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Eighteen populations of the endangered aromatic and medicinal plant Mentha cervina (Lamiaceae) were sampled across its natural range, in the western half of the Iberian Peninsula, and inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSRs) markers were used to assess genetic diversity and population structure. M. cervina populations exhibited a relatively low genetic diversity (percentage of polymorphic loci PPB = 14.2–58.3%, Nei's genetic diversity He = 0.135–0.205, Shannon's information index I = 0.08 − 0.33). However, the genetic diversity at species level was relatively high (PPB = 98.3%; He = 0.325; I = 0.23). The results of the analysis of molecular variance indicated very structured populations, with 50% of the variance within populations, 44% among populations and 6% between regions defined by hydrographic basins, in line with the gene differentiation coefficient (GST = 0.532). A Mantel test did not find significant correlation between genetic and geographic distance matrices (r = 0.064), indicating that isolation by distance is not shaping the present genetic structure. The levels and patterns of genetic diversity in M. cervina populations were assumed to result largely from a combination of evolutionary history and its unique biological traits, such as breeding system, low capacity of dispersion, small effective size and habitat fragmentation. The high genetic differentiation among populations indicates the necessity of conserving the maximum possible number of populations. The results also provide information to select sites for ex situ conservation. Optimal harvesting strategies, cultivation and tissue culture should also be developed as soon as possible to guarantee sustainable use of the species under study.  相似文献   

Isoetes coreana Chung and Choi is on the list of critically endangered species in South Korea. Using randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers, we investigated the genetic diversity within and between seven local populations of I. coreana. Ten RAPD primers produced a total of 94 bands, of which 59 (62.8%) were polymorphic. A low level of genetic diversity was recognized within the populations of I. coreana: polymorphic loci (P), with values ranging from 3.4% to 33.9%, and a mean value of 15.5% being observed. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed that genetic diversity was greater among populations (81.6%) than within populations (19.7%) or among the three regions included in this study (Han River, Youngsan River, and Nakdong River). In addition, a high degree of genetic differentiation (θB = 0.742) was detected among the populations. These results indicate that genetic differentiation has occurred very rapidly. However, the rate of gene flow between populations was found to be as low as 0.059, irrespective of the genetic and geographical distances between the populations, which indicates that genetic drift must have played an important role in forming the present populations of I. coreana. Because a reduction of genetic diversity as a result of genetic drift is undesirable, increasing the gene flow between populations of Korean quillwort I. coreana should be considered as a conservation strategy.  相似文献   

Phellodendron amurense is an endangered tree with important medicinal and economic value in China. In this study, eight nuclear SSR primer pairs were employed to assess the genetic diversity and structure of 22 natural populations, including 516 individuals. A total of 66 alleles were detected with an average of 8.3 alleles per locus ranging from 3 to 17. The expected heterozygosity (He) of each SSR locus varied from 0.347 to 0.877 (average 0.627). Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed that the main variation component existed within populations (95.11%) rather than among populations (4.89%). The Wilcoxon's sign-rank tests did not show any recent bottleneck effect in any population. A Mantel test displayed a significant correlation between the geographic distances and genetic distances for all populations (r = 0.566, P = 0.0001), indicating conformity to the isolation by distance model. Bayesian clustering and UPGMA supported grouping the populations into two groups. The present genetic structure of P. amurense may be explained by geographical isolation. The lack of genetic structure and genetic diversity decreased with increasing latitude within the Northeast China group may be due to postglacial northward expansion from a single refugium. Proper conservation measures are proposed for this species.  相似文献   

The endangered Black-faced Spoonbill Platalea minor has experienced drastic reductions in population size, geographic distribution, and habitat availability throughout East Asia. In the present study, we examined population genetic structure and genetic diversity of Black-faced Spoonbills inhabiting five sites off the west coast of South Korea encompassing a few of its major breeding sites. Ten microsatellite loci and the mitochondrial sequence were used to assess patterns of genetic variation based on 63 individuals. Three ND2 haplotypes were found among 61 individuals; the remaining two were identified as Eurasian Spoonbills, revealing an unexpected hybridization between these two species having different ecological niches in South Korea—the Eurasian Spoonbill overwinters in inland areas, whereas the Black-faced Spoonbill inhabits coastal areas during the summer. Analyses of microsatellite variation revealed no discrete population structure among the five breeding sites but very weak genetic differentiation among geographically distant regions. Assignment tests identified several possible migrants among sites. Our findings suggested that Black-faced Spoonbills from the five breeding sites could be managed as a single population and highlighted the importance of conserving the populations from Maedo, Suhaam, and Namdong reservoir, which are geographically close and have retained high levels of genetic diversity and large populations.  相似文献   

Armillaria luteo-virens is a type of ectomycorrhiza whose fruit body is widely used as an edible mushroom in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. In total, 404 individuals of A. luteo-virens from 23 geographically separate populations were analyzed using eight pairs of SSR markers. The average number of alleles among nine populations was 28.65 with a range from 20 to 38. The mean observed (HO) and expected (HE) heterozygosity ranged from 0.446 to 0.501 and from 0.499 to 0.554, respectively. An analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed that most genetic variation occurred within populations (83.32%). The mean value of FST (0.176) suggested low genetic differentiation among populations. The 23 studied populations were divided into two main clusters based on the NJ dendrogram, which was also confirmed by STRUCTURE analysis. This study may aid in not only the protection of this species but also the management of genetic resources for future artificial cultivation.  相似文献   

Plantago algarbiensis and Plantago almogravensis are two endangered and endemic species from Portugal. Due to the rarity and endangered nature of these species as well as the lack of molecular data, their genetic variation was evaluated using ISSR and RAPD markers. P. algarbiensis species showed higher genetic variability (73.9% of polymorphism) than P. almogravensis (61.2%). The two species revealed a high level of genetic diversity, with a Nei's genetic diversity of 0.1965 and 0.2309 and a Shannon's diversity index of 0.2975 and 0.3520, for P. almogravensis and P. algarbiensis, respectively. A low level of genetic differentiation was observed (Gst = 0.1873) among the species. However, the cluster and PCA analyses, based on genetic similarity, revealed two main, clearly separate clusters, which directly corresponded to the plants isolated from each species. In situ and ex situ measures should be applied in order to preserve both species but, based on these results, P. almogravensis population should be a priority for conservation.  相似文献   

As mountains have been hypothesized as harboring important Quaternary refugia for plants, one would expect high within-population genetic variation and low or moderate among-population differentiation for those species occurring there. We selected Kirengeshoma koreana and Parasenecio pseudotaimingasa, endemic to mountains of Korea to test the scenario that the main mountain ranges of the Peninsula would also have acted as refugia. We undertook a population genetic analysis using 15 and 12 putative allozyme loci of K. koreana and P. pseudotaimingasa, respectively. We found contrasting levels of genetic diversity in the two species; extremely low within-population genetic variation and high among-population divergence in K. koreana and high within-population genetic variation and moderate among-population divergence in P. pseudotaimingasa. We can conclude that, whereas Korean mountains would have provided large refugial areas (i.e., ‘macrorefugia’) for P. pseudotaimingasa, K. koreana would have endured the Quaternary climate oscillations in small, isolated populations (i.e., ‘microrefugia’). Given the lack of genetic diversity and the extremely low number of populations and individuals of K. koreana, a comprehensive conservation program is urgently needed for this rare and critically endangered species.  相似文献   

The newly discovered endemic maple Acer yangbiense of China has only five individuals left in the wild, and thus has been classified as a plant species with extremely small populations (PSESP). PSESP species call for emergency protection procedures, such as ex-situ conservation and reintroduction. Our objectives were to examine the genetic diversity of A. yangbiense and to evaluate former conservation strategies from a genetic point of view. Our results suggested that A. yangbiense was not genetically depauperate, but its genetic loss at a species level was obvious. A parentage analysis indicated a high selfing-rate in A. yangbiense and suggested the existence of a previously unknown wild individual. Former conservation strategies did not include all genetic variations of the wild population, and gene diversity of the ex-situ conserved seedlings is lower than that of the wild population. From our findings, we make suggestions to guide the subsequent protection of this species.  相似文献   

Leptosphaeria maculans is a serious concern for canola production worldwide. For effective disease management, knowledge of the pathogen's genetic variability and population structure is a prerequisite. In this study, whole-genome sequencing was performed for 162 of 1590 L. maculans isolates collected in the years 2007–2008 and 2012–2014 in Western Canada. DNA variants in genome-wide and specific regions including avirulence (Avr) genes were characterized. A total of 31,870 high-quality polymorphic DNA variants were used to study L. maculans genetic diversity and population structure. Cluster analysis showed that 150 isolates were clustered into 2 main groups and 4 subgroups by DNA variants located in either Avr or small secreted protein-encoding genes and into 2 main groups and 6 subgroups by genome-wide variants. The analysis of nucleotide diversity and differentiation also confirmed genetic variation within a population and among populations. Principal component analysis with genome-wide variants showed that the isolates collected in 2012–2014 were more genetically diverse than those collected in 2007–2008. Population structure analysis discovered three distinct sub-populations. Although isolates from Saskatchewan and Alberta were of similar genetic composition, Manitoba isolates were highly diverse. Genome-wide association study detected DNA variants in genes AvrLm4-7, Lema_T86300, and Lema_T86310 associated with the years of collection.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity and structure of four Opisthopappus longilobus and nine Opisthopappus taihangensis populations from Mts. Taihang were analyzed using SRAP markers. The results showed that O. longilobus (PPB = 95.16%, H = 0.349, I = 0.517) and O. taihangensis populations (PPB = 94.58%, H = 0.332, I = 0.504) had high genetic diversity. The genetic diversity within populations varied according to two species. Low genetic differentiation was detected among O. longilobus (ΦST = 0.105) and O. taihangensis (ΦST = 0.188) populations, respectively. Significantly genetic variation was found between O. longilobus and O. taihangensis (ΦST = 0.232). The dendrogram generated from pairwise genetic distance among all populations showed two distinct clusters, each corresponding to one species. A Mantel test revealed insignificant positive correlation between genetic distances and geographic distances (rO. longilobus = 0.3021; rO. taihangensis = 0.3658; P > 0.05). Those results indicated that self-compatibility, effective gene flow, biological traits, and historical factors may be the main factors causing geographical differentiation in the structure of O. longilobus and O. taihangensis populations.  相似文献   

Buddleja crispa Benth. is one of the most morphologically variable species in genus Buddleja, and it is widely distributed in the Himalaya-Hengduan Mountains (HHM) region. This study used AFLPs as a tool to examine the genetic variation among and within 25 populations of B. crispa. Analysis of population genetics of the species aimed to clarify morphological variation, current distribution patterns, strong adaptability to habitats, and the effects of geological factors in the HHM region. The genetic structure results, based on PCoA and NJ cluster analyses, revealed that the populations of B. crispa were divided into two genetic groups. Furthermore, the peripheral populations had lower genetic diversity than the populations in the center of the distribution areas (Three Parallel Rivers). We conclude that the gene flow (predominantly seed and pollen flow) and the population differentiation of B. crispa might be more affected by the barriers formed by rivers and mountains than by geographic distance.  相似文献   

The green mussel, Perna viridis is ecologically and economically important in the coastal region of the South China Sea. Determining its population genetic structure at this fine geographic scale will help sustainable management of natural stocks. In this study, we examined the genetic diversity and population genetic structure of P. viridis from four locations in the South China Sea (n = 45–48) using nine microsatellite loci. The results showed moderate levels of genetic diversity in all four samples (mean A = 13.222–14.000, mean Ae = 7.092–7.571, mean Ar = 12.894–13.746, mean Ho = 0.596–0.656, mean He = 0.690–0.733) and a large effective population size estimate for the pooled sample (total Ne estimates = infinity, 95% CI = 1869.0-infinity). We did not detect any sign of recent bottleneck events in P. viridis populations in the South China Sea. The conventional and a model-based analysis reveal low, non-significant genetic divergence among the four samples (FST = − 0.001–0.005, P > 0.05/6). The results obtained from this study can provide valuable genetic information for the conservation and fishery management of P. viridis by retaining the high Ne estimates.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity and population structure of 20 Tunisian Lavandula stoechas L. and Lavandula multifida L. populations, from different bioclimates, were analysed by starch gel electrophoresis using seven isozymes. The genetic diversity within populations varied according to species. Variation in L. multifida was higher than that observed for L. stoechas, and exclusive alleles were detected for taxa.

A high differentiation among populations, for each species, estimated by Wright's F-statistics was revealed. The genetic structure of populations from the same bioclimate was substantial. Nei's, R. [1978. Estimation of average heterozygosity and genetic distance from a small number of individuals. Genetics 89, 583–590] genetic distance among pairs of populations was low. The UPGMA cluster analysis of genetic distance values revealed that populations for each species were not strictly clustered together according to bioclimate or geographic proximity.

For each species, the low genetic divergence among populations and their substantial structure indicate their recent fragmentation due to anthropic pressures. The dendrogram generated from pairwise genetic distance among all populations showed two distinct clusters each corresponding to one species. The high genetic divergence between the two species, based on isozymes, corroborates their taxonomic status, as previously reported using morphological traits. The strategy for the management and conservation of populations should be made for each taxa according to its level of diversity and bioclimate.  相似文献   

Of the genus Craigia, widespread in the Tertiary, only two relict species survived to modern times. One species is now possibly extinct and the other one, Craigia yunnanensis, is severely endangered. Extensive surveys have located six C. yunnanensis populations in Yunnan province, southwest China. Using fluorescent amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), the genetic diversity and population structure of these populations were examined. It was found that genetic diversity of C. yunnanensis was moderate at the species level, but low at regional and population levels. Analysis of population structure showed significant genetic differentiation between Wenshan and Dehong regions, apparently representing two geographically isolated for long time refuges. There are also clear indications of isolation between populations, which, together with anthropogenically caused decline of population size, will lead to general loss of the species genetic variation with subsequent loss of adaptive potential. To conserve the genetic integrity of C. yunnanensis, we recommend that ex-situ conservation should include representative samples from every population of the two differentiated regions (e.g. Wenshan and Dehong). The crosses between individuals originated from different regions should be avoided because of a high risk of outbreeding depression. As all the extant populations of C. yunnanensis are in unprotected areas with strong anthropogenic impact, there is no alternative to reintroduction of C. yunnanensis into suitable protected locations.  相似文献   

Saruma henryi Oliv., the only representative of the monotypic genus Saruma Oliv. (Aristolochiaceae), is an endangered perennial herb endemic to China. It is a phylogenetically, ecologically, and medicinally important species. In the present study, inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers were employed to investigate the genetic diversity and differentiation of 14 populations. A total of 16 selected primers yielded 175 bright and discernible bands, with an average of 10.94 per primer. POPGENE analysis showed that the genetic diversity was quite low at the population level (h = 0.0447–0.1243; I = 0.0642–0.1853; PPB = 10.29–36.57%), but pretty high at the species level (h = 0.2603; I = 0.3857; PPB = 73.71%). The hierarchical analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed a high level of genetic differentiation among populations (67.18% of total variance components, P < 0.001), in line with the gene differentiation coefficient (G ST = 0.6903) and the limited among-population gene flow (N m = 0.2243). Both Principal Coordinates Analysis (PCoA) and UPGMA cluster analysis supported the grouping of all 14 populations into three geographic groups, among which there occurred a moderate level of genetic differentiation (33.18% of total variance components, P < 0.001) as shown by AMOVA analysis. In addition, Mantel test revealed a significant correlation between genetic and geographic distances among populations (r = 0.7792, P = 0.001), indicating the role of geographic isolation in shaping its present population genetic structure. The present levels and patterns of genetic diversity of S. henryi were assumed to result largely from its breeding system, geographic isolation, clonal growth, its unique biological traits and evolutionary history. The high genetic differentiation among populations implies that the conservation efforts should aim to preserve all the extant populations of this endangered herb.  相似文献   

Psammosilene tunicoides W. C. Wu et C.Y. Wu (Caryophyllaceae) is a rare plant endemic to China. We used the direct amplification of length polymorphism (DALP) method to analyse the genetic diversity of 17 natural populations of this species from Yunnan, Sichuan and Guizhou provinces. The percentage of polymorphic bands (PPB) was 99.1% at the species level and 19.9% at the population level. The total genetic diversity (Ht) was 0.2827; the genetic diversity within populations (Hs) was 0.0594 and the coefficient of gene differentiation (Gst) was 0.7899. The results indicated low levels of genetic diversity within populations and extremely high genetic differentiation among populations. This pattern might be caused by genetic drift resulting from intensive harvesting and habitat fragmentation. It might also be a result of local adaptation. We further performed experiments on its breeding system and found a high rate of selfing in P. tunicoides, which may be partially responsible for its population structure.  相似文献   

The Tehuantepec jackrabbit (Lepus flavigularis) is an endangered species restricted to a small area in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, Mexico. To evaluate its phylogeographic structure, population genetics, and demographic history we sequenced the mitochondrial Control Region hypervariable domain (CR-1) for 42 individuals representing the entire species range. Phylogenetic patterns indicated that this species is subdivided into two highly divergent clades, with an average nucleotide genetic distance of 3.7% (TrN) between them. Clades A and B are geographically distributed in non-overlapping areas to the west and to the east of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, respectively. Genetic diversity indices showed reduced genetic variability in L. flavigularis when compared to other species of Lepus within main clades and within populations. This low genetic diversity coupled with the restricted distribution to very small areas of occurrence and limited gene flow suggest that genetic drift has played an important role in the evolution of this species. Historical demographic analysis also pointed out that these two clades underwent a recent population expansion that started about 9,000 years ago for clade A and 3,200 years ago for clade B during the Holocene. Consequently, from the conservation perspective our results suggest that populations included in clades A and B should be regarded as distinct evolutionary lineages.  相似文献   

Salvia miltiorrhiza, known as Dan-shen in China, is a well-known and important medicinal herb in Asia. Its root and rhizome has been used to treat cardiovascular diseases in China for centuries. Recently, it had been widely cultivated in China due to a rapid decline in wild resources. However, the germplasm resources of different cultivated regions are extremely variable. Here, new simple sequence repeats (SSRs) from expressed sequence tags (ESTs) were mined to analyze the frequency and distribution of SSRs, assess the validity of developed EST-SSR marker and identify new EST-SSR marker for the preparatory investigation of the population structure in cultivated S. miltiorrhiza. This study showed that 5160 unique ESTs were accumulated from database, 760 SSRs combined with 41 types of SSR motifs were mined. High polymorphism and transferability were presented in newly developed EST-SSR marker. It also showed that cultivated S. miltiorrhiza were mainly divided into three large groups. The results suggested that S. miltiorrhiza may has high abundance of SSRs in transcribed regions of genome and the developed EST-SSR marker may be useful for analysis of genetic diversity and population structure.  相似文献   

Rock carp [Procypris rabaudi (Tchang)] is an endemic species widely distributed throughout the upper reaches of the Yangtze River and its tributaries. Recently, the wild genetic resources of this species have markedly declined and it has been listed as vulnerable in China. Thus, conservation policies for this species are required urgently. However, information supporting decision-making on the conservation of this species is insufficient, especially at the genetic level. In this work, eight populations covering the entire natural range of the species were investigated using amplified fragments length polymorphism markers to determine the genetic diversity and population genetic structure. The results indicated that this species is characterized by moderate levels of genetic polymorphism (46.4% polymorphic loci) and genetic diversity (He = 0.163), and by moderate to high levels of differentiation among the geographical populations. Principal coordinate and Bayesian assignment analysis were used to investigate the genetic structure of this species. No genetically distinct groups among the individuals were detected. The results provided new genetic information and have wide implications for genetic assessment, fishery management and conservation of the rock carp.  相似文献   

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