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Evolutionary theorists have posited that contemporary men and women may differ in their specific psychological mechanisms having to do with mate selection because different strategies would have benefitted men versus women in our distant ancestral past. From these theorized gender differences in mating strategies, several hypotheses were generated and subsequently tested in the current study using a large sample of personal advertisements (N = 1111). The results were generally supportive of evolutionary predictions: men were more likely than women to offer financial resources and honesty/ sincerity, and to seek attractiveness, appealing body shape, and a photograph in selecting a potential mate; women were more likely than men to offer an appealing body shape and to seek financial resources, qualities likely to lead to resource acquisition, and honesty/sincerity in potential mates. Women were also more likely than men to seek male friendship and/or companionship and to offer greater involvement only after the establishment of such friendship, whereas men more frequently than women made explicit requests for a sexual relationship. In general, men sought potential mates who were younger than themselves, a trend which became more pronounced among older advertisers. Women generally sought mates who were older than themselves, a trend which decreased slightly with the age of the advertiser. Results are discussed with regard to implications for hypothesized gender differences in evolved psychological mechanisms.  相似文献   

Using the theoretical perspective of evolutionary biology, 13 hypotheses were generated concerning sex and age differences in human mate preferences and tactics of mate attraction. Classified “lonely hearts” advertisements (N = 1,000) from a nationally circulated, fortnightly magazine were content-analyzed. Men, more than women, sought cues to reproductive value (i.e., physical appearance and youth), whereas women, more than men, sought cues revealing an ability to acquire resources (i.e., actual and potential financial security and older men). Women also sought to ascertain a man's willingness to provide resources (in the form of time, emotions, money, and status) in a relationship. Both sexes offered those traits sought by the opposite sex. Men were more promiscuously inclined than women, favoring casual relationships and being more likely to be married, whereas women sought long-term monogamous relationships. These differences support evolutionary predictions based on concepts of sexual selection, parental investment, and reproductive capacities and confirm the use of personal advertisements as a valuable method of research.  相似文献   

Male cognition has gained recognition as an important potential player in sexual selection. A number of studies have found positive correlations between male sexual signals and cognitive performance an d/or female pref ere nces for males with better cog nitive performance, although other studies have not fou nd these relati on ships. Sex roles can differ dramatically, and sex differen ces in selection on cog nition likely follow from the different tasks associated with these sex roles. Here, using threespine stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus, a species with clearly diverge nt sex roles and mutual mate choice, we focus on the cognitive trait inhibitory control because males must differentially respond to reproductive females versus other sticklebacks while defending territories and refrain from eating eggs and fry while performing paternal care. We presented fish with a detour task four times over a period of 7 days, allowing us to assess initial inhibitory control and improvement over time. We ask 1) whether there are sex differences in inhibitory control and 2) whether male mate choice is associated with female inhibitory control. Although males outperformed females on three different measures of detour task performance across four trials, these differences were largely explained by males being less neophobic than females. Females took more trials to successfully solve the detour task, even after accounting for sex differences in neophobia. Female cognitive abilities, however, were unrelated to the vigor with which males courted them. The equivocal results regarding sex differences in cognitive ability suggest further study given the very different selection pressures each sex experiences.  相似文献   

A survey study examining the relative importance of various social and physical traits in heterosexual attraction was conducted. Data from 198 male and female heterosexual college students revealed that women ranked body odor as more important for attraction than “looks” or any social factor except “pleasantness.” Moreover, in contrast to response to fragrance use, liking someone's natural body odor was the most influential olfactory variable for sexual interest for both men and women. Men rated a woman's good looks as most desirable and as more important than any other factor except pleasantness. Sex differences in the relative ranking of several social factors were consistent with prior research.  相似文献   

Males and females differ in both parasite load and the strength of immune responses and these effects have been verified in humans and other vertebrates. Sex hormones act as important modulators of immune responses; the male sex hormone testosterone is generally immunosuppressive while the female sex hormone estrogen tends to be immunoenhancing. Different sets of T-helper cells (Th) have important roles in adaptive immunity, e.g. Th1 cells trigger type 1 responses which are primarily cell-mediated, and Th2 cells trigger type 2 responses which are primarily humoral responses. In our review of the literature, we find that estrogen and progesterone enhance type 2 and suppress type 1 responses in females, whereas testosterone suppresses type 2 responses and shows an inconsistent pattern for type 1 responses in males. When we combine these patterns of generally immunosuppressive and immunoenhancing effects of the sex hormones, our results imply that the sex differences in immune responses should be particularly strong in immune functions associated with type 2 responses, and less pronounced with type 1 responses. In general the hormone-mediated sex differences in immune responses may lead to genetic sexual conflicts on immunity. Thus, we propose the novel hypothesis that sexually antagonistic selection may act on immune genes shared by the sexes, and that the strength of this sexually antagonistic selection should be stronger for type 2- as compared with type 1-associated immune genes. Finally, we put the consequences of sex hormone-induced effects on immune responses into behavioral and ecological contexts, considering social mating system, sexual selection, geographical distribution of hosts, and parasite abundance.  相似文献   

Sexual selection of high-quality mates can conflict with species recognition if traits that govern intraspecific mate preferences also influence interspecific recognition. This conflict might be resolved by developmental plasticity and learned mate preferences, which could drive preference divergence in populations that differ in local species composition. We integrate field and laboratory experiments on two calopterygid damselfly species with population genetic data to investigate how sex differences in developmental plasticity affect population divergence in the face of gene flow. Whereas male species recognition is fixed at emergence, females instead learn to recognize heterospecifics. Females are therefore more plastic in their mate preferences than males. We suggest that this results from sex differences in the balance between sexual selection for high-quality mates and selection for species recognition. As a result of these sex differences, females develop more pronounced population divergence in their mate preferences compared with males. Local ecological community context and presence of heterospecifics in combination with sex differences in plasticity and canalization therefore shape population divergence in mate preferences. As ongoing environmental change and habitat fragmentation bring formerly allopatric species into secondary contact, developmental plasticity of mate preferences in either or both sexes might facilitate coexistence and prevent local species extinction.  相似文献   



The present study examined sex differences in the sweat gland response to acetylcholine (ACh) in physically trained and untrained male and female subjects.


Sweating responses were induced on the forearm and thigh in resting subjects by ACh iontophoresis using a 10% solution at 2 mA for 5 min at 26°C and 50% relative humidity.


The ACh-induced sweating rate (SR) on the forearm and thigh was greater in physically trained male (P < 0.001 for the forearm and thigh, respectively) and female (P = 0.08 for the forearm, P < 0.001 for the thigh) subjects than in untrained subjects of both sexes. The SR was also significantly greater in physically trained males compared to females at both sites (P < 0.001) and in untrained males compared to females on the thigh (P < 0.02) only, although the degree of difference was greater in trained subjects than in untrained subjects. These sex differences can be attributed to the difference in sweat output per gland rather than the number of activated sweat glands.


We conclude that physical training enhances the ACh-induced SR in both sexes but that the degree of enhancement is greater in male than in female subjects. The effects of physical training and sex on the SR may be due to changes in peripheral sensitivity to ACh and/or sweat gland size.  相似文献   

Objective: To evaluate the effect of patients’ sex on selection of pacemakers. Design: Retrospective univariate and multivariate analysis of a large database. Setting: German central pacemaker register. Subjects: Records collected at the register for 1992 and 1993 (n=31 913), covering 64% of all implantations in Germany. Main outcome measure: Probability of receiving a single chamber, dual chamber, or rate responsive pacemaker in relation to sex. Results: Univariate analysis showed that women were more likely to receive single chamber pacemakers and less likely to receive dual chamber or rate responsive systems than men. After demographic and clinical variables were controlled for, women were still more likely to receive a single chamber system (atrial pacing: odds ratio 0.89, 95% confidence interval 0.74 to 1.07; ventricular pacing: 0.85, 0.80 to 0.92) and less likely to receive a dual chamber (1.20, 1.12 to 1.30) or a rate responsive system (1.26, 1.17 to 1.37) than men. Conclusions: The data suggest sex differences in the selection of a pacemaker system which cannot be explained by the underlying cardiac disorder. Further research is needed to evaluate why guidelines for implanting pacemakers are not better adhered to.

Key messages

  • Use of pacemakers varies despite guidelines, and the reasons for this are unclear
  • In this study women were more likely to receive single chamber pacemakers and less likely to receive dual chamber and rate responsive pacemakers than men
  • Demographic and clinical variables cannot fully explain these differences
  • Prospective studies are needed to evaluate the effect of sex and other non-medical variables on the selection of pacemakers

Sex differences in food provisioning have been found in a numberof socially monogamous birds with biparental care, but the reasonsremain unclear. In Manx shearwaters, males provide 40–50%more food for chicks than do females, and previous empiricaldata have suggested that this difference could arise becausefemales are able to regulate food delivery by reducing the provisioningof well-nourished chicks, whereas males are not (hypothesis1). Alternatively, however, males may be as capable as femalesof assessing and responding to the variation in the nutritionalrequirements of their chick but have a higher threshold forreducing food delivery to well-nourished chicks (hypothesis2). To test these two hypotheses, we used supplementary feedingto manipulate the nutritional status of chicks and then examinedthe responses of male and female parents and their offspring.Supplementary feeding significantly reduced both the beggingbehavior of chicks and the frequency and sizes of meals deliveredby parents. Males and females reduced their overall provisioningrates to a similar extent (males by 38%, females by 42%), somaintaining the same difference in contributions to provisioningin the control group (males 58%, females 42%) and the experimentaltreatment (males 59%, females 41%). These data strongly supporthypothesis 2. Supplementary feeding of chicks resulted in fewervisits by parents and a higher proportion of long trips in bothsexes (4 days for males, 5–7 days for females). However,maximum trip durations were unchanged, suggesting that supplementaryfeeding of chicks had no effect on the foraging ranges or overallfood-provisioning strategies of parents.  相似文献   

Serum osmolalities and chloride concentrations were examined in polar cod. When exposed to oil male and female fish responded differently. Ingestion of food contaminated with oil led to a significant decrease in osmolality (from 503 to 492 mOsm kg1) in males. There was no significant effect of oil ingestion on serum osmolality in females, but chloride concentrations were increased (from 196 to 203 mmol kg1). Gender related responses should, therefore, be considered when assessing the possible effects of environmental pollutants on fish physiology.  相似文献   

Monogamous species are usually considered to be less likely to exhibit sex differences in behavior or brain structure. Most previous studies examining sex differences in stress hormone responses have used relatively sexually dimorphic species such as rats. We examined the stress hormone responses of monogamous California mice (Peromyscus californicus) to resident-intruder tests. We also tested males and females under different photoperiods, because photoperiod has been shown to affect both aggression and stress hormone responses. Females, but not males showed a significant increase in corticosterone levels immediately following a resident-intruder test. Males but not females showed elevated corticosterone levels under short days. Females tested in aggression tests also showed a significant increase in plasma oxytocin levels, but only when housed in long days. This was consistent with our observation that females but not males had more oxytocin positive cells in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) when housed under long days. Our data show that sex differences in glucocorticoid responses identified in other rodents are present in a monogamous species.  相似文献   

Millions of people infected by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) have been diagnosed with coronavirus infectious disease 2019 (COVID-19). The prevalence and severity of COVID-19 differ between sexes. To explain these differences, we analyzed clinical features and laboratory values in male and female COVID-19 patients. The present study included a cohort of 111 people, i.e. 36 COVID-19 patients, 54 sex- and age-matched common viral community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) patients, and 21 healthy controls. Monocyte counts, lymphocyte subset counts, and alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), and C-reactive protein (CRP) levels in the peripheral blood were analyzed. Higher Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II (APACHE II) scores, monocyte counts, and CRP and ALT levels were found in male COVID-19 patients. Decreased lymphocyte subset counts and proportions were observed in COVID-19 patients, except for the CD3+ and CD8+ T cell proportions. The lower CD4+ T cell proportions and higher CD8+ T cell proportions were observed in male and severe COVID-19 patients and the differences were independent of estrogen level. The CD4+ T cell proportion was negatively associated with the CD8+ T cell proportion in male COVID-19 patients; this correlation was non-significant in females. Our work demonstrates differences between sexes in circulating monocyte counts and CD4+ T cell and CD8+ T cell proportions in COVID-19 patients, independent of estrogen levels, are associated with the clinical manifestations in COVID-19 patients with high specificity.  相似文献   

Abstract. Field observations were made on the responses of males and gynoparae of three host-alternating aphid species, the blackberry-cereal aphid, Sitobion fragariae (Walker), the bird cherry-oat aphid, Rhopalosiphum padi (L.) and the damson-hop aphid, Phorodon humuli (Schrank) to species-specific sex pheromones released from transparent and coloured water traps.Pheromone traps caught significantly more males than did control traps without pheromone, whereas transparent, light green, yellow and orange traps caught most insects.Measurements of the distance over which sex pheromones function indicated that male P.humuli detect the pheromone 2–6 m from the source and can fly upwind to a source in wind speeds of 0.7 m s-1.In all three species significantly more gynoparae were caught in pheromone traps than in control traps, suggesting that pheromone released by adult sexual females may assist late-flying gynoparae to locate a suitable host plant on which to deposit their progeny.The response is relatively stronger for males than gynoparae, but the pheromones appear to act as both sex and aggregation pheromones.  相似文献   

Natural selection is demonstrated in most natural populations which suggests that populations are dispatched from their adaptive peaks as a result of selection on correlated characters, or conflicting selection between the sexes. We analysed patterns of survival selection in a population of serins (Serinus serinus) outside Barcelona over a period of 13 years. There was directional selection for increased wing length in males and females accompanied by strong disruptive selection on both tail and wing length in males and a selection against a positive correlation between the two characters in males. In females there was directional selection for increased bill width but decreased bill depth, which should be contrasted to the stabilizing selection acting on bill depth in males. There were conflicting selection on the characters within a sex and conflicting selection of the same characters between sexes, which constrain the rate of access to the nearest adaptive peak.  相似文献   

Male and female parents often provide different type and amount of care to their offspring. Three major drivers have been proposed to explain parental sex roles: (1) differential gametic investment by males and females that precipitates into sex difference in care, (2) different intensity of sexual selection acting on males and females, and (3) biased social environment that facilitates the more common sex to provide more care. Here, we provide the most comprehensive assessment of these hypotheses using detailed parental care data from 792 bird species covering 126 families. We found no evidence for the gametic investment hypothesis: neither gamete sizes nor gamete production by males relative to females was related to sex difference in parental care. However, sexual selection correlated with parental sex roles, because the male share in care relative to female decreased with both extra‐pair paternity and frequency of male polygamy. Parental sex roles were also related to social environment, because male parental care increased with male‐biased adult sex ratios (ASRs). Taken together, our results are consistent with recent theories suggesting that gametic investment is not tied to parental sex roles, and highlight the importance of both sexual selection and ASR in influencing parental sex roles.  相似文献   

In many instances, there are large sex differences in mutation rates, recombination rates, selection, rates of gene flow, and genetic drift. Mutation rates are often higher in males, a difference that has been estimated both directly and indirectly. The higher male mutation rate appears related to the larger number of cell divisions in male lineages but mutation rates also appear gene- and organism-specific. When there is recombination in only one sex, it is always the homogametic sex. When there is recombination in both sexes, females often have higher recombination but there are many exceptions. There are a number of hypotheses to explain the sex differences in recombination. Sex-specific differences in selection may result in stable polymorphisms or for sex chromosomes, faster evolutionary change. In addition, sex-dependent selection may result in antagonistic pleiotropy or sexually antagonistic genes. There are many examples of sex-specific differences in gene flow (dispersal) and a number of adaptive explanations for these differences. The overall effective population size (genetic drift) is dominated by the lower sex-specific effective population size. The mean of the mutation, recombination, and gene flow rates over the two sexes can be used in a population genetics context unless there are sex-specific differences in selection or genetic drift. Sex-specific differences in these evolutionary factors appear to be unrelated to each other. The evolutionary explanations for sex-specific differences for each factor are multifaceted and, in addition, explanations may include chance, nonadaptive differences, or mechanistic, nonevolutionary factors.  相似文献   

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