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A new species of Valantia , V. lainzii Devesa & Ortega-Olivencia, endemic to the coastal zone of Granada (southern Spain) is described. The species recalls V. muralis L. in its general aspect, and V. deltoidea Brullo in the type of fructiferous body.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 143 , 331–335.  相似文献   

Two new species of the genus Galium are described from the Iberian Peninsula: G. moralesianum Ortega-Olivencia & Devesa, and G. talaveranum Ortega-Olivencia & Devesa. The first grows on limestone or dolomitic-limestone outcrops in south-east Spain (the Segura and Gádor mountain ranges) and shows morphological similarities with G. boissieranum Ehrend. & Krendl, which is endemic to southern Spain (mountains of Málaga). The second inhabits the margins of water courses, alder stands and cork-oak dehesas (parkland-type systems) of the west of the Iberian Peninsula, and is morphologically reminiscent of G. mollugo L. The chromosome numbers of these two species and of G. boissieranum are given.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 143 , 177−187.  相似文献   

Extensive sampling of several Barremian and Albian–Cenomanian levels across the Aguilón, Oliete and Aliaga subbasins of the Iberian Basin, north‐east Spain, yielded abundant material of new or so far poorly known neoselachians. The faunas consist of 16 different species, five of which represent new species and two new genera: Cantioscyllium brachyplicatum sp. nov. , Platypterix venustulus gen. et sp. nov. , Ptychotrygon pustulata sp. nov. , Ptychotrygon striata sp. nov. and Iberotrygon plagiolophus gen. et sp. nov. In addition, teeth of Heterodontus cf. H. carerens, Lamniformes indet., Pteroscyllium sp., Scyliorhinidae indet., Rhinobatos sp., Spathobatis sp., Belemnobatis sp., Ptychotrygon geyeri, Ptychotrygon sp. and Celtipristis herreroi are described. The new family Ptychotrygonidae is defined. The localities comprise palaeoenvironments ranging from lacustrine and shallow lake to open marine settings. Neoselachians are almost completely absent from continental settings in the Barremian, as a result of prevailing freshwater conditions, but became more abundant in marine strata. The Albian–Cenomanian selachian assemblage is the most profuse and diverse of the three assemblages studied. It is dominated by small, benthic and near‐coastal taxa, for instance Cantioscyllium and Ptychotrygon, and contains several new species, including an endemic batoid, Iberotrygon plagiolophus gen. et sp. nov. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 155 , 316–347.  相似文献   

In this article we describe a new species of Pseudoloris (Omomyidae, Primates) from the Robiacian (middle Eocene) locality of Sant Jaume de Frontanyà (Eastern Pyrenees, Spain). Pseudoloris pyrenaicus is characterized by its medium size, thickened paracristid, absence of a distinct paraconid, and well‐developed buccal cingulid in the lower molars, large hypoconulid in the M3, paraconule and hypocone reduced in the M1 and M2 and absent in the M3. The material from Sant Jaume de Frontanyà constitutes the most abundant sample of the genus Pseudoloris found until now in the Iberian Peninsula. Almost all the dental elements have been recovered, including those teeth hardly known for other species of the genus, such as lower and upper incisors. The new species shows intermediate features between Pseudoloris isabenae from Capella and Pseudoloris parvulus, present in different Spanish and French sites. Therefore, we consider that Pseudoloris pyrenaicus is an intermediate form between these two species. Am J Phys Anthropol 143:92–99, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

CARRETERO, J. L., 1992. A new species of Anthemis L. (Asteraceae) from Central Spain. A new species of Anthemis is described from the eastern Toledo Mountains. The morphological relationships to other taxa, as well as the chorology and ecology of the new species are presented.  相似文献   

The hydrozoan family Aglaopheniidae (Cnidaria) is widespread worldwide and contains some of the most easily recognizable hydroids because of their large colony size and characteristic microscopic structure. The systematics of the group has, however, been controversial and dedicated molecular analyses are lacking. We therefore analysed existing and new 16S rRNA sequences of Aglaopheniidae, in a total of 98 16S sequences corresponding to 25 putative species (25 nominal and three undescribed) from seven genera. The monophyly of the subfamilies Gymnangiinae and Aglaopheniinae, and tribes Aglaopheniini and Cladocarpini were not verified with 16S sequence data. The genera Gymnangium and Aglaophenia can only be considered valid if both Gymnangium gracicaule and Aglaophenia latecarinata are removed from their respective genera. The phenotypically similar Cladocarpus and Streptocaulus are probably monophyletic and clearly distinct genetically. The genus Lytocarpia may be polyphyletic. The nominal species Aglaophenia pluma, Aglaophenia tubiformis, and Aglaophenia octodonta are probably conspecific, as are also the species Aglaophenia acacia and Aglaophenia elongata. The 16S data revealed the existence of two potentially unnamed species of Aglaophenia respectively from the Azores and Madeira. The phylogeographical structure of the taxa with the greatest representation of haplotypes from the north‐east Atlantic and Mediterranean, revealed the influence of Mediterranean waters in Madeira and the Azores, and gene flow between deep waters of the Mediterranean and Atlantic. The last glaciations in Europe may have caused genetic bottlenecks but also high intraspecific haplotype diversity. Finally, Macrorhynchia philippina was detected in samples from Madeira and possibly represents an invasive species. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 164 , 717–727.  相似文献   

Linaria qartobensis, from southern Iberian Peninsula, is here newly described, illustrated and compared with its morphologically closest relatives from L. sect. Supinae: L. ricardoi and L. orbensis. The new species is characterized by longer calyx lobes, corolla and spur, violet corolla with yellow‐orangish palate, big and globose capsule, and seeds with black and prominently white‐tuberculate disc and subentire wing. Linaria qartobensis is an endemic species growing on marly deposits from the Guadalquivir river basin, in the Córdoba province (Andalusia, Spain).  相似文献   

Vella castrilensis sp. nov. is described from the high mountains of Granada and Jaén provinces (south-eastern Iberian Peninsula), where it grows on calcareous soils. It is a hexaploid (2 n  = 68) spineless dwarf shrub, woody at the base, with oblong-lanceolate, entire to shallowly dentate leaves and fruit with an acute tongue-shaped stylar segment and strongly reticulate-nerved valves. The characteristic unique combination of vegetative, karyological and reproductive features of V. castrilensis is not present in any described taxon of the genus, and warrants recognition at the species rank. Affinities and differences with other related taxa are discussed. Phylogenetic, biogeographical, bioclimatic, ecological data and conservation proposals are also reported.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 149 , 121–128.  相似文献   

The productivity and morphology of fruit and seeds were studied in 30 species (and subspecies) of the tribe Genisteae (Fabaceae) in south-west Spain. The morphological characters of greatest taxonomic value both for the segregation of the two subtribes (Genistinae and Lupininae) recognized in Genisteae and for the delimitation of the lower taxonomic levels (genus and species) are the size of the pod and characters of the pericarp, the colour and weight of the seeds, whether or not an ad exists, and the shape, size, and position of the hilum. In contrast, characters of little taxonomic interest are pod colour, shape and number of seeds, and characters of the lens. There were also found to be major relationships between fruit and seed, and between these and other floral (e.g. corolla size) or reproductive (e.g. polledovule [P/O] and seed/ovule [S/O] ratios) attributes. Thus in this tribe, pod size was positively correlated with corolla size, seed size, the number of viable seeddfruit, and the S/O and P/O ratios. Corolla size was positively correlated with the number of viable seeds/ fruit and with the seed weight. Similarly, the number of seeddfruit was positively correlated with the fruit's weight and with the number of ovules/ovary. Also, the weight of the seeds was positively correlated with the pollen/ovule ratio. There was also positive correlation between the S/O and P/O ratios.  相似文献   


The study of a new Serravallian (Middle Miocene) locality from the Southeastern Spain has yielded a shark assemblage characterized by microremains of at least seven taxa (Deania calcea, ?Isistius triangulus, ?Squaliolus cf. S. schaubi, ?Paraetmopterus sp., Pristiophorus sp., Scyliorhinus sp. and a cf. Squaliformes indet) of three different orders (Squaliformes, Pristiophoriformes and Carcharhiniformes). In addition, associated macroremains have also been found, including teeth of ?Cosmopolitodus hastalis, Isurus sp., Hemipristis serra, Odontaspis sp., Carcharhinus spp. and ?Otodus (Megaselachus) megalodon. The assemblage contains taxa with disparate environmental preferences including not only neritic and epipelagic sharks but also an important number of meso and bathypelagic representatives. The migration of deep water taxa to shallower waters through submarine canyons/coastal upwelling is proposed as the most plausible cause for explaining the origin of such assemblage. Interestingly, the composition of the deep-water taxa here reported contrast with the chondrichthyans assemblages from the Pliocene and extant Mediterranean communities. This entails a complex biogeographic history, where the Messinian salinity crisis strongly affected the posterior evolution of the Mediterranean ecosystems but some other factors, such us the existence of anoxic events during the Quaternary, could have also played an important role.  相似文献   

The morphology of the seedlings of 30 taxa belonging to the tribe Genisteae (Fabaceae) from the Iberian Peninsula has been studied to determine morphological features of taxonomic value in this developmental phase. These characters do not segregate taxa but can be used to separate them into groups. Subtribes Genistinae and Lupininae can be distinguished by median seedling size and the shape and size of the cotyledons. In the same way, the number of leaflets, the presence or absence of foliar stipules, and the existence of foliaceous or fleshy cotyledons, provide characters to describe six seedling types for the tribe Genisteae— Gaistu, Atgyrolobium, Cytisus, Retama, Adenocarpus and Lupinus —each including several taxa. It is also concluded that, at the generic level, only Retama, Lupinus and to some extent Adenocarpus can be distinguished from their seedling characteristics; the other genera have a set of morphological features that do not allow such a segregation.  相似文献   

A new species of Tripleurospermum Sch.Bip., Tripleurospermum ziganaense Inceer & Hay?rl?oglu‐Ayaz (Asteraceae, Anthemideae), is described and illustrated. The species grows in open places, on rocky slopes and on roadsides in north‐east Anatolia, Turkey. The diagnostic morphological characters that distinguish it from closely related taxa are discussed, and its conservation status is indicated. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 158 , 696–700.  相似文献   

Ostreopsis is a genus of dinoflagellates that includes species producing palytoxin and structurally related compounds. The distribution of Ostreopsis species in Australia is largely unknown, but they have been reported from north Queensland (18° S) to Tasmania (41–43° S). Ostreopsis spp. have been recurrently reported from estuaries around New South Wales, with persistent occurrences in Merimbula Lake inlet throughout the year. We isolated and characterized a strain of Ostreopsis cf. siamensis using light and scanning electron microscopy as well as molecular sequences of small subunit (SSU), large subunit (LSU) and ITS regions of ribosomal DNA. The strain grew significantly faster in low nutrient concentrations. Palytoxin‐like compounds were produced by the strain, as determined by chemical analysis, and the LD 50 of the cell extract by intraperitoneal injection in mice was 25.1 mg kg?1. This is the first comprehensive molecular, morphological and toxicological study of an Ostreopsis species from Australian waters. Increasing reports of Ostreopsis from temperate waters suggest an empirical need to expand the knowledge of their diversity and distribution to aid aquaculture monitoring in Australian estuaries.  相似文献   

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