilibrium at a representative element volume scale to describe the tendon's macroscopic behavior based on the notion of relaxed stress. It was shown that the model corresponds quite well to the experimental data. This work concludes with the complexity of tendons' mechanical properties due to various microphysical mechanisms of deformation involved in loading such as the recruitment of collagen fibers, the rearrangement of the microstructure (i.e., collagens type I and III, proteoglycans, and water), and the evolution of relaxed stress linked to these mechanisms.  相似文献   

The Achilles is the thickest tendon in the body and is the primary elastic energy-storing component during running. The form and function of the human Achilles is complex: twisted structure, intratendinous interactions, and differential motor control from the triceps surae muscles make Achilles behavior difficult to intuit. Recent in vivo imaging of the Achilles has revealed nonuniform displacement patterns that are not fully understood and may result from complex architecture and musculotendon interactions. In order to understand which features of the Achilles tendon give rise to the nonuniform deformations observed in vivo, we used computational modeling to predict the mechanical contributions from different features of the tendon. The aims of this study are to: (i) build a novel computational model of the Achilles tendon based on ultrashort echo time MRI, (ii) compare simulated displacements with published in vivo ultrasound measures of displacement, and (iii) use the model to elucidate the effects of tendon twisting, intratendon sliding, retrocalcaneal insertion, and differential muscle forces on tendon deformation. Intratendon sliding and differential muscle forces were found to be the largest factors contributing to displacement nonuniformity between tendon regions. Elimination of intratendon sliding or muscle forces reduced displacement nonuniformity by 96% and 85%, respectively, while elimination of tendon twist and the retrocalcaneal insertion reduced displacement nonuniformity by only 35% and 3%. These results suggest that changes in the complex internal structure of the tendon alter the interaction between muscle forces and tendon behavior and therefore may have important implications on muscle function during movement.  相似文献   

The nasal dermal sinus cyst is one of many midline nasal masses that often pose diagnostic and treatment dilemmas for the plastic and reconstructive surgeon. The differential diagnosis of the midline nasal mass includes both congenital and acquired processes. A thorough understanding of its cause is crucial to treatment. A comprehensive discussion of the pathogenesis, diagnosis, sequelae, and surgical management, and a representative case analysis, of the nasal dermal sinus cyst is presented to delineate the role of open rhinoplasty in optimizing the care of this congenital nasal deformity.  相似文献   

Xanthomatous infiltration of tendons is a clinical feature common to many cases of hyperlipidemia. The xanthomas can be detected and only grossly assessed by palpation. This report describes a radiological technique used to assess these lesions at the Achilles tendon level. The “mammography technique” applied to the study of Achilles tendons was used in 32 normolipemic subjects and 32 hyperlipidemic patients. Both tendons could be observed in their entire length and their thickness, greatly increased in xanthomatosis, could be accurately measured. The results of this survey suggest that the radiological approach may provide a useful tool for the routine evaluation and follow-up of tendon xanthomas.  相似文献   

Warm-up exercises are often advocated prior to strenuous exercise, but the warm-up duration and effect on muscle–tendon behavior are not well defined. The gastrocnemius–Achilles tendon complexes of 18 subjects were studied to quantify the dynamic creep response of the Achilles tendon in-vivo and the warm-up dose required for the Achilles tendon to achieve steady-state behavior. A custom testing chamber was used to determine each subject's maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) during an isometric ankle plantar flexion effort. The subject's right knee and ankle were immobilized for one hour. Subjects then performed over seven minutes of cyclic isometric ankle plantar flexion efforts equal to 25–35% of their MVC at a frequency of 0.75 Hz. Ankle plantar flexion effort and images from dual ultrasound probes located over the gastrocnemius muscle–Achilles tendon and the calcaneus–Achilles tendon junction were acquired for eight seconds at the start of each sequential minute of the activity. Ultrasound images were analyzed to quantify the average relative Achilles tendon strain at 25% MVC force (ε25%MVC) for each minute. The ε25%MVC increased from 0.3% at the start of activity to 3.3% after seven minutes, giving a total dynamic creep of ~3.0%. The ε25%MVC increased by more than 0.56% per minute for the first five minutes and increased by less than 0.13% per minute thereafter. Therefore, following a period of inactivity, a low intensity warm-up lasting at least six minutes or producing 270 loading cycles is required for an Achilles tendon to reach a relatively steady-state behavior.  相似文献   

Owing to a complex morphological investigation of the human Achilles tendon, it was possible to distinguish four levels of the structural-functional organization of its fibrous elements and to reveal some regularities of their structure that recur at all the levels. Thus, collagenous molecules, microfibrillae, fibrillae and fibers have a wavy-spiral conformation. This spatial form is stabilized by a complex or a system of transversal connections corresponding to the given level of the organization. In order to maintain integrity (the structural-functional unity) of each level, certain substances of polysaccharide nature take part. Along the course of the long tendinous axis, a re-distribution (branching) of the fibrillar elements is observed at all the levels of the structural-functional organization.  相似文献   

We present two cases of conservative treatment of total loss of the Achilles tendon. In our opinion the functional result is acceptable, without tendon grafting. The action of the sural muscles is transmitted through scar underlying the pedicled flaps used to resurface the wounds.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional methods have been applied to determine the Achilles tendon moment arm in previous studies, although the talocrural joint rotates in three-dimension. The purpose of this study was to develop a method for determining the Achilles tendon moment arm in three-dimensions (3DMA). A series of sagittal ankle images were obtained at ankle positions of -20°, -10° (dorsiflexed position), 0° (neutral position), +10°, +20°, and +30° (plantarflexed position). The talocrural joint axis was determined as the finite helical axis of the ankle joint over 20° of displacement, and the 3DMA was determined as the shortest distance from the talocrural joint axis to the line of action of the Achilles tendon force. The corresponding 2DMA was determined with the center of rotation method using the images captured on the sagittal plane passing through the mid-point of the medio-lateral width of the tibia. The 3DMA ranged from 35 to 41 mm across various ankle positions and was, on average, 11 mm smaller than 2DMA. The difference between the two measures was attributable primarily to the deviations of the talocrural joint axis from the anatomical medio-lateral direction. The deviations on the coronal plane (21.4±20.7°) and on the transverse planes (14.8±22.6°) accounted for the errors of 1.3 mm and 3.0 mm, respectively. In addition, selecting either a medially or laterally misaligned sagittal-plane image for determining the 2DMA gave rise to error by 3.5 mm. The remaining difference was accounted for by the random measurement error.  相似文献   

The Achilles tendon, while the strongest and largest tendon in the body, is frequently injured. Inconclusive evidence exists regarding treatment strategies for both complete tears and partial tears. Well-characterized animal models of tendon injury are important for understanding physiological processes of tendon repair and testing potential therapeutics. Utilizing three distinct models of rat Achilles tendon injury, the objective of this study was to define and compare the effects and relative impact on tendon properties and ankle function of both tear severity (complete tear versus partial tear, both with post-operative immobilization) and immobilization after partial tear (partial tear with versus without immobilization). We hypothesized that a complete tear would cause inferior post-injury properties compared to a partial tear, and that immediate loading after partial tear would improve post-injury properties compared to immobilization. All models were reproducible and had distinct effects on measured parameters. Injury severity drastically influenced tendon healing, with complete tear causing decreased ankle mobility and tendon mechanics compared to partial tears. One week of plantarflexion immobilization had a strong effect on animals receiving a partial tear. Tendons with partial tears and immobilization failed early during fatigue cycling three weeks post-injury. Partial tear without immobilization had no effect on ankle range of motion through dorsiflexion at any time point compared to the pre-surgery value, while partial tear with immobilization demonstrated diminished function at all post-injury time points. All three models of Achilles injury could be useful for tendon healing investigations, chosen based on the prospective applications of a potential therapeutic.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether professional sports activities and intensive training practice affect pathological changes of the Achilles tendon. We also aimed to investigate whether these injuries primarily occur earlier or later in life. This was a cross sectional study of 214 athletes and non-athletes between the ages of 17-66. Participants were divided into four groups: 63 active young athletes, 64 young persons not involved in sports, 6 elderly athletes and 58 elderly people who did not participate in intensive athletic activities during their lifetimes. Ultrasound measurements of the Achilles tendon were performed on all participants. All participants also completed a self-administered survey to collect demographic information and data on athletic participation. Data were analyzed using the chi-square test and Fisher's exact test. Overall, those who were active athletes sought medical care more often than those who did not participate regularly in sports. Twenty-seven (33%) of young athletes had some Achilles tendon pathology, compared to 9 (14%) younger non-athletes. A total of 36 (64%) of elderly athletes were diagnosed with Achilles tendon disorders, compared to 15 (26%) of elderly people who were not active in sports. Microtears, acute tendonitis and peritendonitis were associated with younger age. By contrast, calcifications, scar tissue, and partial or complete rupture were only seen in the elderly  相似文献   

Hepatic amino acid transport and ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) activity were measured as early events during liver regeneration in rats adapted to a meal-feeding protocol in which food was presented during the first 2 hr of a daily 12-hr dark period. Surgeries were performed during the early hours of the light period, and food was withheld on the day following surgery to control the effect of feeding on the parameters measured. Initial experiments indicated that rats maintained on this schedule were capable of surviving partial hepatectomy. The survival rate was greater and the fat pads larger among 56-day-old than among 42-day-old rats; this indicated that animals with greater metabolic reserves were better suited for these experiments. The hepatic α-aminoisobutyric acid (α-AIB) distribution ratio and ODC activity increased above control values by 2 hr following partial hepatectomy. The α-AIB distribution ratio peaked at 10 hr after surgery and remained above control values for an additional 16 hr. In contrast, ODC activity peaked by 4 hr after surgery, followed by two smaller peaks at 10 and 20 hr. In sham-hepatectomized rats both the α-AIB distribution ratio and the ODC activity increased above control values by 3 hr after surgery, but fell to control values by 15 hr. These findings show that increases in amino acid transport and ODC activity following partial hepatectomy occur independently of feeding. The identical time course for the initiation of both of these events suggests that they result from a common effector.  相似文献   

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