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Hypertension is an important and common problem in family practice, but there is no general agreement on the systolic and diastolic pressures at which it should be diagnosed and treated. Responses from 273 family physicians surveyed by mail in Metropolitan Toronto showed a wide variation in the pressures used as cut-off points. The probability that in a given patient hypertension would be diagnosed or treated at different systolic and diastolic pressures varied considerably among the physicians, the variation increasing with the age of the patient. There was also wide variation in opinion among the surveyed physicians about how often patients should be screened for hypertension; depending on the patient''s age, up to 35% of the physicians stated that the blood pressure should be measured at every visit. Only one third reported using any one or more methods to ensure that patients with hypertension were not lost to follow-up. The family physicians with an academic appointment used higher cut-off points for diagnosis and treatment, and they screened and scheduled follow-up visits less frequently than those without an academic appointment.  相似文献   

D K Peachey  A L Linton 《CMAJ》1990,143(7):629-632
The recognition that much current medical practice is based on incomplete scientific evidence has led to calls for the generation of guidelines for optimal patterns of practice. These guidelines must be developed from a synthesis of existing scientific data ideally obtained from randomized clinical trials. However, at present we may have to rely on less satisfactory data and the views of experts in the field. The primary purpose of these initiatives must be to improve patient care. The Ontario Medical Association has made recommendations on how such guidelines should be produced, and in a recent survey a substantial majority of family physicians supported them. There is general agreement that the coordinating body should be independent of government and other interested parties. In addition, the medical profession must have the primary role, and a number of medical organizations should also be represented. We propose a possible structure for a group charged with developing guidelines for medical practice at a provincial level and on an experimental basis. Recommendations are made on its membership, function and relationship with other organizations. The identification and diffusion of justifiable, scientific practice patterns will help reduce waste of scarce resources, maintain the role of the profession as guardian of the quality of care and ultimately benefit the patient.  相似文献   

A 10 minute assessment of 180 family practice patients showed that 11% indicated a problem with drinking alcohol, 20% with cigarette smoking, 36% with consumption of coffee or tea, and 3% with non-medical drug use, while 11% wanted to discuss their use of medications. Moreover, being asked questions resulted in a twofold or threefold increase in the patients'' intentions of discussing such a problem with their doctor. Although there was good overall agreement in recognising a problem between the patient and doctor, in roughly 40% of instances where the patient indicated a problem the doctor was unaware of it. These patients tended to be young, well educated, and employed in professional occupations, and were on their first visit to the doctor. Such brief assessments of lifestyle should be routinely conducted in family practice for both case finding and prevention.  相似文献   

Laws in China relating to HIV disclosure are inconsistent. After a patient has tested HIV-positive, service providers struggle to decide who should be informed first: patients, family members, or both. To understand service providers' attitudes and practices regarding the HIV notification process in China, 1101 service providers from a southwestern province of China were surveyed. Opinions were gathered from providers at five different levels of health care facilities (provincial, city, county, township and village). A mixed methods approach was used to analyze perceptions of informing family members of a patient's HIV status. Quantitative analysis was used to examine whether providers held a favorable attitude toward notifying family members first and qualitative analysis was used to explore the reasons and consequences of notifying family members first. Nearly half of service providers felt family members should be informed of a patient's HIV status first. Providers who were older, had contact with HIV patients, or had less medical education were more likely to agree with a family-first notification practice. Psychological pressure, concern about protecting family members, the need for family support, and consideration for local regulations were cited as the main reasons for this practice. There is an immediate need to re-examine HIV notification policies so that there are consistent guidelines and procedures for providers throughout China.  相似文献   

In this article we present an inventory of the moral intuitions of the health care workers who work in the field of early detection of dementia. The effects of pharmacological treatment and professional care and support may improve when dementia is detected in an early stage. Furthermore, the patient (and his family) can prepare themselves for the period to come. Health care workers recognize moral problems and tensions concerning early detection that are related to the question whether persons will benefit from knowledge in an earlier stage of dementia, because this knowledge can be a heavy burden. We asked general practitioners, home care workers, employees of the so-called 'Memory clinic' and specialists, what ethical intuitions they recognize in practice. They mentioned the following questions: when are health care professionals allowed to take initiative, is causing worries and concerns problematic, and should a diagnosis always to be told? We conclude after a first analysis that many moral questions derive from the fact that many health care professionals lack knowledge of the wishes and interests of the elderly. At the same time they try to justify their actions on the (presupposed) consent of the elderly person. We suggest that the general norm 'only act when the patient wants to be helped' in health care should also apply to detection of dementia, although it should not be taken too strictly. Another justification for early detection can be found in the benefits for the elderly people, when their wishes are no longer expressed.  相似文献   

Are there differences in patterns of practice between actively practising physicians who have been certified after a 2-year family practice residency and matched physicians without certification who have completed the standard 1-year internship? With the use of billing files prepared by the British Columbia Medical Association a group of 65 family practice certificants in active practice in British Columbia was compared with a control group of 130 internship trainees matched by year and school of graduation, category of billing (i.e., solo or group) and region. A wide range of practice features was assessed for the fiscal years 1984-85, 1985-86 and 1986-87. No differences were detected between the groups in 1986-87 for the following practice variables: number of patients (1888 and 1842 respectively), number of personal services billed for (7265 and 7173), number of personal services per patient (3.9), amount of funding for personal services ($140,192 and $140,100) and amount per patient for personal services ($77 and $79). Age-adjusted costs for male and female patients were similar in the two groups. Of six services thought to be influenced by type of training, only maternity care generated a significantly higher number of billings in the study group (341 v. 249). These results suggest that there is no demonstrable effect of training on patterns of practice. However, the question of the effect of training on quality of care and whether the 2-year residency may have a longer effect on practice patterns should be the focus of future research.  相似文献   

Cheng KY  Ming T  Lai A 《Bioethics》2012,26(8):431-439
This paper argues against the continued practice of Confucian familism, even in its moderate form, in East Asian hospitals. According to moderate familism, a physician acting in concert with the patient's family may withhold diagnostic information from the patient, and may give it to the patient's family members without her prior approval. There are two main approaches to defend moderate familism: one argues that it can uphold patient's autonomy and protect her best interests; the other appeals to cultural relativism by construing the principle of 'family autonomy' to be incommensurable with that of individual autonomy. We respond to the first approach by explaining how the familist arguments either depend on some unreasonable assumptions or simply fail to articulate. The critique of the second approach is based on our recent survey showing that there is no dichotomy of relevant values between the East and the West: we believe that the result can effectively block the familist's reliance on certain traditional or cultural values to explain their resistance to the incorporation of pluralist values. Despite our disagreement with familism, we consider the Eastern emphasis on the family to be conducive to the communication between patient, family members and medical personnel, which is indispensible to the patient's well being and autonomy. We conclude that respect for patient autonomy is perfectly consistent with the involvement of the family in making medical decision as long as the family plays a merely consultant role.  相似文献   

The surgeon is obligated to prepare the patient mentally as well as physically for amputation. Acceptance of his loss by the patient, his family and contemporaries is important in his adjustment to his environment. He must provide the best stump possible, direct the postoperative shrinking and conditioning of the stump, prescribe the prosthetic device best suited to the needs of the individual, make sure it fits and functions, and that the patient is instructed in its maximum use.There are definite indications for ablation of a part. All possible length in the upper extremity should be preserved.Amputation in children with congenital deformities should usually be postponed until demanded by the family. The growth centers should be preserved if feasible. Congenital upper extremity amputees should ordinarily be fitted within the first two years.Neuromata, spurs, redundant tissue, scars, and phantom pain should generally be treated by other than surgical methods. Revisions, including cineplasty, should be undertaken only after careful study and when there are clear indications that benefit to patient will ensue.  相似文献   

W W Rosser  J G Simms  D W Patten  J Forster 《CMAJ》1981,124(2):147-153
Indications for and dosages of four commonly prescribed benzodiazepines were recorded at a family medicine centre with the aid of a computerized data collection system. Four guidelines were then developed for appropriate prescribing of these drugs: (a) benzodiazepines should be used less frequently with increasing age; (b) short-acting drugs are preferable to long-acting drugs; (c) patients 65 years of age and over should receive half the daily dose prescribed for younger patients; and (d) use of these drugs for more than 1 month should be discouraged. After a year''s observation it was evident that none of the guidelines were being followed. The 30 physicians in the practice were then informed of the findings by an educational program. Another 6 months of observation showed a reduction in the prescribing of benzodiazepines to patients 65 years of age and over, a significant shift to the use of short-acting benzodiazepines, and some reduction in the daily dose and duration of administration of diazepam. Thus, such a review of drug prescribing in family practice can be a practical and effective method of improving prescribing patterns.  相似文献   

The current management of patients with primary psychosis worldwide is often remarkably stereotyped. In almost all cases an antipsychotic medica­tion is prescribed, with second‐generation antipsychotics usually preferred to first‐generation ones. Cognitive behavioral therapy is rarely used in the vast majority of countries, although there is evidence to support its efficacy. Psychosocial interventions are often provided, especially in chronic cases, but those applied are frequently not validated by research. Evidence‐based family interventions and supported employment programs are seldom implemented in ordinary practice. Although the notion that patients with primary psychosis are at increased risk for cardiovascular diseases and diabetes mellitus is widely shared, it is not frequent that appropriate measures be implemented to address this problem. The view that the management of the patient with primary psychosis should be personalized is endorsed by the vast majority of clinicians, but this personalization is lacking or inadequate in most clinical contexts. Although many mental health services would declare themselves “recovery‐oriented”, it is not common that a focus on empowerment, identity, meaning and resilience is ensured in ordinary practice. The present paper aims to address this situation. It describes systematically the salient domains that should be considered in the characterization of the individual patient with primary psychosis aimed at personalization of management. These include positive and negative symptom dimensions, other psychopathological components, onset and course, neurocognition and social cognition, neurodevelopmental indicators; social functioning, quality of life and unmet needs; clinical staging, antecedent and concomitant psychiatric conditions, physical comorbidities, family history, history of obstetric complications, early and recent environmental exposures, protective factors and resilience, and internalized stigma. For each domain, simple assessment instruments are identified that could be considered for use in clinical practice and included in standardized decision tools. A management of primary psychosis is encouraged which takes into account all the available treatment modalities whose efficacy is supported by research evidence, selects and modulates them in the individual patient on the basis of the clinical characterization, addresses the patient’s needs in terms of employment, housing, self‐care, social relationships and education, and offers a focus on identity, meaning and resilience.  相似文献   

The time taken to transfer the records of elderly patients registering with a new general practice was investigated. Thirty five (5%) of a total of 671 patients aged 75 and over were entered as new patients on to the age-sex register of an urban group practice during one year. Twenty nine had moved into the area and six had changed their general practitioner for personal and other reasons. An average of 141 (range 71-296) days elapsed before dispatch of their medical records to the new practice. During this period an average of 3·5 (range 0-15) consultations with a general practitioner were recorded, indicating the need of such patients for medical care. The long delays were caused by the processing of medical records at the central register and the transfer of records between family practitioner committees and general practitioners. Delays were most apparent in the time taken for general practitioners to dispatch the necessary documents to the family practitioner committees, and these should be minimised.The use of a summary card written and updated by the general practitioner and retained by the patient would facilitate continuing care should patients change to a new practice. Meanwhile, assessment of elderly patients after registration with a new practice by a member of the primary health care team may identify problems before the records have been transferred and may help the resettlement of these high risk elderly patients.  相似文献   

Lynch HT  Lynch JF 《Biochimie》2002,84(1):3-17
The translation of knowledge about hereditary breast cancer and its improved control, as well as prevention through prophylactic surgery, has been significantly accelerated through the veritable explosive discoveries in molecular genetics inclusive of BRCA1 and BRCA2 germline mutations. Needed however, among the physician community, medical geneticists, and genetic counselors, is a raised level of knowledge about hereditary breast cancer syndromes. Particular attention needs to be given to their extant genotypic and phenotypic heterogeneity, their natural history, and foremost, the requirement of a sufficiently detailed family history, with knowledge as to how to interpret its significance so that hereditary cancer syndrome can be diagnosed, should it, in fact, exist in the particular family. Collectively, surveillance and management programs can then be developed for the patient and his or her high-risk relatives. We believe very firmly that this knowledge needs to be extended to the individual patient(s), first- and second-degree relatives so that they can benefit from this knowledge.  相似文献   

D. G. McKerracher 《CMAJ》1963,88(20):1014-1016
Psychiatrists should include the family doctor in their plans for future psychiatric services. The general practitioner now treats most of the patients who seek help for psychiatric disorder and he could not give up his psychiatric practice even if he wanted to. Furthermore, there are not now nor will there ever be enough psychiatrists to take over all patients with mental ills. Most emotionally disturbed patients can be better handled by their family physicians than by a specialist.To provide the best care for emotionally disturbed people the communication between family doctors and psychiatrists must be improved. The specialist must acknowledge the importance of the general practitioner''s role in psychiatric diagnosis and treatment and give him more help. Medical schools must provide better undergraduate and postgraduate psychiatric training for the students who will become family doctors. Health plans and other prepayment agencies should properly compensate the general practitioner for giving psychiatric treatment. The specialist in psychiatry should consult more readily with the general practitioner and help him carry out some of the therapy. General hospitals should permit family doctors to admit mental patients to psychiatric wards in a general hospital and to carry out psychiatric treatment with the help of the specialist in psychiatry.  相似文献   

The strong value in American medical practice placed on the disclosure of terminal illness conflicts with the cultural beliefs of many recent refugees and immigrants to the United States, who often consider frank disclosure inappropriate and insensitive. What a terminally ill person wants to hear and how it is told are embedded in culture. For Ethiopians, "bad news" should be told to a family member or close friend of the patient who will divulge information to the patient at appropriate times and places and in a culturally approved and recognized manner. Being sensitive to patients'' worldviews may reduce the frustration and conflict experienced by both refugees and American physicians.  相似文献   

Chan HM 《Bioethics》2004,18(2):87-103
This paper critically examines the liberal model of decision making for the terminally ill and contrasts it with the familial model that can be found in some Asian cultures. The contrast between the two models shows that the liberal model is excessively patient-centered, and misconceives and marginalises the role of the family in the decision making process. The paper argues that the familial model is correct in conceiving the last journey of one's life as a sharing process rather than a process of exercising one's prior or counterfactual choice, and concludes by suggesting a policy framework for the practice of familialism that can answer the liberal challenge that familialism cannot safeguard the patient from abuse and neglect.  相似文献   

Training for the medical student whose goal is general practice should aim at equipping him to maintain the close personal relationship with the patient which is considered the ideal basis for the treatment and prevention of disease. Preparation for general practice should anticipate graduate experience on a par with that which is currently considered necessary for the various specialties. Internship should be such as to fit the general practitioner to the peculiarities of the kind of community in which he will practice. Ability to recognize his own limitations and situations in which special consultation or referral are indicated should be developed in the student.The University of Colorado School of Medicine has adopted a course of training, from pre-medical education through internship, designed for the student who is to specialize in general practice.  相似文献   

H. O. Tomasson  M. Brennan  M. J. Bass 《CMAJ》1984,130(3):275-278
In 1980 and 1982 two case reports documented reactivation of pulmonary tuberculosis in patients who had used nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). A case-control study was designed to test the hypothesis that such an association does exist. Data for 38 patients were obtained from the patients'' family physicians, and each patient was matched with a control from the same practice for age, sex, race and length of time in that practice. A statistically significant relation was found between the reactivation of tuberculosis and the use of NSAIDs. However, further research is imperative to determine whether the association is direct, indirect or secondary to an unknown factor. Physicians should keep in mind that NSAIDs are potent anti-inflammatory agents and may thus activate, spread and mask infections.  相似文献   

There are three lines of argument in defence of coercive treatment of patients with mental disorders: arguments regarding (1) societal interests to protect others, (2) the patients' own health interests, and (3) patient autonomy. In this paper, we analyse these arguments in relation to an idealized case, where a person with a mental disorder claims not to want medical treatment for religious reasons. We also discuss who should decide what in situations where patients with mental disorders deny treatment on seemingly rational grounds. We conclude that, in principle, coercive treatment cannot be defended for the sake of protecting others. While coercive actions can be acceptable in order to protect close family and others, medical treatment is not justified for such reasons but should be given only in the interest of patients. Coercive treatment may be required in order to promote the patient's health interests, but health interests have to waive if they go against the autonomous interests of the patient. We argue that non-autonomous patients can have reasons, rooted in their deeply-set values, to renounce compulsory institutional treatment, and that such reasons should be respected unless it can be assumed that their new predicaments have caused them to change their views.  相似文献   

General practitioners and psychiatrists communicate mainly by letter. To ascertain the most important items of information that should be included in these letters ("key items") questionnaires were sent to 80 general practitioners and 80 psychiatrists. A total of 120 referral letters sent to psychiatric clinics in 1973 and 1983 were studied, together with the psychiatrists'' replies, and these were rated for the inclusion of "key items." General practitioners'' letters contain less information about the family but more about psychiatric history than they did a decade ago. Overall, psychiatrists'' letters have not changed. Registrars, however, now include noticeably more "key items" than they did 10 years ago, but their letters remain twice the length of those written by consultants. It is suggested that letter writing skills are vital to good patient management and should be taught to postgraduate trainees in general practice and psychiatry.  相似文献   

In Nigeria as in other African countries, population growth negatively affects economic development, and high parity affects maternal health. Breastfeeding, a common practice traditionally, is declining in some situations. This study was carried out in Ilorin, Nigeria. A sample population of 932 households stratified to represent different socioeconomic groups was used. 913 currently married women aged 15-35, who were in their prime childbearing ages, were interviewed on their contraceptive knowledge and on their attitudes towards modern contraception. In a bivariate statistical analysis, of 8 variables examined (i.e. ownership of a television, radio, religion, and other) only the woman's education, age, and area of residence within the city have significant independent effects on contraceptive knowledge. A linear logistic regression technic was also applied. 90% of the women interviewed thought that women should be free to practise family planning. Also, 95% of all the women believed that too frequent births could endanger the health of the mother and her children. Only the women with previous contraceptive knowledge overwhelmingly (80%) thought that the best way to prevent too frequent births is by family planning. 66.5% of those without previous contraceptive knowledge before this study suggested that traditional abstinence should be used and only 28.9% suggested family planning. Adequate awareness of the availability and usefulness of family planning methods can influence attitudes of women towards contraception and may also enhance contraceptive use. Better use can be made of broadcasting media, and efforts should be made to target younger, more fecund women, since there was evidence that more knowledge of family planning existed among women 30+ years old.  相似文献   

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