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Invasibility depends on the interaction of the introduced species with the abiotic and biotic factors of the recipient community. In particular, the biotic resistance posed by native herbivores has been claimed to be of great importance in controlling plant invasion. We investigated fruit and seed predation of two exotic Opuntia species within and between Mediterranean communities in order to determine how patterns of predation matched patterns of invasion. Predators were small mammals, presumably mice, which could consume more than 50% of the seeds produced. Predators could be equally effective in consuming fruit and single seeds. O. maxima fruits were slightly preferred to O. stricta fruits, but predators did not distinguish between seeds. Seed predation was more intense in invaded than in non-invaded communities. However, there was a high spatial variation in seed predation that did not always match patterns of invasion, suggesting that seed predation alone is not a good predictor of community invasibility to Opuntia. According to these results invasibility to Opuntia is limited in some (but not all) communities by native mice. Seed losses by predation were high for both species. However, we estimated that more than 75% of seeds dispersed by birds to non-invaded areas are not predated.  相似文献   

Over the last few decades, marked land use changes have taken place in many Mediterranean ecosystems. For example, many chestnut groves in France are now abandoned and have turned into 'natural' coppice stands while others are now clear-cut every 10 or 15 years for wood. Species composition and life form diversity of the plant communities have changed markedly both in the abandoned groves and in the periodically clear-cut coppice stands. What are the consequences of these changes on biodiversity at local and regional scales, and what are the implications for 'new forestry' management intended to conserve biodiversity at the same time as it optimizes productivity and profitability? To answer these questions we studied plant species diversity in the understorey strata along a successional gradient including cultivated grove; abandoned grove; young (15 years old), medium (40 years), and old (>55 years) coppice stands. The results showed that species richness decreased quickly but not steadily along this gradient, but life-form spectra data highlighted that the high levels of plant species biodiversity in cultivated groves were due primarily to the large number of therophytes (annual plants). At a shorter time scale, we also studied the consequences of experimental clear-cutting on plant species biodiversity. Direct measurements over four years showed that species richness and diversity in the understorey increased in the first two years after clear-cutting, but decreased during the 3rd and 4th years. This decrease corresponded closely with a steady increase in Leaf Area Index of the forest canopy. These results have been used to suggest some possible ways to manage the biodiversity in these ecosystems.  相似文献   

To obtain profitable yields in olive groves, residual preemergence herbicides are applied in October or November before the winter rains, and before the winter annual weeds germinate. Simazine, one of the herbicides most used for weed control in olive groves, has recently been banned. Oxyfluorfen is presented as a good alternative to simazine in olive fields. Experiments were carried out in 2002 and 2003 to evaluate the behaviour of two oxyfluorfen formulations, 2XL and G4F, at 480 g a.i. ha(-1) for three different soil management systems with three replications (1. bare soil; 2. bare soil and grassed buffer strips, chemically controlled and 3. bare soil and grassed buffer strips with controlled mowing; under non tillage conditions in all three cases). The most important species that survived 2XL and G4F treatments was Sagina apetala ARD. Oxyfluorfen residues were evaluated throughout 158 days after the applications. Three soil samples from each plot were collected, mixed and air dried. The herbicide extractions were made with methanol and the residues were analyzed by HPLC. We found no differences between the two formulations, but results showed that recoveries of oxyfluorfen were higher in plots with chemically controlled buffer grassed strips than in the other soil management types.  相似文献   

Dynamics of the predatory arthropod community in Spanish olive groves   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
1 A survey of the predatory fauna of olive pests, particularly the olive moth, Prays oleae, was undertaken in Granada, Spain, from May to September 1994–95. 2 At both experimental sites similar patterns of emergence were observed for all predatory species with peaks occurring in June, both in 1994 and 1995. More individuals and species were captured in the morning than in the evening. 3 A weak inverse relationship existed between the mean monthly temperatures and the total number of predators caught. 4 The number of predatory species and of individuals caught at both sites was, respectively, two and three times larger in 1994 than in 1995; This difference is assumed to have been due to the accumulated affect of 6 years of drought. 5 Synchrony between P. oleae and predator phenology was suggested by the coincidental timing of peak predator numbers with the oviposition and subsequent emergence of the most vulnerable stage of the olive moth’s lifecycle, i.e. the flower generation. 6 There were more individuals of ants caught, whilst more spider species were captured than all other groups; predatory Coleoptera and Heteroptera were poorly represented. 7 Ants appeared to have a detrimental affect on the number of all other predators.  相似文献   

Capsule Bare ground increases artificial nest predation in olive groves.

Aims To assess the effect of different soil management regimes on nest predation rates in olive groves.

Methods We performed nest predation experiments with artificial nests during the breeding season in 2013, in two areas of southern Spain. Each artificial nest (n?=?300) contained three quail Coturnix eggs, two of which were unmanipulated and the third one was emptied and injected with plaster. Predators were identified by marks on eggs filled with plaster.

Results Ground nests were significantly more depredated, irrespective of the presence of ground cover; tree nests were less depredated in fields with ground cover. There was a clear difference in nest predators of ground and tree nests. Rodents were the most frequent predators of tree nests.

Conclusion Lower predation rates of tree nests in orchards with ground cover are probably linked to a change in the foraging behaviour of rodents, which in these more complex habitats might be restricted by rodents' own risk of predation. This study underscores the important role of agricultural practices in preserving farmland bird communities, particularly tree-nesting species, suggesting that for this group, implementation of ground cover in olive groves might enhance breeding success by reducing nest predation rates.  相似文献   

In the present study, we describe the temporal and spatial variability in recruitment, growth, and mortality rates of seedlings and saplings of two low-density neotropical tree species, Dipteryx odorata and Copaifera reticulata in Eastern Amazonia, Brazil. As both species have important timber and non-timber uses, for each species we compare regeneration parameters among different management scenarios (sites used for timber logging, non-timber product extraction, and undisturbed forests). Results suggest that both species share similar natural regeneration characteristics. These include temporally and spatially asynchronous germination, existence of individuals that have more abundant and frequent fruit production than the average of the population and a positive influence of the mother tree crown on seedling and sapling density. The management activities analyzed did not influence the regeneration parameters of both species, which suggests that timber logging the way it was performed and current rates of D. odorata seed gathering and C. reticulata tapping at the study site are not sufficiently intense to threaten species population. However, some species characteristics, such as their reproductive strategies, light-demanding syndromes, low-dispersal ranges, and high-mortality rates of seedlings make both species vulnerable to exploitation.  相似文献   

Conditioned taste aversion (CTA) is a useful tool to modify animal feed preferences, allowing the implementation of selective grazing to control weeds in tree orchards without damaging the trees or affecting fruit production. LiCl is commonly used for inducing CTA. However, studies investigating the long-term persistence of CTA by LiCl in small ruminants are scarce. With this aim, we evaluated the efficiency of two LiCl doses (AV1 and AV2, 175 and 200 mg/kg BW, respectively) and a control (C, 0 mg/kg BW) for averting non-lactating dairy goats (n=15) to olive tree leaves. Aversion induction was reinforced on day 9 in those goats that consumed >10 g of olive leaves. Mid-term aversion effectiveness was assessed by five double-choice feeding tests (days 16, 24, 31, 38 and 53) of 30 min each, where 100 g of olive leaves were offered side-by-side with 390 g of Italian rye-grass (as-fed). Long-term aversion effectiveness was assessed in C, AV1 and AV2 goats by grazing for 30 min in paddocks with a simulated olive tree (days 59, 90, 121, 182 and 420). Moreover, C and AV2 goats were compared under on-field conditions (days 143, 211 and 363) in a commercial olive grove also for 30 min. The CTA proved to be established with a single LiCl dose in all goats and persisted for 4 and 55 days in AV1 and AV2 goats, respectively (P<0.001). However, 80% AV1 and 20% AV2 goats needed to be reinforced at day 9. When grazing under simulated olive tree and commercial olive grove conditions, the CTA goats, especially AV2 group, avoided the contact with the olive trees and minimally used a bipedal stance to feed leaves, than control goats. On average, time proportion spent consuming olive leaves and sprouts was much greater (P<0.05) for C (50.7±9.1%) than for AV1 (14.4±3.9%) and AV2 (3.1±0.9%). In conclusion, the 200 mg LiCl/kg BW dose was more effective than the 175 mg LiCl/kg BW dose for inducing an effective long-term CTA to olive tree leaves in goats.  相似文献   

Although avian-mediated pest control is a significant ecosystem service with important economic implications, few experimental studies have ever documented its role in Mediterranean agroforests. Specifically, information on pest control by birds is lacking in certain permanent agroecosystems of worldwide importance such as olive groves.Here, we assess experimentally for the first time the effectiveness of insectivorous birds in controlling the two main olive-tree pests. We also explore the effects of distance to semi-natural habitat patches on avian insectivore abundance and pest control. We combined bird and pest surveys with pest damage monitoring and two field experiments (branch exclusion and plasticine models) at a regional scale.The experiments showed that birds played a negligible role as pest controllers (measured in terms of attack rates on plasticine models and controlled pest damage) in the studied olive groves; overall, pests were abundant and pest damage was high on most farms. In addition, surveys showed that insectivorous birds were more abundant and diverse in patches of semi-natural habitat, compared to the matrix of olive groves, and that proximity to semi-natural patches was not a driver of bird-driven pest control.This study experimentally demonstrates that insectivorous birds are not effective pest controllers in olive groves. The absence of patterns linking insectivorous birds’ availability and observed pest control suggests that birds are unable to exert effective control over the main olive-tree pests. This lack of biocontrol by birds is probably due to low accessibility and/or appetence for the current insectivorous groups. Habitat improvement aimed at encouraging some under-represented forager species could improve the likelihood that birds will provide this ecosystem service.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of woody species’ encroachment on plant diversity changes with regard to vascular plants and bryophytes in traditional olive groves of the Maremma Regional Park (Tuscany, Italy) and assessed cross-taxon correlation between these two taxa. We classified the olive groves into four land use types, representing different successional stages. To describe the evenness of species distribution within a community, we plotted rank-abundance diagrams for each taxon and each land use type. The relationship between the number and cover of vascular plants, therophytes, bryophytes, colonists and phanerophytes in each plot was examined using linear regression. The effects of land use type on vascular plant and bryophyte richness and assemblages were assessed by permutational uni- and multivariate analysis of variance. The congruence in species composition between the two taxa was evaluated using Procrustes analysis. The number of vascular plants, bryophytes and therophytes decreased linearly with increased phanerophyte species cover. The number of species belonging to Thero-Brachypodietea progressively decreased throughout succession. Rank-abundance diagrams and multivariate analysis showed differences between the land use types, which were statistically significant for vascular plants between the traditional olive groves and the other land use types, and for bryophytes between the traditional olive groves and woodlands. PROTEST analysis and NMDS graphs showed a correlation between vascular plant and bryophyte communities. The results suggested that conservation measures are needed in the study area in order to ensure both the maintenance of traditional olive groves of conservation interest and high levels of environmental heterogeneity.  相似文献   

The possible existence of altitudinal fluctuations in the seasonal behaviour of the olive pollen emission was studied. Three pollen volumetric samplers distributed in olive groves all over the altitudinal cliseries of the province of Jaén (south-east Spain) were used. Pollen emission data were recorded during a 3-year period (2007–2009). This research has revealed the effect of altitude on consecutive olive pollen season in the province of Jaén. The first pollen grains were detected in the olive growing areas located within the area of the Guadalquivir River, where are found the lowest levels of altitude into the province. A notable delay in the pollination season of the olive groves located at higher altitudes was observed. Geographical fluctuations on both daily pollen concentrations and number of critical days were also detected. Accumulated variables of temperature and precipitation since the start of the pre-flowering period have been shown to be two of the main factors affecting olive pollen levels. The fluctuations observed in the olive pollen season may similarly occur in the case of other allergenic plant species such as cypress (Cupressaceae), plane tree (Platanaceae) or grasses (Poaceae). Furthermore, and for the clinical consequences of the findings presented in this study, we believe that it would be advisable to install a micro-aerobiological network permanently in the province of Jaén.  相似文献   

The intensification of agriculture has significant environmental consequences. This intensification entails the simplification and homogenisation of the landscape, which leads to strong negative impacts at ecosystem level, including declines in animal biodiversity. The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of different land uses on reptilian and amphibian biodiversity patterns at a regional scale by analysing a large database on the presence of amphibians and reptiles in Andalusia (southern Spain). GIS techniques and the Ecological-Niche Factor Analysis (ENFA) were applied in order to assess whether the habitat was suitable for each reptilian and amphibian species, when the land use variables were excluded. The incongruence between the potential and the observed species richness was then correlated with the main types of land use in Andalusia. Our results showed that irrigated and unirrigated olive groves were associated with a biodiversity deficit of amphibians and reptiles respectively, whereas natural forests and pastures, along with more heterogeneous crops areas, were more suitable. A clustering analysis showed that generalist species were related to olive groves whereas rare and specialist species were related to land uses related to natural vegetation. In summary, our results indicate that large areas covered by olives groves harbour less amphibian and reptilian diversity, thus suggesting that agro-environmental schemes should be carried to promote the species richness in these crops.  相似文献   

Aerobiological and phenological investigation has been linked to analyse the flowering phenomena of olive (Olea europaea L.), a tree of economic importance, in Umbria, central Italy.

Olive tree flowering was analysed by phenological observations in olive groves. Aerobiological monitoring was carried out with pollen traps that captured the pollen grains in the atmosphere by remote distances. This combined study of flowering was useful in overcoming the principal limit of phenological observations caused by their geographical narrowness.

Eleven phenological stations in Perugia province were used and periodic observations were carried out during the flowering season. Two aerobiological stations located near the cities of Perugia and Spoleto were utilized to trap olive pollen grains in the atmosphere.

Graphic and statistical analyses were used in order to study flowering dynamics, and to compare the methodological approaches.

The phenological areas, according to their characteristics, were divided in two clusters each one related to a different pollen monitoring station. Statistical analyses showed the presence of a three ‐ four‐day period during which pollen released in the groves is persistent in the narrowness and resulted in a high correlation with the pollen monitored by the pollen traps. On the other hand, the phenological data considered along with the daily pollen concentrations permit the pollen peaks to be attributed to particular olive areas or olive cultivars. This demonstrates that both methodologies can be used effectively as integrated research tools in this kind of study.  相似文献   

Huanglongbing is one of the most devastating diseases of citrus (Citrus spp.). One management tactic against huanglongbing is aggressive management of the vector, the Asian citrus psyllid (Diaphorina citri Kuwayama), with insecticide applications. However, D. citri in abandoned groves are not controlled and therefore pose a risk of reinfestation for nearby commercial citrus. These abandoned groves could serve as a reservoir for the vector, as well as a source of the presumed causal agent for huanglongbing in Florida, Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (Las). The current study was conducted to determine the degree to which Las is present in abandoned Florida citrus groves and to compare relative inoculum levels in nearby managed and abandoned groves during times of the year when D. citri are abundant (June, July, and August). In addition, the movement of Las by dispersing D. citri adults from inner and edge rows of abandoned grove plots to the corresponding rows of managed plots was quantified during the same 3 mo. The results of the current study confirmed the presence of Las in both D. citri and plant tissue in abandoned groves at statistically equivalent levels to those in nearby managed groves. The mean number of D. citri adults dispersing from abandoned to managed grove plots ranged from 7.25 +/- 1.70 to 70.25 +/- 21.25 per 4-d intervals. Of those, the mean number of dispersing D. citri adults that were carrying the Las pathogen ranged from 1.00 +/- 0.58 to 1.50 +/- 0.50. Our results indicate that abandoned citrus groves are a significant source of Ca. Las and that dispersing D. citri move this pathogen into nearby managed groves.  相似文献   

Hybridization between the introduced arborescent Opuntia ficus-indica and the native shrubby O. littoralis has led to populations, referred to as O. "occidentalis," which form thickets that can dominate hillsides of chaparral and that can survive fires. Because the thickets apparently develop via vegetative reproduction, O. "occidentalis" was hypothesized to have a greater ability than its parent species to reproduce vegetatively due to weaker cladode junctions. Of the three taxa, the junctions for O. "occidentalis" had the least amount of wood, despite having cladode masses and junction cross-sectional areas similar to those of O. littoralis. The cladodes of O. "occidentalis" resisted deflection about their junctions the least and their junctions required the least amount of applied mass and the smallest bending moment to fail mechanically. The junction wood for all three taxa consisted mostly of parenchyma, with lesser amounts of cells with thickened secondary cell walls, indicating that some junction strength depended on hydrostatic pressure, especially for terminal junctions. Libriform fibers, which contribute to support and resist bending moments, were about 80% less frequent in the sub-subterminal junctions of O. "occidentalis" than in O. ficus-indica and O. littoralis. Vascular tracheids, which probably reduced shear among cells in the wood, were 90% less frequent in the terminal and sub-subterminal junction wood of O. "occidentalis" compared to O. littoralis. Thus wood characteristics can account for the weaker junctions of O. "occidentalis" compared to those of O. ficus-indica and O. littoralis, which apparently increases the ability of the hybrid to reproduce vegetatively.  相似文献   

The diversity and abundance of wild bees ensures the delivery of pollination services and the maintenance of ecosystem diversity. As previous studies carried out in Central Europe and the US have shown, bee diversity and abundance is influenced by the structure and the composition of the surrounding landscape. Comparable studies have so far not been carried out in the Mediterranean region. The present study examines the influence of Mediterranean landscape context on the diversity and abundance of wild bees. To do this, we sampled bees in 13 sites in olive groves on Lesvos Island, Greece. Bees were assigned to five categories consisting of three body size groups (small, medium and large bees), the single most abundant bee species (Lasioglossum marginatum) and all species combined. The influence of the landscape context on bee abundance and species richness was assessed at five radii (250, 500, 750, 1000 and 1250 m) from the centre of each site. We found that the abundance within bee groups was influenced differently by different landscape parameters and land covers, whereas species richness was unaffected. Generally, smaller bees' abundance was impacted by landscape parameters at smaller scales and larger bees at larger scales. The land cover that influenced bee abundance positively was olive grove, while phrygana, conifer forest, broad-leaved forest, cultivated land, rock, urban areas and sea had mostly negative or no impact. We stress the need for a holistic approach, including all land covers, when assessing the effects of landscape context on bee diversity and abundance in the Mediterranean.  相似文献   

Betalains are of great taxonomic significance in higher plants and occur only in 10 families of the order Caryophyllales (Centrospermae). They are water-soluble nitrogenous pigments. They can be divided into two major structural groups, the red to red-violet betacyanins and the yellow betaxanthins. Betalains are widely used as natural red food colorant as well as antioxidant potentials. Several methods have been published for the determination of betalain in fruits of Opuntia species. The purpose of the current review is to provide a systematic survey of the analytical techniques for the determination of betalain from fruits of Opuntia species.  相似文献   

The diversity of native non-crop (weed) vegetation in agricultural landscapes can provide arthropod natural enemies with food sources and shelter, thus improving natural pest control and reducing dependence on chemical pesticides. Moreover, native plants to a region are uniquely positioned to provide cultural ecosystem services such as wild food and wild medicinal plants, as well as aesthetics values. The Mediterranean Basin is one of the world’s richest places in terms of plant diversity. Olive cultivation is the basic tree cultivation in the Mediterranean and dominates its rural landscape. The olive grove ecosystem, whose flora presents a notable resemblance to the flora of Mediterranean type ecosystems, is home to a myriad of species of insects, spiders and other arthropods. This includes over one hundred phytophagous species, plus an uncounted number of entomophagous that help to reduce phytophagous populations. Here we present data on flowering plant species from the ground cover of olive groves, store information on characteristics of plant species namely physiognomic type and flowering period, geographic information and some statistical values on olive groves study area and records in the flora of visitor arthropods and cultural ecosystem services. The data include information on 36 olive groves, 100 flora species (taxa), of which 86 native in Portugal, 5 endemic to Iberian Peninsula and 4 endemic to Portugal Continental, and present also a summary of the records of visitor arthropods in these flora (i.e. 2 classes, 6 orders and 12 families).  相似文献   

Neophilaenus campestris is one of the spittlebugs (Hemiptera: Cercopoidea) able to transmit Xylella fastidiosa to olive trees. Considering its vector ability and the wide distribution of this species in Spain, N. campestris should be considered a serious threat to key crops such as olive, almonds and grapevines. Migration and dispersal abilities of insect vectors have profound implications in the spread of vector-borne diseases. Thus, knowledge on the dispersal ability of N. campestris is essential to model, predict and limit the spread of the diseases caused by X. fastidiosa. A mass-mark-recapture technique was developed to track between-field movements of N. campestris during its late spring migration from the ground cover grasses within olive groves to sheltered areas dominated by pine trees. The fluorescent dust used for marking did not affect the survival nor the flying ability of N. campestris. Spittlebug adults captured in olive groves during late spring were dusted with fluorescent colours and released in different locations. Six recapture samplings were performed 23–42 days after release in 12 different sites located within a maximum distance of 2.8 km from the release point. Results indicated that N. campestris was able to disperse a maximum distance of 2,47 m in 35 days. Furthermore, flight mill studies showed that N. campestris was able to fly long distances, reaching 1.4 km in an 82-min single flight. Altogether, our findings suggest that eradication measures are of limited value because vectors are able to disperse rapidly over distances much longer than expected.  相似文献   

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