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It is now clear that two prominent nuclear domains, interchromatin granule clusters (IGCs) and Cajal bodies (CBs), contribute to the highly ordered organization of the extrachromosomal space of the cell nucleus. These functional domains represent structurally stable but highly dynamic nuclear organelles enriched in factors that are required for different nuclear activities, especially RNA biogenesis. IGCs are considered to be the main sites for storage, assembly, and/or recycling of the essential spliceosome components. CBs are involved in the biogenesis of several classes of small RNPs as well as the modification of newly assembled small nuclear RNA. We have summarized data on the molecular composition, structure, and functional roles of IGCs and CBs in the nuclei of mammalian somatic cells and oocytes of some animals with a special focus on insects. We have focused on similarities and differences between the IGCs and CBs of oocytes and the well‐studied CBs and IGCs of cultured mammalian somatic cells. We have shown the heterogeneous character of oocyte IGCs and CBs, both in structure and molecular content. We have also demonstrated the unique capacity of oocytes to form close structural interactions between IGC and CB components. We proposed to consider these joint structures as integrated entities, sharing the features of both IGCs and CBs.  相似文献   

An oocyte nucleus contains different extrachromosomal nuclear domains collectively called nuclear bodies (NBs). In the present work we revealed, using immunogold labeling electron microscopy, some marker components of interchromatin granule clusters (IGCs) and Cajal bodies (CBs) in morphologically heterogeneous oocyte NBs studied in three hemipteran species: Notostira elongata, Capsodes gothicus (Miridae) and Velia caprai (Veliidae). Both IGC and CB counterparts were revealed in oocyte nuclei of the studied species but morphological and biochemical criteria were found to be not sufficient to determine carefully the define type of oocyte NBs. We found that the molecular markers of the CBs (coilin and non-phosphorylated RNA polymerase II) and IGCs (SC35 protein) may be localized in the same NB. Anti-SC35 antibody may decorate not only a granular material representing "true" interchromatin granules but also masks some fibrillar parts of complex NBs. Our first observations on the hemipteran oocyte NBs confirm the high complexity and heterogeneity of insect oocyte IGCs and CBs in comparison with those in mammalian somatic cells and amphibian oocytes.  相似文献   

Various components of the ovarian follicle as well as different chemicals can suppress the resumption of meiosis in cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs). In this study the nuclear ultrastructure of bovine COCs was assessed after 8 h of meiotic inhibition with 50 microM roscovitine (ROSC), 50 microM butyrolactone (BL-I), 2 mM 6-DMAP, 2 microM cycloheximide (CX), or a theca cell monolayer (TC). COCs were recovered according to standard in vitro methods, cultured in a simple and defined medium, and processed for transmission electron microscopy. Control COCs were processed before onset of culture and multiple oocytes were evaluated for each treatment. In all groups, the oocyte nucleus presented a dense fibrillar nucleolus consisting of a fibrillar sphere with a fibrillar center. In TC and 6-DMAP inhibited COCs condensed chromatin adhered to the nucleolus while in all other groups the perinuclear chromatin was separated from the nucleolus. In ROSC inhibited COCs, the nuclear envelope presented only slight small amplitude undulation. The BL-I-inhibited COCs presented an intermediate level of low amplitude undulation of the NE. In CX, 6-DMAP, and TC inhibited COCs the nuclear envelope presented extensively low amplitude undulations. In ROSC inhibited COCs, electron-dense granules formed ring-shaped structures. In some of the BL-I inhibited COCs multiple stellate crystal-like structures were found, and in these COCs the nuclear envelope and the perinuclear cisternae appeared less distinct than in the other BL-I inhibited COCs. In 6-DMAP inhibited COCs interchromatin-like granule clusters were present. In conclusion, the oocyte nuclei in all COCs presented a dense fibrillar nucleolus resembling that in control COCs. However, variations were observed in 1) the nuclear envelope morphology; 2) the chromatin location in relation to the nucleolus; and 3) the presence of different populations of intranuclear granules. Although all treatments inhibited oocyte nucleus breakdown, the mechanisms underlying these effects are different and require further characterization. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 59: 459-467, 2001.  相似文献   

卡哈尔体(Cajalbody,CB)的发现可以溯源至100多年前,而直到近10年的研究取得突破性进展,才逐渐揭示了其复杂的分子组成及生理功能。作为当前备受关注的核内小体之一,CB是细胞核质中处于动态变化的细胞器,广泛存在于高等真核生物的细胞核内,在电镜下表现为球形小体样结构,其中p80Coilin蛋白是CB最为明确的特异性标志物。cB的分子构成十分复杂,主要包括参与mRNA剪接所需、称为snRNP的核酸与蛋白质复合体的各种组分,以及snoRNAs、scaRNAs和其他相关蛋白质。此外,一些基因活化中不可或缺的转录因子、mRNA修饰的必需蛋白因子以及与细胞增殖和细胞周期功能相关的功能分子等,也被发现存在于CB之中或周边。其中,snRNAs、snoRNAs与scaRNAs等低分子量RNAs在CB中完成自身的成熟并且参与RNP的组装。染色体端粒长度的维持以及组蛋白基因簇的表观遗传修饰依赖于cB的形成与功能发挥。由此可见,CB与细胞周期、细胞增殖、应激和老化等一系列重要的细胞生物学过程存在密切的联系,同时其功能和表现的异常往往也提示与肿瘤的发生相关。该文在归纳cB相关研究最新进展的同时,着重讨论CB的结构与功能及其与疾病的潜在联系。  相似文献   

Breakdown of the nuclear envelope (NE) was analyzed in live starfish oocytes using a size series of fluorescently labeled dextrans, membrane dyes, and GFP-tagged proteins of the nuclear pore complex (NPC) and the nuclear lamina. Permeabilization of the nucleus occurred in two sequential phases. In phase I the NE became increasingly permeable for molecules up to approximately 40 nm in diameter, concurrent with a loss of peripheral nuclear pore components over a time course of 10 min. The NE remained intact on the ultrastructural level during this time. In phase II the NE was completely permeabilized within 35 s. This rapid permeabilization spread as a wave from one epicenter on the animal half across the nuclear surface and allowed free diffusion of particles up to approximately 100 nm in diameter into the nucleus. While the lamina and nuclear membranes appeared intact at the light microscopic level, a fenestration of the NE was clearly visible by electron microscopy in phase II. We conclude that NE breakdown in starfish oocytes is triggered by slow sequential disassembly of the NPCs followed by a rapidly spreading fenestration of the NE caused by the removal of nuclear pores from nuclear membranes still attached to the lamina.  相似文献   

The organization and molecular composition of complicated Cajal bodies (CBs) and interchromatin granule clusters (IGCs) in oocytes of the house cricket, Acheta domesticus, were studied using immunofluorescent/confocal and Immunogold labeling/electron microscopy. In A. domesticus oocytes, the CB consists of the fibrillar matrix and a central cavity containing a predominantly granular body with insertions of tightly packed fibrillar material. The latter structure was identified as an "internal" IGC, since it is enriched with the SC35 protein, a marker for IGCs. The IGCs located outside the CB were also identified. Microinjections of the fluorescein-tagged U7 snRNA into the ooplasm showed the targeting of the U7 to the matrix of the CB. Some other essential CB components (coilin, snRNPs, fibrillarin) were found to be colocalized in the matrix of the CB. Neither confocal nor Immunogold microscopy revealed significant amounts of RNA polymerase II (pol II) in the CB of A. domesticus oocytes. The splicing factor SC35 was detected in the matrix of the CB. In oocytes treated with DRB, the amount of IGCs in the nucleoplasm increased significantly, granular and fibrillar components of IGCs were segregated, and the fibrillar areas accumulated pol II. Additionally, IG-like granules were shown to display on the surface of the CB probably due to a shifting from the internal IGC. We believe that in A. domesticus oocytes, CBs are involved in nuclear distribution of splicing factors, but their role in pol II transport is less significant. We also suggest that the formation of complicated CBs is a result of interconnection between two different nuclear domains, CBs and IGCs.  相似文献   

The processes occurring from sperm penetration to chromosome formation in the cytoplasm of Oocytes matured in vitro, after removal of the germinal vesicle (GV) and before hormonal stimulation, were observed with electron microscope. The dechorionated oocytes, matured without the participation of the GV material, responded to sperm penetration by initiating a cortical reaction within 20 seconds after insemination. The pentrating sperm nuclei transformed to male pronuclei with vesiculation of the nuclear membrane, chromatin decondensation, and formation of a pronuclear membrane. Before cleavage, however, no chromosome formation was observed in these oocytes. Instead, the fully grown pronuclei change to a picnotic chromatin mass without or with an only fragmented nuclear membrane, then disappeared. On the contrary, sperm nuclei that penetrated into the cytoplasm of naked eggs containing GV material during maturation underwent pronuclear and chromosomal formation. Judging from these observation in Oryzias oocytes, the GV material seems to be unnecessary for the formation of pronucleus from the compact sperm nucleus, but is essential for the process of chromosomal formation.  相似文献   

Actin-containing filaments have been visualized inside Xenopus oocyte nuclei by a combination of fluorescence and transmission electron microscopy. It was shown that these filaments contact nucleoli, spherical bodies, and nuclear pore complexes. The incubation of oocytes with actin-depolymerizing agent, latrunculin, caused membrane vesiculation in cytoplasm and the disruption of nucleoplasm and the integrity of the nuclear envelope. We suggest that actin-containing filaments are important cell components involved in the regulation of nucleus-cytoplasm interactions, as well as of cellular transport of components during the growth of Xenopus oocytes.  相似文献   

The structure of pig oocytes after in vivo and in vitro fertilization and following treatment with the ionophore A23187 with differing levels of calcium are described, with particular reference to the cortical granules. Fertilization in vivo and in vitro resulted in cortical granule exocytosis. Sperm penetration in vivo was more rapid than in vitro and resulted in the dispersal of the cortical granules' contents in the perivitelline space following exocytosis. The contents of the granules remained adjacent to the plasmalemma after in vitro fertilization and suboolemmar vesicles were less numerous than after in vivo fertilization. High calcium levels were necessary to induce the dispersal of the cortical granule contents following treatment with ionophore. The observations are discussed regarding their relevance to the blockage to polyspermy.  相似文献   

Summary— The interphase nucleus of the green alga, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, displayed two types of bodies some of them, the dense bodies, lying apparently free in the nucleoplasm while the others were attached to the nucleolus and were, therefore, referred to as nucleolus-associated bodies (NABs). The presence of DNA, RNA and histones in dense bodies was investigated by means of post-embedding immunocytochemistry and cytochemistry using a monoclonal antibody to single and double stranded DNA, a polyclonal antibody to rye H3 histones and RNase A-gold complexes. The dense bodies were shown to contain significant amounts of RNA but neither DNA nor histones were detected; their composition was thus similar to that of the dense bodies described in higher plant cells. We propose that dense bodies might be implicated in the assembly of the 25 to 45 nm granules observed throughout the nucleoplasm of Chalamydomonas interphase nuclei. The composition of NABs was found to be distinct from that of the dense bodies since they were labeled by the antibody to DNA, specially in cryofixed and cryosubstituted specimens. The presence of DNA in NABs together with their intimate association to the nucleolus suggest that they may correspond to specific segments of chromosomes.  相似文献   

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