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Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology - Chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) is one of the most important vegetable as well as spice crops grown worldwide for its wide usage. Production of chilli...  相似文献   

Pathway analysis has lead to a new era in genomic research by providing further biological process information compared to traditional single gene analysis. Beside the advantage, pathway analysis provides some challenges to the researchers, one of which is the quality of pathway data itself. The pathway data usually defined from biological context free, when it comes to a specific biological context (e.g. lung cancer disease), typically only several genes within pathways are responsible for the corresponding cellular process. It also can be that some pathways may be included with uninformative genes or perhaps informative genes were excluded. Moreover, many algorithms in pathway analysis neglect these limitations by treating all the genes within pathways as significant. In previous study, a hybrid of support vector machines and smoothly clipped absolute deviation with groups-specific tuning parameters (gSVM-SCAD) was proposed in order to identify and select the informative genes before the pathway evaluation process. However, gSVM-SCAD had showed a limitation in terms of the performance of classification accuracy. In order to deal with this limitation, we made an enhancement to the tuning parameter method for gSVM-SCAD by applying the B-Type generalized approximate cross validation (BGACV). Experimental analyses using one simulated data and two gene expression data have shown that the proposed method obtains significant results in identifying biologically significant genes and pathways, and in classification accuracy.  相似文献   

Synthetic Biology is a rapidly growing interdisciplinary field that is primarily built upon foundational advances in molecular biology combined with engineering design principles such as modularity and interoperability. The field considers living systems as programmable at the genetic level and has been defined by the development of new platform technologies and methodological advances. A key concept driving the field is the Design-Build-Test-Learn cycle which provides a systematic framework for building new biological systems. One major application area for synthetic biology is biosynthetic pathway engineering that requires the modular assembly of different genetic regulatory elements and biosynthetic enzymes. In this review we provide an overview of modular DNA assembly and describe and compare the plethora of in vitro and in vivo assembly methods for combinatorial pathway engineering. Considerations for part design and methods for enzyme balancing are also presented, and we briefly discuss alternatives to intracellular pathway assembly including microbial consortia and cell-free systems for biosynthesis. Finally, we describe computational tools and automation for pathway design and assembly and argue that a deeper understanding of the many different variables of genetic design, pathway regulation and cellular metabolism will allow more predictive pathway design and engineering.  相似文献   

Genomic knowledge of the tree of life is biased to specific groups of organisms. For example, only six full genomes are currently available in the rhizaria clade. Here, we have applied metagenomic techniques enabling the assembly of the genome of Polymyxa betae (Rhizaria, Plasmodiophorida) RES F41 isolate from unpurified zoospore holobiont and comparison with the A26–41 isolate. Furthermore, the first P. betae mitochondrial genome was assembled. The two P. betae nuclear genomes were highly similar, each with just ~10.2 k predicted protein coding genes, ~3% of which were unique to each isolate. Extending genomic comparisons revealed a greater overlap with Spongospora subterranea than with Plasmodiophora brassicae, including orthologs of the mammalian cation channel sperm-associated proteins, raising some intriguing questions about zoospore physiology. This work validates our metagenomics pipeline for eukaryote genome assembly from unpurified samples and enriches plasmodiophorid genomics; providing the first full annotation of the P. betae genome.  相似文献   



Imbalances in gene expression of a metabolic pathway can result in less-yield of the desired products. Several targets were intensively investigated to balance the gene expression, such as promoter, ribosome binding site (RBS), the order of genes, as well as the species of the enzymes. However, the capability of simultaneous manipulation of multiple targets still needs to be explored.


We reported a new DNA assembling method to vary all the above types of regulatory targets simultaneously, named oligo-linker mediated assembly (OLMA) method, which can incorporate up to 8 targets in a single assembly step. Two experimental cases were used to demonstrate the capability of the method: (1) assembly of multiple pieces of lacZ expression cassette; (2) optimization of four enzymes in lycopene biosynthetic pathway. Our results indicated that the OLMA method not only exploited larger combinatorial space, but also reduced the inefficient mutants.


The unique feature of oligo-linker mediated assembly (OLMA) method is inclusion of a set of chemically synthetic double-stranded DNA oligo library, which can be designed as promoters and RBSs, or designed with different overhang to bridge the genes in different orders. The inclusion of the oligos resulted in a PCR-free and zipcode-free DNA assembly reaction for OLMA.

This report summarizes the proceedings of the first day of the Metagenomics, Metadata and MetaAnalysis (M3) workshop held at the Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology 2010 conference. The second day, which was dedicated to the inaugural meeting of the BioSharing initiative is presented in a separate report. The Genomic Standards Consortium (GSC) hosted the first day of this Special Interest Group (SIG) at ISMB to continue exploring the bottlenecks and emerging solutions for obtaining biological insights through large-scale comparative analysis of metagenomic datasets. The M3 SIG included invited and selected talks and a panel discussion at the end of the day involving the plenary speakers. Further information about the GSC and its range of activities can be found at http://gensc.org. Information about the newly established BioSharing effort can be found at http://biosharing.org/.  相似文献   

New technologies have advanced the field of proteomics, and a number of companies have developed innovative platforms to drive this research. However, significant challenges are often encountered when trying to integrate complementary technologies from multiple manufacturers. We have developed a software and hardware solution to integrate the Ettan two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (2-D DIGE) system (GE Healthcare) with the Investigator ProPic spot picking robot (Genomic Solutions). We have analyzed protein sample preparations from bacterial and mammalian sources to demonstrate a new workflow with increased throughput for gel-based proteomics.  相似文献   

A grouping of transformations is proposed: 1) "Element transformations", aimed at changing relations between elements within a single character vector; and 2) "vector transformations", aimed at changing relations between different character vectors. Logarithmic element transformation seemed suitable for revealing variation in size characters.
Principal coordinate analysis (PCO) was appropriate for determination of dimensionality and structural extremes (parentage). Due to polynomial distortions, however, variation in extreme populations was underestimated and variation in intermediate populations exaggerated.
A "character index", the mean of a specimen's ranged characters, is suggested to replace Anderson's hybrid index. Knowledge of parentage and parental maxima, but not of variation in pure parental populations, is required. The character index combined with modified Gay triangles was found suitable for revealing the structure of the material, which showed mainly one-dimensional variation. The material analysed comprised Argyranthemum broussonetü, A. frutescens , a hybrid swarm and experimental F1 hybrids between these species; and A. sundingü , which was found to be a stabilized hybrid derivative, probably evolved by hybrid speciation with external barriers.  相似文献   

Pheasant reintroduction and conservation efforts have been in place in Pakistan since the 1980 s, yet there is still a scarcity of data on pheasant microbiome and zoonosis. Instead of growing vast numbers of bacteria in the laboratory, to investigate the fecal microbiome, pheasants (green and ring neck pheasant) were analyzed using 16S rRNA metagenomics and using IonS5TMXL sequencing from two flocks more than 10 birds. Operational taxonomic unit (OTU) cluster analysis and phylogenetic tree analysis was performed using Mothur software against the SSUrRNA database of SILVA and the MUSCLE (Version 3.8.31) software. Results of the analysis showed that firmicutes were the most abundant phylum among the top ten phyla, in both pheasant species, followed by other phyla such as actinobacteria and proteobacteria in ring necked pheasant and bacteroidetes in green necked pheasant. Bacillus was the most relatively abundant genus in both pheasants followed by Oceanobacillus and Teribacillus for ring necked pheasant and Lactobacillus for green necked pheasant. Because of their well-known beneficial characteristics, these genus warrants special attention. Bird droppings comprise germs from the urinary system, gut, and reproductive sites, making it difficult to research each anatomical site at the same time. We conclude that metagenomic analysis and classification provides baseline information of the pheasant fecal microbiome that plays a role in disease and health.  相似文献   

As an alternative approach to the production of L-DOPA from a cheap raw material, we constructed a hybrid pathway consisting of toluene dioxygenase, toluene cis-glycol dehydrogenase, and tyrosine phenol-lyase. In this pathway, catechol is formed from benzene through the sequential action of toluene dioxygenase and toluene cis-glycol dehydrogenase, and L-DOPA is synthesized from the resulting catechol in the presence of pyruvate and ammonia by tyrosine phenol-lyase cloned from Citrobacter freundii. When the hybrid pathway was expressed in E. coli, production of L-DOPA was as low as 3 mM in 4 h due to the toxic effect of benzene on the cells. In order to reduce lysis of cells, Pseudomonas aeruginosa was employed as an alternative, which resulted in accumulation of about 14 mM L-DOPA in 9 h, showing a stronger resistance to benzene.  相似文献   

Use of complete mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes) can greatly increase the resolution achievable in phylogeographic and historical demographic studies. Using next‐generation sequencing methods, it is now feasible to efficiently sequence mitogenomes of large numbers of individuals once a reference mitogenome is available. However, assembling the initial mitogenomes of nonmodel organisms can present challenges, for example, in birds, where mtDNA is often subject to gene rearrangements and duplications. We developed a workflow based on Illumina paired‐end, whole‐genome shotgun sequencing, which we used to generate complete 19‐kilobase mitogenomes for each of three species of North Pacific albatross, a group of birds known to carry a tandem duplication. Although this duplication had been described previously, our procedure did not depend on this prior knowledge, nor did it require a closely related reference mitogenome (e.g. a mammalian mitogenome was sufficient). We employed an iterative process including de novo assembly, reference‐guided assembly and gap closing, which enabled us to detect duplications, determine gene order and identify sequence for primer positioning to resolve any mitogenome ambiguity (via minimal targeted Sanger sequencing). We present full mtDNA annotations, including 22 tRNAs, 2 rRNAs, 13 protein‐coding genes, a control region and a duplicated feature for all three species. Pairwise comparisons supported previous hypotheses regarding the phylogenetic relationships within this group and occurrence of a shared tandem duplication. The resulting mitogenome sequences will enable rapid, high‐throughput NGS mitogenome sequencing of North Pacific albatrosses via direct reference‐guided assembly. Moreover, our approach to assembling mitogenomes should be applicable to any taxon.  相似文献   

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