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Maintenance of genetic and phenotypic diversity is widely recognized as an important conservation priority, yet managers often lack basic information about spatial patterns of population structure and its relationship with habitat heterogeneity and species movement within it. To address this knowledge gap, we focused on the economically and ecologically prominent yellow perch (Perca flavescens). In the Lake Michigan basin, yellow perch reside in nearshore Lake Michigan, including drowned river mouths (DRMs)—protected, lake‐like habitats that link tributaries to Lake Michigan. The goal of this study was to examine the extent that population structure is associated with Great Lakes connected habitats (i.e., DRMs) in a mobile fish species using yellow perch as a model. Specifically, we tested whether DRMs and eastern Lake Michigan constitute distinct genetic stocks of yellow perch, and if so, whether those stocks migrate between the two connected habitats throughout the year. To do so, we genotyped yellow perch at 14 microsatellite loci collected from 10 DRMs in both deep and littoral habitats during spring, summer, and autumn and two nearshore sites in Lake Michigan (spring and autumn) during 2015–2016 and supplemented our sampling with fish collected in 2013. We found that yellow perch from littoral‐DRM habitats were genetically distinct from fish captured in nearshore Lake Michigan. Our data also suggested that Lake Michigan yellow perch likely use deep‐DRM habitats during autumn. Further, we found genetic structuring among DRMs. These patterns support hypotheses of fishery managers that yellow perch seasonally migrate to and from Lake Michigan, yet, interestingly, these fish do not appear to interbreed with littoral fish despite occupying the same DRM. We recommend that fisheries managers account for this complex population structure and movement when setting fishing regulations and assessing the effects of harvest in Lake Michigan.  相似文献   

Recent advancements in telemetry have allowed managers and researchers to conduct comprehensive studies on the movement ecology of lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens), a species of conservation concern in most of the Laurentian Great Lakes basin. In Michigan waters of Lake Michigan, drowned river mouth systems (a protected lake-like habitat that connects a river to lake) support 4 of 11 remaining lake sturgeon populations. One of those remnant populations is supported by the Muskegon River, a drowned river mouth system consisting of both Muskegon Lake and the Muskegon River. The objectives of this 6-year telemetry study were to determine whether adult lake sturgeon occupied the Muskegon River system outside of the spawning season (defined as March to July), to quantify their use of the system annually, and to identify and characterize patterns in occurrence. A total of 21 adult lake sturgeon implanted with acoustic transmitters were passively monitored throughout the year during 2012–2017. Eighty-two percent of tagged fish at large were detected ≥1 day in the Muskegon River system annually, and tagged lake sturgeon were frequently detected during both spawning and non-spawning time periods. Residency index (i.e., no. detection days/365 days) values indicated that adult lake sturgeon were not only detected throughout the year but that they occupied the Muskegon River system for an average of 130 days each year (residency index = 0.36 ± 0.05 SE) during our most spatially intensive acoustic monitoring in 2016–2017. Additionally, 24% of tagged lake sturgeon were primary residents (i.e., residency index >0.5) of the Muskegon River system in both years. Adult lake sturgeon followed 1 of 3 patterns of occurrence based on individual detection histories, and those patterns varied temporally and by the relative amount of use (i.e., high, medium, and low). Our findings build on previous research that found drowned river mouth systems in Lake Michigan can be important nursery habitats for juvenile lake sturgeon by showing that these habitats also can be used extensively by adult lake sturgeon throughout the year.  相似文献   

1. Declining abundances of forage fish and the introduction and establishment of non‐indigenous species have the potential to substantially alter resource and habitat exploitation by top predators in large lakes. 2. We measured stable isotopes of carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) in field‐collected and archived samples of Lake Ontario lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) and five species of prey fish and compared current trophic relationships of this top predator with historical samples. 3. Relationships between δ15N and lake trout age were temporally consistent throughout Lake Ontario and confirmed the role of lake trout as a top predator in this food web. However, δ13C values for age classes of lake trout collected in 2008 ranged from 1.0 to 3.9‰ higher than those reported for the population sampled in 1992. 4. Isotope mixing models predicted that these changes in resource assimilation were owing to the replacement of rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) by round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) in lake trout diet and increased reliance on carbon resources derived from nearshore production. This contrasts with the historical situation in Lake Ontario where δ13C values of the lake trout population were dominated by a reliance on offshore carbon production. 5. These results indicate a reduced capacity of the Lake Ontario offshore food web to support the energetic requirements of lake trout and that this top predator has become increasingly reliant on prey resources that are derived from nearshore carbon pathways.  相似文献   

Pacific sardines (Sardinops sagax) are commercially fished in Canada, USA, and Mexico along approximately 5000 km of coastal waters that experience a wide range of temperatures. Trinational management of the species can be problematic because the connectivity between spawning, recruitment, stock residency, and migration in some years may not be well predicted. Oxygen isotopic value of otoliths (δ18Ootolith) has been used to infer stock residency and movement of fish populations within regions, but few studies have used laboratory data to establish a predictive temperature model to validate δ18Ootolith values of wild fish. We conducted a growth experiment with juveniles at different temperatures using Southern California Bight (SCB) seawater to test the assumption that Pacific sardine otoliths accurately record environmental water temperature in the presence of constant salinity. Sardine δ18Ootolith values were significantly and negatively correlated with temperature according to the linear model:
δ18Ootolith(‰)−δ18Owater(‰)=−0.132(±0.003 SE)×Temperature(°C)+2.455(±0.043 SE)  相似文献   

Differences in enzymatic hydrolysis of dissolved organic phosphorus and subsequent phosphorus uptake were compared by using dual-labeled (γ-32P and 2-3H) ATP in oligotrophic Lake Michigan and a moderately eutrophic lake in southeastern Michigan. More than 50% of the phosphate that was hydrolyzed was immediately taken up into bacterium-sized particles in the eutrophic lake and at a near-shore site in Lake Michigan. Less than 50% of the hydrolyzed phosphate was taken up into bacterium-sized particles at an offshore site in Lake Michigan. It is hypothesized that differences in size-fractionated uptake were the result of greater phosphorus utilization capacity in bacteria in habitats where loading of organic carbon is greater. Substantial isotope dilution of labeled phosphate uptake by unlabeled phosphate occurred, which implied that the phosphate was hydrolyzed extracellularly in both systems. Comparable nucleotidase activities were measured in the eutrophic lake and Lake Michigan, but the significance of the phosphate regenerated relative to particulate phosphorus pools was an order of magnitude greater in Lake Michigan. Seventy percent of the nucleotidase activity was inhibited by 100 μM phosphate in the eutrophic lake, which suggests that most hydrolysis was by phosphatase. Therefore, nucleotidase activity may be more important to phosphorus regeneration in oligotrophic habitats than phosphatase activity.  相似文献   

Spatial variation in marine oxygen isotope ratios (δ18O) resulting from differential evaporation rates and precipitation inputs is potentially useful for characterizing marine mammal distributions and tracking movements across δ18O gradients. Dentine hydroxyapatite contains carbonate and phosphate that precipitate in oxygen isotopic equilibrium with body water, which in odontocetes closely tracks the isotopic composition of ambient water. To test whether dentine oxygen isotope composition reliably records that of ambient water and can therefore serve as a proxy for odontocete distribution and movement patterns, we measured δ18O values of dentine structural carbonate (δ18OSC) and phosphate (δ18OP) of seven odontocete species (n = 55 individuals) from regional marine water bodies spanning a surface water δ18O range of several per mil. Mean dentine δ18OSC (range +21.2 to +25.5‰ VSMOW) and δ18OP (+16.7 to +20.3‰) values were strongly correlated with marine surface water δ18O values, with lower dentine δ18OSC and δ18OP values in high‐latitude regions (Arctic and Eastern North Pacific) and higher values in the Gulf of California, Gulf of Mexico, and Mediterranean Sea. Correlations between dentine δ18OSC and δ18OP values with marine surface water δ18O values indicate that sequential δ18O measurements along dentine, which grows incrementally and archives intra‐ and interannual isotopic composition over the lifetime of the animal, would be useful for characterizing residency within and movements among water bodies with strong δ18O gradients, particularly between polar and lower latitudes, or between oceans and marginal basins.  相似文献   

The stable isotopes of nitrogen (δ15N) and carbon (δ13C) provide powerful tools for quantifying trophic relationships and carbon flow to consumers in food webs; however, the isotopic signatures of organisms vary within a lake. Assessment of carbon and nitrogen isotopic signatures in a suite of plants, invertebrates, and fishes in Lake Kyoga, indicated significant variation between two sites for δ13C (paired t = 6.305; df = 14, P < 0.001 and δ15N paired t = 1.292; df = 14; P < 0.05). The fish fauna in Bukungu was generally more 13C enriched (mean δ13C = –16.37 ± 1.64‰) than in Iyingo (mean δ13C = –20.80 ± 2.41‰) but more δ15N depleted (mean δ15N = 5.57 ± 0.71‰) than in Iyingo (mean δ15N = 6.92 ± 0.83‰). The simultaneous shifts in phytoplankton and consumer signatures confirmed phytoplankton as the major source of carbon for the food chain leading to fish. Limited sampling coverage within lakes may affect lake wide stable isotope signatures, and the same error is transferred into trophic position estimation. Consideration of potential intra‐lake spatial variability in isotope ratios and size is essential in evaluating the spatial and trophic structure of fish assemblages.  相似文献   

In order to determine the incubation temperature of eggs laid by non‐avian dinosaurs, we analysed the oxygen isotope compositions of both eggshell carbonate (δ18Oc) and embryo bone phosphate (δ18Op) from seven oviraptorosaur eggs with preserved in ovo embryo bones. These eggs come from the Upper Cretaceous Nanxiong Formation of Jiangxi Province, China. Oviraptorosaur theropods were selected because of their known brooding behaviour as evidenced by preserved adult specimens fossilized in brooding posture on their clutch. Incubation temperature of these embryos was estimated based on the following considerations: eggshell δ18Oc value reflects the oxygen isotope composition of egg water fluid; embryo bones precipitate from the same egg fluid; and oxygen isotope fractionation between phosphate and water is controlled by the egg temperature. A time‐dependent model predicting the δ18Op evolution of the embryo skeleton during incubation as a function of egg temperature was built, and measured δ18Oc and δ18Op values used as boundary conditions. According to the model outputs, oviraptorosaurs incubated their eggs within a 35–40°C range, similar to extant birds and compatible with the known active brooding behaviour of these theropod dinosaurs. Provided that both eggshell and embryo bones preserved their original oxygen isotope compositions, this method could be extended to investigate some reproductive traits of other extinct groups of oviparous amniotes.  相似文献   

Previous mangrove tree ring studies attempted, unsuccessfully, to relate the δ18O of trunk cellulose (δ18OCELL) to the δ18O of source water (δ18OSW). Here, we tested whether biochemical fractionation associated with one of the oxygen in the cellulose glucose moiety or variation in leaf water oxygen isotope fractionation (ΔLW) can interfere with the δ18OSW signal as it is recorded in the δ18OCELL of mangrove (saltwater) and hammock (freshwater) plants. We selected two transects experiencing a salinity gradient, located in the Florida Keys, USA. The δ18OCELL throughout both transects did not show the pattern expected based on that of the δ18OSW. We found that in one of the transects, biochemical fractionation interfered with the δ18OSW signal, while in the other transect ΔLW differed between mangrove and hammock plants. Observed differences in ΔLW between mangroves and hammocks were caused by a longer effective leaf mixing length (L) of the water pathway in mangrove leaves compared to those of hammock leaves. Changes in L could have caused the δ18OCELL to record not only variations in the δ18OSW but also in ΔLW making it impossible to isolate the δ18OSW signal.  相似文献   

Measurements of the carbon (δ13Cm) and oxygen (δ18Om) isotope composition of C3 plant tissue provide important insights into controls on water‐use efficiency. We investigated the causes of seasonal and inter‐annual variability in water‐use efficiency in a grassland near Lethbridge, Canada using stable isotope (leaf‐scale) and eddy covariance measurements (ecosystem‐scale). The positive relationship between δ13Cm and δ18Om values for samples collected during 1998–2001 indicated that variation in stomatal conductance and water stress‐induced changes in the degree of stomatal limitation of net photosynthesis were the major controls on variation in δ13Cm and biomass production during this time. By comparison, the lack of a significant relationship between δ13Cm and δ18Om values during 2002, 2003 and 2006 demonstrated that water stress was not a significant limitation on photosynthesis and biomass production in these years. Water‐use efficiency was higher in 2000 than 1999, consistent with expectations because of greater stomatal limitation of photosynthesis and lower leaf ci/ca during the drier conditions of 2000. Calculated values of leaf‐scale water‐use efficiency were 2–3 times higher than ecosystem‐scale water‐use efficiency, a difference that was likely due to carbon lost in root respiration and water lost during soil evaporation that was not accounted for by the stable isotope measurements.  相似文献   

The Chicago Area Waterways System (CAWS), an artificial connection between Lake Michigan (LMI) and the Illinois River watershed, has served as a conduit for invasive species and is a potential pathway for viral hemorrhagic septicemia (VHS) to spread from the Great Lakes into the Illinois River drainage. Although some fishes are known to have moved from LMI into the Illinois River via the CAWS, the rate of fish passage from the lake into the CAWS is unclear. Stable carbon isotopic signatures (δ13C) in otoliths differ between lake‐ and CAWS‐resident fish and were used as a natural tag to identify individuals that may have moved into the CAWS from LMI. The objectives of this study were to (i) estimate relative frequency of individuals with otolith δ13C indicative of prior residency in LMI among small‐bodied (<150 mm total length) VHS‐susceptible fishes collected from several locations in the CAWS, and (ii) to assess differences in relative frequency of probable immigrants from LMI among CAWS locations that differ in distance from the lake. Thirty‐six percent of small‐bodied fishes collected from the CAWS were identified as potential immigrants based on otolith δ13C. The percentage of individuals that had otolith δ13C suggestive of prior residency in LMI was higher among fish collected from the Calumet River compared to the Chicago River and North Shore Channel and decreased with increasing distance from lock and dam structures at the three entrances to the CAWS from the lake. Movement of small‐bodied fishes from LMI into the CAWS appears to be common and may represent a pathway for VHS‐susceptible species to transport the virus into the CAWS and potentially beyond.  相似文献   

Volcanic crater lakes scattered throughout western Uganda are important local sources of water and fish. Two representative but contrasting crater lakes near the Kibale National Park were sampled in 2000; the hyper‐eutrophic Lake Saka, which is highly affected by agricultural practices, and the mesotrophic Lake Nkuruba that is still surrounded by intact forest. The food web structures in these two lakes were assessed using stable nitrogen (δ15N) and carbon (δ13C) isotope analyses, and the mercury (THg) transfer patterns were quantified. The δ15N results indicate that food webs in both lakes are abbreviated, with only one to two trophic levels from primary consumers. The Lake Saka biota had distinctively enriched δ13C values compared with those in Lake Nkuruba, which may be due to 12C‐limited phytoplankton blooms in this lake. In Lake Nkuruba, two introduced tilapiine species and the introduced guppy Poecilia reticulata fed predominantly upon invertebrates and decomposed terrestrial plant material. In Lake Saka, the introduced Nile perch Lates niloticus appeared to occupy the top trophic position, but stable isotope values of the endemic haplochromine cichlids exclude those as Nile perch prey items. THg was found to biomagnify through the food web, reaching highest concentrations in P. reticulata in Nkuruba, which tended to be higher than for L. niloticus in Saka, suggesting increased bioavailability of THg in Nkuruba. Maximum THg concentrations in fish never approached WHO recommended guidelines (200 ng g?1) designed to protect at‐risk groups.  相似文献   

A methodology has been developed and used to investigate a direct link between juvenile whitebait (Hyperlophus vittatus), the key prey species sampled from the stomachs of Little Penguins (Eudyptula minor), and the specific nursery area of that prey. A unique application of existing methodology initially involved the measurement of the stable isotopes of oxygen (δ18O:δ16O) and carbon (δ13C:δ12C) in sagittal otolith carbonate, using standard mass spectrometric techniques. The results indicated that the inshore distribution of juvenile (0+ year old) whitebait between Cockburn Sound and Koombana Bay, Western Australia consisted of a number of separate assemblages. Measured differences in stable oxygen isotope ratios were attributed to variations in freshwater input to the embayments that provided the whitebait habitats. In contrast, the measured stable carbon isotope ratios probably resulted from the different isotopic compositions of the food webs in the various habitats. Secondly, a comparison of the average value of carbon and oxygen isotope signatures of pooled otoliths from samples of whitebait from a number of different nearshore coastal sites (assemblages), with that of whitebait obtained from the stomachs of penguins at their main breeding site (Penguin Island) indicated that the values from the penguins resemble most closely those of the average otolith values obtained from whitebait from only one site (Becher Point). Assuming that the whitebait sampled were representative of the whitebait in the nearshore habitats and the diets of the penguins, then these results imply that at the time of sampling the penguins were feeding on whitebait from only one site.  相似文献   

Tracking migratory animals has benefitted using measurements of naturally occurring stable isotopes of hydrogen (δ2H) in keratinous tissues such as hair and feathers to link animal origins to continental patterns or isoscapes of δ2H in precipitation. However, for most taxa, much less information exists on the use of stable oxygen isotope ratios (δ18O) despite the fact that δ2H and δ18O are strongly linked in environmental waters through the meteoric relationship and the possibility of using both isotopes to infer greater information on origins and climatic conditions where tissues are grown. A fundamental requirement of using stable isotopes to assign individuals and populations to origins is the development of a rescaling function linking environmental food web signals to the tissue of interest and for birds, this has not been carried out. Here, we derived the relationship between H and O isotopes in known source feathers of 104 individuals representing 11 species of insectivorous passerines sampled across the strong precipitation isoscape of North America. We determined again a strong expected relationship between feather δ2H (δ2Hf) and long‐term amount‐weighted precipitation δ2H (δ2Hp; r2 = 0.77), but the corresponding relationship between δ18Of and δ18Op was poor (r2 = 0.32) for the same samples. This suggests that δ2H measurements are currently more useful for assignment of insectivorous songbirds to precipitation isoscapes but does not preclude other uses of the δ18Of data. Currently, mechanisms responsible for the decoupling of H and O isotopes in food webs is poorly known, and we advocate a much broader sampling of both isotopes in the same keratinous tissues across precipitation isotope gradients and across taxa to resolve this issue and to increase the power of using water isotopes to track migratory animals.  相似文献   

The oxygen isotope signature of sulphate (δ18Osulphate) is increasingly used to study nutritional fluxes and sulphur transformation processes in a variety of natural environments. However, mechanisms controlling the δ18Osulphate signature in soil–plant systems are largely unknown. The objective of this study was to determine key factors, which affect δ18Osulphate values in soil and plants. The impact of an 18O‐water isotopic gradient and different types of fertilizers was investigated in a soil incubation study and a radish (Raphanus sativus L.) greenhouse growth experiment. Water provided 31–64% of oxygen atoms in soil sulphate formed via mineralization of organic residues (green and chicken manures) while 49% of oxygen atoms were derived from water during oxidation of elemental sulphur. In contrast, δ18Osulphate values of synthetic fertilizer were not affected by soil water. Correlations between soil and plant δ18Osulphate values were controlled by water δ18O values and fertilizer treatments. Additionally, plant δ34S data showed that the sulphate isotopic composition of plants is a function of S assimilation. This study documents the potential of using compound‐specific isotope ratio analysis for investigating and tracing fertilization strategies in agricultural and environmental studies.  相似文献   

Changes in the 2H and 18O of atmospheric water vapour provide information for integrating aspects of gas exchange within forest canopies. In this study, we show that diurnal fluctuations in the oxygen isotope ratio (δ18O) as high as 4‰ were observed for water vapour (δ18Ovp) above and within an old‐growth coniferous forest in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. Values of δ18Ovp decreased in the morning, reached a minimum at midday, and recovered to early‐morning values in the late afternoon, creating a nearly symmetrical diurnal pattern for two consecutive summer days. A mass balance budget was derived and assessed for the 18O of canopy water vapour over a 2‐d period by considering the 18O‐isoflux of canopy transpiration, soil evaporation and the air entering the canopy column. The budget was used to address two questions: (1) do δ18O values of canopy water vapour reflect the biospheric influence, or are such signals swamped by atmospheric mixing? and (2) what mechanisms drive temporal variations of δ18Ovp? Model calculations show that the entry of air into the canopy column resulted in an isotopically depleted 18O‐isoflux in the morning of day 1, causing values of δ18Ovp to decrease. An isotopically enriched 18O‐isoflux resulting from transpiration then offset this decreased δ18Ovp later during the day. Contributions of 18O‐isoflux from soil evaporation were relatively small on day 1 but were more significant on day 2, despite the small H216O fluxes. From measurements of leaf water volume and sapflux, we determined the turnover time of leaf water in the needles of Douglas‐fir trees as ≈ 11 h at midday. Such an extended turnover time suggests that transpiration may not have occurred at the commonly assumed isotopic steady state. We tested a non‐steady state model for predicting δ18O of leaf water. Our model calculations show that assuming isotopic steady state increased isoflux of transpiration. The impact of this increase on the modelled δ 18Ovp was clearly detectable, suggesting the importance of considering isotopic non‐steady state of transpiration in studies of forest 18O water balance.  相似文献   

Seasonal variation in δ13C and δ18O of cellulose (δ13Cc and δ18Oc) was measured within two annual rings of Pinus radiata growing at three sites in New Zealand. In general, both δ13Cc and δ18Oc increased to a peak over summer. The three sites differed markedly in annual water balance, and these differences were reflected in δ13Cc and δ18Oc. Average δ13Cc and δ18Oc from each site were positively related, so that the driest site had the most enriched cellulose. δ13Cc and δ18Oc were also related within each site, although both the slope and the closeness of fit of the relationship varied between sites. Supporting the theory, the site with the lowest average relative humidity also had the greatest change in δ18Oc‰ change in δ13Cc. Specific climatic events, such as drought or high rainfall, were recorded as a peak or a trough in enrichment, respectively. These results suggest that seasonal and between‐site variation in δ13Cc and δ18Oc are driven by the interaction between variation in climatic conditions and soil water availability, and plant response to this variation.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe measurements and modeling of 18O in CO2 and H2O pools and fluxes at a tallgrass prairie site in Oklahoma. We present measurements of the δ18O value of leaf water, depth‐resolved soil water, atmospheric water vapor, and Keeling plot δ18O intercepts for net soil‐surface CO2 and ecosystem CO2 and H2O fluxes during three periods of the 2000 growing season. Daytime discrimination against C18OO, as calculated from measured above‐canopy CO2 and δ18O gradients, is also presented. To interpret the isotope measurements, we applied an integrated land‐surface and isotope model (ISOLSM) that simulates ecosystem H218O and C18OO stocks and fluxes. ISOLSM accurately predicted the measured isotopic composition of ecosystem water pools and the δ18O value of net ecosystem CO2 and H2O fluxes. Simulations indicate that incomplete equilibration between CO2 and H2O within C4 plant leaves can have a substantial impact on ecosystem discrimination. Diurnal variations in the δ18O value of above‐canopy vapor had a small impact on the predicted δ18O value of ecosystem water pools, although sustained differences had a large impact. Diurnal variations in the δ18O value of above‐canopy CO2 substantially affected the predicted ecosystem discrimination. Leaves dominate the ecosystem 18O‐isoflux in CO2 during the growing season, while the soil contribution is relatively small and less variable. However, interpreting daytime measurements of ecosystem C18OO fluxes requires accurate predictions of both soil and leaf 18O‐isofluxes.  相似文献   

Using both oxygen isotope ratios of leaf water (δ18OL) and cellulose (δ18OC) of Tillandsia usneoides in situ, this paper examined how short‐ and long‐term responses to environmental variation and model parameterization affected the reconstruction of the atmospheric water vapour (δ18Oa). During sample‐intensive field campaigns, predictions of δ18OL matched observations well using a non‐steady‐state model, but the model required data‐rich parameterization. Predictions from the more easily parameterized maximum enrichment model (δ18OL–M) matched observed δ18OL and observed δ18Oa when leaf water turnover was less than 3.5 d. Using the δ18OL–M model and weekly samples of δ18OL across two growing seasons in Florida, USA, reconstructed δ18Oa was ?12.6 ± 0.3‰. This is compared with δ18Oa of ?12.4 ± 0.2‰ resolved from the growing‐season‐weighted δ18OC. Both of these values were similar to δ18Oa in equilibrium with precipitation, ?12.9‰. δ18Oa was also reconstructed through a large‐scale transect with δ18OL and the growing‐season‐integrated δ18OC across the southeastern United States. There was considerable large‐scale variation, but there was regional, weather‐induced coherence in δ18Oa when using δ18OL. The reconstruction of δ18Oa with δ18OC generally supported the assumption of δ18Oa being in equilibrium with precipitation δ18O (δ18Oppt), but the pool of δ18Oppt with which δ18Oa was in equilibrium – growing season versus annual δ18Oppt – changed with latitude.  相似文献   

Conventional tags applied to individuals have been used to investigate animal movement, but these methods require tagged individuals be recaptured. Maps of regional isotopic variability known as “isoscapes” offer potential for various applications in migration research without tagging wherein isotope values of tissues are compared to environmental isotope values. In this study, we present the spatial variability in oxygen () and dissolved inorganic carbon (δ13CDIC) isotope values of Baltic Sea water. We also provide an example of how these isoscapes can reveal locations of individual animal via spatial probability surface maps, using the high‐resolution salmon otolith isotope data from salmon during their sea‐feeding phase in the Baltic Sea. A clear latitudinal and vertical gradient was found for both and δ13CDIC values. The difference between summer and winter in the Baltic Sea values was only slight, whereas δ13CDIC values exhibited substantial seasonal variability related to algal productivity. Salmon otolith δ18Ooto and δ13Coto values showed clear differences between feeding areas and seasons. Our example demonstrates that dual isotope approach offers great potential for estimating probable fish habitats once issues in model parameterization have been resolved.  相似文献   

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