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In the photoactive yellow protein, PYP, both Glu46 and Tyr42 form hydrogen bonds to the phenolic OH group of the p-hydroxycinnamoyl chromophore. Previous work on replacement of the carboxyl group of Glu46 by an amide group (Glu46Gln) has shown that changing the nature of this hydrogen bond has a minimal effect on the rate constant for the formation of the first intermediate (I(0)) and on the excited state lifetime, whereas the rate constants for the formation of the second (I(0)( not equal)) and third (I(1)) intermediates were increased by factors of approximately 30 and 5, respectively. In the present experiments, two additional mutants (Glu46Ala and Tyr42Phe) have been studied. These two mutants are shown to behave kinetically very similarly to one another. In both cases, the rate constant for I(0) formation is decreased by a factor of approximately 2, with little or no effect on the photochemical yield as a consequence of a compensating increase in the excited state lifetime. Although we are unable to resolve the rate constant for the formation of the second intermediate from that of the first intermediate, the rate constant for the formation of the third intermediate is increased by a factor of approximately 100. The structural implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Y Imamoto  K Mihara  F Tokunaga  M Kataoka 《Biochemistry》2001,40(48):14336-14343
The absorption spectra of photocycle intermediates of photoactive yellow protein mutants were compared with those of the corresponding intermediates of wild type to probe which amino acid residues interact with the chromophore in the intermediate states. B and H intermediates were produced by irradiation and trapped at 80 K, and L intermediates at 193 K. The absorption spectra of these intermediates produced from R52Q were identical to those from wild type, whereas those from E46Q and T50V were 7-15 nm red-shifted as those in the dark states. The absorption spectra of M intermediates were measured by flash photolysis at room temperature. Those of Y42F, T50V, and R52Q were identical to that of wild type, whereas that of E46Q was 11 nm red-shifted. Assuming that the intermediates of mutants have a structure comparable to that of wild type, these findings suggest the following: Glu46 interacts with the chromophore throughout the photocycle, interaction between the chromophore and Thr50 as well as Tyr42 is lost upon the formation of M intermediate, and Arg52 never interacts with the chromophore directly. The hydrogen-bonding network around the phenolic oxygen of the chromophore would be thus maintained until L intermediate decays, and the global conformational change would take place by the loss of the hydrogen bond between the chromophore and Tyr42. This model conflicts with some of the results of previous crystallographic studies, suggesting that the reaction mechanism in the crystal may be different from that in solution.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the room temperature photocycle of the photoactive yellow protein (PYP) from Ectothiorhodospira halophila involves at least two intermediate species: I1, which forms in <10 ns and decays with a 200-micros lifetime to I2, which itself subsequently returns to the ground state with a 140-ms time constant at pH 7 (Genick et al. 1997. Biochemistry. 36:8-14). Picosecond transient absorption spectroscopy has been used here to reveal a photophysical relaxation process (stimulated emission) and photochemical intermediates in the PYP photocycle that have not been reported previously. The first new intermediate (I0) exhibits maximum absorption at approximately 510 nm and appears in </=3 ps after 452 nm excitation (5 ps pulse width) of PYP. Kinetic analysis shows that I0 decays with a 220 +/- 20 ps lifetime, forming another intermediate (Idouble dagger0) that has a similar difference wavelength maximum, but with lower absorptivity. Idouble dagger0 decays with a 3 +/- 0.15 ns time constant to form I1. Stimulated emission from an excited electronic state of PYP is observed both within the 4-6-ps cross-correlation times used in this work, and with a 16-ps delay for all probe wavelengths throughout the 426-525-nm region studied. These transient absorption and emission data provide a more detailed understanding of the mechanistic dynamics occurring during the PYP photocycle.  相似文献   

Photoactive yellow protein (PYP) is a blue light sensor present in the purple photosynthetic bacterium Ectothiorhodospira halophila, which undergoes a cyclic series of absorbance changes upon illumination at its lambda(max) of 446 nm. The anionic p-hydroxycinnamoyl chromophore of PYP is covalently bound as a thiol ester to Cys69, buried in a hydrophobic pocket, and hydrogen-bonded via its phenolate oxygen to Glu46 and Tyr42. The chromophore becomes protonated in the photobleached state (I(2)) after it undergoes trans-cis isomerization, which results in breaking of the H-bond between Glu46 and the chromophore and partial exposure of the phenolic ring to the solvent. In previous mutagenesis studies of a Glu46Gln mutant, we have shown that a key factor in controlling the color and photocycle kinetics of PYP is this H-bonding system. To further investigate this, we have now characterized Glu46Asp and Glu46Ala mutants. The ground-state absorption spectrum of the Glu46Asp mutant shows a pH-dependent equilibrium (pK = 8.6) between two species: a protonated (acidic) form (lambda(max) = 345 nm), and a slightly blue-shifted deprotonated (basic) form (lambda(max) = 444 nm). Both of these species are photoactive. A similar transition was also observed for the Glu46Ala mutant (pK = 7.9), resulting in two photoactive red-shifted forms: a basic species (lambda(max) = 465 nm) and a protonated species (lambda(max) = 365 nm). We attribute these spectral transitions to protonation/deprotonation of the phenolate oxygen of the chromophore. This is demonstrated by FT Raman spectra. Dark recovery kinetics (return to the unphotolyzed state) were found to vary appreciably between these various photoactive species. These spectral and kinetic properties indicate that the hydrogen bond between Glu46 and the chromophore hydroxyl group is a dominant factor in controlling the pK values of the chromophore and the glutamate carboxyl.  相似文献   

Photoactive yellow protein is the protein responsible for initiating the "blue-light vision" of Halorhodospira halophila. The dynamical processes responsible for triggering the photoactive yellow protein photocycle have been disentangled with the use of a novel application of dispersed ultrafast pump-dump-probe spectroscopy, where the photocycle can be started and interrupted with appropriately tuned and timed laser pulses. This "incoherent" manipulation of the photocycle allows for the detailed spectroscopic investigation of the underlying photocycle dynamics and the construction of a fully self-consistent dynamical model. This model requires three kinetically distinct excited-state intermediates, two (ground-state) photocycle intermediates, I(0) and pR, and a ground-state intermediate through which the protein, after unsuccessful attempts at initiating the photocycle, returns to the equilibrium ground state. Also observed is a previously unknown two-photon ionization channel that generates a radical and an ejected electron into the protein environment. This second excitation pathway evolves simultaneously with the pathway containing the one-photon photocycle intermediates.  相似文献   

The light-induced isomerization of a double bond is the key event that allows the conversion of light energy into a structural change in photoactive proteins for many light-mediated biological processes, such as vision, photosynthesis, photomorphogenesis, and photo movement. Cofactors such as retinals, linear tetrapyrroles, and 4-hydroxy-cinnamic acid have been selected by nature that provide the essential double bond to transduce the light signal into a conformational change and eventually, a physiological response. Here we report the first events after light excitation of the latter chromophore, containing a single ethylene double bond, in a low temperature crystallographic study of the photoactive yellow protein. We measured experimental phases to overcome possible model bias, corrected for minimized radiation damage, and measured absorption spectra of crystals to analyze the photoproducts formed. The data show a mechanism for the light activation of photoactive yellow protein, where the energy to drive the remainder of the conformational changes is stored in a slightly strained but fully cis-chromophore configuration. In addition, our data indicate a role for backbone rearrangements during the very early structural events.  相似文献   

Femtosecond time-resolved absorbance measurements were used to probe the subpicosecond primary events of the photoactive yellow protein (PYP), a 14-kD soluble photoreceptor from Ectothiorhodospira halophila. Previous picosecond absorption studies from our laboratory have revealed the presence of two new early photochemical intermediates in the PYP photocycle, I(0), which appears in 相似文献   

We have studied the kinetics of the blue light-induced branching reaction in the photocycle of photoactive yellow protein (PYP) from Ectothiorhodospira halophila, by nanosecond time-resolved UV/Vis spectroscopy. As compared to the parallel dark recovery reaction of the presumed blue-shifted signaling state pB, the light-induced branching reaction showed a 1000-fold higher rate. In addition, a new intermediate was detected in this branching pathway, which, compared to pB, showed a larger extinction coefficient and a blue-shifted absorption maximum. This substantiates the conclusion that isomerization of the chromophore is the rate-controlling step in the thermal photocycle reactions of PYP and implies that absorption of a blue photon leads to cis-->trans isomerization of the 4-hydroxy-cinnamyl chromophore of PYP in its pB state.  相似文献   

The blue light receptor photoactive yellow protein (PYP) displays rhodopsin-like photochemistry based on the trans to cis photoisomerization of its p-coumaric acid chromophore. Here, we report that protein refolding from the acid-denatured state of PYP mimics the last photocycle transition in PYP. This implies a direct link between transient protein unfolding and photosensory signal transduction. We utilize this link to study general issues in protein folding. Chromophore trans to cis photoisomerization in the acid-denatured state strongly decelerates refolding, and converts the pH dependence of the barrier for refolding from linear to nonlinear. We propose transition state movement to explain this phenomenon. The cis chromophore significantly stabilizes the acid-denatured state, but acidification of PYP results in the accumulation of the acid-denatured state containing a trans chromophore. This provides a clear example of kinetic control in a protein unfolding reaction. These results demonstrate the power of PYP as a light-triggered model system to study protein folding.  相似文献   

In the bacterial photoreceptor photoactive yellow protein (PYP), absorption of blue light by its chromophore leads to a conformational change in the protein associated with differential signaling activity, as it executes a reversible photocycle. Time-resolved Laue crystallography allows structural snapshots (as short as 150 ps) of high crystallographic resolution (approximately 1.6 A) to be taken of a protein as it functions. Here, we analyze by singular value decomposition a comprehensive time-resolved crystallographic data set of the E46Q mutant of PYP throughout the photocycle spanning 10 ns-100 ms. We identify and refine the structures of five distinct intermediates and provide a plausible chemical kinetic mechanism for their inter conversion. A clear structural progression is visible in these intermediates, in which a signal generated at the chromophore propagates through a distinct structural pathway of conserved residues and results in structural changes near the N terminus, over 20 A distant from the chromophore.  相似文献   

Photoactive yellow protein (PYP) is a bacterial blue light sensor that induces Halorhodospira halophila to swim away from intense blue light. Light absorption by PYP's intrinsic chromophore, p-coumaric acid, leads to the initiation of a photocycle that comprises several distinct intermediates. Here we describe the initial structural changes of the chromophore and its nearby amino acids, using visible pump/mid-infrared probe spectroscopy. Upon photoexcitation, the trans bands of the chromophore are bleached, and shifts of the phenol ring bands occur. The latter are ascribed to charge translocation, which probably plays an essential role in driving the trans to cis isomerization process. We conclude that breaking of the hydrogen bond of the chromophore's C=O group with amino acid Cys69 and formation of a stable cis ground state occur in approximately 2 ps. Dynamic changes also include rearrangements of the hydrogen-bonding network of the amino acids around the chromophore. Relaxation of the coumaryl tail of the chromophore occurs in 0.9-1 ns, which event we identify with the I(0) to I(1) transition observed in visible spectroscopy.  相似文献   

Photoactive yellow protein (PYP) undergoes a light-driven cycle of color and protonation states that is part of a mechanism of bacterial phototaxis. This article concerns functionally important protonation states of PYP and the interactions that stabilize them, and changes in the protonation state during the photocycle. In particular, the chromophore pK(a) is known to be shifted down so that the chromophore is negatively charged in the ground state (dark state) even though it is buried in the protein, while nearby Glu46 has an unusually high pK(a). The photocycle involves changes of one or both of these protonation states. Calculations of pK(a) values and protonation states using a semi-macroscopic electrostatic model are presented for the wild-type and three mutants, in both the ground state and the bleached (I(2)) intermediate state. Calculations allowing multiple H-bonding arrangements around the chromophore also have been carried out. In addition, ground-state pK(a) values of the chromophore have been measured by UV-visible spectroscopy for the wild-type and the same three mutants. Because of the unusual protonation states and strong electrostatic interactions, PYP represents a severe test of the ability of theoretical models to yield correct calculations of electrostatic interactions in proteins. Good agreement between experiment and theory can be obtained for the ground state provided the protein interior is assumed to have a relatively low dielectric constant, but only partial agreement between theory and experiment is obtained for the bleached state. We also present a reinterpretation of previously published data on the pH-dependence of the recovery of the ground state from the bleached state. The new analysis implies a pK(a) value of 6.37 for Glu46 in the bleached state, which is consistent with other available experimental data, including data that only became available after this analysis. The new analysis suggests that signal transduction is modulated by the titration properties of the bleached state, which are in turn determined by electrostatic interactions. Overall, the results of this study provide a quantitative picture of the interactions responsible for the unusual protonation states of the chromophore and Glu46, and of protonation changes upon bleaching.  相似文献   

Visualizing the three-dimensional structures of a protein during its biological activity is key to understanding its mechanism. In general, protein structure and function are pH-dependent. Changing the pH provides new insights into the mechanisms that are involved in protein activity. Photoactive yellow protein (PYP) is a signaling protein that serves as an ideal model for time-dependent studies on light-activated proteins. Its photocycle is studied extensively under different pH conditions. However, the structures of the intermediates remain unknown until time-resolved crystallography is employed. With the newest beamline developments, a comprehensive time series of Laue data can now be collected from a single protein crystal. This allows us to vary the pH. Here we present the first structure, to our knowledge, of a short-lived protein-inhibitor complex formed in the pB state of the PYP photocycle at pH 4. A water molecule that is transiently stabilized in the chromophore active site prevents the relaxation of the chromophore back to the trans configuration. As a result, the dark-state recovery is slowed down dramatically. At pH 9, PYP stops cycling through the pB state altogether. The electrostatic environment in the chromophore-binding site is the likely reason for this altered kinetics at different pH values.  相似文献   

Two complementary aspects of the thermodynamics of the photoactive yellow protein (PYP), a new type of photoreceptor that has been isolated from Ectothiorhodospira halophila, have been investigated. First, the thermal denaturation of PYP at pH 3.4 has been examined by global analysis of the temperature-induced changes in the UV-VIS absorbance spectrum of this chromophoric protein. Subsequently, a thermodynamic model for protein (un)folding processes, incorporating heat capacity changes, has been applied to these data. The second aspect of PYP that has been studied is the temperature dependence of its photocycle kinetics, which have been reported to display an unexplained deviation from normal Arrhenius behavior. We have extended these measurements in two solvents with different hydrophobicities and have analyzed the number of rate constants needed to describe these data. Here we show that the resulting temperature dependence of the rate constants can be quantitatively explained by the application of a thermodynamic model which assumes that heat capacity changes are associated with the two transitions in the photocycle of PYP. This result is the first example of an enzyme catalytic cycle being described by a thermodynamic model including heat capacity changes. It is proposed that a strong link exists between the processes occurring during the photocycle of PYP and protein (un)folding processes. This permits a thermodynamic analysis of the light-induced, physiologically relevant, conformational changes occurring in this photoreceptor protein.  相似文献   

The spectroscopic properties of photoactive yellow protein (PYP) partially digested by chymotrypsin were studied. Chymotrypsin yielded three major products that were yellow but distinguishable by SDS-PAGE. They were readily separated by DEAE-Sepharose column chromatography. Protein sequencing and mass spectrometry demonstrated that chymotrypsin cleaved the N-terminal 6, 15, or 23 amino acids (T6, T15, and T23). The blue-shifts of the absorption maxima and the increases in the apparent pK(a) of the chromophores relative to those of intact PYP were less than 4 nm and 0.2, respectively. The absorption spectra of the near-UV intermediates produced from T6, T15, and T23 were identical to that of intact PYP, but with lifetimes that were 140, 2,300, and 4,500 times longer, respectively. These observations suggest that the recovery of the dark state of PYP from the near-UV intermediate is accelerated by the N-terminal region, and that this region acts as a regulatory factor for the photocycle of PYP.  相似文献   

Time-resolved resonance Raman spectroscopy is used to obtain chromophore vibrational spectra of the pR, pB', and pB intermediates during the photocycle of photoactive yellow protein. In the pR spectrum, the C8-C9 stretching mode at 998 cm(-1) is approximately 60 cm(-1) lower than in the dark state, and the combination of C-O stretching and C7H=C8H bending at 1283 cm(-1) is insensitive to D2O substitution. These results indicate that pR has a deprotonated, cis chromophore structure and that the hydrogen bonding to the chromophore phenolate oxygen is preserved and strengthened in the early photoproduct. However, the intense C7H=C8H hydrogen out-of-plane (HOOP) mode at 979 cm(-1) suggests that the chromophore in pR is distorted at the vinyl and adjacent C8-C9 bonds. The formation of pB' involves chromophore protonation based on the protonation state marker at 1174 cm(-1) and on the sensitivity of the COH bending at 1148 cm(-1) as well as the combined C-OH stretching and C7H=C8H bending mode at 1252 cm(-1) to D2O substitution. The hydrogen out-of-plane Raman intensity at 985 cm(-1) significantly decreases in pB', suggesting that the pR-to-pB' transition is the stage where the stored photon energy is transferred from the distorted chromophore to the protein, producing a more relaxed pB' chromophore structure. The C=O stretching mode downshifts from 1660 to 1651 cm(-1) in the pB'-to-pB transition, indicating the reformation of a hydrogen bond to the carbonyl oxygen. Based on reported x-ray data, this suggests that the chromophore ring flips during the transition from pB' to pB. These results confirm the existence and importance of the pB' intermediate in photoactive yellow protein receptor activation.  相似文献   

The photocycle intermediates of photoactive yellow protein (PYP) were characterized by low-temperature Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The difference FTIR spectra of PYP(B), PYP(H), PYP(L), and PYP(M) minus PYP were measured under the irradiation condition determined by UV-visible spectroscopy. Although the chromophore bands of PYP(B) were weak, intense sharp bands complementary to the 1163-cm(-1) band of PYP, which show the chromophore is deprotonated, were observed at 1168-1169 cm(-1) for PYP(H) and PYP(L), indicating that the proton at Glu46 is not transferred before formation of PYP(M). Free trans-p-coumaric acid had a 1294-cm(-1) band, which was shifted to 1288 cm(-1) in the cis form. All the difference FTIR spectra obtained had the pair of bands corresponding to them, indicating that all the intermediates have the chromophore in the cis configuration. The characteristic vibrational modes at 1020-960 cm(-1) distinguished the intermediates. Because these modes were shifted by deuterium-labeling at the ethylene bond of the chromophore while labeling at the phenol part had no effect, they were attributed to the ethylene bond region. Hence, structural differences among the intermediates are present in this region. Bands at about 1730 cm(-1), which show that Glu46 is protonated, were observed for all intermediates except for PYP(M). Because the frequency of this mode was constant in PYP(B), PYP(H), and PYP(L), the environment of Glu46 is conserved in these intermediates. The photocycle of PYP would therefore proceed by changing the structure of the twisted ethylene bond of the chromophore.  相似文献   

The long lived intermediate (signaling state) of photoactive yellow protein (PYP(M)), which is formed in the photocycle, was characterized at various pHs. PYP(M) at neutral pH was in equilibrium between two spectroscopically distinct states. Absorption maxima of the acidic form (PYP(M)(acid)) and alkaline form (PYP(M)(alkali)) were located at 367 and 356 nm, respectively. Equilibrium was represented by the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation, in which apparent pK(a) was 6.4. Content of alpha- and/or beta-structure of PYP(M)(acid) was significantly greater than PYP(M)(alkali) as demonstrated by the molar ellipticity at 222 nm. In addition, changes in amide I and II modes of beta-structure in the difference Fourier transform infrared spectra for formation of PYP(M)(acid) was smaller than that of PYP(M)(alkali). The vibrational mode at 1747 cm(-1) of protonated Glu-46 was found as a small band for PYP(M)(acid) but not for PYP(M)(alkali), suggesting that Glu-46 remains partially protonated in PYP(M)(acid), whereas it is fully deprotonated in PYP(M)(alkali). Small angle x-ray scattering measurements demonstrated that the radius of gyration of PYP(M)(acid) was 15.7 Angstroms, whereas for PYP(M)(alkali) it was 16.2 Angstroms. These results indicate that PYP(M)(acid) assumes a more ordered and compact structure than PYP(M)(alkali). Binding of citrate shifts this equilibrium toward PYP(M)(alkali). UV-visible absorption spectra and difference infrared spectra of the long lived intermediate formed from E46Q mutant was consistent with those of PYP(M)(acid), indicating that the mutation shifts this equilibrium toward PYP(M)(acid). Alterations in the nature of PYP(M) by pH, citrate, and mutation of Glu-46 are consistently explained by the shift of the equilibrium between PYP(M)(acid) and PYP(M)(alkali).  相似文献   

The kinetics of the photocycle of PYP and its mutants E46Q and E46A were investigated as a function of pH. E46 is the putative donor of the chromophore which becomes protonated in the I(2) intermediate. For E46Q we find that I(2) is in a pH-dependent equilibrium with its precursor I(1)' with a pK(a) of 8.15 and n = 1. From this result and from experiments with pH indicator dyes, we conclude that in the I(1)' to I(2) transition one proton is taken up from the external medium. The pK(a) of 8.15 is that of the surface-exposed chromophore in the equilibrium between I(1)' and I(2) and is close to that of the phenolate group of p-hydroxycinnamic acid. The pH-dependent I(1)'/I(2) equilibrium with associated H(+) uptake is reminiscent of the M(I)/M(II) equilibrium in the formation of the signaling state of rhodopsin. Well above this pK(a) no I(2) is formed and I(1)' returns in a pH-independent manner to the initial state P. The decay rate for the return to P via I(2) is between pH 4 and pH 8, exactly proportional to the hydroxide concentration (first order), and the deprotonation of the chromophore in this transition occurs by hydroxide uptake. Well above the pK(a) of 8.15 the apparent rate constant for the return to P is constant due to the branching from I(1)'. Complementary measurements with the pH indicator dye cresol red at pH 8.3 show that the remaining PYP molecules that still cycle via I(2) take up one proton in the formation of I(2). Together, these observations provide compelling evidence that during the photocycle the chromophore in E46Q is protonated and deprotonated from the external medium. For the yellow form of the mutant E46A the apparent rate constant for the return to P is also linear in [OH(-)] below about pH 8.3 and constant above about pH 9.5, with a pK(a) value of 8.8 for I(1)', suggesting a similar mechanism of chromophore protonation/deprotonation as in E46Q. For wild type qualitatively similar observations were made: the amplitude of I(2) decreased at alkaline pH, I(1)' and I(2) were in equilibrium, and I(1)' decayed together with the return to P. Chromophore hydrolysis prevented, however, an accurate determination of the pK(a) of I(1)'. We estimate that its value is above 11. The ground state P is in the dark in a pH-dependent equilibrium with a low-pH bleached form P(bl) with protonated chromophore. The pK(a) values for these equilibria are 4.8 and 7.9 for E46Q and E46A, respectively. When the pH is close to these pK(a)'s, the kinetics of the photocycle contains additional components in the millisecond time range. Using pH-jump stopped-flow experiments, we show that these contributions are due to the relaxation of the P/P(bl) equilibrium which is perturbed by the rapid decrease in the P concentration caused by the flash excitation of P. The condition for the occurrence of this effect is that the relaxation time of the P/P(bl) equilibrium is faster than the photocycle time.  相似文献   

Light-activation of the PAS domain protein photoactive yellow protein (PYP) is believed to trigger a negative phototactic response in the phototropic bacterium Halorhodospira halophila. To investigate transient conformational changes of the PYP photocycle, we utilized the PYP mutant M100L that displays an increased lifetime of the putative signaling-state photointermediate PYP(M) by 3 orders of magnitude, as previously reported for the M100A mutant [Devanathan, S., Genick, U. K., Canestrelli, I. L., Meyer, T. E., Cusanovich, M. A., Getzoff, E. D., and Tollin, G. Biochemistry (1998) 37, 11563-11568]. The FTIR difference spectrum of PYP(M) and the ground state of M100L demonstrated extensive peptide-backbone structural changes as observed in the FTIR difference spectrum of the wild-type protein and PYP(M). The conformational change investigated by CD spectroscopy in the far-UV region showed reduction of the alpha-helical content by approximately 40%, indicating a considerable amount of changes in the secondary structure. The optical activity of the p-coumaric acid chromophore completely vanished upon PYP(M) in contrast to the dark state, indicating deformation of the binding pocket structure in PYP(M). The tertiary structural changes were further monitored by small-angle X-ray scattering measurements, which demonstrated a significant increase of the radius of gyration of the molecule by approximately 5% in PYP(M). These structural changes were reversed concomitantly with the chromophore anionization upon the dark state recovery. The observed changes of the quantities provided a more vivid view of the structural changes of the mutant PYP in going from PYP(M) to PYP(dark), which can be regarded as a process of folding of the secondary and the tertiary structures of the "PAS" domain structure, coupled with the p-coumaric acid chromophore deprotonation and isomerization.  相似文献   

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