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The major ultrastructural and pigment characteristics of three chlorophyllb-containing photosynthetic prokaryote genera,Prochloron, Prochlorothrix, andProchlorococcus, are summarized. Aspects of their ecology are reviewed, as are also the major findings of comparisons among the three genera, and between them and the cyanobacteria, based on analyses of nucleotide sequences. The information summarized is discussed to assess how closely the three genera are related and whether they form a natural taxonomic grouping within the cyanobacteria. It is concluded that, although much of the evidence points to substantial differences among the three genera, the convenience of keeping them together as a group, namely, Oxychlorobacteria (formerly Prochlorophyta), outweighs certain inconsistencies revealed by analysis of a range of objective criteria. Current views on the possible significance of the group to considerations of the evolution of green chloroplasts are also presented.  相似文献   

The values of gross metabolic flows in cells are essentially interconnected due to conservation laws of chemical elements and interrelations of biochemical coupling. Therefore, the overall stoichiometry of cellular metabolism, such as the biomass quantum yield, the ratio between linear and circular flows via the electron transport chain, etc., can be calculated using balances of metabolic flows in the network branching points and coupling ratios related to ATP formation and expenditures. This work has studied the energetic stoichiometry of photosynthetic cells by considering the transfer of reductivity in the course of biochemical reactions. This approach yielded rigorous mathematical expressions for biomass quantum yield and other integral bioenergetic indices of cellular growth as functions of ATP balance parameters. The effect of cellular substance turnover has been taken into account. The obtained theoretical estimation of biomass quantum yield is rather close to experimental data which confirms the predictive capacity of this approach.  相似文献   

Enzymes that are regulated by the ferredoxin/thioredoxin system in chloroplasts — fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (FBPase), sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase purified from two different types of photosynthetic prokaryotes (cyanobacteria, purple sulfur bacteria) and tested for a response to thioredoxins. Each of the enzymes from the cyanobacterium Nostoc muscorum, an oxygenic organism known to contain the ferredoxin/thioredoxin system, was activated by thioredoxins that had been reduced either chemically by dithiothreitol or photochemically by reduced ferredoxin and ferredoxin-thioredoxin reductase. Like their chloroplast counterparts, N. muscorum FBPase and SBPase were activated preferentially by reduced thioredoxin f. SBPase was also partially activated by thioredoxin m. PRK, which was present in two regulatory forms in N. muscorum, was activated similarly by thioredoxins f and m. Despite sharing the capacity for regulation by thioredoxins, the cyanobacterial FBPase and SBPase target enzymes differed antigenically from their chloroplast counterparts. The corresponding enzymes from Chromatium vinosum, an anoxygenic photosynthetic purple bacterium found recently to contain the NADP/thioredoxin sytem, differed from both those of cyanobacteria and chloroplasts in showing no response to reduced thioredoxin. Instead, C. vinosum FBPase, SBPase, and PRK activities were regulated by a metabolite effector, 5-AMP. The evidence is in accord with the conclusion that thioredoxins function in regulating the reductive pentose phosphate cycle in oxygenic prokaryotes (cyanobacteria) that contain the ferredoxin/thioredoxin system, but not in anoxygenic prokaryotes (photosynthetic purple bacteria) that contain the NADP/thioredoxin system. In organisms of the latter type, enzyme effectors seem to play a dominant role in regulating photosynthetic carbon dioxide assimilation.  相似文献   

Experiments of Hans Molisch in 1907 demonstrated that purple bacteria do not evolve molecular oxygen during photosynthetic metabolism, and can use organic compounds as sources of cell carbon for anaerobic ‘photoheterotrophic’ growth. Molisch's conclusion that he discovered a new photosynthetic growth mode was not accepted for some 30 years because of the prevailing definition of photosynthesis as light-dependent conversion of carbon dioxide and inorganic reductants to cell materials. Meanwhile, during the decade of the 1930s, Cornelis van Niel formulated the ‘comparative biochemical watercleavage hypothesis’ of photosynthesis, which enjoyed great popularity for about 20 years. According to this concept, photolysis of water yielded ‘H’ and ‘OH’, the former acting as the hydrogen donor for CO2 reduction in all modes of photosynthesis. Oxygenic organisms were presumed to contain a unique biochemical system capable of converting ‘OH’ to water and O2. To explain the absence of O2 formation by purple and green photosynthetic bacteria, it was supposed that such organisms lacked the oxygen-forming system and, instead, ‘OH’ was disposed of by reduction with an inorganic H(e) donor (other than water) according to the general equation: $$2 'OH' + H_2 A \to 2 H_2 O + A ,$$ where H2A is H2 or an inorganic sulfur compound. Critical tests of van Niel's hypothesis could not be devised, and his proposal was abandoned soon after the discovery of in vitro photophosphorylation by green plant chloroplasts and membranes of purple bacteria in 1954. Photophosphorylation was then viewed as one key common denominator of oxygenic and anoxygenic photosyntheses. From later research it became clear that light-dependent phosphorylation of adenosine diphosphate was a consequence of photochemical charge separation and electron flow in reaction centers embedded in membranes of all photosynthetic organisms. The similarities, as well as the differences, in fine structure and function of reaction centers in anoxygenic and oxygenic organisms are now believed to reflect the course of evolution of oxygenic organisms from anoxygenic photosynthetic precursors. Thus, with the acquisition of new knowledge, concepts of the comparative biochemistry of photosynthetic processes have been radically altered during the past several decades. This paper describes highpoints of the history of these changes.  相似文献   

The obligate photoautotrophic cyanobacterium Synechococcus PCC7942 and the photoheterotrophic heterocystous cyanobacterium Noctoc muscorum are able to reduce prochiral ketones asymmetrically to optical pure chiral alcohols without light. An example is the synthesis of S-pentafluoro(phenyl-)ethanol with an enantiomeric excess >99% if 2′-3′-4′-5′-6′-pentafluoroacetophenone is used as substrate. If no light is available for regeneration of the cofactor nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (reduced form) (NADPH), glucose is used as cosubstrate. Membrane disintegration during asymmetric reduction promotes cytosolic energy generating metabolic pathways. Observed regulatory effects depicted by an adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (oxidized form) (NADP+) ratio of 3:1 for efficient cofactor recycling indicate a metabolization via glycolisis. The stoichiometric formation of the by-product acetate (1 mol acetate/1 mol chiral alcohol) indicates homoacetic acid fermentation for cofactor regeneration including the obligate photoautotrophic cyanobacterium Synechococcus PCC7942.  相似文献   

A number of prokaryotes actively contribute to lignin degradation in nature and their activity could be of interest for many applications including the production of biogas/biofuel from lignocellulosic biomass and biopulping. This review compares the reliability and efficiency of the culture-dependent screening methods currently used for the isolation of ligninolytic prokaryotes. Isolated prokaryotes exhibiting lignin-degrading potential are presented according to their phylogenetic groups. With the development of bioinformatics, culture-independent techniques are emerging that allow larger-scale data mining for ligninolytic prokaryotic functions but today, these techniques still have some limits. In this work, two phylogenetic affiliations of isolated prokaryotes exhibiting ligninolytic potential and laccase-encoding prokaryotes were determined on the basis of 16S rDNA sequences, providing a comparative view of results obtained by the two types of screening techniques. The combination of laboratory culture and bioinformatics approaches is a promising way to explore lignin-degrading prokaryotes.  相似文献   

Zn(II) metabolism in prokaryotes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It is difficult to over-state the importance of Zn(II) in biology. It is a ubiquitous essential metal ion and plays a role in catalysis, protein structure and perhaps as a signal molecule, in organisms from all three kingdoms. Of necessity, organisms have evolved to optimise the intracellular availability of Zn(II) despite the extracellular milieu. To this end, prokaryotes contain a range of Zn(II) import, Zn(II) export and/or binding proteins, some of which utilise either ATP or the chemiosmotic potential to drive the movement of Zn(II) across the cytosolic membrane, together with proteins that facilitate the diffusion of this ion across either the outer or inner membranes of prokaryotes. This review seeks to give an overview of the systems currently classified as altering Zn(II) availability in prokaryotes.  相似文献   

Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) are polysaccharides that are typically present in a wide diversity of animal tissue. Most common GAGs are well-characterized and pharmaceutical applications exist for many of these compounds, e.g. heparin and hyaluronan. In addition, also bacterial glycosaminoglycan-like structures exist. Some of these bacterial GAGs have been characterized, but until now no bacterial GAG has been found that possesses the modifications that are characteristic for many of the animal GAGs such as sulfation and C5-epimerization. Nevertheless, the latter conversion may also occur in bacterial and archaeal GAGs, as some prokaryotic polysaccharides have been demonstrated to contain L-iduronic acid. However, experimental evidence for the enzymatic synthesis of L-iduronic acid in prokaryotes is as yet lacking. We therefore performed an in silico screen for D-glucuronyl C5-epimerases in prokaryotes. Multiple candidate C5-epimerases were found, suggesting that many more microorganisms are likely to exist possessing an L-iduronic acid residue as constituent of their cell wall polysaccharides.  相似文献   

In the Baltic Sea, cyanobacterial community is mainly composed of filamentous nitrogen-fixing forms, including the toxic Nodularia spumigena, and single-celled picocyanobacteria (Pcy), represented by Synechococcus spp. The main aim of the work was to test the hypothesis that the picocyanobacteria dependend on the presence of the nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria. In addition, the contamination of blue mussels and fish with nodularin (NOD), the N.?spumigena toxin, was examined. In years 2008?C2011, the samples for the study were collected in the Southern Baltic Proper using FerryBox system and, occasionally, during research cruises. The analyses showed no correlation between the growth of the nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria and Synechococcus. Compared with the previously published data, a shift in the composition of Pcy phenotypes was observed. This shift might be an indication of the proceeding changes induced by the reduced nutrient loading and/or climate change. Analyses of NOD revealed differences in the cyanotoxin concentrations between mussels of different shell size. The highest concentration of NOD was detected in the liver of round goby. However, temporarily, also the fish muscles were significantly contaminated with the toxin.  相似文献   

Light-induced sensory responses are among the oldest scientific observations on bacterial behavior. Various types of response have been characterized physiologically in detail. However, the molecular basis of this type of response is only slowly emerging. In many of these systems photosynthetic pigments absorb the light. This then generates a signal via electron transport, feeding into a canonical chemotaxis signal transduction pathway. Nevertheless, several examples have been identified in which dedicated photoreceptor proteins do play a role. The intrinsic complexity of some of these signal transduction systems is overwhelming, in part because of the significant apparent redundancy. The genomics information that is now available for several model organisms (in particular Rhodobacter sphaeroides and Synechocystis sp. PCC6803) facilitates obtaining an increasingly detailed view of the molecular basis of the partial reactions that jointly form the basis of this type of elementary behavioral response. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The evolutionary route from anoxygenic photosynthetic bacteria to oxygenic cyanobacteria is discontinuous in terms of photochemical/photophysical reaction systems. It is difficult to describe this transition process simply because there are no recognized intermediary organisms between the two bacterial groups. Gloeobacter violaceus PCC 7421 might be a model organism that is suitable for analysis because it still possesses primordial characteristics such as the absence of thylakoid membranes. Whole genome analysis and biochemical and biophysical surveys of G. violaceus have favored the hypothesis that it is an intermediary organism. On the other hand, species differentiation is an evolutionary process that could be driven by changes in a small number of genes, and this process might give fair information more in details by monitoring of those genes. Comparative studies of genes, including those in Acaryochloris marina MBIC 11017, have provided information relevant to species differentiation; in particular, the acquisition of a new pigment, chlorophyll d, and changes in amino acid sequences have been informative. Here, based on experimental evidence from these two species, we discuss some of the evolutionary pathways for the appearance and differentiation of cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

delta-Aminolevulinic acid is the first committed precursor in the biosynthesis of hemes, phycobilins, and chlorophylls. Plants and algae synthesize delta-aminolevulinic acid from glutamate via an RNA-dependent 5-carbon pathway. Previous reports demonstrated that cyanobacteria form delta-aminolevulinic acid from glutamate in vivo. We now report the direct measurement of this activity in vitro. Three oxygenic prokaryotes were examined, the unicellular cyanobacteria Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 and Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002 (Agmenellum quadruplicatum PR-6) and the chlorophyll a- and b-containing filamentous prochlorophyte Prochlorothrix hollandica. delta-Aminolevulinic acid-forming activity was detected in soluble extracts of all three species. delta-Aminolevulinic acid formation by Synechocystis extracts was further characterized. Activity depended upon addition of reduced pyridine nucleotide, ATP, and Mg2+ to the incubation mixture. NADPH was a more effective pyridine nucleotide than NADH at low concentrations, but NADPH inhibited delta-amino-levulinic acid formation above 1 mM, whereas NADH did not. The pH optimum was about 7.6, and the ATP concentration optimum was 0.1 mM. Activity was stimulated by addition of RNA derived from Synechocystis or Chlorella, and abolished by preincubation with RNase A. After RNase inactivation, activity was restored by addition of RNasin to block further RNase action, followed by supplementation with Synechocystis RNA. Activity was inhibited by micromolar concentrations of hemin, as was previously found with plant and algal extracts. Complete dependence on added glutamate could not be achieved. Radioactivity was incorporated into delta-aminolevulinic acid when the incubation mixture contained 1-[14C]glutamate. Activity in the Synechocystis enzyme extract was stimulated by the addition of a partially purified enzyme fraction from Chlorella. It thus appears that prokaryotic oxygenic organisms share with chloroplasts the capacity for biosynthesis of photosynthetic pigments from glutamate via the RNA-dependent 5-carbon pathway.  相似文献   

Gas vesicles (GV) are specialized cell inclusions providing many aquatic procaryotes with buoyancy. In the cyanobacterium Calothrix sp. strain PCC 7601, at least four genes are involved in GV formation. One of those, gvpA1, encodes the major structural GV protein (70 amino acids) and belongs to a multigene family (gvpA1, gvpA2, gvpD). The fourth gene, gvpC, encodes a 162-amino-acid protein, the function of which is still unclear. We used the Calothrix gvpA1 and gvpC genes as probes to perform Southern hybridization experiments with DNA extracted from various cyanobacterial strains. The gvpA gene was found in all the strains that synthesize GV, indicating that its product is an obligatory component of GV. Furthermore, it was found to occur as multiple copies in most of the strains tested. The gvpC gene was only detected in some strains able to synthesize a large amount of GV within a short period. This suggests that the gvpC gene product is a dispensable protein for GV formation and is involved in the efficiency of the assembly process. Based on the occurrence of the gvp genes and on DNA-DNA hybridization patterns, genus assignments are discussed.  相似文献   

We analyzed the amount of polyamines in a variety of cyanobacteria including nitrogen-fixing and nonfixing species. All the cyanobacteria capable of fixing nitrogen, contained sym-homospermidine as the major polyamine. The concentration of putrescine, spermidine and spermine was extremely low in these cyanobacteria. The cyanobacteria which normally fail to fix nitrogen contained spermidine as the major polyamine, while the sym-homospermidine content was very low or under the limits of detection. Apparently there is a close relationship between the sym-homospermidine content and the ability to fix nitrogen in cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

Rhodobacter capsulatus J1 has two hydroperoxidases: a catalase-peroxidase and a peroxidase. A mutant strain, AH18, that had no catalase-peroxidase was isolated. The growth rate under aerobic and photosynthetic conditions, respiration, superoxide dismutase and peroxidase activities, and pigment content of the mutant were similar to those of the wild type. AH18 was more susceptible to killing and to inhibition of nitrogenase by H2O2 but not by molecular oxygen. The incidences of spontaneous mutations were similar in both strains. Viable counts in aerobic but not anaerobic cultures of AH18 started to decline as soon as the cultures reached the stationary phase, and the rate of cell death was much higher in AH18 than in the wild type. It is inferred that the peroxidase provides protection against H2O2 in log-phase cells and that the catalase-peroxidase provides protection under the oxidative conditions that prevail in aging cultures. This protective function might be related to the dual activity of the latter as a catalase and a peroxidase or to its capacity to oxidize NADH, NADPH, and cytochrome c.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic and thylakoid membranes have been purified from the cyanobacteria Anacystis nidulans R2 and Phormidium laminosum by sucrose density gradient centrifugation. Probing of Western blots of proteins from these purified membrane fractions with antibodies directed against the 33 kDa polypeptide of Photosystem II from pea indicates that this protein is present in both the thylakoid and cytoplasmic membranes, rather than just the thylakoid membranes. This has been confirmed by immunogold labelling of cells. Oxygen evolution assays have been used to show that the 33 kDa polypeptide is not assembled into a functional Photosystem II complex in the cytoplasmic membranes. This may be due to the absence of other Photosystem II components.  相似文献   

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