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Cilia are microtubule-based hair-like organelles that project from the surface of most eukaryotic cells. They play critical roles in cellular motility, fluid transport and a variety of signal transduction pathways. While we have a good appreciation of the mechanisms of ciliary biogenesis and the details of their structure, many of their functions demand a more lucid understanding. One such function, which remains as intriguing as the time when it was first discovered, is how beating cilia in the node drive the establishment of left–right asymmetry in the vertebrate embryo. The bone of contention has been the two schools of thought that have been put forth to explain this phenomenon. While the ‘morphogen hypothesis’ believes that ciliary motility is responsible for the transport of a morphogen preferentially to the left side, the ‘two-cilia model’ posits that the motile cilia generate a leftward-directed fluid flow that is somehow sensed by the immotile sensory cilia on the periphery of the node. Recent studies with the mouse embryo argue in favour of the latter scenario. Yet this principle may not be generally conserved in other vertebrates that use nodal flow to specify their left–right axis. Work with the teleost fish medaka raises the tantalizing possibility that motility as well as sensory functions of the nodal cilia could be residing within the same organelle. In the end, how ciliary signalling is transmitted to institute asymmetric gene expression that ultimately induces asymmetric organogenesis remains unresolved.  相似文献   

The degree of conservation among phyla of early mechanisms that pattern the left–right (LR) axis is poorly understood. Larvae of sea urchins exhibit consistently oriented LR asymmetry. The main part of the adult rudiment is formed from the left coelomic sac of larvae, the left hydrocoel. Although this left preference is conserved among all echinoderm larvae, its mechanism is largely not understood. Using two marker genes, HpNot and HpFoxFQ-like, which are asymmetrically expressed during larval development of the sea urchin Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus, we examined in this study the possibility that the recently discovered ion flux mechanism controls asymmetry in sea urchins as it does in several vertebrate species. Several ion-transporter inhibitors were screened for the ability to alter the expression of the asymmetric marker genes. Blockers of the H+/K+-ATPase (omeprazole, lansoprazole and SCH28080), as well as a calcium ionophore (A23187), significantly altered the normal sidedness of asymmetric gene expression. Exposure to omeprazole disrupted the consistent asymmetry of adult rudiment formation in larvae. Immuno-detection revealed that H+/K+-ATPase-like antigens in sea urchin embryos were present through blastula stage and exhibited a striking asymmetry being present in a single blastomere in 32-cell embryos. These results suggest that, as in vertebrates, endogenous spatially-regulated early transport of H+ and/or K+, and also of Ca2+, functions in the establishment of LR asymmetry in sea urchin development.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   

The planar cell polarity (PCP) signaling pathway, principally understood from work in Drosophila, is now known to contribute to development in a broad swath of the animal kingdom, and its impairment leads to developmental malformations and diseases affecting humans. The ‘core’ mechanism underlying PCP signaling polarizes sheets of cells, aligning them in a head-to-tail fashion within the sheet. Cells use the resulting directional information to guide a wide variety of processes. One such process is lateralization, the determination of left–right asymmetry that guides the asymmetric morphology and placement of internal organs. Recent evidence extends the idea that PCP signaling underlies the earliest steps in lateralization and that PCP is invoked again during asymmetric morphogenesis of organs including the heart and gut.  相似文献   

Bilateral symmetry is widespread in animal kingdom, however most animal can deviate from expected symmetry and manifest some kind of asymmetries. Fluctuating asymmetry is considered as a tool for valuating developmental instability, whereas directional asymmetry is inherited and could be used for evaluating evolutionary development. We use the method of geometric morphometrics to analyze left/right asymmetries in the whole body, in two sites and totally six populations of Ceroglossus chilensis with the aim to infer and explain morphological disparities between populations and sexes in this species. In all individuals analyzed we found both fluctuating asymmetry and directional asymmetry for size and shape variation components, and a high sexual dimorphism. Moreover a high morphological variability between the two sites emerged as well. Differences in diet could influence the expression of morphological variation and simultaneously affect body sides, and therefore contribute to the symmetric component of variation. Moreover differences emerged between two sites could be a consequence of isolation and fragmentation, rather than a response to local environmental differences between sampling sites.  相似文献   

The last decade has seen a dramatic increase in studies on the development, function and evolution of asymmetries in vertebrates, including amphibians. Here we discuss current knowledge of behavioral and anatomical asymmetries in amphibians. Behavioral laterality in the response of both adult and larval anurans to presumed predators and competitors is strong and may be related, respectively, to laterality in the telencephalon of adults and the Mauthner neurons of tadpoles. These behavior lateralities, however, do not seem to correlate with visceral asymmetries in the same animals. We briefly compare what is known about the evolution and development of asymmetry in the structure and function of amphibians with what is known about asymmetries in other chordate and non-chordate groups. Available data suggest that the majority of asymmetries in amphibians fall into two independent groups: (1) related to situs viscerum and (2) of a neurobehavioral nature. We find little evidence linking these two groups, which implies different developmental regulatory pathways and independent evolutionary histories for visceral and telencephalic lateralizations. Studies of animals other than standard model species are essential to test hypotheses about the evolution of laterality in amphibians and other chordates.  相似文献   

Understanding how diversity interacts with energy supply is of broad ecological interest. Most studies to date have investigated patterns within trophic levels, reflecting a lack of food webs which include information on energy flow. We added parasites to a published marine energy‐flow food web, to explore whether parasite diversity is correlated with energy flow to host taxa. Parasite diversity was high with 36 parasite taxa affecting 40 of the 51 animal taxa. Adding parasites increased the number of trophic links per species, trophic link strength, connectance, and food chain lengths. There was evidence of an asymptotic relationship between energy flowing through a food chain and parasite diversity, although there were clear outliers. High parasite diversity was associated with host taxa which were highly connected within the food web. This suggests that energy flow through a taxon may favour parasite diversity, up to a maximal value. The evolutionary and energetic basis for that limitation is of key interest in understanding the basis for parasite diversity in natural food webs and thus their role in food web dynamics.  相似文献   

With progressive occlusion of a coronary main artery, some anastomotic vessels are recruited in order to supply blood to the ischemic region. This collateral circulation is an important factor in the preservation of the myocardium until reperfusion of the area at risk. An accurate estimation of collateral flow is crucial in surgical bypass planning as it alters the blood flow distribution in the coronary network and can influence the outcome of a given treatment for a given patient. The evaluation of collateral flow is frequently achieved using an index based on pressure measurements. It is named collateral flow index (CFI) and defined as: (Pw  Pv)/(Pao  Pv), where Pw is the pressure distal to the thrombosis, Pao the aortic pressure and Pv the central venous pressure. In the present work, we study patients with severe coronary disease (stenoses on the left branches and total occlusion of the right coronary artery). Using a mathematical model that describes the coronary hemodynamics in that situation, we demonstrate that the dependence of the collateral circulation to the pressure values is not as simple as it is commonly believed: using pressures alone as an index of collateral flow is likely to result in misinterpretation of the collateral flow contribution, because collateral flow depends on many other factors related to the status of the native stenosed arteries and to the microvascular resistances (capillary and collateral resistances, and the proportion between them).  相似文献   

There is little doubt that the introduction of internal defibrillators (ICD) has saved many lives over the last two decades. Initially, ICD use was only studied and propagated in resuscitated patients, but from the mid-1990s onwards primary prevention studies have been conducted in patients with ischaemic and non-ischaemic cardiomyopathy and a left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) ≤30 to 35%.  相似文献   

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