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Summary Expression of the red + and gam + genes of bacteriophage in plasmids cloned in Escherichia coli wild-type cells leads to plasmid linear multimer (PLM) formation. In mutants that lack exonuclease I (sbcB sbcC), either of these functions mediates PLM formation. In order to determine whether PLM formation in sbcB sbcC mutants occurs by conservative (break-join) recombination of circular plasmids or by de novo DNA synthesis, thyA sbcB sbcC mutants were transferred from thymine- to 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine (BUDR)-supplemented medium, concurrently with induction of red + or gam + expression, and the density distribution of plasmid molecular species was analyzed. After a period of less than one generation in the BUDR-supplemented medium, most PLM were of heavy/heavy density. Circular plasmids, as well as chromosomal DNA, were of light/light or light/heavy density. These results indicate that Red or Gam activities mediate de novo synthesis of PLM in sbcB sbcC mutants. Examination of plasmid DNA preparations from sbcB sbcC mutants expressing gam + or red + reveals the presence of two molecular species that may represent intermediates in the PLM biosynthesis pathway: single-branched circles (-structures) and PLM with single-stranded DNA tails. While Gam-mediated PLM synthesis in sbcB mutants depends on the activity of the RecF pathway genes, Red-mediated PLM synthesis, like Red-mediated recombination, is independent of recA and recF activities. One of the red + products, protein, suppresses RecA deficiency in plasmid recombination and PLM synthesis in RecBCD Exol cells. The dependence of PLM synthesis on the RecE, RecF or Red recombination pathways and the dependence of plasmid recombination by these pathways on activities that are required for plasmid replication support the proposal that PLM synthesis and recombination by these pathways are mutually dependent. We propose the hypothesis that DNA double-stranded ends, which are produced in the process of PLM synthesis, are involved in plasmid recombination by the RecE, RecF and Red pathways. Conversely, recombination-dependent priming of DNA synthesis at 3 singles-tranded DNA ends is hypothesized to initiate PLM synthesis on circular plasmid DNA templates.Abbreviations PLM plasmid linear multimers - BUDR 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine - bp base pair  相似文献   

Erwinia herbicola is a nonphotosynthetic bacterium that is yellow pigmented due to the presence of carotenoids. When the Erwinia carotenoid biosynthetic genes are expressed in Escherichia coli, this bacterium also displays a yellow phenotype. The DNA sequence of the plasmid pPL376, carrying the entire Erwinia carotenoid gene cluster, has been found to contain 12 open reading frames (ORFs). Six of the ORFs have been identified as carotenoid biosynthesis genes that code for all the enzymes required for conversion of farnesyl pyrophosphate (FPP) to zeaxanthin diglucoside via geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate, phytoene, lycopene, -carotene, and zeaxanthin. These enzymatic steps were assigned after disruption of each ORF by a specific mutation and analysis of the accumulated intermediates. Carotenoid intermediates were identified by the absorption spectra of the colored components and by high pressure liquid chromatographic analysis. The six carotenoid genes are arranged in at least two operons. The gene coding for -carotene hydroxylase is transcribed in the opposite direction from that of the other carotenoid genes and overlaps with the gene for phytoene synthase.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli protease Prc (Tsp) exhibits specificity in vitro for proteins with nonpolar carboxyl termini. To determine whether Prc is responsible for the selective degradation in vivo of proteins with nonpolar carboxyl termini, we constructed a prc (tsp) deletion strain. Deletion of the prc gene did not prevent the rapid intracellular degradation of a variant of the amino-terminal domain of repressor with a nonpolar carboxyl terminus, even though this protein is a substrate for Prc in vitro. Our results indicate that at least one additional carboxy-terminal-specific proteolytic system must exist in E. coli.  相似文献   

Summary A system is described which enabled the selection of a heterologous ep gene, encoding signal peptidase I, in Escherichia coli. It is based on complementation of an E. coli mutant, in which the synthesis of signal peptidase I can be regulated. With this system the lep gene of Salmonella typhimurium was cloned and the nucleotide sequence was determined. The S. typhimurium lep gene encodes a protein of 324 amino acids. Expression of the gene in the E. coli mutant resulted in suppression of growth inhibition and in the restoration of processing activity under conditions where synthesis of E. coli signal peptidase I was repressed. The cloned S. typhimurium signal peptidase I had an apparent molecular weight of 36000 daltons, which is in agreement with the calculated molecular weight of 35782 daltons. The system described for selection of the S. typhimurium lep gene may permit the cloning and expression of other heterologous signal peptidase I gen/es.  相似文献   

Summary The efficacy of linear DNA as a substrate for general homologous recombination was demonstrated using BamHI-linearized pKLC8.5, a plasmid that carries internal direct repeats flanking the unique BamHI site. An analogous plasmid, pKLC2.31, was used in a parallel and comparative study of intramolecular homologous recombination in circular DNA substrates. When the rec + wild-type strain, AB1157, and its isogenic rec derivatives were transformed with linear pKLC8.5 DNA, intramolecular homologous recombination was independent of recA, recB, recN, recO and exonuclease III (xth-1) functions. Although the recBCsbcA and recBCsbcBC cells were both very recombination proficient, only linear but not circular DNA was used as substrate for intramolecular homologous recombination in the recBCsbcA cells. In both the recBCsbcA and recBCsbcBC genetic backgrounds, the recombination frequencies for linearized pKLC8.5 DNA were 100%. A notable difference between the two strains was that none of the recBCsbcA transformants obtained with circular pKLC8.5 DNA were Tcs recombinants, whereas 11% of the corresponding recBCsbcBC transformants were Tcs recombinants. The sbcB mutation was responsible for the recombination proficiency of the recBCsbcBC cells. Unlike the case in recBCsbcA cells, intramolecular homologous recombination of linear DNA in the recBCsbcBC cells was dependent on recA and recF as well as recN and recO gene functions, but was independent of recJ and reeL gene functions.  相似文献   

Attempts to characterize thegrpD55 mutation ofEscherichia coli have led us to conclude that the gene had been assigned an incorrect map position. The mutation was found to cotransduce withmalF3089:: Tn10 (at 91.5 min) and adnaB-expressing plasmid was able to complement fully thegrpD55 defect in replication. These studies strongly suggest thatgrpD55 is an allele ofdnaB and is localized near 92 min on theE. coli linkage map.  相似文献   

By Northern blot analysis of nitrate reductase-deficient mutants of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia, we identified a mutant (mutant D65), obtained after -ray irradiation of protoplasts, which contained an insertion sequence in the nitrate reductase (NR) mRNA. This insertion sequence was localized by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in the first exon of NR and was also shown to be present in the NR gene. The mutant gene contained a 565 by insertion sequence that exhibits the sequence characteristics of a transposable element, which was thus named dTnp1. The dTnp1 element has 14 by terminal inverted repeats and is flanked by an 8-bp target site duplication generated upon transposition. These inverted repeats have significant sequence homology with those of other transposable elements. Judging by its size and the absence of a long open reading frame, dTnp1 appears to represent a defective, although mobile, transposable element. The octamer motif TTTAGGCC was found several times in direct orientation near the 5 and 3 ends of dTnp1 together with a perfect palindrome located after the 5 inverted repeat. Southern blot analysis using an internal probe of dTnp1 suggested that this element occurs as a single copy in the genome of N. plumbaginifolia. It is also present in N. tabacum, but absent in tomato or petunia. The dTnp1 element is therefore of potential use for gene tagging in Nicotiana species.  相似文献   

Freeze etching studies in a symbiotic and a freeliving strain of Chroococcidiopsis revealed a specific layer in the outer cell wall not described so far from Cyanophyta. The layer showed a complex organisation: The main unit are ribbons, 2–3 nm thick, striated at right angle to the longitudinal axis. They are interwoven to a patchwork-like leaflet. The ribbons are virtually composed of globular particles associated in parallel rows. The cytoplasmic membrane and the cell walls of the symbiotic and the free-living strain were compared.Abbreviations cm cytoplasmic membrane - CW 1,2,3 cell wall layer 1,2,3 - EF exoplasmic fracture face - PF protoplasmic fracture face  相似文献   

Summary Mutations in the cysB and cysE genes of Escherichia coli K12 cause an increase in resistance to the gyrase inhibitor novobiocin but not to coumermycin, acriflavine and rifampicin. This unusual relationship was also observed among spontaneous novobiocin resistant (Novr) mutants: 10% of Novr mutants isolated on rich (LA) plates with novobiocin could not grow on minimal plates, and among those approximately half were cysB or cysE mutants. Further analyses demonstrated that cysB and cysE negative alleles neither interfere with transport of novobiocin nor affect DNA supercoiling.  相似文献   

Summary The variability of the time interval between successive rounds of chromosome replication was estimated by density-shift experiments, by measuring the conversion of heavy DNA to hybrid density and light DNAs upon transfer of a steady-state culture growing in medium with [13C]glucose and 15NH4Cl to medium with light isotopes. The coefficient of variation (CV%) for the interreplication time of the Escherichia coli K12 chromosome was found to be 17%, i.e. similar to that for interdivision time. The presence of additional copies of oriC in the cell on a high copy number plasmid did not increase the CV of interreplication time. It is concluded that a single rate-limiting event is unlikely to time the initiation of chromosome replication. The regulation of initiation at oriC and the coordination with cell division is discussed.  相似文献   

In the polytene nuclei of germ-line cells (ovarian pseudonurse cells) of Drosophila melanogaster females mutant for otu 11 (ovarian tumor), the pericentric heterochromatin is much more abundant than in somatic salivary gland cells. This is due to the degree of heterochromatin compaction (and consequently the level of underreplication) being lower in the nurse cells than in the salivary gland cells. The lower level of compaction probably results in a very low degree of position effect gene inactivation in the ovarian nurse cells.  相似文献   

The 325-residue outer membrane protein OmpA of Escherichia coli has been proposed to consist of a membrane-embedded moiety (residues 1 to about 170) and a C-terminal periplasmic region. The former is thought to comprise eight transmembrane segments in the form of antiparallel -strands, forming an amphiphilic connected by exposed turns. Several questions concerning this model were addressed. Thus no experimental evidence had been presented for the turns at the inner leaflet of the membrane and it was not known whether or not the periplasmic part of the polypeptide plays a role in the process of membrane incorporation. Oligonucleotides encoding trypsin cleavage sites were inserted at the predicted turn sites of the ompA gene and it was shown that the encoded proteins indeed become accessible to trypsin at the modified sites. Together with previous results, these data also show that the turns on both sides of the membrane do not possess specifically topogenic information. In two cases one of the two expected tryptic fragments was lost and could be detected at low concentration in only one case. Therefore, bilateral proteolytic digestion of outer membranes can cause loss of -strands and does not necessarily produce a reliable picture of protein topology. When ompA genes were constructed coding for proteins ending at residue 228 or 274, the membrane assembly of these proteins was shown to be partially defective with about 20% of the proteins not being assembled. No such defect was observed when, following the introduction of a premature stop codon, a truncated protein was produced ending with residue 171. It is concluded that (1) the proposed -barrel structure is essentially correct and (2) the periplasmic part of OmpA does not play an active role in, but can, when present in mutant form, interfere with membrane assembly.  相似文献   

Summary The dnaA167 mutant of Escherichia coli, N167, maintains, on the average, two replicating chromosomes per cell at the perimissive growth temperature of 30°C and only one per cell at the higher permissive growth temperature of 38°C. When the growth temperature of this mutant is changed from 30° to 38°C the cells rapidly readjust their chromosome copy number from two to one. I have examined the kinetics of this transition with reference to DNA replication and cell division. My results indicate that this mutant uncouples cell division from chromosome duplication to achieve the appropriate copy number, suggesting that the dnaA gene product may be involved in the coordination between these two cellular events.  相似文献   

高清清  夏乐  刘娟华  高崧  刘秀梵 《微生物学报》2016,56(10):1571-1582
【目的】探究荚膜对肠道外致病性大肠杆菌致病作用的影响。【方法】选取负责荚膜多糖转运的基因kpsE和kpsD,利用λRed重组系统构建APEC E058和UPEC U17荚膜缺失株E058ΔkpsED和U17ΔkpsED,并通过一系列的体内及体外试验对其生物学特性及致病性进行研究。【结果】双基因缺失株的生长速度较野生株没有明显差异,但缺失株抗血清补体杀菌能力和抗鸡巨噬细胞HD-11细胞吞噬能力显著下降。1日龄雏鸡LD50致病性试验结果显示,缺失株E058ΔkpsED和U17ΔkpsED对鸡失去致病力,而回复株毒力恢复至野生株水平;35日龄SPF鸡体内动态分布和竞争试验显示ΔkpsED缺失株在鸡体内定殖能力和竞争性生长能力显著下降,表明kpsED双基因的缺失能显著降低APEC E058和UPEC U17的致病力。【结论】荚膜与肠道外致病性大肠杆菌的致病性相关,是其重要的毒力因子。  相似文献   

A spontaneously occurring, nalidixic acid-resistant (NalR), thermotolerant (T/r) mutant ofEscherichia coli was isolated. Bacteriophage P1-mediated transduction showed that NalR mapped at or neargyr A, one of the two genes encoding DNA gyrase. Expression ofgyrA + from a plasmid rendered the mutant sensitive to nalidixic acid and to high temperature, the result expected for alleles mapping ingyrA. Plasmid linking number measurements, made with DNA from cells grown at 37° C or shifted to 48° C, revealed that supercoiling was about 12% less negative in the T/r mutant than in the parental strain. Each strain preferentially expressed two different proteins at 48° C. The genetic and supercoiling data indicate that thermo-tolerance can arise from an alteration in DNA gyrase that lowers supercoiling. This eubacterial study, when. coupled with those of archaebacteria, suggests that DNA relaxation is a general aspect of thermotolerance.  相似文献   

Summary The mechanism of iron(III)hydroxamate transport appears to be of the periplasmic binding protein dependent transport (PBT) kind which is energized by ATP hydrolysis. The FhuC protein contains two domains typical of ATP-binding proteins. Lysine in domain I was replaced by glutamine and glutamate, and aspartate in domain II by asparagine and glutamate, resulting in FhuC derivatives which no longer transported ferrichrome and albomycin. FhuC inactivation by the aspartate-glutamate substitution is especially noteworthy since the negative charge thought to be involved in Mg2+-ATP binding remains the same and the two amino acid side chains differ in only a CH2 group. It is concluded that the two domains that represent consensus sequences among all peripheral cytoplasmic membrane proteins of PBT systems are involved in substrate transport.  相似文献   

Summary A subset of Escherichia coli heat shock proteins, DnaK, DnaJ and GrpE were shown to be required for replication of mini-F plasmid. Strains of E. coli K12 carrying a missense mutation or deletion in the dnaK, dnaJ, or grpE gene were virtually unable to be transformed by mini-F DNA at the temperature (30° C) that permits cell growth. When excess amounts of the replication initiator protein (repE gene product) of mini-F were provided by means of a multicopy plasmid carrying repE, these mutant bacteria became capable of supporting mini-F replication under the same conditions. However, the copy number of a high copy number mini-F plasmid was reduced in these mutant bacteria as compared with the wild type in the presence of excess RepE protein. Furthermore, mini-F plasmid mutants that produce altered initiator protein and exhibit a very high copy number were able to replicate in strains deficient in any of the above heat shock proteins. These results indicate that the subset of heat shock proteins (DnaK, DnaJ and GrpE) play essential roles that help the functioning of the RepE initiator protein in mini-F DNA replication.  相似文献   

cDNA cloning and expression of a potato (Solanum tuberosum) invertase   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
A cDNA clone encoding an invertase isoenzyme has been isolated from a potato leaf cDNA library. The deduced amino acid sequence shows significant similarities to previously characterised invertases. The highest degree of overall similarity, including the signal peptide sequence, is to carrot cell wall invertase, suggesting that the potato gene encodes an apoplastic enzyme. Expression of the gene, as determined by RT-PCR, is detected in stem and leaf tissue, and at lower levels in tuber, but is absent from roots.  相似文献   

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